Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I guess that for the rest of the population who think that MJ is dead Murray´s testimony did not help either. He said that he administered drugs to Michael, drugs that should not have killed him.
    We also got La Toya saying that MJ was murdered by order and that Murray is just a foul guy. Add to the list Joe, Katherine, Randy and Jermaine.

    Media is involved in the confusion, but so is his family.
  • Point is that Murray has already been found guilty by the majority of the public, without there being even a dead MJ. Trial by media, just like what happened to Mike. If Murray walks free the fans will go crazy and they will keep calling him a murderer, yet the poor guy didn't kill anyone. Mike was acquitted 5 years ago and people still call him a pedophile and I am 1000% sure he NEVER harmed a child. People will believe anything the media feeds them, that's the whole problem. I first thought we might not even make it to the Murray trial, but now it seems inevitable and important for the hoax and the point Mike wants to make. But of course the judge will have to decide first IF there will be a trial on January 4. Let's wait that out first.

    I'm not sure about Murray being guilty in the general public's mind - I rather think they see MJ as an addict who just got what he asked for. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

    With that I mean the MJ fans (big part of the public) and the 'haters' might not care at all and some may even see Murray as a hero. With MJ it was the other way around: Fans believed in his innocence, the rest condemned him. In other words: showing the fans that they didn't learn from MJ's trial because they do the same to Murray now like the non-fans did to MJ 5 years ago (and still to this day).

    I agree with you Souza. I have heard so many people saying bad things about Murray, and it seems so unfair because nobody knows what really happened. Also, to this day I get made fun of (more rarely now, as I have learned to stick up for myself and MJ so most don't dare...) for liking MJ because he's a "pedophile". I'm always just like, "really? did you really just say that?" And then I go on my rant <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> But seriously...what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Everything is so ass-backwards. I do think SOME believe Mike was just a drug addict and brought it on himself (well, he did <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> just not in the way most think) But most just call Murray a murderer. It's very interesting because many of those people are MJ fans, the same ones that were outraged for people condemning Michael. Very ironic. I think this hoax is mostly for the fans... it's for the whole world, don't get me wrong...but I believe MJ fans (who believe he's dead) are going to learn the biggest lesson of all in all this. Even if those MJ fans are the only ones who learn something, that will be a huge impact on the world as he has a bazillion of them.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I think you guys make very spot on statements regarding the public's view of Murray vs how Michael was treated. I have always thought that one of things that hurt Michael so badly was that many, "fans" turned tail and ran when those accusations came about. I know many people who cold-turkey stopped listening to his music because of it. Because of all the crazy headlines like the oxygen chamber, the Elephant Man bones etc. the public was primed and ready to accept anything the media would throw out there. Yes, Michael created some stories...big was eye-catching, over-the-top stuff. Anyone with half a brain should have see through those. Problem is, the public generally doesn't have half.....maybe only a quarter brain on a good day! I wonder how the public would perceive Murray if there had been crazy stories about him right before June 25. Would they be more inclined think accident or more inclined think murder? I think many of the so-called fans who thought Michael was guilty, are the same group who see Murray as automatically guilty. Not because of their resounding stupid-ness. But rather, out of their own guilt. After June 25 there was a wave of love for Michael. It was beautiful to see. However, a bit late! Celebrities came forward and gushed over him again. The media built him up to the King of Pop again and did retrospects that were for the most part positive. People who thought he was guilty, all of a sudden had a new light to follow.....the truth. The truth that he was not a pedophile, not weird, not a wilted flower. The media said it was OK once again to be a Michael fan, look at all his wonderful work! The general public had a guilt on their hearts for years, Murray is their scapegoat. By insisting Murray is guilty in some way, they are standing up for Michael and relieving their guilt. The problem is that this is such a well-planned hoax, even hardcore fans are jumping on that boat. Murray should have his day in court, let the truth prevail. However, unless something huge happens, I bet Murray will go down in history as the doc who "accidentally murdered" The King of Pop.....even if he is found 100% not guilty. Just like Michael was acquitted of all charges, people still think of him as a "P" (I can't even write it!) Haters keep that belief alive. Unfortunately, those haters have children who they have impressed that upon. TS was very correct when he said enemies succeeded in killing Michael's reputation and image. What they didn't realize, is that Michael is like a mythical Hydra. When his reputation and image was cut off, he grew new ones that were even more powerful and strong. His reputation as a superb musician was more than restored with This Is It. His image was restored with the outpouring of love upon his "death". It's still a work in process. However, I believe history will prove that June 25th wasn't the end, it was the beginning.

    This is a very interesting thread that always leads to some great discussions. I don't know if the public will be brave enough to believe in their own hearts. The truth may prevail, yet they still won't get it. I hope that in twenty years, when I am talking about The Great Michael Jackson Hoax, I can say the pubic learned a valuable lesson. I am just not holding my breath on that one!

    The coffee pot is calling........
    Many Blessings Always!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Point is that Murray has already been found guilty by the majority of the public, without there being even a dead MJ.

    I'm not sure about Murray being guilty in the general public's mind - I rather think they see MJ as an addict who just got what he asked for. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

    With that I mean the MJ fans (big part of the public) and the 'haters' might not care at all and some may even see Murray as a hero. With MJ it was the other way around: Fans believed in his innocence, the rest condemned him. In other words: showing the fans that they didn't learn from MJ's trial because they do the same to Murray now like the non-fans did to MJ 5 years ago (and still to this day).

    Oh yes, Souza, If you're talking about MJ's 'fans' then yes, most of them do believe Murray is guilty. I've tried encouraging caution on a couple of sites, but am always presented with the (false, short-sighted) evidence that supports their (false, short-sighted) ideas!
    ...but I believe MJ fans (who believe he's dead) are going to learn the biggest lesson of all in all this.

    I so agree with you on this jaci. I really can't begin to imagine how they are going to react.
  • I think BlackJack may be referring to the trial of CM. It may get a little crazy as the so called "truth" is told in that court room. I'm sure many will jump ship and stop beLIEving, but we have to keep the faith and remember why we are here.
    The trial is looming. We will suffer losses here.

    We have to remember, this HAS to happen. Murray HAS to go through this to prove MJs point. The last 17 months has been building up to this.

    Just remember, the further this goes with Murray, the greater the impact will be in the end.

    I don't think those that 'jump ship' and leave this forum necessarily stop believing that MJ is alive.

    I agree about Murray's trial though - he is the key to everything, I've always felt it. The Court of Last Resort!

    It will be a roller-coaster of emotions for many right till the "end"... Happy one minute, Sad the next!
    When I go to see a movie or go to the theatre or the opera, I "rate" the performance based on my level of engagement with the action... Did I feel anything? Did it actually trigger any emotions or thoughts?

    To an extend, I see the current events (The "Hoax") as one big multi-layered show, where we all get to "experience and feel" something disregarding where we seat on the "Dead to Alive" scale. Our journeys through the show are probably different and unique to each of us; the journey is the time when we are truly being entertained and educated... when we get to the BAM, we may have reached the destination... The show is over... Reality kicks in once again...!

    "Somebody shakes when the wind blows
    Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
    Somebody's lacking a hero
    And they have not a clue
    When it's all gonna end


    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I must admit that I had a strong bias in favor of Michael when these allegations fell and I'm sure that I'm not the only one. I mean that I knew from the start that it was false, I knew it in my heart it was a very strong gut feeling, a truth even, I did not tell to myself let's wait and see what comes out from the verdict... And if Michael had been put in jail? It could have been a possibility, innocent people have been found "guilty" by a court of "law", even sentenced to death, the verdict was guilty but they were innocent. What would have people say then? What would have been the fans reactions?
    My point is that no matter what is the verdict, no matter what they report, the truth is twisted according to their agenda and it's up to us to found out what is true and what is wrong. The rabbit hole really goes deep. That's why here we have many hoaxes embedded (hoax within a hoax within a hoax...) each one teaching its lesson imo... even if we are in the re-education thread (grin) but well it's linked.
  • gboetegboete Posts: 12
    Point is that Murray has already been found guilty by the majority of the public, without there being even a dead MJ. Trial by media, just like what happened to Mike. If Murray walks free the fans will go crazy and they will keep calling him a murderer, yet the poor guy didn't kill anyone. Mike was acquitted 5 years ago and people still call him a pedophile and I am 1000% sure he NEVER harmed a child. People will believe anything the media feeds them, that's the whole problem. I first thought we might not even make it to the Murray trial, but now it seems inevitable and important for the hoax and the point Mike wants to make. But of course the judge will have to decide first IF there will be a trial on January 4. Let's wait that out first.

    I'm not sure about Murray being guilty in the general public's mind - I rather think they see MJ as an addict who just got what he asked for. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

    With that I mean the MJ fans (big part of the public) and the 'haters' might not care at all and some may even see Murray as a hero. With MJ it was the other way around: Fans believed in his innocence, the rest condemned him. In other words: showing the fans that they didn't learn from MJ's trial because they do the same to Murray now like the non-fans did to MJ 5 years ago (and still to this day).

    I agree with you Souza. I have heard so many people saying bad things about Murray, and it seems so unfair because nobody knows what really happened. Also, to this day I get made fun of (more rarely now, as I have learned to stick up for myself and MJ so most don't dare...) for liking MJ because he's a "pedophile". I'm always just like, "really? did you really just say that?" And then I go on my rant <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> But seriously...what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Everything is so ass-backwards. I do think SOME believe Mike was just a drug addict and brought it on himself (well, he did <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> just not in the way most think) But most just call Murray a murderer. It's very interesting because many of those people are MJ fans, the same ones that were outraged for people condemning Michael. Very ironic. I think this hoax is mostly for the fans... it's for the whole world, don't get me wrong...but I believe MJ fans (who believe he's dead) are going to learn the biggest lesson of all in all this. Even if those MJ fans are the only ones who learn something, that will be a huge impact on the world as he has a bazillion of them.

    What if the whole story is to prove that Michael really was innocent. We know this but many people do not see that. I think that the whole purpose is, that Michael shows himself before or during the trial, and that Dr. Murrey is free, or that Dr. Murrey really is convicted for at least killing (intentional or by accident) Michael. When then the BAM comes, a lot of people will have to look in the mirror. All those who are now screeming he is a murderer, all the journalists who will be on the wrong foot again, all those who still think Michael was a "p" because the media reported so, and now the journalists report the guilt of Dr. Murrey, while they will descover that Michael is still alive. This will really show the "p" people and "haters" how wrong they were to believe the media.
    Could it be possible that the justice system is cooperative ? If it were only to show that the verdict that was reached in 2005 was something that the people should accept. That so many people still did not believe that Michael was innocent, even after the trial, is not a good publicity for the justice system. I think if they (justice) are smart, they would cooperate to prove that the system is solid and should be considered like that. At the same time, Michael would be vindicated and his name cleared.

  • Take it like you want it
    But you got to keep the faith.


    Again, thank you to IAmOnlyHuman for this .... it is a good reminder........for what may be in store around the corner we must brace ourselves and stay strong in our beliefs. We must remember that Truth is not always appearance, and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Obsessive fan worship creates so many problems, that you would think by now people would have been able to see that you will actually 'get more' from someone when there is orderly control. Unjustified hysteria itself screams "lack of self control" and I say unjustified because "you don't know this person" that you are professing to be in love with or whatever. It is the image that you love that is projected to you, which can be real or in some cases, unreal. Admire the talent, ability and art but in a dignified way. Hysteria is at best very flattering and no doubt feeds the ego to an extent, but people who show that they are clearly not in control of their emotions are thought to be irrational and best kept at arms length. In the days of the J5 he would be carried through the crowds by Bill Bray because the fans would even pull his hair out. Many times in more recent HIStory he has been hurt in the pandemonium that has occurred or pushed up against a wall. It's not worth coming out when this is what happens, much better to stay hidden. Many celebs have said that they have better interactions with people who are not avid fans because they're not caught up in the whole hype. How many times has MJ said that he just wants to talk to people on a normal level but people don't treat him as a normal person. THIS is important.

    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    It is so difficult to get over the emotions.... there are ways though.....
    Again, thank you to IAmOnlyHuman for this .... it is a good reminder........for what may be in store around the corner we must brace ourselves and stay strong in our beliefs. We must remember that Truth is not always appearance, and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

    The future is now...and keeps coming with every second that passes
  • I actually have thought about this occasionally, if I ever do have the chance to see Michael Jackson in person how would I act? I would like to think that I would be that girl, holding back and letting Michael walk in peace. Also, if those of us that don't swarm him, don't get to meet or touch him... Isn't it better that Michael would be left alone, than we get our own personal satisfaction? And imagine if all the fans thought the way you propose, wouldn't Michael be happy to be able to walk about without being mauled by "adoring" fans.

  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Again, thank you to IAmOnlyHuman for this .... it is a good reminder........for what may be in store around the corner we must brace ourselves and stay strong in our beliefs. We must remember that Truth is not always appearance, and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

    The future is now...and keeps coming with every second that passes

    That sounds almost...prophetic.

    Strange that I read this right after watching V for Vendetta.
    Again, thank you to IAmOnlyHuman for this .... it is a good reminder........for what may be in store around the corner we must brace ourselves and stay strong in our beliefs. We must remember that Truth is not always appearance, and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

    The future is now...and keeps coming with every second that passes

    That sounds almost...prophetic.

    Strange that I read this right after watching V for Vendetta.
    What can I say... sometimes I am inspired <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The easiest way to predict the future is to create it!!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Again, thank you to IAmOnlyHuman for this .... it is a good reminder........for what may be in store around the corner we must brace ourselves and stay strong in our beliefs. We must remember that Truth is not always appearance, and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

    The future is now...and keeps coming with every second that passes

    That sounds almost...prophetic.

    Strange that I read this right after watching V for Vendetta.
    What can I say... sometimes I am inspired <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The easiest way to predict the future is to create it!!

    Your inspiration is...inspiring! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> And I agree with you totally.
    I'm amazed how people just gloss over what has been said ..... and I'm sad too <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I'm amazed how people just gloss over what has been said ..... and I'm sad too <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Not everybody is glossing over it Gina! We all have different way to deal with the matter! You know, some games are being played to test people reactions/ see the true colours... and the truth will eventually come out.

    As BlackJack said somewhere, maybe we are being privy to experiencing a little part of MJ life... Maybe this is the pre-2005 trials episode with all sorts of unjustified accusations being thrown at him... Maybe he want us to feel what he felt then.

    Maybe the final part of the Hoax journey is about reconnecting with our inner feelings. By accepting that evil exists we can make Good in what is a Cruel to be Kind type of scenario... When we come out of it, we are hurt but awake and able to act to tackle the evil of this World.

    With L.O.V.E
    I'm amazed how people just gloss over what has been said ..... and I'm sad too <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Not everybody is glossing over it Gina! We all have different way to deal with the matter! You know, some games are being played to test people reactions/ see the true colours... and the truth will eventually come out.

    As BlackJack said somewhere, maybe we are being privy to experiencing a little part of MJ life... Maybe this is the pre-2005 trials episode with all sorts of unjustified accusations being thrown at him... Maybe he want us to feel what he felt then.

    Maybe the final part of the Hoax journey is about reconnecting with our inner feelings. By accepting that evil exists we can make Good in what is a Cruel to be Kind type of scenario... When we come out of it, we are hurt but awake and able to act to tackle the evil of this World.

    With L.O.V.E

    MJ'S LIFE SIMULATOR <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> rocky ride !!

    I was thinking the same last night (when I can't sleep as usual <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> )
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    You miss BlackJack Gina <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ... maybe that he has not left. It's true that his posts were very interesting.
    Yes I miss a fictional character named BlackJack.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yes I miss a fictional character named BlackJack.

    Because? Sorry, I don't get it. What was so interesting about his posts?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I'd advice everybody to think twice about anyone on the internet. Think twice. Too many pose in what they are not and unfortunately not everyone sees beyond the mask they provide. Don't take it personally. I talk in general
    Yes I miss a fictional character named BlackJack.

    Because? Sorry, I don't get it. What was so interesting about his posts?

    It was...... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> this is so strange.....I feel weird about this I don't know if to laugh or cry
    I can't force people to see what I see
    I'll have to think about it later
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yes I miss a fictional character named BlackJack.

    Because? Sorry, I don't get it. What was so interesting about his posts?

    It was...... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> this is so strange.....I feel weird about this I don't know if to laugh or cry
    I can't force people to see what I see
    I'll have to think about it later

    I think that if you read what some people received in PM, you would see what we see...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    I know what you mean.....maybe I am a weird person too....believing in fairytales
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Yes I miss a fictional character named BlackJack.

    Because? Sorry, I don't get it. What was so interesting about his posts?

    It was...... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> this is so strange.....I feel weird about this I don't know if to laugh or cry
    I can't force people to see what I see
    I'll have to think about it later

    I think that if you read what some people received in PM, you would see what we see...

    Indeed.As I said the 'attack' as you called it was not unjustified.
    The people questioning BJ are decent and honest people and would not just pick on someone for no reason.I'm over talking about this now I read in another thread that will not be named 'let us continue on with Michael Jackson,because that is who it is about'

    It's also about tea and Disney movies which im gonna go get a fix of now... <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
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