Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Having re-read all that and adding the filthy press in the mix...just makes me want to say that if Michael chose to fake his death only to escape that situation... I would totally understand.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    Just came across this gem of a video as I was looking for something else...look who it is..SDG.
    The comments under it are the best..
    She is a bloody stalker. She made Mike's life a living hell.
    Bodyguards of MJ had to warn her not to come to close cuz Mike did not like her anymore. He was afraid of her.So indeed i do feel ashamed. Cuz of these moron stalkers.
    She wants above all promote herself. She stalked Michael day after day but she knows nothing about him. She has always benn obsessed by him but she is not a friend of him. In the past she had many problems of nervous breakdows, she is depressive and had a very personal manner to interpret events. She does not see reality as it is. She is living in her special world. She is not trustable
    Samantha De Gosson is a LYING COW. She is full of lies and hate.

    They and her in this vid, where ticks and flea's and they had nothing better to do than to STALK Michael and his kids. And that's my opinion!!!

    Gotta love youtube <3
  • Having re-read all that and adding the filthy press in the mix...just makes me want to say that if Michael chose to fake his death only to escape that situation... I would totally understand.

    Sarahli -- I agree with you! I have also been re-reading the thread and some of the Blog info Gema posted, my head is hurting from total confusion & dis-belief. Did Michael really have to live in such an environment where hardly anybody could be trusted? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    How can things get so bad? It makes his life a thriller of a thriller! and I have no words to express my shock and sympathy...

    -We have those group of lying fans who have been spreading lies all over and divided the fan base
    -KF as a lie-spreading cheer leader
    -Corrupt money men and greedy others
    -Corrupt media

    How can all those evil individuals end up surrounding MJ at once!

    As Anna pointed out, we probably need to brush away what is unreliable gossip to get to the Truth and within the context of the discussion on this thread, it means "de-bunking" the KF/stalkers "stories" to further understand their involvement.

    I do not quite see where re-education comes in with "corrupt" people, there are some people who are passed the re-education stage I beLIEve. Somebody who is persistently publicly lying and trying to take advantage of their position for monetary or EGO boosting gain is in my view passed the re-education stage, they need to be eliminated from one's life ... based on the info I have seen to-date, this is precisely the category in which KF and her stalkers followers would fall into... but I will not advance any further judgement as I do not have the evidences that allow me to do so as yet, I am weary of gossips at the best of time.

    With L.O.V.E
  • this is a video from pearl jr. right?

    thought she believed in the hoax
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    this is a video from pearl jr. right?

    thought she believed in the hoax

    It is indeed!!!
  • this is a video from pearl jr. right?

    thought she believed in the hoax

    It is indeed!!!

    so i wonder if she made that determination before or after this video.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    this is a video from pearl jr. right?

    thought she believed in the hoax

    It is indeed!!!

    so i wonder if she made that determination before or after this video.

    I think now would be a good time to approach her and ask.
  • this is a video from pearl jr. right?

    thought she believed in the hoax

    It is indeed!!!

    so i wonder if she made that determination before or after this video.

    I think now would be a good time to approach her and ask.

    you have my permission <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • [youtube:3ih1x7cn]

    Just came across this gem of a video as I was looking for something else...look who it is..SDG.

    Wait a minute... Here's what she says, starting from 2:35:
    We started gathering letters from all over the world and we tried to stage an intervention on June 24th. Unfortunately we didn't have all the letter yet so we waited until June 25th and we actually went to Staples Center and put those letters in Michael's hands at around 5PM.

    So the day before he passed?

    The day before he passed. We put those in his hands and said: "we have a statement for you Michael", and his security told us: "unfortunately we can't stop right now, we'll do it later, we'll do it later on the phone".

    So he went in and we still waited for him to come out and the last time we saw him was at 1:30 on June 25th, and he gave us a big wave, big smile and that was it.

    Say whaaaat...? Madame de Gosson, MJ was already "dead" on June 25th at 5PM!

    Firthermore, if she was at Staples Center on June 25th at 5PM, like she says in the above video, then she could not have been at UCLA as shown on these pics:




    I think she needs to get her "facts" straight before doing 'interviews'.
    Very good point Mo. She's lying.
    I am not quite sure but I think I was reading that Michael was not at Staples Center on June 24th. Maybe I am wrong.
    Anyway, her story is full of things that don't add up..
    so just imagine, if they stalked him even at Staples Center every day, how could he possibly feel about it?!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    Just came across this gem of a video as I was looking for something else...look who it is..SDG.

    Wait a minute... Here's what she says, starting from 2:35:
    We started gathering letters from all over the world and we tried to stage an intervention on June 24th. Unfortunately we didn't have all the letter yet so we waited until June 25th and we actually went to Staples Center and put those letters in Michael's hands at around 5PM. hahahahaha!

    So the day before he passed?

    The day before he passed. We put those in his hands and said: "we have a statement for you Michael", and his security told us: "unfortunately we can't stop right now, we'll do it later, we'll do it later on the phone".

    So he went in and we still waited for him to come out and the last time we saw him was at 1:30 on June 25th, and he gave us a big wave, big smile and that was it.

    Say whaaaat...? Madame de Gosson, MJ was already "dead" on June 25th at 5PM!

    Firthermore, if she was at Staples Center on June 25th at 5PM, like she says in the above video, then she could not have been at UCLA as shown on these pics:




    I think she needs to get her "facts" straight before doing 'interviews'.

    I concur.She obviously forgot that she'd 'shopped these photos and they existed.MORON.

    I can't cope with her.I take a lot of happiness from showing people what kind of a vile human being she actually is.The lies that come out of her mouth are just outrageous.
    so just imagine, if they stalked him even at Staples Center every day, how could he possibly feel about it?!

    Let's not forget this is the woman who believes she is MJ's secret 'wife'...she was stalking her 'husband'.
    so just imagine, if they stalked him even at Staples Center every day, how could he possibly feel about it?!

    Let's not forget this is the woman who believes she is MJ's secret 'wife'...she was stalking her 'husband'.

    What <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ?! OMG she lost contact with reality... But of course she lost it if she thinks she was giving those letters to Michael on June 25th at 5 pm <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    sorry I shouldn't laugh.... her story is sad...anyway, she should really look into a mirror: she can't be Michael's wife
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well, I hope that no one takes a revenge against me and starts blogging lies about me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    This can´t be happening. Looks sick, really sick, eeewwwwww.

    So, i´ll go on with the "education" project alone getting more info and keeping it away from the thread. It´s getting destroyed <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Gema - We will protect you! I really cannot believe what I am reading in this blog, I never thought that this could happen with so called fans! Did anything like that happened when MJ was "alive"?
    It really feel nasty - I am struggling to believe how nasty it all is!
    I need to read through this blog you posted tomorrow, it is getting too late here in London.

    With L.O.V.E

    So sweet of you xoxo.

    I never engaged in any MJ fan community in my life so don´t know if this kind of situations were common.
    In my experience since last year, I have been harrased by fans (not only me, other members of this forum as well and much worst than me if we compare) and never understood why people would use my screen name in chats or built up lies creating drama, but looks like now i am understanding the picture a bit better. I am in a total shock <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    so just imagine, if they stalked him even at Staples Center every day, how could he possibly feel about it?!

    Let's not forget this is the woman who believes she is MJ's secret 'wife'...she was stalking her 'husband'.

    What <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ?! OMG she lost contact with reality... But of course she lost it if she thinks she was giving those letters to Michael on June 25th at 5 pm <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    HELL YEAH.Honestly,it's documented.I need to find where I read/heard about it but she told the security who rang the police on her stalking activities she was stalking her husband and so it wasn't an offense and there was no need.
    Whatever babe.

    She believes a lot of things.Her head is a whole other dimension of crazy.
    I personally think she needs medication or a swift blow to the head.
    and as Gina just pointed out...possibly a makeover.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Hi Gema,
    I am back from riding the rollercoasters haha
    1st question-yes they are
    2nd this post-Secret societies and spying on people is what these kind of people thrive off.
    They are beyond the understanding of people like me or you because we actually think logically and are sane.
    This is just info I found today,I need to look into it myself...not sure I want to but I'm gonna lol

    Karen can suck on it.

    I have been reading more blogs and info lately and have seen how some of them answers to people in twitter. Unfortunately the hate shown it´s not a good sign.

    I am not sure if this group is "virtually" created to represent the dark side of fanatism or if this group actually exists in flesh and blood and behaves truthfully like that.

    Why all of this is escaping my capacity of reasoning is because I could not believe that a peaceful man as Michael could trigger such a nasty behaviours on certain individuals.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Nice find Gema <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I so like his face when he's kissing her <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I wonder what he's thinking about in that moment. He seems a little embarressed

    I think he is thinking "hi hi hi, another one, hi hi" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Nice find Gema <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I so like his face when he's kissing her <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I wonder what he's thinking about in that moment. He seems a little embarressed

    I think he is thinking "hi hi hi, another one, hi hi" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Oh he has many countings to do then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> In fact he can count "another one" forever <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Just came across this gem of a video as I was looking for something else...look who it is..SDG.
    The comments under it are the best..
    She is a bloody stalker. She made Mike's life a living hell.
    Bodyguards of MJ had to warn her not to come to close cuz Mike did not like her anymore. He was afraid of her.So indeed i do feel ashamed. Cuz of these moron stalkers.
    She wants above all promote herself. She stalked Michael day after day but she knows nothing about him. She has always benn obsessed by him but she is not a friend of him. In the past she had many problems of nervous breakdows, she is depressive and had a very personal manner to interpret events. She does not see reality as it is. She is living in her special world. She is not trustable
    Samantha De Gosson is a LYING COW. She is full of lies and hate.

    They and her in this vid, where ticks and flea's and they had nothing better to do than to STALK Michael and his kids. And that's my opinion!!!

    Gotta love youtube <3

    IDK, I watch that video and perceive her message as that she was caring for Michael and that Michael told her what was going on with the concerts. Like Michael had trust on her.

    I have not seen her following MJ as the other girl did.
    This is very confusing.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Let's not forget this is the woman who believes she is MJ's secret 'wife'...she was stalking her 'husband'. HA.

    Uh?? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> another Billie Jean Jackson?
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    IDK, I watch that video and perceive her message as that she was caring for Michael and that Michael told her what was going on with the concerts. Like Michael had trust on her.
    I have not seen her following MJ as the other girl did.
    This is very confusing.

    They are together in it.There is a group of them and she pretty much leads.
    Look at Mo's post after mine,the whole interview is a lie :/
    She is known GLOBALLY as a pain in his ass.

    I don't think anyone should be swayed easily by a video that features an interview from
    1.A well known liar and stalker and
    2.who thinks on June 25th 2009 at 5pm Michael was still 'alive'.
    Who would get that wrong?really..
    Let's not forget this is the woman who believes she is MJ's secret 'wife'...she was stalking her 'husband'. HA.

    Uh?? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> another Billie Jean Jackson?

    Another deluded and absurd human being who needs meds and a padded room doll.
    Gema you see she lost it.... she says she gave him letters from fans on June 25th at 5PM. Does this sound like coming from a sane person?!

    Doesn't matter what she says, I believe Michael was sick of them. You saw how he told to the other one to back off. It's clear he couldn't stand the stalkers.
    They obvioulsy had a sick obsession for him, following him everywhere like a shadow.
    Re-education needed for all of us. We must analise ourselves and understand what we feel about Michael and what we expect from him and face the reality. He's only one and it's not fair to ask him more than he can possibly give, as much as it hurts us.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Another question. Sam and Johanna Tomae are friends, and Karen also is friends of hers if I remember some twitters talking about it.
    I haven´t heard anything about her regarding MJ´s death (no wonder, i am lost within the gossip world <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> )but she was giving up interviews. What is "real" and what is not?
    It is said that she was on MJ´s side when the last trial took place.
    Also, I would think that MJ would make sure to the world that he had a relationship if he wanted, as he did with LMP or Debbie Rowe.


    What about this video? To me it´s fake. I don´t think that MJ goes dressing with his Billie Jean pants 24/7 <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Are these photoshop as well?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @Sindirella, thanks for the info.
    it´s true, does not make sense if one follows the events line. Looks like the whole group is not honest <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I am almost convinced that some of them would read this forum some time. I hope they find the post and give a good point on their defense. How could they lie this much? For what? The spot light? to show they were better fans and more "loved" by Michael or what?

    It is getting a scary shade <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Looks like they got no limits!
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