Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • Yes......................annoying is an understatement. This group has made an absolute utter nuisance of themselves over the years, staking out his house, following him wherever. You name it, they've done it. I wouldn't beLIEve a word they say and it's entirely possible that MJ fed them info such as being "overworked" and 'fragile" to hoax them aswell while they were stalking him at the rehearsals. Hoaxing them aswell will bring them undone and shine a light on their LIES. I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    It is indeed a possibility that those stalking Fans may simply have been used by MJ and are playing the role they were intending to Play in the HOAX without realising it... with a little help from MJ "friends".

    Interesting psychology! It reminds me of Machiavelli!

    With L.O.V.E
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This group are "stalker fans"........ see my previous post a few Up in reply to Souza's

    I read that post. Do I understand that the "stalkers" were hunting him since years back?

    Now my question is: how come that Michael did not put a solution earlier?

    I think that I am not understanding why now the subject of "tic" and "flea" is now being mentioned. To be honest, I need some links to "tic" and "flea" to at least read their opinions or see more pics in order for me to have an opinion about them or their behaviour towards Michael.
    So far, I only saw that video with "T" dressing in red and my first impression was that she could be a nanny or the P.A of Michael.

    @Mo, you express yourself as sociologists do <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    This group's handywork is all over the net..... they head up the non-believers , the so-called 'justice for Michael,' when they were in fact the very ones creating problems in his life. MJ called the two main ones tick and flea because they followed him everywhere like his shadow and he couldn't stand them. If you enhance the sound you'll hear him telling her to BACK OFF, yet they make out like he loved them .... yeah, tick and flea aren't terms of endearment !! However, they didn't figure on him coming back so they'll be caught out in their own LIES.

    I am still interested in KF. She has been his make-up artist for so long, yet she is acting like this for 16 months now. Seeking attention from those you say were hunting down and stalking Mike, making his life miserable. What's your idea on that?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??
  • :shock: wow <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    That was a passive agressive stalk <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> for a second I thought that she was Pari´s nanny. The security guards did not tell her anything. I thougt she was part of the pack.Sorry, who is "T", why don´t you say her name? I mean, who are flea and tic? I understood that "T" is the girl in red.

    Michael is kind to fans. IDK, may be is a cultural clash.


    yes i did also. that is what freaked me out so much when i realized that was not the case. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    ever who the person was who finally made them aware of what was going on was very wise. the whole thing was actually kind of stressful for me to watch just seeing how losely controlled the situation seemed to be. mom in me again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    Anna, please take my advice and read up on the assassinations and their alleged killers before calling them "the crazy ones". Although admitting that you don't know much about them, you based your opinion on the info TPTB provided you with, which is what they want you to think and believe. While you read up on the JFK assassination you will also stumble upon the assassination of RFK, which leads you to the discovery of another fall guy - Sirhan Sirhan.
    Mo, I haven't said anything regarding JFK assasination, I really haven't read about the details and I haven't made any statement on that, just on Lennon's situation, which again, I said I haven't read deeper but all I know is from Beatle's fans that I've been talking to, opinions, and so on, and even if it sounds idiot, I haven't even known about the Lennon assasination from any media. Some people around me, friends, first told me and that's how i know a few things. I haven't even laid my eyes on 1 single media article about Lennon.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    Please elaborate on her little scam during the trial BJ?

    I do agree that Karen seems to be stirring the pot. It looks like she is desperately trying to keep herself involved with all the drama, because she could simply ignore all the tweets she receives instead of answering them and even retweeting them.

    For months and months she had an ongoing twitter discussion about being fired by Mike or not, but it took her nearly sixteen months to finally tweet the following:

    @mjnorge I am hired as an independent contractor. I have hourly, daily, or weekly rates that are standard in this business.
    5:19 PM Oct 20th via TweetList! in reply to mjnorge
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    @mjnorge My rep invoices all my clients in the same manner @ the same rates. MJ booked and dominated my schedule for 27 years.
    5:24 PM Oct 20th via TweetList! in reply to mjnorge
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    This is also the reason I could have never been fired(as some fans claim) I work based on a job2job arrangement.
    5:29 PM Oct 20th via TweetList!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    I was never on salary or on Michael's payroll.
    5:31 PM Oct 20th via TweetList!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Why wait close to 16 months with tweeting that, why keep the drama ongoing for all these months if you hate the drama so much?
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    The video I'm referring to could still be on youtube if you search for something like MJ and Paris 2007, or Paris Jackson birthday 2007. You'll know you have the right one if you SEE the stalker "T" in red following like she's his shadow....LOL, although it's no laughing matter. No wonder he called the two main stalkers 'flea' and 'tick'......!!

    Is this the video you mean? "T" being the mosquito on his left with the sleeveless thingy? Maybe you can help me understand since I never understood this kind of idolizing and behaviour... What does she think she will accomplish with this? If he clearly is annoyed with her, she must feel that. Why still follow him when she knows he doesn't like it? Is it a mental disorder on her side thinking she is or can become Mrs Jackson if she just tries hard enough? Does she think he will change his mind about her eventually and fall in love with her demanding personality? Is she just annoying him BECAUSE she can't have him? Makes me think of Stephen King's Misery...
    Sorry, but I am really a dummy on this, I simply don't understand...


    Yes......................annoying is an understatement. This group has made an absolute utter nuisance of themselves over the years, staking out his house, following him wherever. You name it, they've done it. I wouldn't beLIEve a word they say and it's entirely possible that MJ fed them info such as being "overworked" and 'fragile" to hoax them aswell while they were stalking him at the rehearsals. Hoaxing them aswell will bring them undone and shine a light on their LIES. I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!
    watching this whole thing makes me more nervous for paris than anything else. the mom in me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I agree....................... stalker behaviour can pose a serious threat and any parent would not take kindly to it.
    :shock: wow <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    That was a passive agressive stalk <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> for a second I thought that she was Pari´s nanny. The security guards did not tell her anything. I thougt she was part of the pack.Sorry, who is "T", why don´t you say her name? I mean, who are flea and tic? I understood that "T" is the girl in red.

    Michael is kind to fans. IDK, may be is a cultural clash.


    yes i did also. that is what freaked me out so much when i realized that was not the case. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    ever who the person was who finally made them aware of what was going on was very wise. the whole thing was actually kind of stressful for me to watch just seeing how losely controlled the situation seemed to be. mom in me again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Suspicious mind... MJ knew she was there from the start, the bodyguards knew too, she's always following them around.... she's just not allowed to get too close because she has been repeatedly told off...... unfortunately, MJ had to remind her AGAIN !!
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    The video I'm referring to could still be on youtube if you search for something like MJ and Paris 2007, or Paris Jackson birthday 2007. You'll know you have the right one if you SEE the stalker "T" in red following like she's his shadow....LOL, although it's no laughing matter. No wonder he called the two main stalkers 'flea' and 'tick'......!!

    Is this the video you mean? "T" being the mosquito on his left with the sleeveless thingy? Maybe you can help me understand since I never understood this kind of idolizing and behaviour... What does she think she will accomplish with this? If he clearly is annoyed with her, she must feel that. Why still follow him when she knows he doesn't like it? Is it a mental disorder on her side thinking she is or can become Mrs Jackson if she just tries hard enough? Does she think he will change his mind about her eventually and fall in love with her demanding personality? Is she just annoying him BECAUSE she can't have him? Makes me think of Stephen King's Misery...
    Sorry, but I am really a dummy on this, I simply don't understand...


    Yes......................annoying is an understatement. This group has made an absolute utter nuisance of themselves over the years, staking out his house, following him wherever. You name it, they've done it. I wouldn't beLIEve a word they say and it's entirely possible that MJ fed them info such as being "overworked" and 'fragile" to hoax them aswell while they were stalking him at the rehearsals. Hoaxing them aswell will bring them undone and shine a light on their LIES. I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!
    watching this whole thing makes me more nervous for paris than anything else. the mom in me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I agree....................... stalker behaviour can pose a serious threat and any parent would not take kindly to it.
    :shock: wow <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    That was a passive agressive stalk <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> for a second I thought that she was Pari´s nanny. The security guards did not tell her anything. I thougt she was part of the pack.Sorry, who is "T", why don´t you say her name? I mean, who are flea and tic? I understood that "T" is the girl in red.

    Michael is kind to fans. IDK, may be is a cultural clash.


    yes i did also. that is what freaked me out so much when i realized that was not the case. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    ever who the person was who finally made them aware of what was going on was very wise. the whole thing was actually kind of stressful for me to watch just seeing how losely controlled the situation seemed to be. mom in me again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Suspicious mind... MJ knew she was there from the start, the bodyguards knew too, she's always following them around.... she's just not allowed to get too close because she has been repeatedly told off...... unfortunately, MJ had to remind her AGAIN !!

    yeah i know that in the back of their minds they were aware but the confusion kept building. besides i know how goofie men are <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> . they needed a woman in that group.carrying one of those big ugly bags <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> .full of rocks! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ready to attack anyone coming near that precious little girl <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> you know a madea sort of figure to keep things under control <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    You say that KF knows nothing about Michael's hoax? That she's not implied?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??
    Then how could she make up a "dead" body supposed to be Michael, when she probably knows how he looks after so many years? Either she is IN the hoax or this is not a hoax. It can't be otherwise. Then how could be explained that she gave all those details and together with Michael Bush crying at the Tv how they made up Michael before the funeral? She couldn't be fooled by a dummy or a double.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Well, I know that...But BJ, what is your opinion about what I said above?

  • On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??
    Then how could she make up a "dead" body supposed to be Michael, when she probably knows how he looks after so many years? Either she is IN the hoax or this is not a hoax. It can't be otherwise. Then how could be explained that she gave all those details and together with Michael Bush crying at the Tv how they made up Michael before the funeral? She couldn't be fooled by a dummy or a double.

    How many people do you think lie for $$$$$$$$$$..?

    I don't recall ANY of the Jacksons ever mentioning that Karen Faye Kissinger did the make up for the funeral, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, Mike could fool his own family with disguises, so I wouldn't be surprised if KFK did do the make up of "the body", which could have looked like Mike.

    I think Karen felt duped after reading up on MJ's hoax, and went on a rant because she is terribly disappointed that Mike didn't trust her enough to inform her of his plans upfront.
  • Well, I know that...But BJ, what is your opinion about what I said above?

    You think they REALLY did anything at all .... they can't even get their stories right with Latoya !!
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    Just quoting something I came across quite some time already. It's supposed to be a post by Karen Faye posted about the particular website you refer to which closed down.
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”
    Any thoughts on that BJ?
  • Yeah, I'd call it covering her ass and throwing MJ under the bus !!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Thank you my dear <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I also thought that maybe to say that people have mental disorders is...well we cannot diagnose as you said...they are responsible of their behaviour and don't even realize how ridiculous they are, I feel sorry for that girl. I am quite sure that they are attracted by the Iconic name "Michael Jackson" and what it can represent (fame and money etc;) and surely not by Michael the person....they don't show respect for him.

    Also I think that there are different "levels" in the level of annoyance/disturbance some fans can create towards Michael. But to live that on a daily basis surely diminishes the ability to cope with it and maybe that from Michael perspective that girl went already way too far. Everyone (fans) want a piece of Michael Jackson but it is not possible. If they considered him just as a human being like you and me things woud be ok. They kind of live in a parallel world they have created in their minds, they live for/by the illusion and have no boundaries, respect doesn't mean anything to them their like in a trance...

    The last sentence I bolded it´s the main point imo. Respect, but also self respect.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Seems that I am a bit slow this morning (my bad, I have a cold). Can you be so kind to explain to me in other words what you meant with:So "Re-education" Yes but let's think about it from a cause and effect perspective and not only from the perspective of "I am celebrity... get them out of here!"

    Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> *aaaattttssccchuuuuuuuúuuuuuu**aaahhh, an alien...*

    Hi! Gema

    This is my way to say that "it takes 2 to dance a tango!" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Sorry! let's try again. I was saying that by showing acceptance to those fans, many times over, MJ reinforced in their unstable minds, the fact that he is accepting their behaviours. The implication is that they want more and his occasional "outbursts" do not change this. It is what I call a "Cause and effect" relationship --- all effects have got a cause, in the same way that all fires need a spark to start with ---

    I hope I will not end up with a rattle snake bite! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Because it does not mean I do not have a lot of compassion for what MJ had to go through!

    With L.O.V.E

    I totally agree with your view <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    Isn't that that group that Karen Faye is defending?
    Yeah...................... who are we going to beLIEve........KF or MJ !!

    Well Karen is not really very trustworthy, most certainly not after her behavior of the past 16 months. I have never seen that video or hear him say that about a certain group of 'fans', so I can't say I believe him either, merely because I haven't seen him state his opinion about them. That said I must also say it wouldn't surprise me at all, when I see the behaviour of some of those 'fans' and the past year-and-a-half I have learned people would do anything and say anything to make others believe they were a part of his life, one way or another. I laugh the hardest about his alleged 'girlfriends' and their fantasy stories. Some e-mail and send me messages that I MUST give them his cellphone number or e-mail address (like I have that kind of information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) because they have something very important to say to him and that they are mad that he just left them. I wish I was joking, but I'm really not... Some truly are insane.

    The video I'm referring to could still be on youtube if you search for something like MJ and Paris 2007, or Paris Jackson birthday 2007. You'll know you have the right one if you SEE the stalker "T" in red following like she's his shadow....LOL, although it's no laughing matter. No wonder he called the two main stalkers 'flea' and 'tick'......!!

    Is this the video you mean? "T" being the mosquito on his left with the sleeveless thingy? Maybe you can help me understand since I never understood this kind of idolizing and behaviour... What does she think she will accomplish with this? If he clearly is annoyed with her, she must feel that. Why still follow him when she knows he doesn't like it? Is it a mental disorder on her side thinking she is or can become Mrs Jackson if she just tries hard enough? Does she think he will change his mind about her eventually and fall in love with her demanding personality? Is she just annoying him BECAUSE she can't have him? Makes me think of Stephen King's Misery...
    Sorry, but I am really a dummy on this, I simply don't understand...


    Thank you for posting that video, Souza.

    This is interesting to me because if you had not pointed that out I would never have heard him say that. First, it was pretty muffled and second I didn't realize Michael ever reacted like that. I certainly don't blame him at all. It's my thought that having Paris next to him made him more protective. What this video (from 2007?) shows me is this...Michael had a thin frame much like we saw at the 02, rehearsals, and TII Movie. He was healthy, strong, and in very much in control of his body, mind, and his surroundings. I got the sense that he knew what was happening around him at all times. Very alert and not someone under any influence.

    Very interesting observations regarding Karen F. I don't know her place in all of this but she did have a long working relationship with him, did obviously know him well enough to sit close by his side on that documentary a few years ago when she had her head on his shoulder or something like that, and was, for whatever reason, asked to participate in TII. She also went ballistic at people who hounded her relentlessly for answers on Facebook, Twitter, and maybe even in person. Even though she was rude it was after the treatment she received by some who were demanding answers from her - answers she probably didn't have. She too deserves space and privacy, right? Having said that, everyone has their breaking point and I think we saw hers. It doesn't mean she's always like that or that she's a mean person by nature. Look at how most of us felt on June 25, 2009 and magnify that ten-fold if you happen to be a lucky one who's had his presence grace your life in the way Michael has hers.

    BlackJack, you speak as one who is aware of the situation and you also bring up observations that have gone mostly unnoticed by the majority. I have appreciated your insight and dialogue. I am confused by you but I'm not sure why...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I'm still trying to find info on to which Kissinger Karen Faye was (or still is?) married and if that guy is related to Henry Kissinger. No luck so far, so if anyone has any info on this subject then please share.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    Where was Jennifer getting her intel from..... KF?
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    Yes, but Jennifer just told us what she was told by Karen Faye. Jen hadn't seen or spoken to Mike himself since the HIStory tour ended, so this was actually just "hearsay".

    Hearsay is not allowed as evidence in the United States <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    sorry but I can't hear when he's telling her to back off <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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