Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I have no words. This is ridiculous. Every one is over 25 years I guess.

    Photoshopping for fun is one thing but in this cases i see the shopps on a serious note. As if they want people to believe actually that the pics took place. To fool people <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • @BlackJack,

    I have been reading again your posts and I got mix feelings. I am not sure if I am understanding what you mean reading between the lines. But please, let me know if you think that we, the people of this forum, equals to you as "stalker fans".

    We have not been letting Michael RIP, digging up HIStory and life in order to understand why he hoaxed his death. This action of ours can be considered as "stalking" a man who decided to dissapear.

    Also, you mentioned in one of your posts that "all this" is an insurance policy? About what? People who don´t let the man be?

    I would like to be able to read posts without needing a cryptic lexicon near by to understand what posters mean when they write <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I felt guitly because I thought some of my posts could be interpreted as stalking. I don't want to be considered a stalker, but Michael fascinates me

    Let me state for the record that I do NOT consider this forum stalking, we are brainstorming and investigating........examining clues that MJ left and meant us to find to 'discover the man we never knew'. We're on a mission of discovery not hunting him down in person and sticking to him like a rash. What I meant by 'insurance policy' is that this forum contains a vast abundance of information and a lot of people who are now aware of certain things. Once MJ returns, depending on what is said the media can't pull the wool over our eyes if they try to insinuate that he's crazy or delusional or whatever. There's a lot of people to make noise if there's a backlash. Also, as the saying goes there is safety in numbers so that's like insurance. That's they way I see it, and that can be very helpful to MJ for the future.

    Of course this forum is for investigating his disappearance and share information.We are not stalkers....I really hope that the truth will be soon revealed and Michael will come back.God bless you
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!

    I am watching these photos since very long. You say they are photoshopped.. but those are his hands, so who he was holding instead of that girl and why the original never ended up on the internet?I don't know what to say about this.. The photo always looked real to me, and I am working with photoshop since 10 years so far. I can be wrong, but this photo looks real for me. I can't say at 100% but somewhere around 90% it is real. BJ, you know more about this? I think if it's photoshoped, there must be an original, with the real person whom he was holding

    How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!

    Like she sold other private pictures to a media outlet huh?

    My question is why she would do it? If she loves him that much, like she says she does. Or is it that she herself one of his 'stalkers'? I have always thought KF would love to have become mrs. Jackson and could it be she feels 'betrayed'? (Trying to look into the mind of Annie Wilkes here...)

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I never considered this shade of the investigation.

    Is this leading to protray KF as a person who is motivated by revenge because of a frustrated relationship that never took place between her and MJ?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    But...these people can't be re-educated. They have lost their minds... I don't understand what is their aim exactly, this is highly disrespectful.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I think Ganesha Om is her own 'secret society' of trolls ....... maybe they want to rival the Mason' or 'specialize' in photoshopping !!

    I'm going with the latter.

    I want my own society.To beat hers up.
    Someone make this happen..
  • I have no words. This is ridiculous. Every one is over 25 years I guess.

    Photoshopping for fun is one thing but in this cases i see the shopps on a serious note. As if they want people to believe actually that the pics took place. To fool people <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Playing with Photoshop can indeed be fun, but it has to be obvious that the pic is shopped, like this one:

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    OMG <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I never considered this shade of the investigation.

    Is this leading to protray KF as a person who is motivated by revenge because of a frustrated relationship that never took place between her and MJ?

    I have no idea if KF is frustrated because of the "wannabe Mrs. Jackson" idea, but it could very well be the case. I do think she's frustrated because MJ didn't share his hoax plan with her...
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sinderella that was the pic I was talking about, with that blonde girl.
    I am so reliefed to hear it's not real. When I saw it on twitter I thought it was real.
    How dare she fake her pic with Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ?

    Yah babe,it isn't real.That Blonde woman is SDG.
    She is ALMOST on the same level as Taaj.....almost
    I don't think photoshopping a pic is as bad as throwing dead rats..Taaj still holds the title of worst MJ fan ever.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I have no words. This is ridiculous. Every one is over 25 years I guess.

    Photoshopping for fun is one thing but in this cases i see the shopps on a serious note. As if they want people to believe actually that the pics took place. To fool people <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Playing with Photoshop can indeed be fun, but it has to be obvious that the pic is shopped, like this one:


    if you are a master in photoshop, it might take a while for someone to say it's a photoshopped photo. this one is ridiculously obvious but there are some pieces well done by photoshop masters.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Gold Paaaants!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I never considered this shade of the investigation.

    Is this leading to protray KF as a person who is motivated by revenge because of a frustrated relationship that never took place between her and MJ?

    I have no idea if KF is frustrated because of the "wannabe Mrs. Jackson" idea, but it could very well be the case. I do think she's frustrated because MJ didn't share his hoax plan with her...

    She is positive that Michael is dead.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!

    I am watching these photos since very long. You say they are photoshopped.. but those are his hands, so who he was holding instead of that girl and why the original never ended up on the internet?I don't know what to say about this.. The photo always looked real to me, and I am working with photoshop since 10 years so far. I can be wrong, but this photo looks real for me. I can't say at 100% but somewhere around 90% it is real. BJ, you know more about this? I think if it's photoshoped, there must be an original, with the real person whom he was holding

    How about this ... maybe it was originally a private pic taken with KF and she let these stalkers use it !!

    BJ, from this all I can understand is that KF is indeed implied in the hoax.Am I right? But now.. why would KF leak these photos precisely to these stalkers? Why not to leak them to the whole web as there must be many more stalkers besides them. And most importantly - why would Michael want to make his stalkers photoshop themselves with him. there are thousands of possibilities to photoshop yourself in a photo with whoever you want. You can add every and each part of the body and "build" a body of someone with pieces from several photos of that certain someone and still make them look natural if you are a photoshop master. I know all these, I work with photo edition since 10 years, not as my job, but as a hobby sort to say. And I know all these can be done and even more with imagination. What I've seen on the internet, the photoshopped photos of Michael with several girls, they are obviously lacking of skills and one can say those are photoshopped. You need angles, sizes, everything calculated before. So.. why would Michael want photoshopped photos of him, and even more, making special photos with KF as to be leaked and photoshopped by the stalkers. Why those stalkers never leaked the originals somehow? At least to show to a friend - "look this is the original and this is my photoshop work" and like this they would have spread all over. Would that friend be that honest as to not publish it at his/her turn to other people? Stalkers and their friends are almost the same thing- they can all be stalkers and in conclusion not actually honest people.

    These are the questions I ask myself daily.. not only about these photos, but about the hoax in general. there are so many questions I have no answer for
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Sinderella that was the pic I was talking about, with that blonde girl.
    I am so reliefed to hear it's not real. When I saw it on twitter I thought it was real.
    How dare she fake her pic with Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ?

    Yah babe,it isn't real.That Blonde woman is SDG.
    She is ALMOST on the same level as Taaj.....almost
    I don't think photoshopping a pic is as bad as throwing dead rats..Taaj still holds the title of worst MJ fan ever.

    Just a question. Are those the same group who wrote on the walls of MJ´s grave?
    Gold Paaaants!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Gema we are here for investigating <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I never considered this shade of the investigation.

    Is this leading to protray KF as a person who is motivated by revenge because of a frustrated relationship that never took place between her and MJ?

    I have no idea if KF is frustrated because of the "wannabe Mrs. Jackson" idea, but it could very well be the case. I do think she's frustrated because MJ didn't share his hoax plan with her...

    She is positive that Michael is dead.

    That is what she SAYS, but we know that she is very aware of the existence of this website/forum as she has been directed to it multiple times. She addressed the believers on her Facebook, so she is aware of them. Although we merely present theories, I'm sure some of these theories caught her attention and may very well have caused her to start doubting.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Gold Paaaants!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Gema we are here for investigating <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Sorry, Arny pushes my bottons.... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    That is what she SAYS, but we know that she is very aware of the existence of this website/forum as she has been directed to it multiple times. She addressed the believers on her Facebook, so she is aware of them. Although we merely present theories, I'm sure some of these theories caught her attention and may very well have caused her to start doubting.

    She told in an interview that she put make up on Michael´s dead body....after 2 months of his passing.

    She also says that we are deluded, crazy and all that <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I always approached her with respect when asking questions and she is answering me with respect as well.

    I don´t know where Karen stands.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sinderella that was the pic I was talking about, with that blonde girl.
    I am so reliefed to hear it's not real. When I saw it on twitter I thought it was real.
    How dare she fake her pic with Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ?

    Yah babe,it isn't real.That Blonde woman is SDG.
    She is ALMOST on the same level as Taaj.....almost
    I don't think photoshopping a pic is as bad as throwing dead rats..Taaj still holds the title of worst MJ fan ever.

    Just a question. Are those the same group who wrote on the walls of MJ´s grave?

    I'll double check and reply to you later tonight doll,I'm off to a theme park all day now <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I still keep my opinion and this theory simply is far-fetched. I mean we all have different opinions but as to say that KF took a photo of her with Michael and then sell them to the stalkers group just to let them photoshop the photos (for what reason?) is far-fetched. I mean why is this even worthwile? He had to deal with NWO and things of this magnitude to concentrate on a thing like this group of 6 stalkers? Why not dennounce them?

    But to agree with the theory that KF is IN the stalker side, complotting, doesn't add for me. I always had the feeling she plays a role, a specific role, as to make believers believe what she says just to test our faith or probably another reason, I don't know. Put like that, the whole theory about KF and the stalkers is like a children game. My honest opinion. It's too far-fetched and lacks logic in my opinion.

    In the photo of Michael holding the photo of that girl, to say that he was holding the photo just in that moment to let people see the face of the stalker is simply absurd for me. I mean as if they were of such a high importance? They're just a bunch of crazy stalkers, why give them so much time and struggle?

  • There is no doubt that it's photoshopped (and all the rest)...... why is he hiding behind her.... there are subtle differences in the colors where clothes and hands meet up but there are too many to point out now. The pic he's holding seems to me like he's pointing out "public enemy number one". Really, this group should go and do a course in photoshop instead of following him around everywhere. On a side note, these girls have been 'following' him for years and all they can come up with is ONE pic each.... after his 'death'...... right!! If he adored them so much where is the evidence !!
    I am good at photoshop as I've been working with it since more than 12 years and I still don't find that thing that makes these photos obvious photoshops. I am sorry if I insist on this as I am hard to convince without evidence.
    As I said, I know they are stalkers. What I don't understand is:

    1. why were they allowed backstage there
    2. why are they of such high importance for the hoax to discuss. Why are they so 'important'? I ask because you brought the subject about this.

    I understand it's about re-education and how people relate to clebrities and how they violate their privacy, but there are stalkers in this world that if they are reported to the police they receive an order to not come closer to the person whom they are stalking more than 20m or more. Why weren't they denounced?

    I know a case that happened in the 90s with Axl Rose who was stalked by a crazy woman who also got inside his house and she received restriction to not come any closer to him or she'd be thrown in jail.

    Anna we think alike. In the broader context of MJ being the mastermind behind this HOAX and having planned it for many, many years... I am struggling to see how this MAN who is a perfectionist, who knows exactly what he wants and generally gets it, would overlook the effect a group of stalkers may have on his well-planned HOAX.

    This is what I am NOT buying into and I have seen NOTHING in this thread to convince ME otherwise.

    In my humble opinion this stalkers group is probably being manipulated to "play" a certain role in the HOAX (Whether they know it or not) - They have attracted a lot of attention for "mere" fans... and here they are again at the centre of this thread!
    MJ can use this in a number of ways; discrediting them when he feels the time is right to raise BIG doubts in many Non-Believers Fans and bring then to consider that he is indeed Alive or/and re-educating his fans on what he expects from them by making fool of this group...etc. If those photos have indeed been photoshopped, wouldn't it be easy to make the master photo(s) available on the WEB, just at the right time, just at the right place and BINGO... in a few days or less, this group is totally discredited!

    I may be dreaming and under-estimating this group & KF or my belief that MJ is alive may be clouding my thinking... and I am open to revisit my understanding as evidences emerge... The time to wear my straight Jacket and run to my ultra padded cell has not quite come yet...on this one...

    With L.O.V.E
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I would also like to add and bring back to our attention, BJ's first post in this thread.
    I have to say I love this thread beginning because it is so true and many people should think about this, but this thread got a drift that raises some questions to me. It's not like it was at the beginning. We went from discussing this great subject---> to discussing about Samantha's stalker group. In a very passionate way.

    I would like to point out another few things but I refrain right now, but I would like just to say that I liked this beginner subject very much and I support it completely, but from IT to reach to accuse in a pretty harsh way ONLY a certain group of TINI as if they are the center issue is not the best way to spread the message. In fact there are not only them, there are FANS who cannot control themselves and tear him apart when he goes publicly, and rip his clothes or grab his hair, pushing and pulling.
    I want only to emphasize that to concentrate only on these specific stalkers seems rather personal purpose (or issue) than worldwide purpose. Why being so focused on such a small group of stalkers when there are far many out there not worst and not better than them? It's a worldwide issue not a personal specific issue regarding Samantha as centre stage or anyone from that group.

    I post again the first post of this thread, and probably people will understand what I want to say.
    What do people think about Re-Education in the way we relate to superstar entertainers being as much a part of this process as the other issues that have been widely discussed. By that I mean: this Sabbatical has presented an opportunity to re-assess and consider the position of fans, supporters, admirers and even detractors. Rather than thinking about his personal reasons, its possible that it's to evaluate the way we relate to superstars, celebs and notables in general (not just the awakening of the global issues that we are facing). I want to relate a story, something from about 9 years ago, you didn't have to be there as it has been televised if you watched it. It was an appearance by MJ and of coarse there was a crowd and television crews present and they were all waiting for him to come out on the street. When he did the hysteria erupted with a few over zealous fans getting to push their way to the front of the barricade of security and sure enough they got the "goods"--- the fleeting photo, kiss, few words. A cameraman panned around and focused on this girl who was hanging back, not near the front of the frenzy and she was crying. A guy turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she should be happy that she got to catch a glimpse of MJ and her reply was that she was doing the Respectful thing by hanging back and not barging her way through like the others, yet the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get. If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of coarse all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Don't forget that this is an experiment.... maybe that Michael wants to see how far can some people go?
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I agree too. I noticed that from the title of this thread towards a tiny group of stalkers was a pretty fast road inspite that I consider the subject of these particular stakers to be useless. It is useless to talk about these few crazy girls when there are probably hundreds like them anyway. I keep saying that, if these stalkers would have passed the limit in that way as to make Michael angry like a rock from hell, he would probably denounce them to the police and period. He probably doesn't give too much damn on them from what I see, and I do not think that re-education lays in re-educatig a bunch of stalkers, or opening the eyes of the people against these stalkers. People are very aware of obsessed fans and this is in no way an important piece in re-educating people worldwide. And besides this, why to give them so much attention? If Michael doesn't, why to be us the ones who will give it to them? I know a thing and that is: if you are being herrased by a stalker and if you see it is dangerous for you, then you denounce him/her to the police. If he/she is only an obsessed fan, like there might be many others besides these girls, you simply ignore them. Yes, it is almost absurd tosay that KF is comploting with Michael's stalkers or something of that kind. I don't believe that, either it collides with my mind.

    I think that re-educating people doesn't stay in a bunch of a few crazy girls, either in turning the people against them. The subject got lost because of these grils and I think it's time to re-think about what re-education would be about, what would it imply, from where to start, and not focus upon particular obsessed fans that have no importance.
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