Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Sarahli, I had a similar thought.

    Of course it was marketing and part of the show, but....

    I can't believe MJ wouldn't know that it would result in the exact behavior that this thread is lamenting.


    if you willingly and purposely create it... is complaining about the results really justified? Or even genuine?

    Just saying I am skeptical that MJ really despised the rabid fans to the extent that is being insinuated. After all, he did create the environment that they grew from. I don't believe he is so foolish as to have "accidentally" created a monster that in turn plagued him for decades.

    Perhaps the WHOLE thing is part of the show... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    As said by Grace I think that Michael was more concerned about the stalkers not these kind of fans like in the video... and yes I can assume that Michael enjoys being loves by so many people... but well there are the rabid-rabid fans... and the thing is that they do not show respect. Does respect has to be for free or does respect has to be given in exchange of something else? The fact that Michael kissed some fans for the fun of it or whatever else does not prevent people from being respectful. Why do people want a piece of Michael Jackson and why does it in some cases make them show the worst part of themselves? Why oh why?

    My point bec is that whatever Michael chose to do... that is creating that iconic personnage on purpose or not, people should learn a lesson from it that is imo that respect should be due to someone for free because when you show respect to someone and sometimes it takes that you stay away like that girl BJ talked about... it shows that you really love and care for that person, be it a super star or just a common person. The point is that it all ties back to love and respect and to the fact that these are not just utterances but principals that people should stand by whatever the circumstance is. I'm running out of words again, the idea is clear in my mind but idk if I transcripted it correctly.

    ... but if as you suggest the rabbit hole goes that deep then only Michael will be able to shed some light in all this, I'm already paranoid.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Sarahli, I had a similar thought.

    Of course it was marketing and part of the show, but....

    I can't believe MJ wouldn't know that it would result in the exact behavior that this thread is lamenting.


    if you willingly and purposely create it... is complaining about the results really justified? Or even genuine?

    Just saying I am skeptical that MJ really despised the rabid fans to the extent that is being insinuated. After all, he did create the environment that they grew from. I don't believe he is so foolish as to have "accidentally" created a monster that in turn plagued him for decades.

    Perhaps the WHOLE thing is part of the show... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    As said by Grace I think that Michael was more concerned about the stalkers not these kind of fans like in the video... and yes I can assume that Michael enjoys being loves by so many people... but well there are the rabid-rabid fans... and the thing is that they do not show respect. Does respect has to be for free or does respect has to be given in exchange of something else? The fact that Michael kissed some fans for the fun of it or whatever else does not prevent people from being respectful. Why do people want a piece of Michael Jackson and why does it in some cases make them show the worst part of themselves? Why oh why?

    My point bec is that whatever Michael chose to do... that is creating that iconic personnage on purpose or not, people should learn a lesson from it that is imo that respect should be due to someone for free because when you show respect to someone and sometimes it takes that you stay away like that girl BJ talked about... it shows that you really love and care for that person, be it a super star or just a common person. The point is that it all ties back to love and respect and to the fact that these are not just utterances but principals that people should stand by whatever the circumstance is. I'm running out of words again, the idea is clear in my mind but idk if I transcripted it correctly.

    ... but if as you suggest the rabbit hole goes that deep then only Michael will be able to shed some light in all this, I'm already paranoid.

    Underlined: yes that's true. It's not a green light to act like a lunatic, certainly. No one's actions give you the right to have carte blanche in your own behavior. I do however, believe that MJ knew that by doing this (taking a girl from the audience on stage and kissing her on the lips as part of the show), he would whip the already MJ crazy fans into a frenzy. At least... he shouldn't be surprised. So to me it's purposeful, by design.

    Italicized: fascinating isn't it? I have, in my own head, coined this the "Michael Jackson Phenomenon". Part of why I think there is some merit to the Jesus Christ parallels and the Age of Aquarius/Archangel Michael theory. It's sort of a power he has, an effect he has on people. I can't properly word it, but it seems beyond mere charisma and approach divine energy. Crazy thought maybe. I let myself consider it once in awhile.

    Bolded: I agree a lesson is being taught. I think that's what the song Breaking News and the controversy being planted around it is for. Considering what's going on at MJJC right now, and the recent back prophecies regarding this thread's subject, MJJC's member's treatment of Katherine Jackson and the Jackson family, 11/5, and V for Vendetta day, it could be interpreted as teaching some a lesson.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Aw Gema I feel for you waiting all that time! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I'm sure Michael's "people" probably dealt with all that stuff as I'm sure if he'd known he'd insist you were sent a Thank You note. I doubt they were as humble and appreciative of the fans as he is. I'm also one of those who would have been hanging back out of respect as much as shyness, it wasn't human the way the rabid fans behaved, it must've traumatised him so much especially when he was younger.

    Well, actually looking back, It was funny.
    My cousing always approached me and said "look, this is what the security guards did with your present before they pass it to MJ" and she started jumping on and stepping on and kicking a pillow as it would be the present i sent to MJ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    First of all..I'm sorry about you growing up without a Dad...I know how that feels. I bet if MJ would have actually gotten to read your letter, he may have responded.

    Second of all....just picturing your cousin doing that cracked me up!
  • Sarahli, I had a similar thought.

    Of course it was marketing and part of the show, but....

    I can't believe MJ wouldn't know that it would result in the exact behavior that this thread is lamenting.


    if you willingly and purposely create it... is complaining about the results really justified? Or even genuine?

    Just saying I am skeptical that MJ really despised the rabid fans to the extent that is being insinuated. After all, he did create the environment that they grew from. I don't believe he is so foolish as to have "accidentally" created a monster that in turn plagued him for decades.

    Perhaps the WHOLE thing is part of the show... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    As said by Grace I think that Michael was more concerned about the stalkers not these kind of fans like in the video... and yes I can assume that Michael enjoys being loves by so many people... but well there are the rabid-rabid fans... and the thing is that they do not show respect. Does respect has to be for free or does respect has to be given in exchange of something else? The fact that Michael kissed some fans for the fun of it or whatever else does not prevent people from being respectful. Why do people want a piece of Michael Jackson and why does it in some cases make them show the worst part of themselves? Why oh why?

    My point bec is that whatever Michael chose to do... that is creating that iconic personnage on purpose or not, people should learn a lesson from it that is imo that respect should be due to someone for free because when you show respect to someone and sometimes it takes that you stay away like that girl BJ talked about... it shows that you really love and care for that person, be it a super star or just a common person. The point is that it all ties back to love and respect and to the fact that these are not just utterances but principals that people should stand by whatever the circumstance is. I'm running out of words again, the idea is clear in my mind but idk if I transcripted it correctly.

    ... but if as you suggest the rabbit hole goes that deep then only Michael will be able to shed some light in all this, I'm already paranoid.

    Underlined: yes that's true. It's not a green light to act like a lunatic, certainly. No one's actions give you the right to have carte blanche in your own behavior. I do however, believe that MJ knew that by doing this (taking a girl from the audience on stage and kissing her on the lips as part of the show), he would whip the already MJ crazy fans into a frenzy. At least... he shouldn't be surprised. So to me it's purposeful, by design.

    Italicized: fascinating isn't it? I have, in my own head, coined this the "Michael Jackson Phenomenon". Part of why I think there is some merit to the Jesus Christ parallels and the Age of Aquarius/Archangel Michael theory. It's sort of a power he has, an effect he has on people. I can't properly word it, but it seems beyond mere charisma and approach divine energy. Crazy thought maybe. I let myself consider it once in awhile.

    Bolded: I agree a lesson is being taught. I think that's what the song Breaking News and the controversy being planted around it is for. Considering what's going on at MJJC right now, and the recent back prophecies regarding this thread's subject, MJJC's member's treatment of Katherine Jackson and the Jackson family, 11/5, and V for Vendetta day, it could be interpreted as teaching some a lesson.

    The Fans discussion is an interesting one!

    There is no doubt that MJ like any other artist should be able to express his Art without losing his freedom. Behaviours such as Stalking, Trying to touch, creating false stories...etc have to stop... Absolutely. People need to learn their lesson --- Absolutely.
    But then I see the video above where MJ is kissing this girl and I also remember the German girl he kissed in the Bashir video ... and like you Bec, I see purpose in His act. Whether this was done for image building purposes or there is a more symbolic meaning to it, I am not sure. But in essence, it does not necessary give impressionable fans the right signal... they want to be next!

    I feel that the Breaking News Confusion was intending partly to create Drama to unsettle the fan base and this is not something I was expecting (At least NOT prior to the BACK tirades following the treatment of Katherine Jackson by MJJC members - MJ would have felt strongly about this as He loves His Mother).
    MJ may be doing to His Fans what "V" did to Evey in order to teach them a lesson and set them FREE (from conditioning)...

    At the end, I beLIEve it is all for L.O.V.E, MJ AIR is in full flight. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • Hi Sandra,
    I know what you're saying and I just want to clarify that my first comment on this thread was not meant to be taken solely as just MJ knowing how many fans do the right thing yet do not get 'up close and personal'. I meant that anybody who has seen this phenomenon notices it..... so respectful behaviour does not go unnoticed. Given the vast number of fans, of coarse he cannot personally know the respectful fans any more than the hysterical ones, but it is my view that MJ is fully aware that this happens and appreciates it more than the stampede.
  • <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    Dang this subject can go FOREVER.

    I have a couple of sayings when it comes to people acting foolish:

    No HOME training and Some people's kids.

    I believe it has to start from the home and how parents raise and instill values into children who grow up to adults.

    I also believe that many people look for outward sources to fulfill them hence Michael becomes their focus because that seems to be easier for some instead of looking deep in the mirror at their own reflection.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Dang this subject can go FOREVER.

    I have a couple of sayings when it comes to people acting foolish:

    No HOME training and Some people's kids.

    I believe it has to start from the home and how parents raise and instill values into children who grow up to adults.

    I also believe that many people look for outward sources to fulfill them hence Michael becomes their focus because that seems to be easier for some instead of looking deep in the mirror at their own reflection.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    I agree. I am a teacher and I see the products of good parenting and bad parenting every year.
    Oh God this is a hard subject.

    Dear Sandra, I know what you mean.
    What good is for her after all that Michael noticed her?

    But again - why should she or me or you or anybody else in the fan base expect a special treatement from Michael? Why would we think we are entitled to it?

    Can he notice each one of us? Is this even normal? Again - JMO that we have to understand what he's doing and let's say it - he's incredibly HOT on purpose - is only for the SHOW, I think we all know it very well - yet we want more.......let's be honest and say we want more......... even if we know the show it's all we can have, it's difficult to accept that we can never have what it is shown to us and maybe, just maybe, in reality it isn't even there ................. it's a dream because only the dreams can be much much more exciting than the reality.........

    It's like seing a big incredibly tasty cake and knowing you can never have it...... that's the same with Michael The Man.......

    I wouldn't want to be that girl on stage who doesn't want to leave....I don't want to touch Michael once or get an autograph or a hug and that would be all....... why should I want this? To tell my nephews I huged Michael Jackson? So what?!

    In return I would care for a word of simpathy from him, or for his friendship....this would be the most precious gift .......

    Because I know when he's removing his scene mask he's the most reliable and serious and polite man......... I think I know <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ...... for me he is that Michael in Oprah interview who says "I believe in God, even very much......I think I'm an instrument of Nature........ I believe in my art........."

    Oh God how much more do I still have to explore of this man to discover him <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ?!
  • I would like to shift gears in this topic away from the re-education pertaining to obsessive fan worship, and focus now on the re-education of ourselves with what we have learnt by investigating the hoax, and how we can employ that in our everyday life. The hoax has enabled us to fully see the corruption and conditioning that is utilised throughout the world to try and control the populations' thoughts and actions. As the believers, we are at an advantage as we have already covered a lot of ground and can understand many things that the rest of the 'sleeping' world have not. Of coarse there are scores of people around the globe who are not oblivious to the world's corruption and conditioning, but they are not expecting MJ to be alive, well and ready to teach a lesson! Understandably, this revelation is going to cause a shockwave!! and there will be a mixture of emotions : joy, anger, speechlessness, name it. My opinion for those who will want to label MJ as a faker, egotistical maniac, deceiver, attention seeker, this : it is not his fault if anyone has issues with his 'production'; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions...laying blame on someone else for your own discomfort at what you may feel, is a cop out and says more about that person than it does about MJ. He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not in the same way we allow ourselves to be conditioned by others and outside entities. This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' is for worldwide benefit and only someone such as MJ has the goodness of heart and the POWER to do it. It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    there will be a mixture of emotions : joy, anger, speechlessness, name it. My opinion for those who will want to label MJ as a faker, egotistical maniac, deceiver, attention seeker, this : it is not his fault if anyone has issues with his 'production'; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions...
    This can go together with the fact that there have been reports of fans comitting suicide after June 2009, and some people say "would he fake his death and then feel guilty for all the people that comitted suicide because of that?there are people who died." He is not guilty of anything and each person has his own ration and mind and he is not responsible for any suicide. It is everyone's choice, and he is not guilty of anything.
    This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' scenario....
    I would like to please ask you if you can elaborate more on this?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' is for worldwide benefit and only someone such as MJ has the goodness of heart and the POWER to do it.

    Considering that his "followers" are splitted in to different groups as hoaxers, believers, fans, justice makers and a long etc, plus that a big porcentage of the world does not care at all if MJ is dead or alive, I don´t see where is the worldwide benefit.
    It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience.

    Obviously but I get the impression that the "news" will not be taken gladly <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    Imo, that way of thinking is too elaborated. The general population does not think in psychological terms and they are not awared about subliminal marketing or conditioning or any of the sides experimented/ experienced during this hoax.

    When comes to MJ´s death, people saw a casket and a family criying telling the world they miss their brother, son, father, cousin, uncle and friend, a memorial and a funeral and even a cementery terrace holding MJ´s cript.

    So, in terms of 'thinking for ourselves', as the events have been presented, hoaxers and believers should feel terrible about themselves (ourselves) for not believing a grieving family and not acepting that MJ is dead.

    However, the family did not do a master job...

    "This is it, but this is really not it...this is definately is but is not the final courtain call"


    "Michael was not with us way before he arrived to the airport..."

    And La Toya, Rebbie also had some slips.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I would like so much to know what's in Michael's mind, there's too much that I don't understand, too much confusion. Who is right and who is wrong? We or the non-believers?

    There are so many questions with no answer in my head that I simply can't go on like this, I can't. No one clarifies anything, I don't understand at all some actions or wether we are right or terribly wrong.

    -why does it take so long (17 months) and still we have not seen him in flesh and bones

    -what has to be achieved?believers are aware in the great majority of how the things are supposed to be, but the non-believers don't and never will if Michael doesn't appear in flesh and bones. Why so long? the longest the time passes the less I hope for a good end. It's been 17 months, what had to be understood already was by the believers. I am not demanding anything, I just simply need to uphold myself on something MATERIAL and not only dust in the wind.

    -will we ever be clarified of what happens? EVER?

    -WHERE are we now? will we find ourselves after 2, 3, 10 years still here saying "it's not the time yet, keep the faith"? it's like smoke in the eye, to believe forever something you never get to see...
    I would like to shift gears in this topic away from the re-education pertaining to obsessive fan worship, and focus now on the re-education of ourselves with what we have learnt by investigating the hoax, and how we can employ that in our everyday life.

    All I can say for now is that I trust Michael till the end. I am positive he has the capacity to achieve his goals like no other, so if he set his mind on awakening this planet - I am sure he gave it a lot of thought and made the best plan that can be done.
    There is only one power who could mess with his plans - and this is God.
    But I hope and trust God is on his side.

    I also trust Michael because indeed I felt the change in the way I think and feel. His plan worked, at least with me,
    I'm gonna make a confesion: as strange as it may sound, being by Michael's side makes me feel stronger than I've ever been in my entire life. I know this looks like taking my power from another source than myself, but I prefere to believe Michael helps me to find true things about myself.
    and there will be a mixture of emotions : joy, anger, speechlessness, name it.

    Interesting that you mention this.... you already pictured how it is going to be when MJ comes back.....I think it's a very interesting subject..... Michael must have covered it all.....I hope

    He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not ......... What do you think?

    Yes.... Michael just released the "production" on the market and we made our OWN choises and reactions about it.

    Once again it's proved that we ARE what we THINK....too bad most of the time we let others to tell us what to think.....

    BlackJack, your "lectures" are more and more interesting every day.......
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    and there will be a mixture of emotions : joy, anger, speechlessness, name it.

    Interesting that you mention this.... you already pictured how it is going to be when MJ comes back.....I think it's a very interesting subject..... Michael must have covered it all.....I hope

    He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not ......... What do you think?

    Yes.... Michael just released the "production" on the market and we made our OWN choises and reactions about it.

    Once again it's proved that we ARE what we THINK....too bad most of the time we let others to tell us what to think.....

    BlackJack, your "lectures" are more and more interesting every day.......

    I'd develop to myself more on that. Everyone's view on this is most certainly different. It doesn't mean it will be like this. Although that it might be. But question yourself too before accepting an opinion as fit for yourself. Many things can be different. There might be many more feelings besides what BJ said. NO ONE knows how it is going to be. Either Michael himself. It is important to have our own opinions, and not having other's opinions or being influenced by them. It is not personally what I state here, it is generally because it concerns me to see what is happening around me nowadays. It is important to not let ourselves fall into a certain thing and forget to question ourselves everyday as to have our own opinion out of everything that surrounds us.......... No matter who that other is

    I think this would be a big step against mindcontrol and this is valid also for believers as for the non-believers.
    My fault.... I should have said BJ gave a general picture of the emotions of the come back..... but I'm sure he has much more in mind on this subject <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    In fact he said "a mixture of emotions" and invited us to name the rest.....
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    BlackJack wrote:
    I would like to shift gears in this topic away from the re-education pertaining to obsessive fan worship, and focus now on the re-education of ourselves with what we have learnt by investigating the hoax, and how we can employ that in our everyday life.

    To never accept any information as being the truth until I verify it for myself and no matter who is the source of information.
    BlackJack wrote:
    it is not his fault if anyone has issues with his 'production'; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions...laying blame on someone else for your own discomfort at what you may feel, is a cop out and says more about that person than it does about MJ. He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not in the same way we allow ourselves to be conditioned by others and outside entities.

    I think exactly the same.
    BlackJack wrote:
    This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' is for worldwide benefit and only someone such as MJ has the goodness of heart and the POWER to do it. It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    I don't think it is cruel and what is happening in the world is really nothing compared to that. People who will blame Michael even in the size of an atom better be outraged and disgusted, better have resentement and anger towards those who deserve it. Maybe because I am now aware that it is a hoax that is why I think that way but I also cried my heart out when I learned that Michael "died"... but I absolutely would never blame him for that on the contrary when I began to understand what it was all about I just felt happy and extremely thankful. For the non fans or people who did not follow Michael they at least know who he is. Who does not know who is Michael Jackson? Not many people I presume. So yes this is worldwide just because of who Michael Jackson is. And yes again only him has the power to do it (God's help included <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ).

    The level of conditioning is just too big to handle so it is necessary that people are driven emotionally or by 'deceit' so that they actually take heed. Maybe that some tools are borrowed from the enemy but it is for a very good cause and this is the intention that makes an action to be good or bad.

    I have said it already I am aware of the possibility that I am myself being in some ways deceived in this hoax, I am really not the smartest one in terms of finding clues and all that.. but it is to learn a lesson and I am thankful for that because it's the best way to learn for once and for all.

    The only fear that I have is that this high level of conditionning outside can in some ways make the masses sympathize with their tyrants. Maybe not the majority but some of them I'm sure about it. Some people are just too comfortable with some 'truths' and won't change their minds even if you present them evidences proving the contrary... but in itself it is also revealing.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    -WHERE are we now? will we find ourselves after 2, 3, 10 years still here saying "it's not the time yet, keep the faith"? it's like smoke in the eye, to believe forever something you never get to see...

    That you can only answer. It will take the time that you allow.
  • I would like to shift gears in this topic away from the re-education pertaining to obsessive fan worship, and focus now on the re-education of ourselves with what we have learnt by investigating the hoax, and how we can employ that in our everyday life. The hoax has enabled us to fully see the corruption and conditioning that is utilised throughout the world to try and control the populations' thoughts and actions. As the believers, we are at an advantage as we have already covered a lot of ground and can understand many things that the rest of the 'sleeping' world have not. Of coarse there are scores of people around the globe who are not oblivious to the world's corruption and conditioning, but they are not expecting MJ to be alive, well and ready to teach a lesson! Understandably, this revelation is going to cause a shockwave!! and there will be a mixture of emotions : joy, anger, speechlessness, name it. My opinion for those who will want to label MJ as a faker, egotistical maniac, deceiver, attention seeker, this : it is not his fault if anyone has issues with his 'production'; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions...laying blame on someone else for your own discomfort at what you may feel, is a cop out and says more about that person than it does about MJ. He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not in the same way we allow ourselves to be conditioned by others and outside entities. This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' is for worldwide benefit and only someone such as MJ has the goodness of heart and the POWER to do it. It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    I think you're right BJ. We are responsible for our actions as well as for our reactions to other's actions. And how people will react will be their choice. After the news sinks in and nerves calm, and they learn the reasons behind it, I hope and think that most will wake up to the reality of the world we live in and what it's come too. Luckily, there are many awakening movements done at the moment, some from MJ and his fans but others from ordinary people just trying to wake up the world and shift the direction in which we are going. So I think there's a very good chance that his comeback and what it brings will be a good wake up call. And what I love most about this is that it's like a cold shower which I think the world needs now. It's true that all changes must be done in time, step by step, to be successful, which is why I think for the believers it's been easier to accept and grow...but for the others who are in a deep sleep only a hard "slap on the face" has any chance left to wake them up; which is what a comeback ( with an explanation ) would do.

    As for the rest who will refuse to wake...they will follow's like the monkey experiment...

    I think this will be the outcome of MJ's hoax:

  • BlackJack wrote:
    I would like to shift gears in this topic away from the re-education pertaining to obsessive fan worship, and focus now on the re-education of ourselves with what we have learnt by investigating the hoax, and how we can employ that in our everyday life.

    To never accept any information as being the truth until I verify it for myself and no matter who is the source of information.
    BlackJack wrote:
    it is not his fault if anyone has issues with his 'production'; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions...laying blame on someone else for your own discomfort at what you may feel, is a cop out and says more about that person than it does about MJ. He didn't force anyone to beLIEve anything....we allow ourselves to beLIEve it or not in the same way we allow ourselves to be conditioned by others and outside entities.

    I think exactly the same.
    BlackJack wrote:
    This awakening is a type of 'cruel to be kind' is for worldwide benefit and only someone such as MJ has the goodness of heart and the POWER to do it. It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    I don't think it is cruel and what is happening in the world is really nothing compared to that. People who will blame Michael even in the size of an atom better be outraged and disgusted, better have resentement and anger towards those who deserve it. Maybe because I am now aware that it is a hoax that is why I think that way but I also cried my heart out when I learned that Michael "died"... but I absolutely would never blame him for that on the contrary when I began to understand what it was all about I just felt happy and extremely thankful. For the non fans or people who did not follow Michael they at least know who he is. Who does not know who is Michael Jackson? Not many people I presume. So yes this is worldwide just because of who Michael Jackson is. And yes again only him has the power to do it (God's help included <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ).

    The level of conditioning is just too big to handle so it is necessary that people are driven emotionally or by 'deceit' so that they actually take heed. Maybe that some tools are borrowed from the enemy but it is for a very good cause and this is the intention that makes an action to be good or bad.

    I have said it already I am aware of the possibility that I am myself being in some ways deceived in this hoax, I am really not the smartest one in terms of finding clues and all that.. but it is to learn a lesson and I am thankful for that because it's the best way to learn for once and for all.

    The only fear that I have is that this high level of conditionning outside can in some ways make the masses sympathize with their tyrants. Maybe not the majority but some of them I'm sure about it. Some people are just too comfortable with some 'truths' and won't change their minds even if you present them evidences proving the contrary... but in itself it is also revealing.

    @ Sarahli ---> You are making some good points. Regarding your point (Red above) on being "Hoaxed", I can say that in my times of doubts this also has crossed my mind and I am NOT a self doubting person, very far from this! In those times, I always look back at Back as the ultimate "earthy" evidence that Michael is alive and planned it and I admire his audacity! Dare Devil MJ indeed! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> xx

    The Hoax awakening follows the 'V' and Evy scenario ('cruel to be kind') and it can be expected that emotions will run High when people eventually wake-up... See Evy reactions in the film! And there will be all sorts of reactions as BJ pointed out!
    If MJ does not want to risk TPTB benefiting from the awakening of the public (The current non-beLIEvers), He needs to have a way to explain his actions on his return ... 'V' had to to this with 'Evy'
    The BeLIEvers would have already gone through re-education and could be supporting MJ on his come back.

    The questions that come to mind are what does "re-education" for BeLIEvers mean and How can WE (BeLIEvers) help MJ with his BAM
    I beLIEve that we generally all have a better understanding of the role of the media in spreading lies for the benefits of TPTB... It is called 'corruption and conditioning'. We all have more confidence in assessing information and drawing our own conclusions. We are in other words better equipped to stand-up to "fight" for Freedom and "Think for ourselves".
    In addition to the above, we have gathered new knowledge about MJ himself, NWO, illuminati, 2012, "God", Love, Faith....etc

    However have enough of us learnt enough to be useful to MJ on HIS "return"??? And are beLIEvers prepared to turn their re-education into actions if/when they are called upon?

    With L.O.V.E
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111

    Imo, that way of thinking is too elaborated. The general population does not think in psychological terms and they are not awared about subliminal marketing or conditioning or any of the sides experimented/ experienced during this hoax.

    Gema, I think you may be doing the general population a disservice here. You are right that they are unaware, but then so was I (and maybe many others here) until several years ago, when independantly of MJ, I began to wake up and see the world for how it really is. (As an aside, I'd say that the fact I'd begun to wake up was the reason for me being receptive to the hoax in the first place) This whole thing is bigger than MJ and his hoax, he's just the catalyst who, if I'm reading things correctly, is hoping to wake up those who are still living in fear and ignorance. We are no better or different from the rest of the popluation - we are just ahead of the game.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Good points too RunningGirl. I don't know what re-education of, us, the believers in that hoax, exactly means and we certainly have each one of us followed a different path within that hoax meaning that we were more interested in some aspects than others. I don't know how the Army of Love that has been gathered will be used after the BAM so it's difficult to answer. Maybe that we're finally 'only' a kind of means to get the temperature?
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I also trust Michael because indeed I felt the change in the way I think and feel. His plan worked, at least with me,
    I'm gonna make a confesion: as strange as it may sound, being by Michael's side makes me feel stronger than I've ever been in my entire life. I know this looks like taking my power from another source than myself, but I prefere to believe Michael helps me to find true things about myself.

    I recognise this strength in myself as well Gina, and yes, it does sound strange that a man we've never met can have helped us 'find ourselves' - strange, but true! xxx
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    Sadly, sadly, a vast majority has voluntarily shifted responsibility for their lives to someone else - and is happy to have done this and is happy to continue this.

    I talked about it before:
    putting the blame on somebody else is the easy way of running away from a full, grown-up life.
    Some feel so comfortable of having given away their responsibility and may blame everything in their life to somebody else that they don't even want to imagine what it would look like if they took the steering wheel in their own hands again. Some are so comfortable with their regulated world that everything embracing more freedom (and be it more freedom of thought only - opening one's mind) is just so scary.

    Freedom requires faith and courage to walk on unknown land.
    Not everyone is capable or willing. Sadly.
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