Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!

    " I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE."
    I like this sentence. All i want is Michael happy.
    I love that sentence, and i know he is alive <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I just feel it, and soon i want to see him....BAM's day is approaching, very soon !
    God hear you!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Nothing will make me more happy but see Michael with his kids living a normal and peaceful life all together again...<3 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!

    " I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE."
    I like this sentence. All i want is Michael happy.
    I love that sentence, and i know he is alive <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I just feel it, and soon i want to see him....BAM's day is approaching, very soon !
    God hear you!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Nothing will make me more happy but see Michael with his kids living a normal and peaceful life all together again...<3 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Miriam his life will never be peaceful and normal, mostly after he will be back. Are you 100% sure this is what he really wants?
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Yes, I think that what this world needs is a re-education in many areas of their living. First of all, people are living like in some sort of "bubble" where they were taught by the world itself. So I notice a worldwide ignorance towards many important things. Or a worldwide blindness. People need to be taught to go for their own opinions, to have their own point of view and to not let themselves influenced by the majority. It's not about the latest years, but about long time ago, when people were like blinded by what we call "media" and they forgot to have their own opinion in everything. I see it all like a world of babies who need to be re-educated as to choose the right path. One by one they need to realise to stand up for truth, stand up for justice. Media has taken the worst of people - they lied, they lead them, they fed them with "facts" that were not true but made up by them and what's worst- they sold out their papers because of this. One major wrong thing in it all is that people started to guide themselves by "if an opinion is supported by the majority it must be true". I have to say that not always when an opinion is shared by thousands of people it means it is the right one. We have Adolph Hitler- thousands of people supported racism because of him- one of Adolph Hitler's slogan was "we don't like mixed races" - because it was shared by thousands of people does it make it right? I think a re-education is the most important piece in all this regarding Michael. He owns the skills, he has the right to do this even if at the end those who never believed him as being innocent in the child abuse allegations or in any of the horrors he passed though, will feel like fools when they will realise how media can twists minds, how madia can twists words, how media can provide a so deformed image of a fact and make it look real for those who don't have eyes to see nor ears to listen the truth.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    But he is not dead, right <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Ginafelicia, I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE. It is good advice from diggyon to re-read TS's posts and remember that there are MORE clues that MJ is alive than there is 'evidence' that he is not. Time and patience is the key!!

    " I am 100% confident that he is ALIVE."
    I like this sentence. All i want is Michael happy.
    I love that sentence, and i know he is alive <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I just feel it, and soon i want to see him....BAM's day is approaching, very soon !
    God hear you!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Nothing will make me more happy but see Michael with his kids living a normal and peaceful life all together again...<3 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Miriam his life will never be peaceful and normal, mostly after he will be back. Are you 100% sure this is what he really wants?
    no Gina...i am no sure of nothing...
    Obsessive fan worship creates so many problems, that you would think by now people would have been able to see that you will actually 'get more' from someone when there is orderly control. Unjustified hysteria itself screams "lack of self control" and I say unjustified because "you don't know this person" that you are professing to be in love with or whatever. It is the image that you love that is projected to you, which can be real or in some cases, unreal. Admire the talent, ability and art but in a dignified way. Hysteria is at best very flattering and no doubt feeds the ego to an extent, but people who show that they are clearly not in control of their emotions are thought to be irrational and best kept at arms length. In the days of the J5 he would be carried through the crowds by Bill Bray because the fans would even pull his hair out. Many times in more recent HIStory he has been hurt in the pandemonium that has occurred or pushed up against a wall. It's not worth coming out when this is what happens, much better to stay hidden. Many celebs have said that they have better interactions with people who are not avid fans because they're not caught up in the whole hype. How many times has MJ said that he just wants to talk to people on a normal level but people don't treat him as a normal person. THIS is important.

    This really is a mirror you put in front of me BlackJack. Those damn emotions take too much control of me most of the time. I wish I could shut them down sometimes and be only a brain attached to body
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Obsessive fan worship creates so many problems, that you would think by now people would have been able to see that you will actually 'get more' from someone when there is orderly control. Unjustified hysteria itself screams "lack of self control" and I say unjustified because "you don't know this person" that you are professing to be in love with or whatever. It is the image that you love that is projected to you, which can be real or in some cases, unreal. Admire the talent, ability and art but in a dignified way. Hysteria is at best very flattering and no doubt feeds the ego to an extent, but people who show that they are clearly not in control of their emotions are thought to be irrational and best kept at arms length. In the days of the J5 he would be carried through the crowds by Bill Bray because the fans would even pull his hair out. Many times in more recent HIStory he has been hurt in the pandemonium that has occurred or pushed up against a wall. It's not worth coming out when this is what happens, much better to stay hidden. Many celebs have said that they have better interactions with people who are not avid fans because they're not caught up in the whole hype. How many times has MJ said that he just wants to talk to people on a normal level but people don't treat him as a normal person. THIS is important.

    I understand what you say so well. One thing I've always thought about is that if people woul try to take off their horse glasses they would probably see how easy is to talk to him without converting yourself in a desperate histerical person. If this doesn't work either, take a second possibility: Imagine yourself as being Michael. And some people come at you and start crying, yelling, pulling you from right to left, trying at any cost to take a strip of your hair as a memory "you have met Michael Jackson". How would you feel, how would you act and most importantly what would you think of those people? I am not part of those that think "Michael would/wouldn't do that" because no one can be sure of what he would do. No matter if you have a wrong opinion, like : he wouldn't do this because he is not capable of such.. ect. No. I support as well te fact that if he is a whole gentleman, with a good education, kind and with a good heart, this doesn't mean he is that angelic person that people painted him in, that he wouldn't be capable of making someone pay if that someone hurt him. I think Re-Education is one of the most important thing to do. People have a wrong opinion that won't change unless something big would happen to prove it to them.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I knew he was not this soft can know this in his songs lyrics too...
    He is educated and i think he always was calm in public because he care about what children could think and because maybe part of this was for people to think the way they do now...
    But this no mean each time they hurt him, he did no scream or swear alone in home.
    All those lyrics after 93 show in part his real anger, and he is very strong because no all can endure what he endured.
    The mayor non believers see him as a God or Saint, he is a human, a beautiful soul and heart but human, a big genius maestro but with mistakes like you and me.
    I will be very so happy if all this is a hoax for real and he is kicking some asses out, very good lesson for millions and a very good tale to relate as a example to kids in history.
    Love you Michael!
    related to what you just said Miriam...I rememebr when he told Oprah "I'm never nervous". I think he was telling the truth.
    I find this very important. What kind of person is NEVER nervous? A person in control I supose. Not a victim, as many fans imagine him to be. I hope I am not wrong.
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    But KF isn't supposed to be IN the hoax?
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    you are something BlackJack <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    We believe Michael and only Michael, forever.
    Do you have a link for that video?
    I don't know what kind of people they were (those stalkers) but if Michael would tell me to back off I would probably run fast ...and never bother him again...
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    I am very happy that you touched KF subject, Black Jack. To answer you question, I believe only Michael.

    Well.. Karen Faye.. A lot of people say that KF is a close friend of Michael, that he also considers her his friend and ect. To be honest, I always said the opposite. Because this woman never looked honest to me. It was always something about her that I desliked, it made me feel she wasn't honest, that she was lying. I never understood from where people got the idea they ever had a friendship, but rumors run with the speed of light and I never agreed on that theory. Good, they at one point might have had a friendship (if any relationship today is called friendship...For me friendship is something very important and you don't associate this word with any person you reach to know in person. That is not friendship) but this didn't last, as Michael needs anything but false and mean people around him. If you ask me from where did people get the idea they are friends... I can't answer that, but you might know her facebook account or twitter if she has twitter, and how she shouted at those who looked like believers in her eyes, how she was screaming as a 15 years old rebel girl when someone was asking her something about Michael and she understood that it was a believer asking her that. The way she blocks any believer. She has a problem, and I almost started to think she is a bit mentally ill, or I don't know how to call it.
    Also I didn't like ever the way she states how close she "was" with Michael, that they "had' a tight friendship and he "trusted" her and above all how HONOURED she felt by doing Michael's make up for the funeral - I admitt that this gave me stommach pain. It was such a low and disgusting way of promoting herself at any cost.. I was like "what an eagle..."

    BJ, what do you think about KF? I'd like to see your thoughts on her too.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    If KF is NOT in the hoax then I can honestly say I don't understand anything. Why was (is) she acting like that?
    This is still a mystery for me, cause I always thought that no matter how insane KF looked, she did it because she had a role to do at her turn.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I don't understand is KF in the hoax or not?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I thought she was. I don't know what to believe, anyway. I can say I can't stand her behaviour but in a way I think she is IN.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Actually some 'fans' have to understand that Privacy is not 'just' a fundamental right it is a condition required so that fundamental rights can be enjoyed. I could compare with the absolute necessity to eat in order to maintain life....
    How much lack of common sense a person must have to try to intrude in someone's life like that?
    I think it's the price Michael had to pay for being famous and looking so amazing. But really, it's one thing to dream with the eyes opened about him in your own room and another thing to stalk him wherever he goes and try to "force" yourself into his life. This is ridiculous....
    He's only one and we ......toooooooo many and of course he can't meet or talk to all of his fans. That's the way it is and people should understand this, no matter how much it hurts.
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    The video I'm referring to could still be on youtube if you search for something like MJ and Paris 2007, or Paris Jackson birthday 2007. You'll know you have the right one if you SEE the stalker "T" in red following like she's his shadow....LOL, although it's no laughing matter. No wonder he called the two main stalkers 'flea' and 'tick'......!!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Do you mean you think that KF could join with such a group of stalkers for no reason? I mean not for a hoax reason? I mean they are stalkers and KF happily joins them when she should know they annoyed the hell out of him? while she screams at the fans and mostly at the believers?

    What's KF's role in all this?
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    Allow me to drive the discussion to the implications of some of those comments on the Hoax "scenario" itself.

    What strikes me in those last few comments (BlackJack/Souza) is how those "stalking fans" which in my mind were merely unstable individuals looking to escape reality (NB. And this does NOT justify their behaviours!), have now become "cheer leaders" of a set of fabricated stories. This implies that the T.I.N.I campaign (and possibly Justice for MJ?) would therefore have grown to "prominence" on the basis of "fantasy stories" and have NO connection to the HOAX.

    This is interesting as I was starting to form a view that a few of the so called "stalkers" and KF may indeed be part of the Hoax... Part of creating the DRAMA! I need to give this further thoughts -- It is interesting to consider different possibilities! One needs to be open minded!

    With L.O.V.E
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    The video I'm referring to could still be on youtube if you search for something like MJ and Paris 2007, or Paris Jackson birthday 2007. You'll know you have the right one if you SEE the stalker "T" in red following like she's his shadow....LOL, although it's no laughing matter. No wonder he called the two main stalkers 'flea' and 'tick'......!!

    Is this the video you mean? "T" being the mosquito on his left with the sleeveless thingy? Maybe you can help me understand since I never understood this kind of idolizing and behaviour... What does she think she will accomplish with this? If he clearly is annoyed with her, she must feel that. Why still follow him when she knows he doesn't like it? Is it a mental disorder on her side thinking she is or can become Mrs Jackson if she just tries hard enough? Does she think he will change his mind about her eventually and fall in love with her demanding personality? Is she just annoying him BECAUSE she can't have him? Makes me think of Stephen King's Misery...
    Sorry, but I am really a dummy on this, I simply don't understand...


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    It would be explained more easy than you could dig. It is simply a mental disorder. Some people are born with altered chromosoms. Have in mind the crazy one who killed Lennon.
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