Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    This is a good topic because it points to possible bottom reasons MJ designed this hoax, his years of experience almost feeling like a monkey in a cage at a zoo. He thought it was time the 'monkey' put the people in a cage and started watching them to annalyze their every move. (Maybe Paris WAS calling for her Dad to help when she called 'Monkey' on the internet video <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . Anyway I was just thinking about the reasons that people (fans, mob, whatever) followed him around and were driven to seek every glimpse of him. I know I'm totally fascinated with his persona/everything about him, and find myself just wanting to look/gaze at pics of him like a moth to the flame/can't resist and I don't know why.

    I'm just thinking looking into the heart of these people and I see people who themselves maybe have a hurt/pain/desire for utopia/love/romance/fulfillment. While he went through a painful childhood, at the same time ordinary people like us were going through our childhoods of some fun and good times but also struggles and often abuse. His story of deeply longing for love is one that is echoed everywhere, and I absolutely know it is in mine. Maybe people identify with him in the deepest parts of their souls. Many of us have shared our stories of profound woundedness and how we began to overcome through looking out for helping others just as we've seen MJ do to find his joy.

    I know you guys don't care for religious talk, but please excuse me because I came from that background and it's what I know the best. Michael's life of being followed by crowds of people that invaded his privacy is totally like Jesus'. He had to deal with crowds everywhere he went that he tried to escape by boat, or up on the mountain alone, sometimes so tired that he fell asleep anywhere like in the boat when the huge storm came up and the disciples thought they were going to die. But he had an interesting perspective on the people who clung to him, even to touch the hem of his garment, and I don't think they were all needing a physical healing:
    Matthew 9:35-36 (King James Version)
    And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
    People need and want someone to look up to, sheep that need a shepherd, feeling he can somehow satisfy some missing part in their lives. There's some of that in me--it's as if I'm missing something in my life and find it in Michael--it's a subconscious thing. Sorry if this is off topic, it just came to me as I was reading here.
  • i personally took for granted the remark by lisa about hangers on being in the enterough(sp) which could have been a paralel to her father and the memphis mafia. jmo

    i have to ask anyone who has a problem with the idea that perhaps some of the outragesness of some of the fans was a problem for michael why does it offend you so?

    as for my comment about blackjacks tone being familiar and the response ( i think i saw some of that persons work and i do agree it seems to have some common elements but i am thinking in terms of one altogether different i think).

    now blackjack. do you bring up this subject just on the face value or do you believe that the general mentallity of some of these folks is an unfortunate pattern in the way people behave in society as a whole?
    i don't know if i have expressed this clearly or not.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    Sinderlla wrote:

    SDG telling people MJ is her husband and she is his secret wife.

    We have been told all about this in this hoax which includes the movie and now with Lisa Marie herself in the interview with Oprah. I believe during Lisa's interview she was trying to tell us about the hanger ons, she called them vampires/spiders. Oprah brought this particular point up and I always thought how odd it was that such a reference was made about a fan and marriage, now I know why (my opinion only). Listen at approximately the 7:25 mark to approximately the 10:04 mark.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    For a person or persons to be so out of reality that they give up their jobs and families to 'follow' someone is beyond any reasoning that I can come up with. And I do not feel sorry for these people what-so-ever. They themselves get caught up in the glamour and start to fantasize because the person that they are stalking was nice to them and they took it to mean more - not my problem or the celebrities problem. Michael is not the only one who has this happendd to; it is a wide spread problem for celebrities.

    The re-education perhaps could come in some sort of law that requires all media and fans to stay at a respectful distance and if you don't you get fined, a hefty fine. And if you keep doing it, jail time.

    It is time that all human beings are given the respect that they deserve and this is just one more example of that.

    Love you Michael!

    i agree...well said! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Glad we're all back to being positive!
    I think we can all lead. In fact, we may have to so that there's not an individual person, especially Michael, who can be the target. It's always easy to take down a "leader" but not 10,000 leaders.

    i still think that this gang of fanatics are getting paid to do what they're doing. how do they have time to hang out like this every day for months and years? how do they make a living and keep a roof over their heads? something's not right about all this and even mental illness doesn't explain it all. don't you think someone else is behind this group?

    Yes I was wondering the same: how do they made a living if they had time to stalk Michael day and night?
    It's either they have money without working or somebody else is behind, KF as I understand from this thread.
    "Gema&quot wrote:
    Many of us are today enviroment friendly or tolerant or loving others because we "follow MJ´s word " /

    Indeed. Because of this journey in search for the truth about Michael I came to a point where I can't stand to hear people talking bad about others. I came to a point where I like to see what's good in each one of us. And it really hurts when I see around , at work, on the streets, in everyday life, people being mean to each other, untolerrant and so on.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    ROFL Gema for the emoticons!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I myself don't see anything positive coming from that group...and maybe that the mental issue comes into play.

    MJonmind I loved what you said and it explains a part of the problem I think. People are less spiritual and look for alternatives in order to fill in the 'hole' they have in them. Michael believes in God so I don't think that it's off-topic and the parallel with Jesus is just perfect. Now I am not finding excuses to these persons... I love to point out that people are responsible for what they do. God gave us all (almost all) the same capacities so why is that some go past the red line and that others are capable to behave in the right manner with Michael? They are driven by something but certainly not their 'love' for Michael. When you want to possess someone it's a problem and when you do that as a competition....well I'm running out of words but where is the love? Really.

    Sinderella loved what you said too.

    Well, in all cases we have to investigate for ourselves even what is presented here as being truth with links and quotations. We are the first ones to say that even what is found on the internet is not always the truth. By taking the habit to never accept any information as being the truth and to always verify for ourselves especially if the packaging is attractive we are better prepared and armed to face the darkness outside and be real and strong soldiers. Before I jumped in here it happened that I was too lazy to check the information I was given in many situations, I did not look further that what was being presented to me and accepted it because I trusted the person who brought the info. This hoax really permitted me to get rid of that lazyness and to verify for myself. It doesn't mean that I will be always right, I'm not that smart <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but at least I would have been able to think for myself. This is very important.

    Re-education of the fans... this subject is difficult and not appropriate for the stalkers, this is obviously not more about re-education. Because we are here dissecting their behaviour. We all saw how disturbing it is and we cannot even find the beginning of reason to explain such things, mental issues or part of a conspiracy? How re-education is possible? Is re-education necessary in the first place... I think that Michael may even want to change his status... no more King of Pop... maybe that Michael will not need "fans" anymore... but supporters? If they can't be re-educated what will Michael do when he bams? I wonder how these stalkers will react? Maybe that they will have a 'heart attack'. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Big thank you to SINDERELLA for digging this information up. I'm honestly doubting whether these girls and their parasite behaviour can be re-educated in any way that will benefit MJ. It can only be hoped that others will not go down the same intrusive road. As I understand it, the hoax is about finding clues and researching for ANYONE who is interested. It's not about being spoon fed all of the details. If MJ wanted to do that then I guess he would have without the hoax. Is it such a far stretch of the imagination that he wanted others to find out about things for themselves because he has become such an oddity in the media that they no longer take anything he says seriously!! He is always being labelled strange, delusional, bizarre................look at the Angry Black Man's Speech or the Mottola Speech where the media doesn't even listen to what he's saying anymore because he has become a figure of public ridicule. He cannot beat the SYSTEM alone, he needs us (and more of us) to investigate these things so that there are more people to back him up and give validity to his claims. He just wasn't being listened to or heard anymore despite having a lot of good things to say.

    also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'.

    Big thank you to SINDERELLA from me too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Michael complained of not being taken seriously a long time ago.
    Now that you mention this problem I remember when I saw TII trailer I was kind of hmmmmm, look how they present Michael now, kind of different from the old image...
  • <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I will clarify my actions now by saying what I wrote or expressed had NOTHING to do with hate or bashing anyone.

    In fact I was standing up for the voiceless people who are accused everyday of stuff and automatically deemed guilty with out any EVIDENCE.

    It had nothing to do with any personal feelings getting hurt, lol
    I used those words to try and provoke a answer.

    I am as OBJECTIVE and UNBIASED as they come. I am not emotionally attached here like a fanatical "fan"

    I am emotionally attached to Freedom, Justice, and Equal Rights even for the stalkers, lol

    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.

    Evidence is what we require for so many other things why not for this?

    Sinderella you brought a video of the subjects in question for us to analyze and see for ourselves just what it is BlackJack was trying to point out.
    That is simply all I asked for.

    If these so called words were spoken by the body guards and you read it or heard it, then if there is proof I would like the opportunity to see, hear or read for myself to make a fair judgement.
    Don't misunderstand my words here.

    If the OP wants a specific thing to be addressed and has asked for our help then why is it so hard for him or others to understand that some of us require the EVIDENCE to backup claims before passing judgement?

    I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sinderella loved what you said too.
    Big thank you to SINDERELLA from me too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Michael complained of not being taken seriously a long time ago.
    Now that you mention this problem I remember when I saw TII trailer I was kind of hmmmmm, look how they present Michael now, kind of different from the old image...

    Nawwww you guys
    All for L.O.V.E and the army <3
    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.
    Evidence is what we require for so many other things why not for this?
    Sinderella you brought a video of the subjects in question for us to analyze and see for ourselves just what it is BlackJack was trying to point out.
    That is simply all I asked for.
    If these so called words were spoken by the body guards and you read it or heard it, then if there is proof I would like the opportunity to see, hear or read for myself to make a fair judgement.
    Don't misunderstand my words here.
    I am Michael Jackson, lol
    Do you believe me or do you want proof?

    Im_convinced:I wrote a lot in my post,a lot of truth,opinions,facts,thoughts and wanted to get the thread back on topic and away from going down a negative path.
    I did not direct it soley at you but your comment seems to be directed at me which is unfair.
    I brought up evidence in my post and I do recall I wrote.It was along the lines of 'requiring people to present proof and evidence upon request when not always possible needs to stop.'
    I agree,and I also said I agreed with the source being given is of great benefit to everyone else but is not always possible and someone should not be made to feel like they must be lying or incorrect if they can't give it to you.
    It is your right to ask for evidence but I thought it was unfair to sound so rude towards BJ when he couldn't give it to you...because I heard the same piece of info and I can't give it to you either.If I can..and I remember or find it again I will immidiatley post it on here for everyone to look into like I did with the video and any other links I found.

    I didn't misunderstand you,I was simply making a comment on people asking for evidence in general on the ANY thread on ANY topic.As I said,It was not directed at you.

    As for your MJ statement,i'm sure your joking...nothing wrong with that,I have a great sense of humour... but that was the sarcasm I was refering to in my post and the kind which is causing aggro replies.
  • Many of us are today enviroment friendly or tolerant or loving others because we "follow MJ´s word " /

    Indeed. Because of this journey in search for the truth about Michael I came to a point where I can't stand to hear people talking bad about others. I came to a point where I like to see what's good in each one of us. And it really hurts when I see around , at work, on the streets, in everyday life, people being mean to each other, untolerrant and so on.

    Yes, I agree. I feel the same.
  • As it is over 1 year in this "hoax" investigating and yes some things do need to be spoon fed and explained.

    Here is the thing... I have been spoon feeding people for over a year, but the more I tell them, the less the pay attention. You need to investigate for yourself and have that Aha! moment. They need to think for themselves, that is the whole point. People are already being spoon fed all the BS by the MSM. Mike wants people to find out themselves, so that no one can accuse him of brainwashing his fans later on. It's a process of awareness, of opening your mind and learning to think different. Asking questions is ok, that is what this forum is created for, but you need to research for yourself to form your own opinion and to have it hit you in the face.

    You do make a good point, Souza. While I get frustrated at the cryptic messages, lack of solid evidence by way of links, etc., I do understand that each person needs to form their own opinion and, personally speaking, the information that I've retained the longest and believe to be the most solid in my mind is the information that I took time to research on my own. But I also appreciate help in getting to those pieces of information by way of links, pictures, names, etc. It's like starting someone off in the right direction when they enter a maize.

    My pastor of over 20 years used to frustrate me horribly as a young Christian because whenever I or someone else would go to him for answers he would turn the table and tell us to come back the following week and tell him what we think the answer is based on reading the Bible. I would do my homework and come back prepared to find out if I was right in my research. What I didn't know at the time (in my frustration and competitive spirit) is that he was teaching me to think for myself and to form my own opinions. He wasn't raising a lazy Christian. I sometimes catch myself becoming a little lazy these days...
  • [youtube:9vwbc6ut]

    Excellent reference....and it's so simple to understand

    Yes, it's very easy to understand and MJ always comes across this way to me in his interviews, speeches and music. If we would only listen. Or rather, I think some people are really listening and thought they could silence this powerful man. But no, it shall not be. 2Bad about it for them <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146

    I will clarify my actions now by saying what I wrote or expressed had NOTHING to do with hate or bashing anyone.

    In fact I was standing up for the voiceless people who are accused everyday of stuff and automatically deemed guilty with out any EVIDENCE.

    It had nothing to do with any personal feelings getting hurt, lol
    I used those words to try and provoke a answer.

    I am as OBJECTIVE and UNBIASED as they come. I am not emotionally attached here like a fanatical "fan"

    I am emotionally attached to Freedom, Justice, and Equal Rights even for the stalkers, lol

    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.

    Evidence is what we require for so many other things why not for this?

    Sinderella you brought a video of the subjects in question for us to analyze and see for ourselves just what it is BlackJack was trying to point out.
    That is simply all I asked for.

    If these so called words were spoken by the body guards and you read it or heard it, then if there is proof I would like the opportunity to see, hear or read for myself to make a fair judgement.
    Don't misunderstand my words here.

    If the OP wants a specific thing to be addressed and has asked for our help then why is it so hard for him or others to understand that some of us require the EVIDENCE to backup claims before passing judgement?

    I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    "I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    yeah...i want
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013

    You do make a good point, Souza. While I get frustrated at the cryptic messages, lack of solid evidence by way of links, etc., I do understand that each person needs to form their own opinion and, personally speaking, the information that I've retained the longest and believe to be the most solid in my mind is the information that I took time to research on my own. But I also appreciate help in getting to those pieces of information by way of links, pictures, names, etc. It's like starting someone off in the right direction when they enter a maize.

    My pastor of over 20 years used to frustrate me horribly as a young Christian because whenever I or someone else would go to him for answers he would turn the table and tell us to come back the following week and tell him what we think the answer is based on reading the Bible. I would do my homework and come back prepared to find out if I was right in my research. What I didn't know at the time (in my frustration and competitive spirit) is that he was teaching me to think for myself and to form my own opinions. He wasn't raising a lazy Christian. I sometimes catch myself becoming a little lazy these days...
    I like that little story of yours, VFTS.

    The points about members contributing to threads is something I wanted to comment on: It's true that a number of our members don't speak English, but that's not the only difficulty people may have in researching and posting here. I have been here quite a while, I have researched and I really do think that (for someone who, like Souza said about the three kinds of people, didn't pay attention to him for most of her life) I have a good understanding of the hoax. English is my native language, however- I have not had much of an education at all, and because of that I'm fairly certain that I'm not as intelligent as.. most everybody else here. And, add to that, my Internet access has to be based around a very tight, stressful environment where I am rarely able to just focus without being spoken to or asked to move.. This all makes it difficult to look for different sites and to comprehensively read pages. It may appear like some people are just uninterested and lazy, but in my case it's interested and dumb, LOL.
  • ;)

    I will clarify my actions now by saying what I wrote or expressed had NOTHING to do with hate or bashing anyone.

    In fact I was standing up for the voiceless people who are accused everyday of stuff and automatically deemed guilty with out any EVIDENCE.

    It had nothing to do with any personal feelings getting hurt, lol
    I used those words to try and provoke a answer.

    I am as OBJECTIVE and UNBIASED as they come. I am not emotionally attached here like a fanatical "fan"

    I am emotionally attached to Freedom, Justice, and Equal Rights even for the stalkers, lol

    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.

    Evidence is what we require for so many other things why not for this?

    Sinderella you brought a video of the subjects in question for us to analyze and see for ourselves just what it is BlackJack was trying to point out.
    That is simply all I asked for.

    If these so called words were spoken by the body guards and you read it or heard it, then if there is proof I would like the opportunity to see, hear or read for myself to make a fair judgement.
    Don't misunderstand my words here.

    If the OP wants a specific thing to be addressed and has asked for our help then why is it so hard for him or others to understand that some of us require the EVIDENCE to backup claims before passing judgement?

    I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    "I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    yeah...i want

    That was cute. It would be Impossible for me to prove. I can't moonwalk or sing a note.

    I was being sarcastic. It does make me wonder though about the ones who do seriously say they are him and many are fooled just by the typed word. How does that happen?

    Happy Halloween believers.
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    BTW if you click my links in my sig. you would know I am no where close to being Michael. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146

    I will clarify my actions now by saying what I wrote or expressed had NOTHING to do with hate or bashing anyone.

    In fact I was standing up for the voiceless people who are accused everyday of stuff and automatically deemed guilty with out any EVIDENCE.

    It had nothing to do with any personal feelings getting hurt, lol
    I used those words to try and provoke a answer.

    I am as OBJECTIVE and UNBIASED as they come. I am not emotionally attached here like a fanatical "fan"

    I am emotionally attached to Freedom, Justice, and Equal Rights even for the stalkers, lol

    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.

    Evidence is what we require for so many other things why not for this?

    Sinderella you brought a video of the subjects in question for us to analyze and see for ourselves just what it is BlackJack was trying to point out.
    That is simply all I asked for.

    If these so called words were spoken by the body guards and you read it or heard it, then if there is proof I would like the opportunity to see, hear or read for myself to make a fair judgement.
    Don't misunderstand my words here.

    If the OP wants a specific thing to be addressed and has asked for our help then why is it so hard for him or others to understand that some of us require the EVIDENCE to backup claims before passing judgement?

    I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    "I am Michael Jackson, lol

    Do you believe me or do you want proof?


    yeah...i want

    That was cute. It would be Impossible for me to prove. I can't moonwalk or sing a note.

    I was being sarcastic. It does make me wonder though about the ones who do seriously say they are him and many are fooled just by the typed word. How does that happen?

    Happy Halloween believers.
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    BTW if you click my links in my sig. you would know I am no where close to being Michael. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I know friend but i was answering like yes...we need proofs to know things...because is no easy to believe something with out last for me...there have a lot of inconsistencies but i need to see him for believe 100% he is still between us. Or see real proof for the people talking like they met him or are insiders ect....
    Magic no always works....because magic can be real or illusion...
    Happy halloween to you too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I did ask for EVIDENCE so I could make an informed decision and not just jump on the band wagon of agreeing with BlackJack's opinion as I see it happening in this thread.

    I don't even know how to explain why I instantly believed BJ.
    Maybe because I felt the TRUTH is hidden in the plain sight <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ...
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    Ginafelicia, hi friend <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Ginafelicia, hi friend <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Hi Miriam, so glad to see you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Maybe people identify with him in the deepest parts of their souls. Michael's life of being followed by crowds of people that invaded his privacy is totally like Jesus'. He had to deal with crowds everywhere he went that he tried to escape by boat, or up on the mountain alone, sometimes so tired that he fell asleep anywhere like in the boat when the huge storm came up and the disciples thought they were going to die. But he had an interesting perspective on the people who clung to him, even to touch the hem of his garment, and I don't think they were all needing a physical healing:
    Matthew 9:35-36 (King James Version)
    And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
    People need and want someone to look up to, sheep that need a shepherd, feeling he can somehow satisfy some missing part in their lives. There's some of that in me--it's as if I'm missing something in my life and find it in Michael--it's a subconscious thing. Sorry if this is off topic, it just came to me as I was reading here.

    Why is Michael creating so strong emotions and feelings, how is he able to do it, I don't know. But it is a fact that can't be denied. You can love him or you can hate him, but you can't ignore him. I think it's God's will.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019

    Get your read on.

    I am a fountain of knowledge and links today <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I have been horrified by what I have read here.
    ie....someone from her gang actually pushed Paris to reach Michael
    SDG saying she was one of the only people Michael trusted with his children. This is scarey. The kids are not safe around the likes of these so called fans.
    I know friend but i was answering like yes...we need proofs to know things...because is no easy to believe something with out last for me...there have a lot of inconsistencies but i need to see him for believe 100% he is still between us. Or see real proof for the people talking like they met him or are insiders ect....
    Magic no always works....because magic can be real or illusion...
    Happy halloween to you too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Now I am going to use the religion....
    When Jesus came on earth who believed him? Simple people, the ones with not so much knowledge, culture or whatever. Who asked for proof? The learned ones, the leaders of the church, the "smart" ones.
    I'm not saying to not ask for proof, but when truth hits you like a hammer is the proof really needed?
    Sometimes the proof is "written" into your heart.... or not.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I know friend but i was answering like yes...we need proofs to know things...because is no easy to believe something with out last for me...there have a lot of inconsistencies but i need to see him for believe 100% he is still between us. Or see real proof for the people talking like they met him or are insiders ect....
    Magic no always works....because magic can be real or illusion...
    Happy halloween to you too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Now I am going to use the religion....
    When Jesus came on earth who believed him? Simple people, the ones with not so much knowledge, culture or whatever. Who asked for proof? The learned ones, the leaders of the church, the "smart" ones.
    I'm not saying to not ask for proof, but when truth hits you like a hammer is the proof really needed?
    Sometimes the proof is "written" into your heart.... or not.

    Oh know i am no too smart but after 16 months i need see some more reality to believe 100% something like this...i am speacking about me of course... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Maybe the truth will no hurt us but all the oposite...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The points about members contributing to threads is something I wanted to comment on: It's true that a number of our members don't speak English, but that's not the only difficulty people may have in researching and posting here. I have been here quite a while, I have researched and I really do think that (for someone who, like Souza said about the three kinds of people, didn't pay attention to him for most of her life) I have a good understanding of the hoax. English is my native language, however- I have not had much of an education at all, and because of that I'm fairly certain that I'm not as intelligent as.. most everybody else here. And, add to that, my Internet access has to be based around a very tight, stressful environment where I am rarely able to just focus without being spoken to or asked to move.. This all makes it difficult to look for different sites and to comprehensively read pages. It may appear like some people are just uninterested and lazy, but in my case it's interested and dumb, LOL.

    PT, YOU and your efforts are not going unnoticed. You should not think little of yourself just because life is being difficult for you and keeping pace with this forum is not easy for you. There are many more - yet keeping silent - that are experiencing stones they stumble upon, be it language or family or obligations or technical issues or knowing little about MJ yet.
    You are a very special person.
    L.O.V.E. and a big hug to you for keeping going.
    Miriam please you make me smile <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
This discussion has been closed.