Sorry Mike

misha86misha86 Posts: 508
edited January 1970 in Messages to Michael
Dear Michael,

I know your reading this, well i hope you are <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , and I just want to let you know that I am sorry. Im sorry for not following you like I use to for the last ten year. Sorry for not Fully supporting you during the trial and most of all im sorry for not seeing you like the human that you are.

For so long the media made you into someone that your not, not being a tabloid kinda girl, I didn't fully follow what they were saying but I did lose intrest because of all the negative things that were being said.About 4 days before your "death" I seen the Smooth criminal video and was telling my little brother how i would watch your movie everyday and how I still get excited when I seen the extended verson. On June 25 my heart stopped when I heard the news of your "death". I cried for 3 hours. Like alot of people I went online, youtube specifly,to remeber the man I loved when i was a child. While on there i found clips of the oxford speech and the speech in harlem and it introduced me to a whole other side of you.

Everynight I would cry when they would say how much drugs you were on and all the allegation random people where making. I was sad thinking how could WE abandon such a great person but more than anything it was my guilt setting in because I abandon you and you never abandoned us. But there was another speech that made me believe you were not dead. Louis Farrakan on Arsenio said they were trying to strip you of you legacy and I was thinking " so much for that...or is it?" with all of the weird things going on at the time, especially no burial, it hit me. I typed in google "michael jackson faked death" and here I am.

In conclusion Mike your death made me love, respect and admire you much more than before. It has opened my eyes and now I am very open minded about everything I see and read and this is a great adventure! and even through all the tears I can honesty say i have had fun with all the therories, studying ever picture, video and interview and even discovering some J5 songs I never heard and now love. Although we only see what you want us to I feel like I DID discover the man I never knew and I hope to find out more about you, mike, not the king of pop but the man.

Thank you mike! I LOVE YOU MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Beautiful! I also only came to love him after his death. I love his music and dance, but I'm in love with the MAN!
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Well done!!!

    I've loved him always, I adore him for centuries now <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And the feeling just grows and grows...
  • That's so sweet misha86. Come back Michael my baby.
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