Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • I know what you mean.....maybe I am a weird person too....believing in fairytales

    Gina Sweetheart....Please don't ever let anyone make you feel that you are WEIRD...everyone is free to have their own opinions, feelings, beliefs, etc... Just because you do not believe as someone else does, certainly does not make you weird! Trust in YOUR beliefs and feelings and if others don't agree with you or like it...oh well that's their problem. Keep your head up Dear....just be "YOU" for God made us all special and unique for a reason....And he doesn't want you to be or think as anyone other than YOU!

    That's one of the biggest problems with this forum...if you don't think and believe as some members do here then you are cast aside and told you are not thinking for yourself or that you are blindly following someone you shouldn't. Well at this stage in the hoax..I don't know who or what to believe anymore. Except the fact that I believe Michael is alive...beyond that everything else is questionable in light of all the controversy and deception that's come to light lately. And as Forest Gump said..."And that's all I'm have to say about that!" <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Peace, LOVE, Blessings to All!
    Keep the FAITH <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael...I LOVE You MORE!!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    It's exactly what I am always trying to say and I am one of those who feel a bit strange because many times I have an opposite or different opinion. But I am that kind of person who stands for truth against anything and any type of fraud makes my blood boil. I don't know if I am overprotective but because I see fakes with a byonic eye makes me unable to shut up and I feel the urge to warn people. You are free to think I am right or wrong. But at least I do my best. I don't like to see people suffering no matter if I know them personally or not
  • I know what you mean.....maybe I am a weird person too....believing in fairytales

    Gina! As far as I am aware we still have the right to think freely even if the actual freedom of expression is somewhat more limited in many instances in life.

    Do you know that the greatest inventions in the World all started with a Dream? Edison made 1000 attempts at the electric bulb before he actually succeeded in making one!
    Do you know that fairytales actually happen? There aren't enough Prince and Kings for everybody to marry one (Better off to try a frog and see what happens... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) but fairytales are different things to different people and unless you beLIEve in them they won't happen!
    Have you heard MLK speech "I have a dream"... Yes you have because we all have!

    You are not weird, you are entitled to your opinion as we all are. Do not torture yourself because some strangers are expressing their own opinions, yours is as valuable unless they have solid evidences for their stated opinion(s).
    People can play with your mind only if you give them the power to do so.

    With L.O.V.E
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    The most dangerous thing with the Internet is that there are people who will always fall in some people's mischevious tramps. Don't trust anybody to be real or with good intentions. It is better, in all cases, to not trust anybody no matter what they say, what they sell to you or what they provide to you, unless it agrees with your own common sense and feelings. There are ill minded people out there who might not even have a hidden plan other than just to harm people for no reason. Just because you are a good person who won't do that doesn't mean others are like you. Learn to filter. And don't hang on fiction, beautiful words and "different" language, because it can have another intention behind.
    The snake will talk sweetly.

    To say what I witnessed and what I apply to all the people who think they can trap me, I always test them without their knowledge. There's no better way to win in front of your enemies than by making them your "friends".Give them rope and they will hang themselves. To my surprise, there seems that this kind of people are really not that smart.
  • The truth is none of us know the truth about anyone who posts on a forum. What a member says in PM or in a thread is just a mask we wear on the internet. But we are not here to reveal ourselves. We are here to find the truth about the hoax. And in order to do this we must all think for ourselves and not let admin, other members or even MJ do our thinking for us. BJ posted some very interesting post in my opinion and that is my opinion. I read what he or she wrote and I responded. Who knows who this person is? It could be anyone we don’t know. But so what? Just read what they wrote, investigate, absorb, digest, and make your OWN conclusions. Do not let others think for you. Isn’t that what this entire hoax about? Know what you know, open your mind to the impossible, respect others, tolerate differences (especially opinions) and beLIEve.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Our life is not the Vendetta movie yet some people think it is and keep their nonsense games. It is boring, pointless and makes one tired.
  • The truth is none of us know the truth about anyone who posts on a forum. What a member says in PM or in a thread is just a mask we wear on the internet. But we are not here to reveal ourselves. We are here to find the truth about the hoax. And in order to do this we must all think for ourselves and not let admin, other members or even MJ do our thinking for us. BJ posted some very interesting post in my opinion and that is my opinion. I read what he or she wrote and I responded. Who knows who this person is? It could be anyone we don’t know. But so what? Just read what they wrote, investigate, absorb, digest, and make your OWN conclusions. Do not let others think for you. Isn’t that what this entire hoax about? Know what you know, open your mind to the impossible, respect others, tolerate differences (especially opinions) and beLIEve.

    I totally agree foreverking.
    Finger pointing with no evidences at anybody on this forum is totally inappropriate!
    I enjoyed BlackJack witty insight into the Hoax and none of the other masked ones on here will change my opinion, Nuff said (to use a borrowed expression)! Fool maybe but fool by choice and on my terms!
    I guess we will discover in due time ...Who's BAD!

    With L.O.V.E
    Thank you all guys for your nice words.
    It doesn't bother me to be seen as weird or not weird - in fact I don't care too much.
    I liked BJ1 who opened this thread and I liked BJ2 - the evil twin <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> . I still believe his intentions were not to fool us.......and I don't care if it's only me believing this.
    At some point his posts were more interesting than TS' posts to me. But I can't explain why.
    Miss you phoenix eyes - but this time you won't be answering my call, will you....... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've got to say I've got lost somewhere along the way - when did BJ turn 'evil'? His posts changed, yes, but I thought he was just joking around with various behind the scenes PM interactions. I didn't understand what was going on but I didn't see 'evil twin'.

    Souza, you told Gina:
    I think that if you read what some people received in PM, you would see what we see...

    Well I don't see what you see, and I'm sorry to say this smacks of secrecy and some people knowing more than others - exactly the sort of stuff I thought we were trying to rid the forum of. I thought PMs were exactly that - PRIVATE, but it would appear from your comment that some people are sharing them, to the select few, huddled around in corners.

    I thoroughly enjoyed BJ's thought provoking posts - evil or not, aren't we always being reminded to assess ideas, on their own merit, not based on who delivers them?!

    Unlike Gina though, I'm not losing sleep over his apparent disappearance! Gina, sweetheart, I'm feeling so sorry for you at the moment - I don't know what to say, just be cautious and maybe take a step or two back. This is, as others have said, simply the internet, where anything can happen.

    Have a nice day everyone!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Gina, I don't know what else should I tell you. One thing I add: be careful. the rest is up to you.
    We have to keep our heads on our shoulders and keep this real in order to have real answers.
    Thank you for your concern.
    I've already formed an opinion...... don't know if it's the right one...... time will tell
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Souza, you told Gina:
    I think that if you read what some people received in PM, you would see what we see...

    Well I don't see what you see, and I'm sorry to say this smacks of secrecy and some people knowing more than others - exactly the sort of stuff I thought we were trying to rid the forum of. I thought PMs were exactly that - PRIVATE, but it would appear from your comment that some people are sharing them, to the select few, huddled around in corners.

    Exactly. This reminds me of something else that happened which led to someone else being banned, now I wonder if I was being conned. We're constantly told not to believe everything we're told on the internet no matter who says it, yet we're expected to believe this. Considering all that's happened recently I'll stay out of any future "PM advice requests" when it could lead to someone being banned. And apparently it's been "revealed" that BlackJack is a girl, I'd like to know how the person who made that revelation knows that for sure. Easy to say things without having to back it up. I don't have an opinion either way on BJ no longer posting but I do have a problem with some still trying to "lead" others and shape their opinions.
    HE is a girl because HE said so......
    My opinion is that BJ is a HE all day long.
    But this doesn't matter too much...... the blackjack game he played with us matters....
    I think I know what I've done with my cards....... I probably made only half of 21 <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I wonder if anyone here scored 21 .......
    I guess nobody, because HE is out of here (or HE is busy today, with the 14th of december and all...)

    Of course, all that I've just said could be PURE NONSENSE ....... the result of a very rich imagination <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And this night I am GOING to SLEEP !! so help me God

    Oh, and how much we've learned about not stalking....... guilty as charged <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Souza, you told Gina:
    I think that if you read what some people received in PM, you would see what we see...

    Well I don't see what you see, and I'm sorry to say this smacks of secrecy and some people knowing more than others - exactly the sort of stuff I thought we were trying to rid the forum of. I thought PMs were exactly that - PRIVATE, but it would appear from your comment that some people are sharing them, to the select few, huddled around in corners.

    Exactly. This reminds me of something else that happened which led to someone else being banned, now I wonder if I was being conned. We're constantly told not to believe everything we're told on the internet no matter who says it, yet we're expected to believe this. Considering all that's happened recently I'll stay out of any future "PM advice requests" when it could lead to someone being banned. And apparently it's been "revealed" that BlackJack is a girl, I'd like to know how the person who made that revelation knows that for sure. Easy to say things without having to back it up. I don't have an opinion either way on BJ no longer posting but I do have a problem with some still trying to "lead" others and shape their opinions.

    PMs are private,as are emails.If I recieved either-and I told Souza about it,what does that have to do with anyone else on this forum?Or anyone else getting pms and emails for that matter.
    Anyone who has had concerns has gone to admin with the problem,it is not being discussed in little huddled groups,that is how complaints are dealt with-through admin who have the power to deal with it.
    Complaints and concerns are not something that should be discussed openly unless it is to do with the hoax.Personal issues are private.
    What the forum needs ridding of is liars,people pretending to be someone they are NOT,knowing about informers and arguing over this TS character who flutters in and out causing chaos in his/her wake(just my opinion..i'm not a TS fan and you won't change my mind)
    I commented a great deal in this thread,no one inc me has said his/her points and comments are not valid,interesting,a point of concern or should be ignored because people have doubts about the person behind who is posting them.I've seen that comment written a few times now and it is a fabrication.No one is pulling the thread,topic or previous comments down from BJ.
    Do not twist words to make them fit.

    I said it and I am not inclined to discuss how I know with anyone or prove how I know.
    For one thing,it isn't that important it was to correct someone saying 'he'.
    There are people on here who know who I am,what I do,and know this fact is correct.I wear no mask,I do not lie or lead people on,I don't falsify facts or evidence,I give my opinion and I respect others.I am not here to divulge in any personal issues,facts,or how I know anything.
    Whether you choose to believe or not,and I mean this with no disrespect, is not my problem.
    I have not once,in any way tried to sway anyone's opinion on BJ,I have my own I expect others to have theirs.

    This is the last im saying on it,this thread is now another one OFF TOPIC.If you have a problem PM me.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    where did Bj say he's a girl? He is a guy.
    Hi Sinderella.
    I respect your opinions very much. I don't know how far his/hers game went.
    Because it was obviously a game..... maybe not from the begining , but something happened on the way and changed everything into a game <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ?

    I CAN NOT answer your question Tarja.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    i ask because i didn't see Bj saying he's a girl. Anyway, from the way BJ talks, he's a guy. I never know how to explain this. 6th sense.
    Game? what if this all is not a game. What if we call it ...... sick minded perhaps? Anyway, I know what I'm talking about and only time will tell and prove what I say.

    I hope Bj will still post here as I hope for a brilliant slip-up on public as well.
    This is all so funny..........

    BJ you are a genius.... and I usually say this to Michael...... but you are too <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Come back please <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I don´t get it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I don´t get it.

    Neither do I. Are people losing their minds or what?
  • This is all so funny..........

    BJ you are a genius.... and I usually say this to Michael...... but you are too <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Come back please <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Gina, I seriously think you should take a break. Get some sleep and relax. No offense but I have the impression you aren't thinking clearly at the moment.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I don´t get it.

    either. And I also can't believe it. People really need someone to shook them up a bit, otherwise this is going to end up pretty ugly.
    They are shown the facts, they have thousands of reasons to rethink everything and they keep sleepwalking on the same path as you wouldn't have warned them. Sorry, no offence, but for me, this is really going on the very wrong dirrection, some people need to be warned because they seem blind and naive overlimit and it's starting to look almost dangerous.
  • [center:2ip7g2hw][/center:2ip7g2hw]It is funny how I cannot get myself to respect opinions that are not backed up by facts! Opinions are like advice, unless you TRUST the person who gives them... take them with a pinch of salt! I DO!

    PMs are Private! It would be nice!
    BlackJack is great Fun and I love the witty insight into the Hoax. Absolutely!

    Now lets all chill-out! It is Christmas soon and the 14th December is an interesting day!

    With L.O.V.E
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I actually realize that I'm spending too much time here about BJ, and the truth is that I couldn't care less about his ass, but it always amazes me how.... things turn out to be and people keep not see it.
    Souza, I think it's worthless. Time will tell.

    TheRunningGirl, exactly those who were shown the facts, are those who still don't see.It's almost incredible. But, I won't spend my time on this shit anymore.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Don't you think that it is going way too out of proportion?
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