Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    Yes, but Jennifer just told us what she was told by Karen Faye. Jen hadn't seen or spoken to Mike himself since the HIStory tour ended, so this was actually just "hearsay".

    Hearsay is not allowed as evidence in the United States <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    Where was Jennifer getting her intel from..... KF?

    Yes, and she said Karen told her they were still good friends, very good and that he sent her gifts and that she was never fired. She is also in the credits of TII.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    ........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    finally somebody said it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    How do you know he called them flea and tick <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I got lost in the gossip.....
  • HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.

    Really...... with regards to Gloria Allred , he told a reporter "tell her to go to hell" and that was on national TV..... it's also on youtube somewhere
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.

    Really...... with regards to Gloria Allred , he told a reporter "tell her to go to hell" and that was on national TV..... it's also on youtube somewhere


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.

    Really...... with regards to Gloria Allred , he told a reporter "tell her to go to hell" and that was on national TV..... it's also on youtube somewhere

    He send her to a trip <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but he did not say bad things about her, he did not call her a name anyway <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Stirring the pot ? to get some all - important " MJ fan" adulation.... I don't think she even knows what she's doing now. You do know about her little scam during the trial that ticked her 'then' boss off??

    I'm all ears... (well eyes in this case)

    To cut a long story short, she was basically running an MJ fansite during the trial and stiffed the fans on their orders. The money came in but no merchandise went out...... the boss was MIGHTY ticked when he found out.... and the rest is HIStory!!

    So that DOES fit with her being fired around that time... Jennifer Batten said when we talked to her that Karen was never fired and that she worked for him and received gifts from him up until June 25, 2009.

    Where was Jennifer getting her intel from..... KF?

    Yes, and she said Karen told her they were still good friends, very good and that he sent her gifts and that she was never fired. She is also in the credits of TII.

    Almost everyone he has worked with is on TII credits..... spreading the love and wealth around.... you gotta love Sony!!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Well, I know that...But BJ, what is your opinion about what I said above?

    You think they REALLY did anything at all .... they can't even get their stories right with Latoya !!
    Wait a bit, I'm lost in the posts, whom are you talkin' about here?

    KF was up his ass even during TII, why was she allowed then? first she was all happy about the whole thing then after June 2009 she started to call them murderers. So somehow she has to be involved, isn't it?
  • HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.

    Really...... with regards to Gloria Allred , he told a reporter "tell her to go to hell" and that was on national TV..... it's also on youtube somewhere

    He send her to a trip <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but he did not say bad things about her, he did not call her a name anyway <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    He did say tell her to go to Hell... it probably means what it means.

    @ Gema - Like you trying to get my head around what we are leading towards here ----> "HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?"

    With L.O.V.E
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am as lost as ever <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Why are we discussing this?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    How many people do you think lie for $$$$$$$$$$..?

    I don't recall ANY of the Jacksons ever mentioning that Karen Faye Kissinger did the make up for the funeral, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, Mike could fool his own family with disguises, so I wouldn't be surprised if KFK did do the make up of "the body", which could have looked like Mike.

    I think Karen felt duped after reading up on MJ's hoax, and went on a rant because she is terribly disappointed that Mike didn't trust her enough to inform her of his plans upfront.
    My own opinion is that it is impossible for me to believe KF could be that idiot to make up a face that is of a 'double'. No double even seems with Michael (if you look at doubles like E casanova or Navi or etc), they have absolutely nothing in common but the fact that they are both men. So for me that doesn't work.

    I know KF's behaviour has been horrible and this is the reason why I don't know what to say about her. As I said, either she is IN the hoax or this is not a hoax. Because that would mean she was completely idiot and blind to not notice it was not Michael the one she put the make up on. And this goes for Michael Bush too.I know none of the jackson talked about KF and the make up, but she talked about that publicly, so if she was telling pure lies, why didn't the family shut her up or make any statement against her behaviour?
  • HHHmmmmm, eeeeeerrrrr..........why are we talking about Karen Faye,"tic" and "flea" and money scams?

    I never heard from Michael´s mouth bad words about anybody.

    Any way, this quote;
    “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

    It looks like Karen is defending her position and blaming Michael for not fulfilling his part.

    Really...... with regards to Gloria Allred , he told a reporter "tell her to go to hell" and that was on national TV..... it's also on youtube somewhere


    How have I not seen this before? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    This just proves that Mike isn't always Mr. Nice Guy. He's not scared to stand up for himself. That video cracked me up <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Of course he damns, curses and ect. As I said, he is not the one people used to paint him into. And besides this, it's very normal to say all those
  • I recall Michael saying in a speech that he has emotions and feelings like everyone else. He hurts like we do, he bleeds like we do. He is human, like we are.

    Perhaps, because we (I say that collectively because, as a whole, society is accountable) have elevated him to be so God-like, we forced him into that idyllic role, causing him to isolate himself all the more. That pressure can only build for so long before one is bound to either implode or explode.

    I see what he has done as necessary for his own self preservation. Maybe, now we will step back and understand this and finally come to realize "the man we never knew".
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    To send someone for a trip to hell does not equal to bashing people. I have not heard him talking bad, critisizing people.
  • To send someone for a trip to hell does not equal to bashing people. I have not heard him talking bad, critisizing people.

    I think he's a loving person by nature, and so am I. But I can stand up for myself when necessary. How about when he called Mottola a "devil"? To some, that might seem like bashing. To me, it's called being honest <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I just think we need to be careful not to put him on a pedestal. It's perfectly okay to stick up for him, but silly to say "ohhh, he would never say something like that". Sounds like a naive mother who thinks her own child can do no wrong. Like my mother <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Everytime she hears me curse she'll say "jaci, that's not like you..." Well, I guess you don't know me that well then Mom, because when I'm mad, there's probably good reason and I refuse to censor myself. Sorry Mom... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    May be I am inmune to insults then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • How many people do you think lie for $$$$$$$$$$..?

    I don't recall ANY of the Jacksons ever mentioning that Karen Faye Kissinger did the make up for the funeral, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, Mike could fool his own family with disguises, so I wouldn't be surprised if KFK did do the make up of "the body", which could have looked like Mike.

    I think Karen felt duped after reading up on MJ's hoax, and went on a rant because she is terribly disappointed that Mike didn't trust her enough to inform her of his plans upfront.

    My own opinion is that it is impossible for me to believe KF could be that idiot to make up a face that is of a 'double'. No double even seems with Michael (if you look at doubles like E casanova or Navi or etc), they have absolutely nothing in common but the fact that they are both men. So for me that doesn't work.
    I'm not talking about E'Cas or Navi, they are impersonators, not doubles. When I talk doubles, I mean the guys we have seen many pics of, and when those pics are compared one says "Hell no, that's not MJ" while someone else says "Oh that's Michael and he looks beautiful". Doubles, doppelgangers, clones, whatever you want to call them, but do not mix them up with impersonators.
    I know KF's behaviour has been horrible and this is the reason why I don't know what to say about her. As I said, either she is IN the hoax or this is not a hoax. Because that would mean she was completely idiot and blind to not notice it was not Michael the one she put the make up on. And this goes for Michael Bush too.I know none of the jackson talked about KF and the make up, but she talked about that publicly, so if she was telling pure lies, why didn't the family shut her up or make any statement against her behaviour?
    Did the Jacksons stand up and make any statement against anybody who has been telling lies except for the obvious fall guy Murray? They do make statements, but always say they can't name names but know very well who is behind everything and that it's all going to come out. The Jacksons not addressing KF's behavior is no proof at all that KF is in on the hoax.

    So far I have seen enormous piles of evidence of this all being one giant hoax, yet I haven't seen a single piece of evidence that Michael Jackson indeed died on 06/25/2009.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    To send someone for a trip to hell does not equal to bashing people. I have not heard him talking bad, critisizing people.

  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    So far I have seen enormous piles of evidence of this all being one giant hoax, yet I haven't seen a single piece of evidence that Michael Jackson indeed died on 06/25/2009.

    My sentiments exactly. If someone comes forward with any credible evidence to suggest he is actually dead then I would weigh it up against all that we know so far. It would have to be something very convincing though as the sheer amount of evidence that he's not is so substantial that it would take a lot to tip the scales. Or even balance them... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    So far I have seen enormous piles of evidence of this all being one giant hoax, yet I haven't seen a single piece of evidence that Michael Jackson indeed died on 06/25/2009.

    My sentiments exactly. If someone comes forward with any credible evidence to suggest he is actually dead then I would weigh it up against all that we know so far. It would have to be something very convincing though as the sheer amount of evidence that he's not is so substantial that it would take a lot to tip the scales. Or even balance them... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    You know, I will explain why I have ups and downs all the time.
    You say that only a strong evidence would make you believe, but what could that strong evidence be? To actually see a photo of him dead? or a video? This is the reason why I never can say I believe 100%, because we have a death certificate signed by the coroner which people say it's fake, but based on what?then an AR signed by a lot of physicians, we had the chief coroner talking. So this doesn't weigh as evidence from the start because people want to deny everything even if it's an official document. Indeed it can be done by people who were payed beforehand, but that no one knows as a fact. I can't let myself be blinded by what I want to believe when I can't explain to myself how a lot of things were done. There are still hundreds of questions I have no answer yet. Evidence based on numerology or things like that simply don't add to 'strong evidence' for me.

    As I said, I am here because I have reasons,of course, but I simply can't say I believe 100%.I will say that only when I'll see him with my eyes......
  • This is the reason why I never can say I believe 100%, because we have a death certificate signed by the coroner which people say it's fake, but based on what?

    Signed..? How do you know it is in fact signed, while non of the death certificates that hit the internet shows the field in which the coroner's signature goes?


    That field is redacted, so no one knows if Cheryl Macwillie indeed signed it.

    The "signature" of the coroner is nothing more than a typed name and a stamp, so I don't see any reason for redacting that "signature" while the name of the deputy coroner is listed on the death certificate. It still escapes my logic capacity! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    This is the reason why I never can say I believe 100%, because we have a death certificate signed by the coroner which people say it's fake, but based on what?

    Signed..? How do you know it is in fact signed, while non of the death certificates that hit the internet shows the field in which the coroner's signature goes?


    That field is redacted, so no one knows if Cheryl Macwillie indeed signed it.

    The "signature" of the coroner is nothing more than a typed name and a stamp, so I don't see any reason for redacting that "signature" while the name of the deputy coroner is listed on the death certificate. It still escapes my logic capacity! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Yes, I know, but if you search Brittany Murphy's DC you'll find the same thing. The same spaces hidden, the name the same and the 'stamp' signature as well. And her DT is not false as she, unfortunately, is dead. You know what I mean...? These kind of things really hold no answer for me yet.Even if I am a believer.
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