Re - Education : will things be any different!



    V for Vendetta is so incredible...
    I see us as Evey....... That line of her "You tortured me?!?!?? You cut my hair...??!?!??!?!?" - I can never forget this line, every time I think of it I feel the same strong emotion as the first time I saw the movie......
    "You did this to me..?!?!?!? .....I hate you!!"

    But I love you more <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    You know I am sorry for those who miss this experience <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    They don't know what they lose.....
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    But at the same time this is full stress and sometimes deep sadness when you are all confused and cant think clear, or when you after hearing him almost all your life cant recognize his voice in some of his new songs...SAD.
    Sometimes i hear this and its him....and sometimes no, is like this songs have no the big Michael's power in them, you hear this voice and the he he's and oh ohhh's sound diferent too sometimes...maybe they just mix too much or try to over produce this, the family statements...
    If I need think by myself I need to say I am very confused with "keep my head up" and BN, by the way...why the family will lie about this? this is money for the state and this mean for Michael I think they are talking truth or they will no risk all this money coming from the album...

    Randy twitter
    "Some of the songs are him, and some aren't. I would be [sic] my life on that ... I know this may seem harsh, but this is the truth, as I know it...
    "But what's worse then harsh is that my brother isn't here, and ll these people are more concerned about making money off his death...They could care less about why and how he died, or maybe they already know."

    This statements broke my heart...Or they are fake for real ( the songs) and Michael is going to reveal the "dirty in music business".

    Michael, where are you? I need you!!

    You know I am sorry for those who miss this experience <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    They don't know what they lose.....
    Oh Miriam I wish I could do more to bring you some comfort..... Please don't be sad.....
    he has to be somewhere, maybe closer than we know
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I hope so my friend....i believe he is somewhere...<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Love to you friend <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Michael love you more <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Oh Miriam I wish I could do more to bring you some comfort..... Please don't be sad.....
    he has to be somewhere, maybe closer than we know
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    Sadly, sadly, a vast majority has voluntarily shifted responsibility for their lives to someone else - and is happy to have done this and is happy to continue this.

    I talked about it before:
    putting the blame on somebody else is the easy way of running away from a full, grown-up life.
    Some feel so comfortable of having given away their responsibility and may blame everything in their life to somebody else that they don't even want to imagine what it would look like if they took the steering wheel in their own hands again. Some are so comfortable with their regulated world that everything embracing more freedom (and be it more freedom of thought only - opening one's mind) is just so scary.

    Freedom requires faith and courage to walk on unknown land.
    Not everyone is capable or willing. Sadly.

    Well said you two!

    It is sad to sit back and watch so many tortured souls, still searching for Michael to answer all of their prayers, still depending on Michael, in order to be truly happy with their own lives...lost in this fantasy world, always "searching", but never "finding." It must be hard on them and I hope more find the "truth within" soon.

    I have been walking a different path. A path that was led from my heart and "LOVE." It has been quite a journey.
    I guess being one of those girls who would have been "hanging back" in the crowd, really paid off for me, as I have taken my own personal journey throughout this hoax and it has been eye opening and "enlightening." I no longer fear the future, and what is to come. I embrace it. I have "true love" in my marriage and in my life, and I have all of this, because I created it to be this way. I believed it and now I live it...I made a "conscious" effort to just "let go" all of the "garbage" and I forgave myself for mistakes i had made during my life and then I moved on...I made a change!

    Thank you Michael for helping me to open my eyes to what was right there in front of me.

    I also learned to "trust" Michael 100% with the hoax part of this journey, You can't waiver from one side to the other, you need to pick a side and Believe in it! Trust in Michael and what he BELIEVES in, NEVER WAIVER!!!. There are many "life lessons" to learn on this journey, which is wonderful! Michael really is "gifted." L.O.V.E really is the answer and "patience" is Key!
    Sending you all Blessings, Love and Light!

    Leave the "Darkness" and follow the "Light" and you will find the answers you are searching for!
  • Sometimes i am so confused, i don't know who to believe.Is really hard to trust everything that his family or someone close to him is sharing with us.Warm hug for you Miriam, take care please .
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I agree...hugs to you too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Sometimes i am so confused, i don't know who to believe.Is really hard to trust everything that his family or someone close to him is sharing with us.Warm hug for you Miriam, take care please .
    Just thinking.... I don't know if that twitter account of Teddy Riley is not a fake (I don't believe it's fake but untill it's verified we can't be sure) but yet you saw he doesn't like Karen Faye ?! "I don't like her...Pls don't mention her to me. Truly don't!!!"
    Why he doesn't like her ?!
    Links to the earlier discussions on this thread, don't you think?
  • It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    Sadly, sadly, a vast majority has voluntarily shifted responsibility for their lives to someone else - and is happy to have done this and is happy to continue this.

    I talked about it before:
    putting the blame on somebody else is the easy way of running away from a full, grown-up life.
    Some feel so comfortable of having given away their responsibility and may blame everything in their life to somebody else that they don't even want to imagine what it would look like if they took the steering wheel in their own hands again. Some are so comfortable with their regulated world that everything embracing more freedom (and be it more freedom of thought only - opening one's mind) is just so scary.

    Freedom requires faith and courage to walk on unknown land.
    Not everyone is capable or willing. Sadly.

    Well said you two!

    It is sad to sit back and watch so many tortured souls, still searching for Michael to answer all of their prayers, still depending on Michael, in order to be truly happy with their own lives...lost in this fantasy world, always "searching", but never "finding." It must be hard on them and I hope more find the "truth within" soon.

    I have been walking a different path. A path that was led from my heart and "LOVE." It has been quite a journey.
    I guess being one of those girls who would have been "hanging back" in the crowd, really paid off for me, as I have taken my own personal journey throughout this hoax and it has been eye opening and "enlightening." I no longer fear the future, and what is to come. I embrace it. I have "true love" in my marriage and in my life, and I have all of this, because I created it to be this way. I believed it and now I live it...I made a "conscious" effort to just "let go" all of the "garbage" and I forgave myself for mistakes i had made during my life and then I moved on...I made a change!

    Thank you Michael for helping me to open my eyes to what was right there in front of me.

    I also learned to "trust" Michael 100% with the hoax part of this journey, You can't waiver from one side to the other, you need to pick a side and Believe in it! Trust in Michael and what he BELIEVES in, NEVER WAIVER!!!. There are many "life lessons" to learn on this journey, which is wonderful! Michael really is "gifted." L.O.V.E really is the answer and "patience" is Key!
    Sending you all Blessings, Love and Light!

    Leave the "Darkness" and follow the "Light" and you will find the answers you are searching for!

    I love your comments mjj4ever777, I agree that we must each be true to our real selves in order to enjoy a fulfilling life. It is nobody else's responsibility to provide that for IS what you make it. Taking ownership of our own life gives us both freedom and power.
    free therapy here ... that's great
    you really care about people don't you BJ ...

    You remind me of what Michael Bearden said that MJ said:
    "we must help the others to discover their gifts"

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Guys I think I prefere to stay here in these threads than in the drama-queen ones. After what happened lately, I just know that I am not here to see drama between anyone and after what happened lately I have many things more clear in my head now.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well....please, click on the link <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Has Randy one eye blue?

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    How far do people go - really this is beyond my horizon. This lady - how can she waste so much time of her precious life that she obviously does not understand in that meaning?
    What a tiny "strawgratter" (an expression for real baby chickens, sorry but this is the only image popping up in my tired mind screen for the time being...)
    Was she paid for stalking? Oh God let it rain wisdom instead of water sometimes.

    (No, Gema, I don't think Randy has one blue eye. It is a technical aspect of reflection of light IMO.)
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I don't understand it either...I simply don't understand why the hell do they STILL let these women get close to them, take photos, etc. They are stalkers, obsessed people. It's not me who calls them like that, their own actions show that. Why do they still allow them and smile in photos with them? can't they just say "back off"?

    I wonder what's BJ's opinion. We were discussing about them recently.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I thought it was a photoshop and that was why Randy´s eye was blue <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Randy, Karen and Sam are poiting fingers at the same direction. Could it be that they all are in the same team?
    I lost the track again.

    @Sidirella may be can lighten us up?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Well....please, click on the link <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Has Randy one eye blue?

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Looks like a photoshop for me.... there's something strange where the heads meet...imo.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I really can say it's not a photoshop. But I simply don't believe Randy could team with some obsessed stalkers
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    On one side we got "Team Randy" fighting for MJ and on the other we got the rest of the Jackson family.
  • Of coarse it's 'shopped....just like the rest of SDG's vast portfolio of 'work'. Who's next on her list.....if it is MJ's kids I think my head will explode!!!!!!!
  • i wonder if some of this could be about legal issues related to this kind of stuff?
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    It will however rest with the individual how they reconcile this experience. IF they are open-minded, the benefits are enormous and will eventually lead to positive outcomes if we take a look inside our own psyche and 'think for ourselves'. What do you think?

    Sadly, sadly, a vast majority has voluntarily shifted responsibility for their lives to someone else - and is happy to have done this and is happy to continue this.

    I talked about it before:
    putting the blame on somebody else is the easy way of running away from a full, grown-up life.
    Some feel so comfortable of having given away their responsibility and may blame everything in their life to somebody else that they don't even want to imagine what it would look like if they took the steering wheel in their own hands again. Some are so comfortable with their regulated world that everything embracing more freedom (and be it more freedom of thought only - opening one's mind) is just so scary.

    Freedom requires faith and courage to walk on unknown land.
    Not everyone is capable or willing. Sadly.

    Well said you two!

    It is sad to sit back and watch so many tortured souls, still searching for Michael to answer all of their prayers, still depending on Michael, in order to be truly happy with their own lives...lost in this fantasy world, always "searching", but never "finding." It must be hard on them and I hope more find the "truth within" soon.

    I have been walking a different path. A path that was led from my heart and "LOVE." It has been quite a journey.
    I guess being one of those girls who would have been "hanging back" in the crowd, really paid off for me, as I have taken my own personal journey throughout this hoax and it has been eye opening and "enlightening." I no longer fear the future, and what is to come. I embrace it. I have "true love" in my marriage and in my life, and I have all of this, because I created it to be this way. I believed it and now I live it...I made a "conscious" effort to just "let go" all of the "garbage" and I forgave myself for mistakes i had made during my life and then I moved on...I made a change!

    Thank you Michael for helping me to open my eyes to what was right there in front of me.

    I also learned to "trust" Michael 100% with the hoax part of this journey, You can't waiver from one side to the other, you need to pick a side and Believe in it! Trust in Michael and what he BELIEVES in, NEVER WAIVER!!!. There are many "life lessons" to learn on this journey, which is wonderful! Michael really is "gifted." L.O.V.E really is the answer and "patience" is Key!
    Sending you all Blessings, Love and Light!

    Leave the "Darkness" and follow the "Light" and you will find the answers you are searching for!

    I love your comments mjj4ever777, I agree that we must each be true to our real selves in order to enjoy a fulfilling life. It is nobody else's responsibility to provide that for IS what you make it. Taking ownership of our own life gives us both freedom and power.

    @Blackjack: Bless you for taking the time to read my post, seems it was lost on everyone else...I'll keep trying though!
    Sending you Love and Light always!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Been missing in action for a while on here but hey ho I'M BACK <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Someone mention SFDG and photoshop?
    Thought so.

    ER No Randy doesn't have one blue eye.
    Yes she is a very well known stalker-I feel bad for her,she believes she is famous for good reasons....ignorance is bliss obviously.
    Lets ASSUME this picture is real...She never @randyjackson'd it did she?Why not?
    She only @ herself and Karen faye,strange if they are such good friends and he is down with hanging out with Michael's 'secret but not really 'cause she is deluded wife'
    Why wouldn't she tag it to give it some authenticity and stop this kind of discussion over it.What I would have done...think most people would.He'd be the first tag..not KF.
    Does Randy know about this picture <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Maybe someone should tweet and ask him.

    Samantha,babe.....5 words for you- shine control and crazy pills.
    Use both.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I have a trained eye in photoshop and I can assure you it is not photoshopped
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    There are some areas in the pic that do look like being "reworked" though.
This discussion has been closed.