Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • It was very difficult for Michael to have all this people coming at his gates, on the streets , following him everywhere...One thing is to admire him , and another thing is to become obsessed.I really believe he loves his fans very much but he is only human, he has feelings and sometimes you get tired off all this.But like BlackJack said, he is a gentleman !
    I see it different. I think it's a matter of longing for the ideal man/woman, the perfect one, and the celebs are promoted with this ideal image, even if they are people like all of us.

    Some of us want to touch the stars in the sky don't we <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ? Because seems that touching the stars could bring us the supreme happiness.

    So it's for selfish reasons, like it was said before. I wanna touch you because this makes me happy, I don't care if it makes you happy or not. Selfish....

    I think you are very intelligent, GinaFelicia with clear and precise reasoning and awareness.

    Thank you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I have my moments of lucidity <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Really, what I feel about Michael and about this story intrigued me and I only try to analize what I feel. But I know many feel the's a pattern.
  • (by GinaFelicia) Well, the way I see it might seem strange to others <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Since the duality of the universe is all around us, I believe in this universe every creature or object is "looking for" the other creature or object that makes him a WHOLE, like it was before the universe was born. Maybe we don't aknowledge this, but I think in our subconciousness we all look for it.
    So we need to find the one (man/woman) who makes us WHOLE. The fact that so many of us think Michael is they lost half (amazing how MANY are out there who think it) is just amazing and I think it's an illusion anyway.
    In a way yes, it's about something that's missing ....
    Yes. Many people dream of finding their "divine complement" or "twin soul". This is different from "soul mate". You can have many soul mates in your life but there is only one who is your twin soul. I do believe in it. Some are lucky enough to find this "life force" in their lifetime. I also see your point about illusions. And celebrity does or can create magic and mystery -- and a distraction -- especially if you are trying to fill a void. if we're self-absorbed in our search for wholeness we forget that celebrities are human beings who deserve privacy and respect.

    I have been reading again your posts and I got mix feelings. I am not sure if I am understanding what you mean reading between the lines. But please, let me know if you think that we, the people of this forum, equals to you as "stalker fans".

    We have not been letting Michael RIP, digging up HIStory and life in order to understand why he hoaxed his death. This action of ours can be considered as "stalking" a man who decided to dissapear.

    Also, you mentioned in one of your posts that "all this" is an insurance policy? About what? People who don´t let the man be?

    I would like to be able to read posts without needing a cryptic lexicon near by to understand what posters mean when they write <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I felt guitly because I thought some of my posts could be interpreted as stalking. I don't want to be considered a stalker, but Michael fascinates me
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    They used to hang witches back in the day not give them restraining orders or use them for book research.

    It's nearly halloween...maybe someone should look into reviving that era....?haha.
    (by GinaFelicia) Well, the way I see it might seem strange to others <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Since the duality of the universe is all around us, I believe in this universe every creature or object is "looking for" the other creature or object that makes him a WHOLE, like it was before the universe was born. Maybe we don't aknowledge this, but I think in our subconciousness we all look for it.
    So we need to find the one (man/woman) who makes us WHOLE. The fact that so many of us think Michael is they lost half (amazing how MANY are out there who think it) is just amazing and I think it's an illusion anyway.
    In a way yes, it's about something that's missing ....
    Yes. Many people dream of finding their "divine complement" or "twin soul". This is different from "soul mate". You can have many soul mates in your life but there is only one who is your twin soul. I do believe in it. Some are lucky enough to find this "life force" in their lifetime. I also see your point about illusions. And celebrity does or can create magic and mystery -- and a distraction -- especially if you are trying to fill a void. if we're self-absorbed in our search for wholeness we forget that celebrities are human beings who deserve privacy and respect.
    Very well said "divine complement". That is what I meant, but I didn't know how to say it in english.
    Maybe so many feel Michael is their divine complement because he has something very close to divinity in him. I pondered over this subject many times, trying to explain if there was something divine about him or the simple fact he's so sexy. We can be fooled by his sex-appeal and mistake it to the qualities we want to see in him....Sorry, the lucidity is gone now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I have to think about it before I come here and write <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.
    I knew about "flea" and "tick" but not under these names, but more because of Samantha de Gosson whom I know who she is from what I researched since 12 months now, I know she's a stalker and that she states she's been close to him all day long in TII. Also, there is a blog or something I stumbled upon last year, a blog that belongs to TINI, and there were many girls there who related their stories about how they met Michael don't know what day, some of them (2 or 3) have a photo with him in a car or something, at the entrance. I read some of their stories and how they said that he was kept without eating and working until he couldn't stand on both legs, that he was controlled and manipulatd, that when they hugged him they could feel his ribs and all bones sticking out from his skin through many clothes he was wearing to hide his skinny body.

    BUT, BJ, TheRunningGirl said on the page before about the T-shirt with the message "Curls for my girls" that they gave to him and he wore it. If he really couldn't stand this group of stalkers, why give them fuel? He appears with the T-shirt,there are photos, so I don't know what to make out of this group. Indeed they are stalkers, I knew that, but why Michael allowed them at the rehearsals and even wearing the T-shirt they gave to him. I remember seeing a photo of Michael going out of a medical office, his face is covered and he holds in a hand a photo of a girl whom he has a photo together the same day he has photos with Samantha and another girls who probably is from the group. Do you know what I'm talking about? How can we explain this, then?

    here is the T-shirt

    here is him with the photo of this girl

    and here with the girl from the photo. Here he has photos with Samantha and another one too, in the same place

    I am really waiting for opinions

    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!
    I think you are right BlackJack - something about those pictures just doesn't seem real
    One of those girls - a blonde one, I don't know her name - has such a picture of her with Michael on twitter and Michael is in the same position as in this one here.
    It's that blonde who told Kenny Ortega on twitter "I hope you'll cough to death you murderer".... when he was sick last year
  • It seems quite possible that these "fans" were paid by whoever was out there wanting to intentionally destroy and distract Michael. And Michael knew it. Sometimes he toyed with these stalker fans and went along with their silly games and gifts in order to not let the real ticks and fleas get the best of him. Using "fans" to annoy Michael was "their" way of playing hardball. Michael is playing chess.

    Additionally, I feel that the core of Michael has been in plain sight all of his life.
    To me, he's always shown various aspects of himself: gentle, wounded, loving healer, angry warrior, etc. I hear it in his music that spans decades. Sometimes the frustration or sadness is in his singing style or the melody. Other times, it's the lyrics (Privacy, Leave Me Alone, Be Not Always, Money, They Don't Care About Us, etc. etc.) Not to mention the speeches like "Killer Thriller" and the other times he's directed his anger toward Sony. Even as a boy he stood up to his father and threw his shoes (lol) or sought his own management and stood up for himself. I think Michael shared his anger many times, thus I'm never surprised by it. I appreciate it, actually. I mostly appreciate his ability to strategize and "out-think" his opponents. He is teaching us to do the same.
    Like I say, it's chess!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!

    I am watching these photos since very long. You say they are photoshopped.. but those are his hands, so who he was holding instead of that girl and why the original never ended up on the internet?I don't know what to say about this.. The photo always looked real to me, and I am working with photoshop since 10 years so far. I can be wrong, but this photo looks real for me. I can't say at 100% but somewhere around 90% it is real. BJ, you know more about this? I think if it's photoshoped, there must be an original, with the real person whom he was holding
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!
    I am good at photoshop as I've been working with it since more than 12 years and I still don't find that thing that makes these photos obvious photoshops. I am sorry if I insist on this as I am hard to convince without evidence.
    As I said, I know they are stalkers. What I don't understand is:

    1. why were they allowed backstage there
    2. why are they of such high importance for the hoax to discuss. Why are they so 'important'? I ask because you brought the subject about this.

    I understand it's about re-education and how people relate to clebrities and how they violate their privacy, but there are stalkers in this world that if they are reported to the police they receive an order to not come closer to the person whom they are stalking more than 20m or more. Why weren't they denounced?

    I know a case that happened in the 90s with Axl Rose who was stalked by a crazy woman who also got inside his house and she received restriction to not come any closer to him or she'd be thrown in jail.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!

    I also thought that it could be a sign from Mike denouncing showing the pic of the girl as "she is the one" "please help", but can also be taken the other way around.

    Regarding the evidence: Karen Faye (As I remember from twitter) Said that Michael had a picture of Sam De Gosson (The blond girl) on his mirror during the recording of TII.
  • @BlackJack,

    I have been reading again your posts and I got mix feelings. I am not sure if I am understanding what you mean reading between the lines. But please, let me know if you think that we, the people of this forum, equals to you as "stalker fans".

    We have not been letting Michael RIP, digging up HIStory and life in order to understand why he hoaxed his death. This action of ours can be considered as "stalking" a man who decided to dissapear.

    Also, you mentioned in one of your posts that "all this" is an insurance policy? About what? People who don´t let the man be?

    I would like to be able to read posts without needing a cryptic lexicon near by to understand what posters mean when they write <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I felt guitly because I thought some of my posts could be interpreted as stalking. I don't want to be considered a stalker, but Michael fascinates me

    Let me state for the record that I do NOT consider this forum stalking, we are brainstorming and investigating........examining clues that MJ left and meant us to find to 'discover the man we never knew'. We're on a mission of discovery not hunting him down in person and sticking to him like a rash. What I meant by 'insurance policy' is that this forum contains a vast abundance of information and a lot of people who are now aware of certain things. Once MJ returns, depending on what is said the media can't pull the wool over our eyes if they try to insinuate that he's crazy or delusional or whatever. There's a lot of people to make noise if there's a backlash. Also, as the saying goes there is safety in numbers so that's like insurance. That's they way I see it, and that can be very helpful to MJ for the future.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I see it different. I think it's a matter of longing for the ideal man/woman, the perfect one, and the celebs are promoted with this ideal image, even if they are people like all of us.

    Some of us want to touch the stars in the sky don't we <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ? Because seems that touching the stars could bring us the supreme happiness.

    So it's for selfish reasons, like it was said before. I wanna touch you because this makes me happy, I don't care if it makes you happy or not. Selfish....

    I think you are very intelligent, GinaFelicia with clear and precise reasoning and awareness.

    Thank you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I have my moments of lucidity <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Really, what I feel about Michael and about this story intrigued me and I only try to analize what I feel. But I know many feel the's a pattern.

    I am not sure why some women blindly believe that their icon would be a good match just like that.

    Even if i L.O.V.E the side of Michael that I have seen during the years and can say "I love you" when sending a message to him, the love is sent from a caring point of view not as from a sentimental point of view.

    There is a long road between to "love" the side you see in public about a person and to actually "love" that person as a match or a life partner. Is two different things.

    The word LOVE it is usually taken out of context and interpretated in a selfish way by some people.

    I put an example. My hairdresser, a gay old man, tells me each time he say bye bye to me "I love you", and I say "luvs back".
    MJ say to fans "I love you" and I say to him "luvs back", "always in my heart" or even "I love you". Would that mean that my words I love you should be interpretated as lust, i.e?

    I remember being harrased by a "group of fans" who said to me that I just wanted to (censored words) to Michael Jackson, and the crazy reaction of that "group of fans" came our just because I expressed my "love" and concern for Michael Jackson.
    I mean, who react in that way? who is so jealous to not let love flow for the benefit of a "loved"one?

    It is true, the MJ community seems to be splitted.

    As I always say, whoever comes in the life of Michael should really understand that it can be dangerous. Stalker fans can be very vindictive. May be the solution is to be as private as possible, for the sake of everyone.
  • There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!

    I am watching these photos since very long. You say they are photoshopped.. but those are his hands, so who he was holding instead of that girl and why the original never ended up on the internet?I don't know what to say about this.. The photo always looked real to me, and I am working with photoshop since 10 years so far. I can be wrong, but this photo looks real for me. I can't say at 100% but somewhere around 90% it is real. BJ, you know more about this? I think if it's photoshoped, there must be an original, with the real person whom he was holding

    How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    I have been reading again your posts and I got mix feelings. I am not sure if I am understanding what you mean reading between the lines. But please, let me know if you think that we, the people of this forum, equals to you as "stalker fans".

    We have not been letting Michael RIP, digging up HIStory and life in order to understand why he hoaxed his death. This action of ours can be considered as "stalking" a man who decided to dissapear.

    Also, you mentioned in one of your posts that "all this" is an insurance policy? About what? People who don´t let the man be?

    I would like to be able to read posts without needing a cryptic lexicon near by to understand what posters mean when they write <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I felt guitly because I thought some of my posts could be interpreted as stalking. I don't want to be considered a stalker, but Michael fascinates me

    Let me state for the record that I do NOT consider this forum stalking, we are brainstorming and investigating........examining clues that MJ left and meant us to find to 'discover the man we never knew'. We're on a mission of discovery not hunting him down in person and sticking to him like a rash. What I meant by 'insurance policy' is that this forum contains a vast abundance of information and a lot of people who are now aware of certain things. Once MJ returns, depending on what is said the media can't pull the wool over our eyes if they try to insinuate that he's crazy or delusional or whatever. There's a lot of people to make noise if there's a backlash. Also, as the saying goes there is safety in numbers so that's like insurance. That's they way I see it, and that can be very helpful to MJ for the future.

    Thanks hun! I understood it now.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> why would Karen Faye do that?

    I think i am going to tweet her that question. She said that MJ had a pic of Sam on his mirror.
  • How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> why would Karen Faye do that?

    I think i am going to tweet her that question. She said that MJ had a pic of Sam on his mirror.

    She is IN with them !!
    No need to feel guity anymore <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thank you BlackJack

    PS: you brought here a lot of answers ... and a lot of questions too... may I ask where have you been untill now <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    001ec94a26ba0d8eb75011.jpgjust found this to go with it, someone asked her about it and this is the reply she gave on twitter/XLTwet:
    I’m not one to usually respond to hateful posts or comments about me (and there have been a few) but I thought I would this time. Especially when one person alone takes the time to dedicate some of her long blog entries to me, without having once met me or even spoken to me, even though she was on my FB for months and never posted a single comment.

    According to her the reason I shut my FB down was because I was “caught”, “busted” photo shopping my picture with Michael. However, it’s not the first time I’ve been accused of that and I’ve never responded to any of those accusations before. If you wish to believe it is photo shopped then so be it. And no, this not the reason I shut my page down, I shut it down from an accumulation of spiteful, hateful attacks from the same bunch of people over the last year and yes, it did get to me and I decided to shut it down for a while, to clear my head of all the nonsense that leads me and everyone absolutely nowhere except further into the gutter.

    The day before I shut it down I got a comment on my FB wall from a Bonnie Cox “declaring” she was deleting herself from my page. I didn’t pay much attention to it other than the fact I didn’t even know she was on my page to begin with but recognized her name. What I had heard was that she was a good blogger and someone who knew a lot about the fight for Justice. I always heard positive things about her so I wondered where that suddenly came from but paid no more attention to it until the next day when I was forwarded her new blog entry. A whole blog entry directed at me and my friend Karen Faye. This was forwarded to me by several people I know and who were in total disbelief, they didn’t recognize her.

    I began reading it, not really expecting much more than the usual crap I usually read about myself and Karen Faye. Karen and I have had the “privilege” of having our very own personal and dedicated hate groups and we always seem to be put together, and attacked together, by the same people. As ridiculous as these groups are, what an honor!

    To my surprise, most of the blog part about me was interestingly revolving around my picture with Michael. It went on and on and on about it…I was accused of photo shopping it, that all my claims about my experiences were false and then more comments about “hear-say” from other people (the same bunch, always the same!). That I was a stalker, that Michael hated me, that security had a picture of me and the other followers for security purposes to keep us away from him, etc etc…the list is long!

    Not once did Bonnie ever write to me asking if my picture was photo shopped or bothered trying to find out from me why people were claiming all those things about me and what my take was on it. She stayed quietly on my FB for months, just lurking around.

    It would make no difference if I sent her the original photo file with all the properties info embedded in the picture; she would find a way to deny it’s genuine. She simply does not want to know, she has already decided it is fake. Her problem, not mine.

    What’s interesting is that she never claimed anyone else’s pictures that were taken that day of being fake, just mine. Hmmm…

    And then we have the story of the picture Michael kept of us to remind security of the stalkers we supposedly were. This is where stories get twisted by envy and jealousy. Because let’s get down to the bottom of it, isn’t this all about some fans resenting others for something they never had or attention they so desperately are seeking, and that it’s much easier to envy than to appreciate?

    The story of the picture came from Karen Faye herself. Karen met up with us the day of the This Is It premiere, to mourn Michael on the day when everyone else were running to movie theaters to see the fall of their idol on the big screen. She told us Michael kept a picture on his make-up table the last few weeks of his life and looked at it every day, it was even taken to Staples Center for the last 2 days of rehearsals. She then showed us the picture. It was a picture we had given Michael, the famous “7” picture. A much different story than the envious explaination of it.

    This is not a story I shared first on my page. Karen publicly told the story in response to hateful comments at the time and I reposted it the day after. This is just ONE example of how stories get twisted and lied about by the very same bunch of people who have had either no contact with me at all but who are raging with jealousy, or have simply been deleted from my page and hold a personal grudge. Furthermore, “attention envy” has become so important to some that they cannot bear to see others have a “following” which comes, like in my case, without needing to create a fan-club, fan page, hate group, fan group or sell anything.

    All I’ve done, in the past year on my FB is simply share some things I know, some personal memories, personal beliefs and push fans to seek out the truth about what happened to Michael. I’ve posted some pictures, some videos, glimpses of my wonderful and magical experiences but also sad and important ones that should be known about the last few weeks of his life. I even participated in a few documentaries to spread the murder conspiracy theories and I have accused all parties I believe are involved, not just AEG like Bonnie claims in her latest blog entry. I guess she just didn’t like my latest FB status claiming a link between Jermaine, his wife, Thome Thome and Randy Phillips. Next thing you know she accuses me of saying Jermaine killed his brother….go figure! But people read and twist things to their advantage, whatever advantage it could possibly bring them.

    So basically this is the deal: If I only have one picture with Michael then I am accused of only having met him once. Next thing you know I no longer have met him, it’s photo shopped. Then when I post more I’m accused of gloating and showing off. There’s just no talking to deaf ears, you just can’t win, it’s not Truth they’re out to get, just pure hate-spewing and collective hysteria.

    I have no problem whether you believe me or not Bonnie Cox and the hate groups, but it really shouldn’t be the focus of your fight for Justice…although as I understand it now you think he may be alive…whatever you believe, I have never called you out on anything or even had the chance to ever talk to you and here I get blasted by yet another blog entry from you. Still going on about me, even going as far as accusing me of being PLANTED by the powers! Have you totally lost it???

    For someone who does great research, as you claim, maybe you should have researched just a little bit better some of your claims. I think you got my name mixed up a couple of times with someone else, but you wouldn’t know, you weren’t there and your “research” was based on hear-say.

    And Bonnie, for someone who is so methodical and writes generally quite intelligently, I have to give you that, why would you delete all the comments you got on your blog entry that you disliked and kept only the ones that gave you the thumbs up? Those thumbs up on those blog entries come from the very same bunch of people you got all your hear-say from and have had hate groups against me and Karen for months. That gives you no credibility! Maybe you should have left all the comments and addressed them, since you must surely stand by what you say and be able to prove your point all the way to the end! But no, you couldn’t do it, instead you wrote a new entry, 6 pages long, still about me and exposing Stephanie Wilburn’s personal email correspondence with you, even going as far as publishing her phone number and physical address. To prove what point I don’t know but that went a little far. Your blog entries have become so ridiculous and so spiteful that you may very well have lost a very good thing you had going in the first place, and turned to the same mob mentality you accuse me of.

    So what does it really boil down to here? What is it that you and a bunch of other haters (always the same few) really have against me that it keeps you people awake at night and dictates so much of your life to write about me? Do you not have families, jobs, other hobbies? If it’s your quest to expose me as a fraud and to discredit me then I think you’ve already spent enough time on it, unless you have nothing better to do.

    The only thing you may not have realized by doing this is that you’ve made me bigger and more important than I ever intended to be. You make me bigger than I am, do you realize that? I guess the saying “There is no such thing as bad publicity” would fit perfectly here. And the more venom you people spit the more adrenaline rush I get to fight harder for the cause, but the right cause, not by doing what you and a bunch of hateful women do day after day and which really doesn’t achieve anything, except ridicule you once it becomes this insanely barfed all over the pace.

    Who cares whether you think I’m a fraud, let it be your belief and move on. I’ve had my share of fans I’ve met or seen online claiming they knew him. I don’t ask for proof if they have none, and if they do, I don’t go and investigate their every claim or try to discredit them for the simple reason that I have no reason to. I’m happy for anyone who got to meet him and experience the Magic! Good for them! And If it’s a lie then it’s really not my problem either. There is no more competition, Michael is DEAD. And whatever people want to claim won’t change my life or keep me up at night like it does for you. Everyone knows their own truth, it’s something they have to live with. I am perfectly happy with mine.

    And finally, I am so grateful for all the love and support I get from so many people. Thank you! I’m reopening my FB after so many messages asking me to come back. Yes, I will. Let’s continue the fight and let’s continue the LOVE!

    Samantha de Gosson

    In reply to that you have this from someone (regarding SDG's picture with him:
    This is the first photograph I examined. What I saw with the naked eye when downloading it to my computer and enlarging it,was first Samantha's eyes. They almost looked clouded over but her left eye had color bleed where she tried to fix something . . . maybe bloodshot eyes. Then I noticed the size of her compared to Michael, who was close enough to have one of his curls curl around her hair, yet Samantha, who is relatively petite, dwarfs Michael.

    I sent the photo out to my friend at FedEx Office whom I worked with in 2008 - 2009 in the document creation dept. and she showed me the shadow behind Sam's head (wrong direction for lighting and too tight) the fold of the hoodie between Michael's "fingers" was drawn in there and did not match the color of the rest of the garment, and exposure was different on Sam's image than on Michael's. Sam's image was taken by a camera closer to her, than that of the camera which took Michael's original photo, which explains the size difference

    Another one regarding the picture of the girl whose photo he is holding with the green jacket on:
    The composition in this photo was still off, but at least a little more convincing. Her face still outsizes his, but I loved how her hair was drawn over his right fingers. I followed her hairline down and there is where I noticed that the outside of the length of hair just cuts off before you get to the seat belt. The fingertip of Michael's right index is cut off and I noticed the outline of lighter color on her jacket around his fingers. I guess they couldn't get the exact color in trying to smudge the evidence.
    The big tipoff though, is the clever hand-holding technique. How did they get Michael's hand over hers?
    They didn't. It is a picture of his hand from a different picture holding someone elses hand. All they did was try to match up the the girl's right sleeve. If you follow that midway up the arm, you can see the color difference. Personally, I'd be a little afraid of someone with forearms that long. She might need them if she plans on hanging from the "giving tree" long enough to get another photo-shop-op.

    This is regarding the June 25th shots on the grass:
    We all know where we were the when we heard Michael Jackson "died". How many of you had a chance to stage a picture of your initial shock and grief?
    Even if someone else took the picture unbeknownst to you. Would you be walking around asking strangers if they just happened to catch the moment?
    What kind of cold, calculating self-important narcissist would stage a grief photo and for what purpose? Couldn't she at least photo shopped some tears in there?
    What is amazing is that if this were just some off-chance cameraman taking pictures of the grief outside the hospital the moment Michael Jackson's death is announced, then how is it that THIS GROUP managed to be away from the crowds, in a clear shot, with no one else around them? And below, another shot on the grass, again with no crowds. Did they request the cameraman follow them? Or did Samantha exchange her laptop Adobe program for a camera with a timer?I think SDG got her photoshop on tbh

    Apparently the KF one with the group and SONY in the background-mmhmm-is a fake too...

    Just passing this info on what I found..I never wrote it (Y)

    Some other ...stuff..

    This girl Joanna Thomae-has been following him for years too from Monaco to NYC...^^finally got her number haha.

    This is one of SDG's photoshop works of art
    <!-- m --> ... otostream/<!-- m -->
    She ain't ever met David Beckham..please.

    Check out the outline of the girls against the background and the grass. Why? Why photoshop these? Practicing?
    <!-- m --> ... otostream/<!-- m -->

    Also someone wanna explain to me...maybe BJ since your in the know and such wtf the 'Ganesha Om' society is started by Karen...woman needs a slap.

  • How about this:

    Do we know for sure it's the Real Deal in these pictures..?

    I still can't get rid of the idea of a double, hired by the bad camp, trying to screw things up for Mike.


    Hat, shades and a thin scarf to mask the face. People ASSUME it's MJ, but who knows for sure..?

    Also, there's Jason in the background, who tried to convince the world of having a homosexual relationship with Mike.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> why would Karen Faye do that?

    I think i am going to tweet her that question. She said that MJ had a pic of Sam on his mirror.

    She is IN with them !!

    Do you mean IN the hoax? IN the stalking? In what?
    And what is the aim?

    I am sure I am missing some past events somehow. I have been focusing so much in triying to figure out why MJ took this drastic decision that I isolated his surroundings and did not pay attention to the "stalkers" or Karen.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    How about this:

    Do we know for sure it's the Real Deal in these pictures..?
    I still can't get rid of the idea of a double, hired by the bad camp, trying to screw things up for Mike.
    Hat, shades and a thin scarf to mask the face. People ASSUME it's MJ, but who knows for sure..?
    Also, there's Jason in the background, who tried to convince the world of having a homosexual relationship with Mike.

    100% possible Mo
  • I think Ganesha Om is her own 'secret society' of trolls ....... maybe they want to rival the Mason' or 'specialize' in photoshopping !!
    Sinderella that was the pic I was talking about, with that blonde girl.
    I am so reliefed to hear it's not real. When I saw it on twitter I thought it was real.
    How dare she fake her pic with Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ?
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