Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • 8-)

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL

    You answered it all for me with that response.

    I didn't only post my opinions in my long posts directly asking you questions.
    Funny how your tongue tied to speak to me with your long winded posts on the topics you started.

    Research this then.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Now what do you think I want you to research if I don't give you some kinda help?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    And by the way...I do a LOT of my own research but rarely share it here, because of how people treat each other on this site. It's really sad.......

    Well that's not helpful. And overall, people treat each other with respect here and there are good conversations going on.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • RKRK Posts: 3,019

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL
    I take this to be directing to oprah?????????
  • 8-)

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL
    I take this to be directing to oprah?????????

    It is a personal thing for me.
  • 8-)

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL

    You answered it all for me with that response.

    I didn't only post my opinions in my long posts directly asking you questions.
    Funny how your tongue tied to speak to me with your long winded posts on the topics you started.

    Research this then.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Now what do you think I want you to research if I don't give you some kinda help?
    No need to correct ...... this is exactly what I meant. Sometimes ideas need clarification as people pick things up differently... thank you. If only the media would set about getting clarification once in a while before printing their nonsense or taking things out of context!!

    There is a quote from you BlackJack on exactly the thing I am asking of you now, Clarification.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL
    I take this to be directing to oprah?????????

    It is a personal thing for me.
    I know I should leave this but I'm thinking of's your reference to the joker and previous posts I've read
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    Wayne? or a kind of bodyguard? who better than a bodyguard to know all this? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Big thank you to SINDERELLA for digging this information up. I'm honestly doubting whether these girls and their parasite behaviour can be re-educated in any way that will benefit MJ. It can only be hoped that others will not go down the same intrusive road. As I understand it, the hoax is about finding clues and researching for ANYONE who is interested. It's not about being spoon fed all of the details. If MJ wanted to do that then I guess he would have without the hoax. Is it such a far stretch of the imagination that he wanted others to find out about things for themselves because he has become such an oddity in the media that they no longer take anything he says seriously!! He is always being labelled strange, delusional, bizarre................look at the Angry Black Man's Speech or the Mottola Speech where the media doesn't even listen to what he's saying anymore because he has become a figure of public ridicule. He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims. He just wasn't being listened to or heard anymore despite having a lot of good things to say.

    also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'.

    I point this out because it's what I am thinking since long. Agree. It really had started to be like an impossible road for him long ago so he needed something at high level to make all those people get out of their bubble and see the real thing. Stop messing up every word he says, stop inventing. They reached the point when they were making articles, one more selfish than the other, and only after having the article done and published they probably bothered (IF!) to listen to what he really has to say. Even like that, they seem to not understand a word, to not give a damn. Of course he needed to show them the truth, somehow that it will be worldwide known and understood, no matter how hard the process would be. And for this he needed to gather people and teach them as to be ready for the final step, when the truth will come to light
  • 8-)

    Prove me wrong Joker...LOL
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> [/b]

    This is your opinion Batman and you're entitled to it............everybody should do their OWN research.....LOL
    I take this to be directing to oprah?????????

    It is a personal thing for me.
    I know I should leave this but I'm thinking of's your reference to the joker and previous posts I've read

    Intriging how you (independantly) came up with that name.

    Based on what you've deducted reading the posts.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    And this girl Samantha, is capable of recording all his craziness
    and to publish it in youtube, she and be others really bad. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Just thinking aloud here. As these followers staked out Mike and his family's whereabouts and movements, I wonder if they leaked info to media paps for money. Also, if some of them were plants to discredit intimidate and push him to retaliation which could then be exploited all over again when caught on camera. And so the cycle repeats. The way they reacted with staged photos of grief and then self promotion after 25th acting like some kind of guru on all things Mike makes you wonder.

    Follow the money and you'll find the intentions.
    Who has a life-time to spend behind a steering wheel stalking does not know how precious time is - or is getting paid for it. My 2 cents.

    NB: I wished this bashing could stop.
    We had that many times before and there is absolutely no gain in it, only hurt.
    Who is throwing provocations out into space should be left alone and be ignored.
    Who feels personally scratched should work it out one on one via PM.
    My other 2 cents. Makes already 4. Gosh... LOL

  • [youtube:1p3a62lg]
  • [youtube:1vrzs0y9]

    Excellent reference....and it's so simple to understand
  • He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims. He just wasn't being listened to or heard anymore despite having a lot of good things to say.

    also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'.

    There are plenty of evidences to show that even some of his fans were acting in the same way as paparazzi (I thought the song Privacy was about paparazzi and Lady D --- but it can indeed be read in the broader context of the current discussion) and hunting him - the 2 minutes video from SDG is particularly shocking.

    Also listening to some of his speeches (There is a sub-section on speeches on this site), it was obvious at time that he was indeed not listened too from the comments and gestures made in the crowd... and it was sad because he really had a good message to give but people saw HIM and were not HEARING is message.

    And I have no doubt that many of us here, have done a lot of good research, watched many videos and come similar conclusions... to change all of this he had to do something very radical and this is what he did by HOAXING his death.

    As far as I can see he tried to communicate directly with his fans/others through MJJSource but for some reasons this did not work and I can understand that maybe as part of this "HOAX" he wants to make sure that things are going to be different on his return, that he is able to have his privacy, that the truth is know about him, that he is able to communicate his message the way he wants without anybody twisting it, that he can have people he trusts around him and have all the lies spreading ones "eliminated" from his life, that his "fans" reflect his values....etc

    BlackJack - Continue on your trail, storming is part and parcel of creating teams, it is also part and parcel of revealing the truth!

    With L.O.V.E
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    What do people think about Re-Education in the way we relate to superstar entertainers being as much a part of this process as the other issues that have been widely discussed. By that I mean: this Sabbatical has presented an opportunity to re-assess and consider the position of fans, supporters, admirers and even detractors. Rather than thinking about his personal reasons, its possible that it's to evaluate the way we relate to superstars, celebs and notables in general (not just the awakening of the global issues that we are facing). I want to relate a story, something from about 9 years ago, you didn't have to be there as it has been televised if you watched it. It was an appearance by MJ and of coarse there was a crowd and television crews present and they were all waiting for him to come out on the street. When he did the hysteria erupted with a few over zealous fans getting to push their way to the front of the barricade of security and sure enough they got the "goods"--- the fleeting photo, kiss, few words. A cameraman panned around and focused on this girl who was hanging back, not near the front of the frenzy and she was crying. A guy turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she should be happy that she got to catch a glimpse of MJ and her reply was that she was doing the Respectful thing by hanging back and not barging her way through like the others, yet the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get. If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of coarse all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!

    by the way this has a familiar tone. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I agree. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'll say it again, for good measure, I agree. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Guess we knew all along.......
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    This has gone completley off topic.

    When did we stop talking about fleas and ticks and start hating on each other?

    End of the day a site that has 4000+members-granted the majority do not post or add anything on a daily basis-has 4000 different opinions.No one of those is right or wrong.It is personal.
    Great if 20 other people are thinking the same as you,makes you feel like you might be on to something and you aren't crazy,and if no one agrees with you then you stand by it and hold your own.
    No one person can present proof of everything they have read or heard.So I think asking someone to prove what they claim constantly has to stop.YES having the original source is more beneficial to everyone involved but sometimes,it is impossible.I read thousands of things in passing and retain parts of it then later on remember and use it because it fits with a topic of conversation,I can't give you the source because...I just can't.It doesn't make me a liar or any less of a believer.Blackjack and I don't know each other previous to this thread,but we have both heard the same about SDG telling people MJ is her husband and she is his secret wife.In all honesty I dont know where or how I heard it,I know a lot of people,i read a lot of articles,see lots of videos and so on...I couldn't tell you,but there you have two totally seperate people,in different parts of the world,who know the same thing.I will validate his claim for you,whoever was asking for it earlier on.

    The point of this thread by BJ was to bring up/bring back for those who had already considered the possibility the notion and awareness that actual FANS may have and probably did play a role in Michael wanting to dissapear.I am NOT saying it is the sole reason,I am not saying it is 100% a reason but it is a factor that needs to be looked at.Being the most famous man in the world is going to bring with it some absolute nut jobs-which in this thread and ones before it has been shown and proven.It would be absurd to believe that Michael Jackson was humble,kind and never lost his temper his whole life because there is just no way..he's too nicer guy.BS!
    He is all of those things and beyond those,he is without a doubt on the level of a saint HOWEVER to have a group of people follow your car from day to night around LA,know your every move,what you eat for breafast,where your going with your children,invading your privacy,and generally being your new shadow-I don't think even Mother Theresa would keep her cool for long.
    It is heartbreaking to think he had them to deal with ONTOP of everything else.How much can one person take...and I am sure he did it with as much grace and politness as he could until he just couldn't anymore.Everyone has a breaking point.99% of people have that breaking point and reach it now and again and have a blow out,Michael had to stop reaching his DAILY.
    Something to be admired since I probably would have tried to kill one of the fleas by now.

    There are other factors,there are a great deal of theories and there are even more conspiracy theories that play a part in Michael's 'production' and need investigating, researching,looking into etc but crazed fans who are at the point of believing he is actually their husband are just as dangerous and just as much of a threat as the supposed drugs administered to him in 2009.
    Both can harm,both can ruin your life and effect your state of mind and both can kill you.
    (and no i'm not saying he is dead there before anyone says anything,I know exactly what side of the fence I am on I am using it as an example and it is also fact)

    Lets break it down into sections and see who some of the players in this are regarding fans and general people in the know.We will judge on who is doing Michael the most good while he isn't here...

    There are the justice groups divided by hatred and competition over who is doing more to preserve MJ's legacy,write more hate mail to whatever target is on the list next,how many court hearings they have attended,banners they made,money they have raised(swinddled from people..but thats another story) and just generally fight and have a monthly run in with the LAPD over throwing dead animals at each others doors and putting personal info up over the net for people to witch hunt that individual.They borderline with the crazies and have some of the same people as the crazy squad.They just cross groups ie Taaj Malik.

    Then we have the crazies,the stalkers,the ones who drive him to the point of madness and have names like flea and tick-which is nothing to be proud of,I personally wouldn't take any pride in being nicknamed after something which is removed by chemicals from animals fur for causing irritation and being like a disease but thats just me.Actions,words,lies,all documented within this thread.Also have the element of fighting amongst themselves about who is the best stalker,who has more pics with him,more contacts,left more of an impression on him.
    This mixed with the likes of Karen Faye and her Ganesha shite,encouraging people to spy on people and report back and whatever else is involved in that society is not a good mix.

    And then you have us.The army he needs.Doing all the work,all the research,listening to whatever message he is trying to get across and generally being his voice.
    I do not want to be part of a something like this to have it ruined by bickering and lack of faith in people.I don't think calling each other out,being overly sarcastic in replies,being rude,obnoxious,and playing tit for tat in comments is helping anyone.It isn't helping me do better research or learn more,it isn't helping the forum or thread it is only filling it up with unrelated things and it isn't helping Michael who needs his army.
    His army,which I am stoked to be part of needs to work together,not against each other.
    We have more proof of his hoax,alive status,etc than anyone else.We really need to start finding a way to harness it and get it out there and help clear the smoke screen the rest of the planet is currently sat behind.

    I am not saying anyone is wrong to question or debate or converse about anything.I'm not giving out at anyone I'm just saying think of it in this way and try to keep the army strong and full of L.OV.E.
    I thank BJ for bringing this up.It is an important area of Michael's life since..forever.

    Ok I'm done.
    (also sorry for any spelling errors i'm trying to get dressed haha)
    I am in this almost from the beginning and I am grateful to each one of you for research and sharing their findings.
    I am grateful to BlackJack for opening a new prospective over the hoax with this thread.
    We are smart people here and yet many of us didn't realise we need re-education.
    It's not only Michael benefiting from our re-education, but we are also benefiting from it too. We have the chance to correct our own wrong behaviour, as I think nobody here is without sin when it comes to reporting themselvs to Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Let's stick to the subject and try to re-educate ourselves by analising our own thoughts and feelings and actions about Michael and trying to put them in order and into the limits of decency.
    Lately I seriously consider he might be reading our posts and God I am so ashamed of some of mine <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    So please everybody calm down for a moment. It was enough for me that I had to leave the official site because I was a believer - I don't want to see believers fighting with each other here.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Sinderella you put it so well, I too have noticed a lot of sarcasm and negativity in the replies of certain individuals and worry that these cracks that have started showing will widen and there will be people here who turn against others. Once the in-fighting starts, we're done. Tolerance and respect no matter what you may think of the other members theories/beliefs etc. None of us are in posession of the full facts so none of us have the right to talk down to others or suggest they need to educate themselves to something that we believe in. Just because we believe it doesn't make it fact. It's OPINION. Until Michael comes forward with the real explanantion(s) no one theory should take prevalance over another. We're not creating this as we go along, he has been working on this for a long time.

    GinaFelicia I agree with you too that there are a LOT of fans out there who need re-educating when it comes to how to behave and how to treat MJ not just with respect and dignity but also compassion. He loves his fans but also was almost a prisoner of them for most of his life. I'm sure if he has read your posts he knows that you have a big heart and have always been here for the right reasons. I think so many people need to think, really sit down and think, what it was like for him all those years, to be so isolated yet surrounded. And largely surrounded by others who had their own interests at heart rather than his. Anything for Money. Maybe then they'll realise that it didn't have to be that way. A little restraint goes a long way.

    BlackJack, I think you're brilliant. I always look forward to reading your posts as the way you so succinctly phrase and illustrate the situation and Michael's position for me provide a sense of clarity and I'm not one to just blindly believe everything someone says just because of who they are, I know that's been a source of concern. It's the diversity and intelligence of EVERYONE here that makes this such a strong army so if we could all just support each other and not put each other down we'll be even stronger. L.O.V.E to you all.
    Thank you trustno1.
    BlackJack, I think you're brilliant.

    I think it too. It has been a pleasure and also a relief to read his posts from the very first one.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Very simple! Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself!
    I would like to know what would happen this girl Samantha is either crazy or accompanying her on the "hunts" might like someone to follow day and night, the wait out of their homes, take photographs of them in intimate moments, the pins and then publish videos and pictures of them on the internet or any other means.
  • Sinderlla wrote:

    SDG telling people MJ is her husband and she is his secret wife.

    We have been told all about this in this hoax which includes the movie and now with Lisa Marie herself in the interview with Oprah. I believe during Lisa's interview she was trying to tell us about the hanger ons, she called them vampires/spiders. Oprah brought this particular point up and I always thought how odd it was that such a reference was made about a fan and marriage, now I know why (my opinion only). Listen at approximately the 7:25 mark to approximately the 10:04 mark.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    For a person or persons to be so out of reality that they give up their jobs and families to 'follow' someone is beyond any reasoning that I can come up with. And I do not feel sorry for these people what-so-ever. They themselves get caught up in the glamour and start to fantasize because the person that they are stalking was nice to them and they took it to mean more - not my problem or the celebrities problem. Michael is not the only one who has this happendd to; it is a wide spread problem for celebrities.

    The re-education perhaps could come in some sort of law that requires all media and fans to stay at a respectful distance and if you don't you get fined, a hefty fine. And if you keep doing it, jail time.

    It is time that all human beings are given the respect that they deserve and this is just one more example of that.

    Love you Michael!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sinderella you put it so well, I too have noticed a lot of sarcasm and negativity in the replies of certain individuals and worry that these cracks that have started showing will widen and there will be people here who turn against others. Once the in-fighting starts, we're done
    Hiya,thanks,I tried to put it so it didn't offend anyone but it needed to be pointed out.
    Exactly.That is why I also pointed out how we are doing so much more good for Michael the way we are when you consider people like Justice groups and the crazies.
    Sinderlla wrote:
    SDG telling people MJ is her husband and she is his secret wife.
    Oprah brought this particular point up and I always thought how odd it was that such a reference was made about a fan and marriage, now I know why.
    For a person or persons to be so out of reality that they give up their jobs and families to 'follow' someone is beyond any reasoning that I can come up with.
    It is time that all human beings are given the respect that they deserve and this is just one more example of that.

    Indeed,that was about Samantha.Her and her group of loons are well known.It's being going on for years and if the TII tour had of been real and gone ahead,i'm pretty sure a lot of them would of relocated to the UK for the duration.
    They are famous for being parasites.That is all.

    It does happen to a lot of celebritites,worse than what we have talked about here.They didn't get to the point where the fantasy was so vivid and real to them they became dangerous and tried to kill him.A few obsessed fans have gone to prison for this exact thing.
    It's the 'if i can't have you no one else can either' syndrome and so to erradicate the rest of the competition,they aim to remove the object of desire-the celebrity and therefore no one else can become the wife/husband they see themselves being.

    They are ill.Anyone who has time to drive around for a whole day/night following a car then go home and 'shop pictures so it appears Michael got out and let them pose with him-AFTER following him an illness.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Looks like those groups have been damaging more than building or helping the fan base and the name of Michael. What a selfish gang <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    kick.gif smiley-poke2.gif<-- 2 them

    I am not a person who gets blinded by gossip and i don´t like when people talks bad about others, that is why i like to check myself both sides of the coin and make my own conclusions, but unfortunatelly, in this case, I am having a hard time to see something positive about the behaviour they displayed or the actions they have been making. In no way their actions benefit Michael or the image for the fan base.

    It is more harming for the MJfam to be a hater than a hoaxer, and this i tried to explain long a go to some "hater-fans". We all are born from a different mother and father, come from different cultures but have one thing in common, our passion for MJ.
    It is very frustrating to see this kind of behaviour and being labeled, once more, for it when many of us (people in this forum i.e) are not behaving in that way.

    Michael was a man of peace, with messages of tolerance and healing the world, messages of love and comfort and care. Many of us are today enviroment friendly or tolerant or loving others because we "follow MJ´s word " (I talk for myself and the lovely people i´ve met on this journey).

    What got missing on the way for people behaving as those groups? IMO, the sense of "posession" and not understanding the meaning of "I love you".

    How could people change their ways?May be letting them know that they are loved? letting them to understad the meaning of it? Letting them to ID when they are going to far?. The combination is infinite.

    I still think that spoon feed is necessary if one wants to reach more people and I also think that a higher range of the "Army" needs to come in and take place, because people will start listening as soon as Michael or his representative (brother/ spokes person) world wide and publically will let them know.

    People will follow and listen to Michael, we can just support him and back him up, but he must lead.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Amen Gema, wise words
  • I think we can all lead. In fact, we may have to so that there's not an individual person, especially Michael, who can be the target. It's always easy to take down a "leader" but not 10,000 leaders.

    i still think that this gang of fanatics are getting paid to do what they're doing. how do they have time to hang out like this every day for months and years? how do they make a living and keep a roof over their heads? something's not right about all this and even mental illness doesn't explain it all. don't you think someone else is behind this group?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    SoldierofLOVE maybe it's true what you say, when I saw the picture of Karen and I found them very suspicious. Karen also has told several lies makeup as "corpse", she also sold the photos to the "tomb of Michael."
This discussion has been closed.