Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.

    Hello BlackJack,

    First you should NEVER assume everyone knows about this group or that it is obvious who it is in the video regardless of how long the "hoax" has been going on.

    I see the thread titles with the names of women who are suspected of being our TS here on the forum and I skip those threads...

    I do a quick skim, I see the pictures of them, I get a some what idea that they are being looked at but, I am not sure why because I didn't investigate further at the time.

    I think alot of us don't investigate certain things like these women because that is "not important" to our decisions on this case.

    For others who do investigate these women, that is their interest and that is why I appreciate nosey investigators like that who bring that type of info to the forum because other wise I wouldn't know about them.

    I bring certain info that some people may not want to look into and so do others...
    We all bring something to the table to be looked at based on our skills or interests.

    What I am having a problem with is when you make certain statements like:

    BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick".

    But do NOT provide evidence to back that up, like maybe a video or article of them actually saying this.

    Bring the source for us all to look at and investigate and we can come to a better opinion and not just assumptions.

    You want help?
    You want us to look at these women and use them as an example of what stalking crazy fanatical fans do... ok I get that.

    The cryptic way you have done that though is what I have a problem with also.
    If that is your intent for us to see those women for what they are be specific about it and not beat around the bush.

    When you do that the thread goes in a direction you find convoluted and comeback with snide and what I find to be rude comments to those who are helping you and actually willing to discuss and look at this problem.


    If these "stalker fans" thrive on their moments of fame, why are you choosing to continue to give them the spotlight, fuel their power????? You have to admit that this topic has become very long....and these so-called individuals are probably grateful for the attention. Wouldn't you (or better yet, Michael's cause) be better served if you just laid it all out on the line---spelled it all out--and move on to other issues of importance?????

    Thanks and Peace!

    Do you want to start a thread for discussion?

    Stuff like this sarcastic remark.^^^^^^^ Why not just answer the questions?
    Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!
    I have a question BJ, how did you find out their names, because honestly I only knew the name Samantha. Have you ever been in contact with them? Could Michael know the names of some stalkers? Could he really give such a damn on them as to know their names? How do you know what are their names?

    Oh boy, you think that MJ is so stupid as to not know the names of people who were stalking him. Of coarse he'd know all about people who constantly follow him and his family and the info is out there for all to see if anyone bothers to research it. For example it was known that he did have security call the police on one particular occasion and that SDG told them that she was following her husband............who's wacko now!!

    Again a subtle stab at people's research skills. Bring that info with you next time about the police being called on SDG and her statement. Thanks.

    I have no opinion on the pictures and whether they are real or not.
    Personally if that is what floats their boats then otay.

    I don't totally get the posers who have come out of the wordwork since this "hoax" started...those who claim to be Michael or those who felt like he is their soul mate, etc.

    Part of learning is observing and trying to at least have an understanding that there maybe more going on in their minds (like mental issues or emotional problems) not everyone will be objective or use psycology to analyze these situations so being more patient with the people in this thread would be helpful.

    Reposting.... as I've already addressed why this was brought up, nice that it was made light of by a number of you..... I'm feeling Ganesha Om presence here

    I don't know the ratio of men to women who are participating in this convo but, you should take that into consideration also. Women think different than men do and we discuss things differently.

    At the end of the day what exactly do you want this group of people here on this forum and in this thread to do exactly about this paticular situation?
    Be specific.

  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of course all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!

    so good to know it.
    Maybe now Michael decided to actually give a chance to the other fans just like her <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ?

    Chance to what? I think BJ wanted to point out another thing... I think BJ wanted to say that those fans who act respectfully and don't pull and push Michael from here to there are more noticed than the ones who tear up his clothes, or at least noticed in a good way and also REMEMBERED. Michael care about his fans and it's not about giving them "chance". It's about respect and those who act histerically don't actually know what respect and love are about. It's actually about those type of fans to give him a chance to breath and realise he is a man of flesh and bones and not an object.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    This is how normal and 'with reality' SDG is.



    She made this 2.20min video of herself and the rest of the 'fleas and tics' squad,driving around i'm gonna assume LA (but they get everywhere so can't be 100% on it,looks like LA though)from day to night following a car which they believe has Michael Jackson in??

    and then in the middle of the video the photoshopped pics are put in so it looks like they out..he got out..posed for photos and then they carried on following him until it got DARK!

    give me a baseball bat now.
    @Sindirella, thanks for the info.
    it´s true, does not make sense if one follows the events line. Looks like the whole group is not honest <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    I am almost convinced that some of them would read this forum some time. I hope they find the post and give a good point on their defense. How could they lie this much? For what? The spot light? to show they were better fans and more "loved" by Michael or what?

    It is getting a scary shade <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Looks like they got no limits!

    I hope they do and see how retarded they look to the rest of the world.
    and if so,Samantha...instead of trailing your 'husbands car' do something productive with your one.

    wow....poor man...they need a real life for sure!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    This is how normal and 'with reality' SDG is.



    She made this 2.20min video of herself and the rest of the 'fleas and tics' squad,driving around i'm gonna assume LA (but they get everywhere so can't be 100% on it,looks like LA though)from day to night following a car which they believe has Michael Jackson in??

    and then in the middle of the video the photoshopped pics are put in so it looks like they out..he got out..posed for photos and then they carried on following him until it got DARK!

    give me a baseball bat now.
    @Sindirella, thanks for the info.
    it´s true, does not make sense if one follows the events line. Looks like the whole group is not honest <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    I am almost convinced that some of them would read this forum some time. I hope they find the post and give a good point on their defense. How could they lie this much? For what? The spot light? to show they were better fans and more "loved" by Michael or what?

    It is getting a scary shade <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Looks like they got no limits!

    I hope they do and see how retarded they look to the rest of the world.
    and if so,Samantha...instead of trailing your 'husbands car' do something productive with your one.

    wow....poor man...they need a real life for sure!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    That is an understatement Miriam,a massive understatement.
    who has time to do that?really...
  • Big thank you to SINDERELLA for digging this information up. I'm honestly doubting whether these girls and their parasite behaviour can be re-educated in any way that will benefit MJ. It can only be hoped that others will not go down the same intrusive road. As I understand it, the hoax is about finding clues and researching for ANYONE who is interested. It's not about being spoon fed all of the details. If MJ wanted to do that then I guess he would have without the hoax. Is it such a far stretch of the imagination that he wanted others to find out about things for themselves because he has become such an oddity in the media that they no longer take anything he says seriously!! He is always being labelled strange, delusional, bizarre................look at the Angry Black Man's Speech or the Mottola Speech where the media doesn't even listen to what he's saying anymore because he has become a figure of public ridicule. He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims. He just wasn't being listened to or heard anymore despite having a lot of good things to say.

    also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. [/quote]
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims.

    He already has our full support (well, most of us that is) but the problem is the "more of us". We are left here with a way smaller group we started with and we cannot seem to get attention anywhere. We DO need more, but they don't seem to be interested...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims.

    He already has our full support (well, most of us that is) but the problem is the "more of us". We are left here with a way smaller group we started with and we cannot seem to get attention anywhere. We DO need more, but they don't seem to be interested...

    perhaps he has ways of getting his message out there that are not connected to forums. some already feel they see subtle hints in movies . we don't really know what people he may have on his team. we might even be very surprised.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims.

    He already has our full support (well, most of us that is) but the problem is the "more of us". We are left here with a way smaller group we started with and we cannot seem to get attention anywhere. We DO need more, but they don't seem to be interested...

    perhaps he has ways of getting his message out there that are not connected to forums. some already feel they see subtle hints in movies . we don't really know what people he may have on his team. we might even be very surprised.

    Yeah, but here's the problem: He has been given subtle hints for decades and no one noticed. People need a GIANT wake up call (read: need to be hit on the head with the truth-hammer) and most of them need to be spoonfed before they are even willing to understand it. It's only since a few months that most people on this forum see the bigger picture, and we are online for almost a year.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Big thank you to SINDERELLA for digging this information up. I'm honestly doubting whether these girls and their parasite behaviour can be re-educated in any way that will benefit MJ. It can only be hoped that others will not go down the same intrusive road. As I understand it, the hoax is about finding clues and researching for ANYONE who is interested. It's not about being spoon fed all of the details. If MJ wanted to do that then I guess he would have without the hoax. Is it such a far stretch of the imagination that he wanted others to find out about things for themselves because he has become such an oddity in the media that they no longer take anything he says seriously!! He is always being labelled strange, delusional, bizarre................look at the Angry Black Man's Speech or the Mottola Speech where the media doesn't even listen to what he's saying anymore because he has become a figure of public ridicule. He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims. He just wasn't being listened to or heard anymore despite having a lot of good things to say.

    Aww,thanks.Not a problem,holla when your going into battle BJ,i'm down ;P

    I also agree with your whole comment overall.I think he felt quite disowned by a lot of fans and the world in general-regardless of it being true or just in his imagination,but as he has seen since 2009 that is not the case.He crashed the internet for gods sake,he is an almighty force of nature and so very loved and missed!!
    In regards to him needing people,he has them,they just need more to work with.or so I feel they do...ok I mean me..I do haha.

    Whether his posts have validity or not,BACK was posting clues out way back in 2005..and no one took any notice.It is only now they have become clear and form pieces of a puzzle.Back in 05,i'm pretty sure people just thought some guy was smoking crack and pretending he was the riddler from Batman.I think this goes much further back than people really realise,and with that comes a mountain of information that is impossible to sum up in a few pages and give to people to get them to believe.It's hard to say to someone you know TII...load of BS you know..because they see 'someone' as they know MJ to lool like and take it that it is him..I mean why would they ever think it's not?
    If he has a plan for a short hand version,let me know and I will gladly give it to everyone I know across the world (Y)
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Mike has been giving clues since 1988 and some of them weren't even that subtle. Problem is that there are 3 kinds of people. The ones that didn't pay attention to him at all (me: guilty as charged), the media that hunted him down to get a juicy story, a weird picture or whatever that they could use to distract the people from what he was desperately trying to point out, and the fans simply just adored him and wanted a piece of him. No one saw what he was doing, no one REALLY looked at him and understood his message. Now a few hundred in hoaxland seem to finally get it, but the general public still rather keeps their eyes closed. You can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, but they simply don't want to hear it. The people I have spoken to face to face seem to understand, but they don't feel like looking into it themselves. They rather tell me "good luck Michaeling and call me if anything interesting happens". WTF? Am I a messenger or something? That's the problem, people are either ignorant or lazy as hell. We need something big or we will never reach the masses.

    So, there... As you all can see I am getting pretty frustrated. Mike, I can only imagine YOUR frustration, but I hope you understand we need you or at least SOMETHING to make this thing spread.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Ok L <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> K BlackJack,

    I see once again you skirted on by MY direct questions and response to you.

    As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Once again you found a way to insult people here in this thread with the statement you made. You seem not interested in the fact that every single one of us here on this forum is INTERESTED in researching and finding out what happened or what would be the point in being here at all?

    You seem to over look the fact that some of the members DO NOT speak english or maybe they are young.

    I find it rude and insulting that you continue to ignore my posts, what up with that?

    As I understand it, the hoax is about finding clues and researching for ANYONE who is interested. It's not about being spoon fed all of the details. If MJ wanted to do that then I guess he would have without the hoax. Is it such a far stretch of the imagination that he wanted others to find out about things for themselves

    I see no problem with helping fellow members out with the details to something you wanted investigated.

    What is the issue with bringing EVIDENCE to this thread or providing details?
    That is NOT spoon feeding, that is helping by my standards.

    Once the info is dropped off it is then up to each individual person to decide whether they want to look further into it or not.

    Some of us don't know where to look or to begin.

    I am now seeing something I should of known all along but, I was giving you the benefit of doubt.

    I do have a very highly intuitive spiritual sense and my radar on you is now going way into the red zone.

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.
    What is the issue with bringing EVIDENCE to this thread or providing details?
    That is NOT spoon feeding, that is helping by my standards.

    Once the info is dropped off it is then up to each individual person to decide whether they want to look further into it or not.

    Some of us don't know where to look or to begin.

    I agree with what you just said but, I said it differently.

    I personally DON'T feel pressure or upset if the people don't get it yet or they don't have a Ah ha moment. That is where patience and understanding comes in.

    Everyone learns at a different speed and we all learn differently. Some of us can read long articles on Mind Control or NWO and others need visual like youtube videos.

    It is what repetition or practice is all about...
    Notice how the same articles keep being recycled until people catch on?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And this girl Samantha, is capable of recording all his craziness
    and to publish it in youtube, she and be others really bad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Souza,I mean absolutley no disrespect with what I am about to say so I hope you don't take it that way and just as a general question in relation to what we are talking about here and now.
    I have full respect for the time and effort you put into this forum/website/It is the biggest on the net and you and Mo do a great job.
    What I am going to ask is this;
    Do you think saying things like this;
    Souza~ » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:02 pm
    Good point Jackie. I am not a fan, never was, never will be. I have been kicked in the face for it many times and a lot of people think I have no right to have a website about someone I'm not a fan of.

    Will help you make people pay attention when you then say things like this
    He already has our full support (well, most of us that is) but the problem is the "more of us". We are left here with a way smaller group we started with and we cannot seem to get attention anywhere. We DO need more, but they don't seem to be interested...
    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention

    As I said you do put a massive amount of your time and effort into running this and getting people the information to do with it what they will,you also clearly feel very strongly about getting Mike's message out there and reaching other people but do you not think admitting you aren't even a fan of Michael is helping you get where you want to be?

    In regards to the spoon feeding comment.I am a member of this forum,I bring to it what I find,I in no way need 'spoon feeding'.I can speak for myself and I will agree that people need to be thinking for themselves and this spoon feeding term is what we ALL should be avoiding.

    Open minds and hearts full of L.OV.E are much better.
    And this girl Samantha, is capable of recording all his craziness
    and to publish it in youtube, she and be others really bad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.
    What is the issue with bringing EVIDENCE to this thread or providing details?
    That is NOT spoon feeding, that is helping by my standards.

    Once the info is dropped off it is then up to each individual person to decide whether they want to look further into it or not.

    Some of us don't know where to look or to begin.

    I agree with what you just said but, I said it differently.

    I personally DON'T feel pressure or upset if the people don't get it yet or they don't have a Ah ha moment. That is where patience and understanding comes in.

    Everyone learns at a different speed and we all learn differently. Some of us can read long articles on Mind Control or NWO and others need visual like youtube videos.

    It is what repetition or practice is all about...
    Notice how the same articles keep being recycled until people catch on?

    I think I have proven to be very patient. This has nothing to do with patience, but it has everything to do with self-education. I can throw a ball, but the dog needs to go and get it and decide whether he will bring it back immediately, or play with it for a while. Let's take a dull example. You like reading Ludlum (hypothetically). There is a good reason you like his books and you want to share that with me. I don't like reading at all and I have never heard of Ludlum before. How are you going to convince me to read his books? Not by explaining me exactly what the book is about with a long post. Not by telling the story with a long post, because I told you I don't like to read. You must find something that will trigger my curiousity that much that I might reconsider. Just a short sentence that will make me think "hey, maybe I SHOULD read these books".

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    And this girl Samantha, is capable of recording all his craziness
    and to publish it in youtube, she and be others really bad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Just thinking aloud here. As these followers staked out Mike and his family's whereabouts and movements, I wonder if they leaked info to media paps for money. Also, if some of them were plants to discredit intimidate and push him to retaliation which could then be exploited all over again when caught on camera. And so the cycle repeats. The way they reacted with staged photos of grief and then self promotion after 25th acting like some kind of guru on all things Mike makes you wonder.
  • As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.
    What is the issue with bringing EVIDENCE to this thread or providing details?
    That is NOT spoon feeding, that is helping by my standards.

    Once the info is dropped off it is then up to each individual person to decide whether they want to look further into it or not.

    Some of us don't know where to look or to begin.

    I agree with what you just said but, I said it differently.

    I personally DON'T feel pressure or upset if the people don't get it yet or they don't have a Ah ha moment. That is where patience and understanding comes in.

    Everyone learns at a different speed and we all learn differently. Some of us can read long articles on Mind Control or NWO and others need visual like youtube videos.

    It is what repetition or practice is all about...
    Notice how the same articles keep being recycled until people catch on?

    I think I have proven to be very patient. This has nothing to do with patience, but it has everything to do with self-education. I can throw a ball, but the dog needs to go and get it and decide whether he will bring it back immediately, or play with it for a while. Let's take a dull example. You like reading Ludlum (hypothetically). There is a good reason you like his books and you want to share that with me. I don't like reading at all and I have never heard of Ludlum before. How are you going to convince me to read his books? Not by explaining me exactly what the book is about with a long post. Not by telling the story with a long post, because I told you I don't like to read. You must find something that will trigger my curiousity that much that I might reconsider. Just a short sentence that will make me think "hey, maybe I SHOULD read these books".

    My patience comment wasn't actually directed to you specifically but, in general.

    Self-education is what we hope for in the end with all this time being spent on the "hoax"

    I was simply stating the same thing you just did with the dog analogy, it is up to the people once the information or details is provided for them to do more research or not...

    But, to deprive them of any help in the direction you would like for people to look into without at least giving them some start is what I was suggesting is NOT spoon feeding.

    It is simply providing and helping them with where they should look.

    Just like teachers do or parents do we guide them with examples or evidence or spoon feeding, lol
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Souza,I mean absolutley no disrespect with what I am about to say so I hope you don't take it that way and just as a general question in relation to what we are talking about here and now.
    I have full respect for the time and effort you put into this forum/website/It is the biggest on the net and you and Mo do a great job.
    What I am going to ask is this;
    Do you think saying things like this;
    Souza~ » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:02 pm
    Good point Jackie. I am not a fan, never was, never will be. I have been kicked in the face for it many times and a lot of people think I have no right to have a website about someone I'm not a fan of.

    Will help you make people pay attention when you then say things like this
    He already has our full support (well, most of us that is) but the problem is the "more of us". We are left here with a way smaller group we started with and we cannot seem to get attention anywhere. We DO need more, but they don't seem to be interested...
    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention

    As I said you do put a massive amount of your time and effort into running this and getting people the information to do with it what they will,you also clearly feel very strongly about getting Mike's message out there and reaching other people but do you not think admitting you aren't even a fan of Michael is helping you get where you want to be?

    In regards to the spoon feeding comment.I am a member of this forum,I bring to it what I find,I in no way need 'spoon feeding'.I can speak for myself and I will agree that people need to be thinking for themselves and this spoon feeding term is what we ALL should be avoiding.

    Open minds and hearts full of L.OV.E are much better.
    And this girl Samantha, is capable of recording all his craziness
    and to publish it in youtube, she and be others really bad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    I have never made a secret out of the fact that I am not a fan. I do not see that as a bad thing, because I have said multiple times that not being a fan doesn't mean I don't respect or admire him. I am not going to lie and tell people I'm a fan when I'm not, it's simply not in my nature. When I say I will never will be a fan, is because fan is short for fanatic, and that too is not in my nature. If you would know how many shit I had thrown in my face the past 16 months because of this and the blogs we posted, you would maybe understand where I'm at. Besides that, the non-believers don't listen to the fans either, so I don't think that is the problem. Fact is that there are a lot of people truly not interested in the hoax or the message, no matter how many times you explain or in what way.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    But, to deprive them of any help in the direction you would like for people to look into without at least giving them some start is what I was suggesting is NOT spoon feeding.

    It is simply providing and helping them with where they should look.

    Exactly, throwing the ball...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.

    At my main job, I have a lot of time to research things on the internet and talk to people I work with. (I have a federal government job, go figure <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ). I know people at work think I'm a "conspiracy sister" and that I think Michael is alive but I don't care. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> What I find interesting is people will ask me my opinion about something happening in the news because they know I look at things differently and I know that some have actually taken the time to look further into certain events, people, etc and then are always coming right to me to talk about it. I'm the only civilian in my building (the rest are military) so maybe that has something to do with it, I'm not sure. But if an opinion is presented properly, people DO listen. Sure, some people dismiss me but because I've done research, I know what I'm talking about (for the most part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) and the people I talk to can tell. And I love it when someone asks me what's new in the MJ death hoax!

    But I do get frustrated own mother doesn't want to hear about anything...I love her dearly but she refuses to pull her head out of the sand.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.

    At my main job, I have a lot of time to research things on the internet and talk to people I work with. (I have a federal government job, go figure <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ). I know people at work think I'm a "conspiracy sister" and that I think Michael is alive but I don't care. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> What I find interesting is people will ask me my opinion about something happening in the news because they know I look at things differently and I know that some have actually taken the time to look further into certain events, people, etc and then are always coming right to me to talk about it. I'm the only civilian in my building (the rest are military) so maybe that has something to do with it, I'm not sure. But if an opinion is presented properly, people DO listen. Sure, some people dismiss me but because I've done research, I know what I'm talking about (for the most part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) and the people I talk to can tell. And I love it when someone asks me what's new in the MJ death hoax!

    But I do get frustrated own mother doesn't want to hear about anything...I love her dearly but she refuses to pull her head out of the sand.

    Yes, they do listen, but that's about it. They don't act, they don't go and do a google search themselves. That is what is bothering me. If they ask me I will tell them what is new, but I also tell them to read this or that, or watch certain videos, but here is the problem: they won't...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.

    At my main job, I have a lot of time to research things on the internet and talk to people I work with. (I have a federal government job, go figure <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ). I know people at work think I'm a "conspiracy sister" and that I think Michael is alive but I don't care. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> What I find interesting is people will ask me my opinion about something happening in the news because they know I look at things differently and I know that some have actually taken the time to look further into certain events, people, etc and then are always coming right to me to talk about it. I'm the only civilian in my building (the rest are military) so maybe that has something to do with it, I'm not sure. But if an opinion is presented properly, people DO listen. Sure, some people dismiss me but because I've done research, I know what I'm talking about (for the most part <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) and the people I talk to can tell. And I love it when someone asks me what's new in the MJ death hoax!

    But I do get frustrated own mother doesn't want to hear about anything...I love her dearly but she refuses to pull her head out of the sand.

    Yes, they do listen, but that's about it. They don't act, they don't go and do a google search themselves. That is what is bothering me. If they ask me I will tell them what is new, but I also tell them to read this or that, or watch certain videos, but here is the problem: they won't...

    Very true. I have a DVD called Wake Up Call: New World Order documentary and I've lent it out to some people and the response is usually the same "interesting but a bit far-fetched". But I did manage to convince a few of the army people to not get the H1N1 vaccine...they basically had to get it unless they were opposed to it. So I guess there's always a bit of progress in baby steps...but we're running out of time for baby steps. People need to take a leap!
  • 8-)

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL

    Then why have a forum to present the information? It would be pointless then. Is this forum not for bouncing ideas off one another? Taking an idea (someone else's idea), then researching it further? Not everyone has the time or the background knowledge to know WHAT to research.

    It's rude comments like this that I believe, make people leave this forum. Who wants to read posts from people putting down others and acting all condescending? I sure don't...especially after a long week of work!

    And by the way...I do a LOT of my own research but rarely share it here, because of how people treat each other on this site. It's really sad.......
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