Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Obsessive fan worship creates so many problems, that you would think by now people would have been able to see that you will actually 'get more' from someone when there is orderly control. Unjustified hysteria itself screams "lack of self control" and I say unjustified because "you don't know this person" that you are professing to be in love with or whatever. It is the image that you love that is projected to you, which can be real or in some cases, unreal. Admire the talent, ability and art but in a dignified way. Hysteria is at best very flattering and no doubt feeds the ego to an extent, but people who show that they are clearly not in control of their emotions are thought to be irrational and best kept at arms length. In the days of the J5 he would be carried through the crowds by Bill Bray because the fans would even pull his hair out. Many times in more recent HIStory he has been hurt in the pandemonium that has occurred or pushed up against a wall. It's not worth coming out when this is what happens, much better to stay hidden. Many celebs have said that they have better interactions with people who are not avid fans because they're not caught up in the whole hype. How many times has MJ said that he just wants to talk to people on a normal level but people don't treat him as a normal person. THIS is important.

    This is a very interesting concept and given the many layers of this hoax, it may very well be an integral part of MJ's 're-educate' not only 'fans' but everyone. Nor would it be MJ's first attempt at trying to shed 'light' on society's incredibly slanted perspective on priorities. Yes, the media has some blame in this but it is we that feed the beast. The constant bombardment of celebrities' lives on TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. etc...would be short-lived (and non-lucrative) if people weren't so willing to watch it, read it, or buy it. The 'media' simply reflects back what society, as a whole, regards as 'value'....this is more than evident in the billion-dollar celebrity 'news' industry. Our interest gives the 'media' something to talk about, and in talking about it, people's interest is further raised, leading to more 'media''s a constant cycle. And in doing so, WE create 'idols' out of ordinary human beings, the media then acts as the packaging of that image. This is not only disturbing but, considering what 'fans' have done to MJ over the years, potentially dangerous (physically, emotionally and mentally).

    Of course, it is human nature to want to talk to and/or be close to people whom we admire...that would be true of celebrities but also of friends, colleagues, or family. Yet when it comes to people who are not celebrities, a different 'protocol' seems to take shape. If someone were to admire a colleague's work, for example, and they took it upon themselves to camp out in front of their house, 'we' would discern that that is stalking and wrong. If the same person were to wait for that colleague outside their building and then rush at them and rip out their hair, 'we' would say that their behavior is criminal. I would guess that most people would find this scenerio to be dangerous and that this person should seek professional help. Now imagine that you are that colleague...based on this behavior, would you surmise that this person 'loved' you or your work? While you could be humbled by their admiration or even appreciate their 'love', would you not be scared to even leave your house? Yet, somewhere along the line, 'we' decided that this was 'normal' behavior when it comes to celebrities. The dignity and class that people hold themselves up to in their day-to-day lives seems to crumble at the mere sight of a celebrity....and they somehow think that this impresses the 'object' of their admiration.

    So, yes, I completely agree that a 're-education' is needed....not only in how we treat 'celebrity' but also in the fuel we give to the media engine driving this fascination. But, as with all the other layers and meanings of this hoax, it is unfortunate that Michael (once again) needs to be the one to do the 're-educating'...we keep 'putting it off' on him.

    With L.O.V.E. always.
    Obsessive fan worship creates so many problems, that you would think by now people would have been able to see that you will actually 'get more' from someone when there is orderly control. Unjustified hysteria itself screams "lack of self control" and I say unjustified because "you don't know this person" that you are professing to be in love with or whatever. It is the image that you love that is projected to you, which can be real or in some cases, unreal. Admire the talent, ability and art but in a dignified way. Hysteria is at best very flattering and no doubt feeds the ego to an extent, but people who show that they are clearly not in control of their emotions are thought to be irrational and best kept at arms length. In the days of the J5 he would be carried through the crowds by Bill Bray because the fans would even pull his hair out. Many times in more recent HIStory he has been hurt in the pandemonium that has occurred or pushed up against a wall. It's not worth coming out when this is what happens, much better to stay hidden. Many celebs have said that they have better interactions with people who are not avid fans because they're not caught up in the whole hype. How many times has MJ said that he just wants to talk to people on a normal level but people don't treat him as a normal person. THIS is important.

    very interesting....well now I feel guilty because sometimes I am not in control of my emotions. Sorry Michael....that "hysteria" is the "Michael effect" I think <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I totaly agree and I'm well aware that it's the image we are in love with...
    But being aware of it does not change the emotions though
    So I LOVE YOU Michael, forever and ever and ever <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    What do people think about Re-Education in the way we relate to superstar entertainers being as much a part of this process as the other issues that have been widely discussed. By that I mean: this Sabbatical has presented an opportunity to re-assess and consider the position of fans, supporters, admirers and even detractors. Rather than thinking about his personal reasons, its possible that it's to evaluate the way we relate to superstars, celebs and notables in general (not just the awakening of the global issues that we are facing). I want to relate a story, something from about 9 years ago, you didn't have to be there as it has been televised if you watched it. It was an appearance by MJ and of coarse there was a crowd and television crews present and they were all waiting for him to come out on the street. When he did the hysteria erupted with a few over zealous fans getting to push their way to the front of the barricade of security and sure enough they got the "goods"--- the fleeting photo, kiss, few words. A cameraman panned around and focused on this girl who was hanging back, not near the front of the frenzy and she was crying. A guy turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she should be happy that she got to catch a glimpse of MJ and her reply was that she was doing the Respectful thing by hanging back and not barging her way through like the others, yet the Respectful fans never get the opportunities that the hysterical fans get. If that particular woman is on this forum, (and of coarse all the other fans just like her), let me say that IT didn't go unnoticed!!

    BJ you know how much I like your posts <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    If you don't know, let me tell you I LIKE YOUR POSTS, from the very one on this forum <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thank you for the lessons.
    If I would ever had the opportunity to be near Michael I know I would not dear to "suffocate" him.... especially because I would be fainting first <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> just kidding....I think I am the "hysterical" tipe, but the one that only speaks to let the emotions out...
    This little story about that girl really brought me some tears. I hope she will get her chance to be near Michael sometime, if he is still alive.
    Well, your post also really made me think about myself.
    I was kind of aware of how Michael feels about the hysterical fans but now I really don't want to be like them.
    you want to say it didn't go unnoticed by Michael I suppose...or am I wrong ?! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I'd be questioning how hardcore the fans are if they're so ready to beLIEve in his demise with all of the holes/conflicting stories/abundance of clues that suggest otherwise. It mustn't take much for them to move on. I would think the hardcore fans know everything he wanted them to know especially the love of illusion, showmanship, magic, and mystery so at the very least their minds should be open to the possibility. Who else could pull something like this off, it's like the idea was made for him and it's not as if he hasn't mentioned disappearing!

    Totally agree with you...
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    If im thinking about fans in general ...i need to divide them in 2 big groups...the ones in love with his image, his music and his dance, and the other group who looks more inside...looking what he did around the world for our children and triying to make the wold a better place....yes, i dont know him personaly but i can say he have a very beautiful soul for do what he i think you can see other souls and hearts with out knowing them....
    Hysterical fans can be very dangerous...
    When there were news about Michael and i saw his children with veils i was like...oh boy, this man is afraid of something...i dont care about the veils...they were very young and can take this like a game in the first littlel girls love disguises...
    But the way the fans and media acosed them was very sad...very sad...
    I dreamed too with hug him...but in a very diferent dream to see him walking and ask for a hug...something fortuite....but never ever provoquing a bad time for him...
    I love Michael from i was young and silence...from the other side... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Everything in excess harms, we must be able to recognize a star (in this case Michael), which first of all, is a human being more errors.

    -Feel admiration for someone or something is not bad, bad is when idealize it.

    artists many might have horror fans as they pass the limit of the admiration to the obsession.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    paula i agree with you in your last sentence...this was very sad see he cant go to a simple walk with his children...he lived in a glass of water all the time for almost all his even allow to go to do simple things with out disguises...
    Now his chidrens grow up, its normal they want a normal life, go everywhere and enjoy life like a normal young girl or boy...this moment has to come...for the sake of him and his children...
    This is what more make me doubth about the comeback thing...he for first time in his life is feeling free, like his children...and i dont know but i only want them to be happy and free so maybe is better for all of them if Michael decide to no comeback...
    I will live the rest of my live guessing, praying and wishing them happy and healthy, but this is not about me...but about him...and he deserve whatever he want after all he needed to endure all his life.
    Michael love you each day even more...<3
  • BlackJack I can relate to that girl, i am a quiet person that doesn't care much to be in the center of attention, I'm shy so i would never scream , or run to anyone for something, no matter what that something will be.Sometimes i don't like myself like this, but this is how i am.
    paula i agree with you in your last sentence...this was very sad see he cant go to a simple walk with his children...he lived in a glass of water all the time for almost all his even allow to go to do simple things with out disguises...
    Now his chidrens grow up, its normal they want a normal life, go everywhere and enjoy life like a normal young girl or boy...this moment has to come...for the sake of him and his children...
    This is what more make me doubth about the comeback thing...he for first time in his life is feeling free, like his children...and i dont know but i only want them to be happy and free so maybe is better for all of them if Michael decide to no comeback...
    I will live the rest of my live guessing, praying and wishing them happy and healthy, but this is not about me...but about him...and he deserve whatever he want after all he needed to endure all his life.
    Michael love you each day even more...<3

    Miriam please - he can't walk around wearing disguises all his life - I know he enjoys it but imagine how it is to disguise yourself every single day .... he has to comeback, but not only for this....the whole hoax has no reason without a comeback... if he doesn't comeback we might start believing he's dead <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    I feel from your posts that you are still doubting that he is alive!!!!
    What I can recommend is reading all TS's posts again and try also to read the Index and everything about the hoax. Only then you can figure out for yourself wheather he is still a live or not. So take your time and read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    I feel from your posts that you are still doubting that he is alive!!!!
    What I can recommend is reading all TS's posts again and try also to read the Index and everything about the hoax. Only then you can figure out for yourself wheather he is still a live or not. So take your time and read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    I'm reading for a year now.
    But I still have bad days when I think he's gone <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Still .... I believe he might be alive. I think I believe he is alive. Call me Thomas the unfaithful ... I'll believe 100% when he will be back.... I hope he will.
  • But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!
    How strange....I'm reading your answer and on the radio just started playing "You are not alone"... I truly hope we are not alone in our "madness".

    I understand there are much more proofs Michael is alive vs. Michael is dead. I have been reading all TS' posts .....I see his logic and I agree with it...

    I guess when I see members of his family acting like he is dead I am a little scared...
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    How strange....I'm reading your answer and on the radio just started playing "You are not alone"... I truly hope we are not alone in our "madness".

    I understand there are much more proofs Michael is alive vs. Michael is dead. I have been reading all TS' posts .....I see his logic and I agree with it...

    I guess when I see members of his family acting like he is dead I am a little scared...
    Don't believe what you see. This is what MJ is trying to teach us. The media is lying to us every day. We have to learn not to believe it. So think..... would you act like his family is acting now if you loose one of your brothers?? They are acting as if nothing has happened. Especially his father!!!!! He doesn't looke like a man who has lost his son!!!!
    That was the very first thing I noticed and that made me wonder. So i decided to search for the truth. And I finally learned not to believe what the Media is showing is!!!!!!
    Yes you are so right about his father. From the very beginning he acteed like nothing happened.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    And that only means one thing!????????

    Michael is alive!!!!!!

    You finally got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And that only means one thing!????????

    Michael is alive!!!!!!

    You finally got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got it for the time being <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> don't know about tomorrow... I have to remember it tomorrow as well
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    paula i agree with you in your last sentence...this was very sad see he cant go to a simple walk with his children...he lived in a glass of water all the time for almost all his even allow to go to do simple things with out disguises...
    Now his chidrens grow up, its normal they want a normal life, go everywhere and enjoy life like a normal young girl or boy...this moment has to come...for the sake of him and his children...
    This is what more make me doubth about the comeback thing...he for first time in his life is feeling free, like his children...and i dont know but i only want them to be happy and free so maybe is better for all of them if Michael decide to no comeback...
    I will live the rest of my live guessing, praying and wishing them happy and healthy, but this is not about me...but about him...and he deserve whatever he want after all he needed to endure all his life.
    Michael love you each day even more...<3

    Miriam please - he can't walk around wearing disguises all his life - I know he enjoys it but imagine how it is to disguise yourself every single day .... he has to comeback, but not only for this....the whole hoax has no reason without a comeback... if he doesn't comeback we might start believing he's dead <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    oh gina...when i talked about disguises i was talking about past...for all this years ago...i dont know know i am like you...this come time to time...but im almost all the time positive, and yes there have more things for think is alive...too many... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!

    " I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE."
    I like this sentence. All i want is Michael happy.
    Hi Miriam. Wanna go to re-education with me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
    I know how you are my friend.
    I was thinking about disguise.... what freedom is that when you can't let people see your face and have to wear disguise all the time?

    So if Michael stays "dead" until he will die for real - what kind of freedom is that?! He would have less freedom than in the past <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    yeah Gina probably you are right...
    we will see what happen...
    keep watchin' <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    You know I keep watchin' .... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    But this re-education thing I think it's really important. So if I wanted to go back to school - this is my chance <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!

    " I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE."
    I like this sentence. All i want is Michael happy.
    I love that sentence, and i know he is alive <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I just feel it, and soon i want to see him....BAM's day is approaching, very soon !
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