Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • If the Website we are referring to here is, here is a video showing MJ officially launching the site - All YouTube videos have been removed!!!.

    As far as I can see MJ officially announced this site as HIS - The issue with KF arose as a result of the comments she made when the site closed:
    Why Is Offline
    Karen Faye, longtime friend and makeup artist for Michael Jackson, who ran the now defunct contacted a fan about why the site has been shut down. “Yes Carla, I know all about it,” Faye told the e-mailer who posted the response at before the moderator removed it. “We have been patiently waiting Raymone Bain to make a statement about it for more than a week. MJJsource is down because we have had no cooperation with Michael and his present team. Without their complete support, we can not continue with the site. Please refer any questions to [e-mail redacted], she is Michael’s official spokesperson. I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do. I personally am very hurt and sad about it, because we have worked very hard to do this for the fans. I do not want to stop talking to my friends….so you can find me here. Love, Karen”

    With L.O.V.E

    Here is also a link to what appears to have been displayed on during the trials (Posted here for reference only - Not relevant to the current discussion).
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    He anounced the site but i believe others managed the site...
    This make me curios how BJ attack this group of fans because i believe Michael could did something about them much time ago...with his bodyguards or something, he has the power to run them away...something do not match here... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    This sound more like someone very angry with this group OR someone angry with what they did to someone. Samantha for example...i read she was pulled out from this groups because she caused a lot of crazy problems...
    I agree to be out the door of Michael home 24/7 could be very bad for him but he has the power to run them away...why he no did this then if he was too much desesperate or angry ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Michael love you!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!
    I have a question BJ, how did you find out their names, because honestly I only knew the name Samantha. Have you ever been in contact with them? Could Michael know the names of some stalkers? Could he really give such a damn on them as to know their names? How do you know what are their names?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Too much gossip for me. Can´t follow. I´m sorry.
    Anna, I think we ask too many questions sometimes . Questions that maybe can not be answered.
    We only scratch the surface of his life, we have so little info about his REAL life...

    Speculation over speculation over speculation.... who are we going to believe?
  • What do people think about Re-Education in the way we relate to superstar entertainers being as much a part of this process as the other issues that have been widely discussed. By that I mean: this Sabbatical has presented an opportunity to re-assess and consider the position of fans, supporters, admirers and even detractors. Rather than thinking about his personal reasons, its possible that it's to evaluate the way we relate to superstars, celebs and notables in general (not just the awakening of the global issues that we are facing). I want to relate a story, something from about 9 years ago, you didn't have to be there as it has been televised if you watched it. It was an appearance by MJ and of coarse there was a crowd and television crews present and they were all waiting for him to come out on the street. When he did the hysteria erupted with a few over zealous fans getting to push their way to the front of the barricade of security and sure enough they got the "goods"--- the fleeting photo, kiss, few words. A cameraman panned around and focused on this girl who was hanging back, not near the front of the frenzy and she was crying. A guy turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she should be happy that she got to catch a glimpse of MJ and her reply was that she was doing the Respectful thing by hanging back and not barging her way through like the others, yet the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get. If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of coarse all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!
  • What do people think about Re-Education in the way we relate to superstar entertainers being as much a part of this process as the other issues that have been widely discussed. By that I mean: this Sabbatical has presented an opportunity to re-assess and consider the position of fans, supporters, admirers and even detractors. Rather than thinking about his personal reasons, its possible that it's to evaluate the way we relate to superstars, celebs and notables in general (not just the awakening of the global issues that we are facing). I want to relate a story, something from about 9 years ago, you didn't have to be there as it has been televised if you watched it. It was an appearance by MJ and of coarse there was a crowd and television crews present and they were all waiting for him to come out on the street. When he did the hysteria erupted with a few over zealous fans getting to push their way to the front of the barricade of security and sure enough they got the "goods"--- the fleeting photo, kiss, few words. A cameraman panned around and focused on this girl who was hanging back, not near the front of the frenzy and she was crying. A guy turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she should be happy that she got to catch a glimpse of MJ and her reply was that she was doing the Respectful thing by hanging back and not barging her way through like the others, yet the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get. If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of coarse all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!

    makes me think of the beautitudes: blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    But it is true
    "the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get"
    Also, because "we" do not think that is necessary to pick a bunch of hair from someone.

    Public personalities imo, must respond to a certain level of P.R, like shaking hands and saluting people. Hugs is more of a too personal approach, but I don´t see anything bad about it either depending on the circumstance.

    Well cannot have the cake and eat it at the same time <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Some amount of P.R towards "fans" in a normal day must be accomplished somehow, like signing autographs on cd´s or books.

    No one likes to ask respecfully for an autograph in an airplane i.e and get a "I am on holiday, can you get it??" (yes, this happened to a colleage of mine and she is veeery shy. She was destroyed after that response).

    If MJ comes back I don´t think that most of us will frantically harrass him. Did not do it in the past and will not do it now.
    This thread is great, don´t take me wrong, but some issues may be should be addressed to certain groups and I think that would be a good idea to post a resume to fan forums to start the "education" with a spinning effect <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I am curious to know how people will react when and if MJ comes back.
    I posted the original post here on the official site and it was deleted in 5 minutes (reported as offensive)
  • No one likes to ask respecfully for an autograph in an airplane i.e and get a "I am on holiday, can you get it??" (yes, this happened to a colleage of mine and she is veeery shy. She was destroyed after that response).

    Sorry, but here I am again with my "the butcher and owner of the local supermarket" comment:

    It is about time that fans realize that what an artists does is his work. I never see anyone chase the butcher or the owner of the local supermarket after their job is done at 6PM, have you? Well, the same goes for artists.

    If you like what an artist does then buy his albums and listen to his music, you buy a ticket and attend a gig, but after the gig is over his job is finished. Why do fans expect their idol to be "on the job" 24/7? Fans need to stop harassing these people during their leisure time and hollidays, fans need to realize that it's a job, they are just making a living.

    Like the local greengrocer, butcher, baker and insurance consultant on who you spend your money don't owe you anything on their leisure time and holidays, the artist also doesn't owe you anything either when he's not working.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I posted the original post here on the official site and it was deleted in 5 minutes (reported as offensive)

    Shocker... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    No one likes to ask respecfully for an autograph in an airplane i.e and get a "I am on holiday, can you get it??" (yes, this happened to a colleage of mine and she is veeery shy. She was destroyed after that response).

    Sorry, but here I am again with my "the butcher and owner of the local supermarket" comment:

    I never see anyone chase the butcher or the owner of the local supermarket after their job is done at 6PM, have you?

    YEEEEES <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Have you been in South of Spain?

    Mo, signing a book is not to sing a song, to do a dance step, or to act a theater play, is just a signature on a P.R product, a book or a CD. That, to me, equals to one delievering business cards when one is not at work. Should be a balance.

    I find extremely rude to tell a person who has your CD on the hand and has ask you kindly to sign it "I am on holiday".
    I lose respect 100% for that so called artist. Looks like just wants profit and forgets the P.R. involved. Artists are made and destroyed by the numbers of fans. Fans are the base of their success or better keep them at least happy. And with this I don´t mean that I approve the actions of stalking fans or the mad crowd almost killing a man or a woman who is a public figure, I am talking about a simple signature on a marketing product of an artist.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I posted the original post here on the official site and it was deleted in 5 minutes (reported as offensive)

    Well, what did you say? I want to read your opinion.
  • Artists are made and destroyed by the numbers of fans. Fans are the base of their success or better keep them at least happy.

    Sorry Gema, but that's just plain blackmail. It actually says "Do as we demand you to do and we will keep on buying your artwork, and if you don't we will destroy you". That is disgusting.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Anna, I think we ask too many questions sometimes . Questions that maybe can not be answered.
    We only scratch the surface of his life, we have so little info about his REAL life...

    Speculation over speculation over speculation.... who are we going to believe?
    I really don't want to ask too many questions.....If I ask it's because my mind is in motion all the time, adapting and changing, and I want to get the things straight and understand them right. There are too many things I have no idea about, WE have no idea about, that without the details we'll never get anywhere.... Too many pieces of the puzzle are missing....
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Artists are made and destroyed by the numbers of fans. Fans are the base of their success or better keep them at least happy.

    Sorry Gema, but that's just plain blackmail. It actually says "Do as we demand you to do and we will keep on buying your artwork, and if you don't we will destroy you". That is disgusting.

    Oh yes, it is disgusting, but is the truth, the plain truth and that is how it works.
    At the end is an entertainer who´s personality is not matching with the expectations.
    One can´t be a good artist and an unpolite person if you want to appreciate the person for him or herself. To define a human being we base our perceptions upon their actions and if the actions are arrogant and unpolite, then, the whole aura of "humanazing" the artist takes place, but in a negative manner.

    At the end it´s negative in a double way. The arrogant "personality" shades the good "artist".

    Fans want entertainment and want the image of the artist to be 24/7 as well, but not by dancing or singing or interpretating a role, the image of the charismatic or kind aura.

    Michael was very kind to fans and fans have that image now Eternally about him <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> He did a good job.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I am sorry but this is not how I see it at all. How can you just go like that? I am sorry if I am straight in your face but that simply is a superficial way of thinking.

    An artist is not like something people own. Nor something that HAS to match the people.Trying to please everyone is the worst chioce. He simply doesn't have to do that. You have to be yourself and don't try to please anybody who wants to live in a fantasy about a personality that doesn't exist, that it's a role.
    Don't say that as if it's the truth, only the truth and nothing else but the truth. Things could be very different if you take a look.

    I couldn't care less, if I was him, if people like my ass or not. Or if they like the way I act or talk, or dress. An artist is not a puppet. And in this case, Michael ows NOTHING to anybody. Absolutely nothing. And, to point something else out, a different and complicated personality does not shade the artist, on the contrary. Or it might shade the artist if people can't give away the concept of the artist as their own puppet who has to do what they want and has to look, speak and act like they want or he can fuck off if he doesn't. He's not fans' employed to have them telling him what to do and what to not do.

    It's really everyone's problem if they simply can't understand that he's human like all of us and that they simply don't know HIM and never did. Him- as human being and not as their dream puppet that many like to think he is.

    Everytime you find yourself on the same side as the majority, it's time to stop and think again.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I know there's people who think that the artist owes something to his fans- wrong, very wrong. Artists who are making music, movies or ect, just by guiding after their fans' approval are a totally lost case. That is not art. You take it or leave it- there's nothing about to owe. It's about doing your thing and if people like it fine, those who don't they can just simply don't listen and it's ridiculously simple. It's not like I go to a concert, pay the ticket and expect to receive the package that worths my money and if I didn't like the set list or any other thing I can ask for my money refund. We are not judging art in money, either people can ask an artist to make them happy because he owes them this. Sorry, but it's so selfish. Michael is not hired by anyone and he can do whatever he wants and how he wants. Again, you feel unsatisfied, stop listening the music and end of story, but he doesn't need to do anything to please people just because they have the wrong idea he owes them something.
    And he is not a 24/7 doll, to play and entertain people at command. He is a human. Yeah... it's surprising!! but yes, he is a human not a doll. My god
  • it would seem to me that in the beginnig michael may have lived for his fans . that it was something that he got from them that perhaps he did not get in his life and was willing to endure more invasion due to this. it would stand to reason that once those littles ones entered his life (especially after the great cost of the accusations and the trial) that he could simply come to realize that he had to change his ways about things. that these little people needed him and that some people behaviors could put them at risk.jmo
  • Oh yes, it is disgusting, but is the truth, the plain truth and that is how it works.
    At the end is an entertainer who´s personality is not matching with the expectations.
    One can´t be a good artist and an unpolite person if you want to appreciate the person for him or herself. To define a human being we base our perceptions upon their actions and if the actions are arrogant and unpolite, then, the whole aura of "humanazing" the artist takes place, but in a negative manner.

    I would put the words "impolite" and "arrogant" in quotes. I wouldn't say the artist is impolite or arrogant when he doesn't act like a "well trained dog" at the time the fans demand his attention or actions, I would say it's his good right to refuse, for whatever reason.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am sorry but this is not how I see it at all. How can you just go like that? I am sorry if I am straight in your face but that simply is a superficial way of thinking.

    The opposite. It is quite elaborated.

    Don't say that as if it's the truth, only the truth and nothing else but the truth. Things could be very different if you take a look.

    It is how P.R and marketing works in this cases, even if you don´t like it. That´s the way.
    Michael ows NOTHING to anybody. Absolutely nothing. And, to point something else out, a different and complicated personality does not shade the artist, on the contrary.
    I talked about the concept of "artist" about his behaviour towards a very polite fan who approached him with hugh respect and education.
    Michael was not the example.
    It's really everyone's problem if they simply can't understand that he's human like all of us and that they simply don't know HIM and never did.

    You don´t know him either.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    it would seem to me that in the beginnig michael may have lived for his fans . that it was something that he got from them that perhaps he did not get in his life and was willing to endure more invasion due to this. it would stand to reason that once those littles ones entered his life (especially after the great cost of the accusations and the trial) that he could simply come to realize that he had to change his ways about things. that these little people needed him and that some people behaviors could put them at risk.jmo

    Michael said that he wanted to please fans because he was searching for love, and wantig to be the best to be loved.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Oh yes, it is disgusting, but is the truth, the plain truth and that is how it works.
    At the end is an entertainer who´s personality is not matching with the expectations.
    One can´t be a good artist and an unpolite person if you want to appreciate the person for him or herself. To define a human being we base our perceptions upon their actions and if the actions are arrogant and unpolite, then, the whole aura of "humanazing" the artist takes place, but in a negative manner.

    I would put the words "impolite" and "arrogant" in quotes. I wouldn't say the artist is impolite or arrogant when he doesn't act like a "well trained dog" at the time the fans demand his attention or actions, I would say it's his good right to refuse, for whatever reason.

    Correct! to refuse is totally accepted but also to give a negative, one must do it politely <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Gema, you should really speak for yourself. Generalizing doesn't make it true - it's what I call flock sense. So, at least start by saying a kind "in my opinion things work like..." ect. It's not like your opinion is the right one if you force it into people or if you think you're right. Believe me. You think you're right, fine,ok. But this doesn't mean it will work with rules of anybody's ass.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    You don´t know him either.
    I don't. And neither do you. But at least I have the mind open to not look at him as to an object that a lot of fans portray him to be, and I also can look beyond the surface.
    Don't take it personal as my thoughts are regarding everyone who still can get rid of the sweet and naive like image they put on him.
This discussion has been closed.