Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Yes, all DC are with black censor in signature's place, once they are leaked to the internet. I personally checked many. This doesn't mean they are not signed. You find them on google
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am not sure in USA but in Europe, one goes to the civil registration archives and can search who died and when.

    The problem is that looks like MJ could have 2 passports with a different middle name (as discussed in the thread of LMP opposing to Eliza). In any case, both documents must hold the same id number.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????
  • To send someone for a trip to hell does not equal to bashing people. I have not heard him talking bad, critisizing people.


    What is "puzzling" me is why MJ would want the public to discover this side of him when he spent so many years cultivating a loving image!

    If I let my imagination run and embed myself into this thread, I start to see MJ as a manipulating man who is on a personal vendetta... and I then think... OOPS... Be careful! Remember that you are involved in a very sophisticated Hoax (an ARG very possibly) and what you see is not necessarily real! Just step back for a minute, do NOT reach any hasty conclusions!

    If I do step back, the question that comes to mind is: "Where is this "stalkers, KF and vendetta" discussion taking us?"
    1. Testing people reactions ---> What do we make of this? Which emotions does it trigger?
    2. Bringing some focus on the TINI & Justice for MJ groups and on KF ---> Are we missing anything?
    3. Discrediting the TINI/Justice For MJ/KF group ---> Many fans may turn beLIEvers as a result
    4. Nothing specifically ---> It is just literally what it is: An active discussion thread with some interesting "twists"

    There are times where I want to disappear in my internet cable to go and see who is at the other end!

    With L.O.V.E
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    To send someone for a trip to hell does not equal to bashing people. I have not heard him talking bad, critisizing people.


    What is "puzzling" me is why MJ would want the public to discover this side of him when he spent so many years cultivating a loving image!

    If I let my imagination run and embed myself into this thread, I start to see MJ as a manipulating man who is on a personal vendetta... and I then think... OOPS... Be careful! Remember that you are involved in a very sophisticated Hoax (an ARG very possibly) and what you see is not necessarily real! Just step back for a minute, do NOT reach any hasty conclusions!

    If I do step back, the question that comes to mind is: "Where is this "stalkers, KF and vendetta" discussion taking us?"
    1. Testing people reactions ---> What do we make of this? Which emotions does it trigger?
    2. Bringing some focus on the TINI & Justice for MJ groups and on KF ---> Are we missing anything?
    3. Discrediting the TINI/Justice For MJ/KF group ---> Many fans may turn beLIEvers as a result
    4. Nothing specifically ---> It is just literally what it is: An active discussion thread with some interesting "twists"

    There are times where I want to disappear in my internet cable to go and see who is at the other end!

    With L.O.V.E

    I am still figuring out why we are talking about it. I think that started with the topic fans stalking Michael?

    As I said before, I need more info to have at least a neutral opinion. I wasn´t awared of "flea" and "tic" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • However, they didn't figure on him coming back so they'll be caught out in their own LIES.

    I figure Many people didn't think that he would be coming back from the dead so I am so waiting for the day of schocked look on their faces when Michael says: "I heard what you said, I saw what you wrote" <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I recall Michael saying in a speech that he has emotions and feelings like everyone else. He hurts like we do, he bleeds like we do. He is human, like we are.

    Perhaps, because we (I say that collectively because, as a whole, society is accountable) have elevated him to be so God-like, we forced him into that idyllic role, causing him to isolate himself all the more. That pressure can only build for so long before one is bound to either implode or explode.

    I see what he has done as necessary for his own self preservation. Maybe, now we will step back and understand this and finally come to realize "the man we never knew".

    I agree that it is how we interpret Michael and what he signifies in OUR own lifes.

    What he means to each one of personally and what he means to the world is going to be different according to the uniqueness of each of our personalities. There will be pre-"death" Interpretations and after-"death" ones.

    It is a Human Experience.

    We are living other people's lifes right now (sorta) by being so involved in every aspect of their lifes. That's where the empathy comes in.

    If for example one has lived a life somewhat adventerous, scandelous, abusive, tortured, it would be perhaps not difficult to actually "know" what Michael felt like walking into court and facing demons.

    IT IS gut-wrentching and looking at Michael's face right before he was going inside the court room for the verdict, I saw that gut-wrentching feeling on his face and instantly "knew" what he was feeling.

    Common experiences allows one to empathize as IF they did live the other persons life.
    Maybe that is why when Michael talked about having so much in common with Brooke Shields, Elizabeth Taylor, etc. "that they knew exactly what he was feeling" because they lived similiar lifes... Common experiences in child hood bonded them.

    All I know is that I NEVER in my life viewed Michael nor any other celeb as a necessary part of my life. I NEVER thought that I had to stalk someone to be in their presence.

    The fabricating lies, and doing all kinds of stuff that would be viewed as obnoxious or obsessive is kinda foreign for me.

    I get an uneasy feeling when I think about how that must of felt for Michael to have "fans" obsessively follow, break into his home, make up ludicris stories of being married to him or the mother of his children or his love child...etc.

    That is wacked! I don't get that. Also "fans" who have openly expressed the fact that they felt as if they died when he did and they are still devastated to this day...I am not getting that either.

    How could a man you don't know make you not want to live anymore when you think or thought he has died?

    Re-Education is a smart idea and it can be achieved but, it will take some time.
    I absolutely love this video by StargazerMJ11.
    I actually felt like I was in a video game flying.

    The revolution for Peace has started and it did take for Michael to get the ball rolling… so for that I will always and forever be grateful to him for opening up this can of woop ass on the NWO and etc.


    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I am as lost as ever <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Why are we discussing this?

    LMAO SAME.I take a day off and miss a million things,or so it would appear.

    As for this:
    There are times where I want to disappear in my internet cable to go and see who is at the other end!
    As awesome as that would be,I doubt that you'd like what was at the other end 90% of the time haha.

    Lastly-Karen F.....Just eugh.
  • This thread has become quite convoluted since I was asked to provide answers/opinions to some questions, however the original update to this thread which I have posted again below is really what I wanted to make a point about. This group who is still active now [of whom "T"is one (I honestly thought you all would know her name)], have been misrepresenting themselves as being "very close to MJ" and "know a lot of things"and are pointing fingers everywhere, when the TRUTH is that he could not stand these stalkers. I referred to the video in essence to show that his displeasure had in fact been captured since so many people cannot beLIEve that he ever retaliates. This group's main function has been to divide his fan base ...... and to a degree it has been splintered.... believers V the nons. This thread has many good points in it that I hope will not be glossed over if you can follow the information flow.............. sometimes the TRUTH is hidden in plain sight... even amongst the gossip!!
  • Original update..... that sparked the flow.........................
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Original update..... that sparked the flow.........................
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!

    I'm not being lazy,but 8pages is an awful lot to read through when there is like 10,000 other things to read so,Many thanks BJ x

    I 1010% Agree with that entire statement.I actually do not blame him for using this...'production'(don't dig the word hoax) as a way to escape if that is what it was partly intended for.Not at all.It bothers and upsets me a great deal to think I am part of the society who pushed him to those limits.Not me obviously.I have nothing but respect and love for him,I owe a great deal to him and will do my entire life but as part of the world that made his life hell, i'm truly sorry for that.I hope they serve nice cocktails where he is haha.

    I stick by my comment about KF though.Vile creature.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????

    Again, I kindly ask you this. Perhaps, BJ, could address this as well??????
    Thank you.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????[/quote

    Again, I kindly ask you this. Perhaps, BJ, could address this as well??????
    Thank you.

    IDK............................ maybe Souza likes to give nicknames............
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well,i collected this posts made by @somekindofsign in the TS authenticity thread.

    Is the girl in red Miss "T" a.k.a flea or tic? (oh,a rhyme...)[/img]



    <!-- m --> ... opup&ino=7<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    <!-- m --> ... sons-death<!-- m -->



    <!-- m --> ... son-dies/3<!-- m -->[/quote]
  • Of course he damns, curses and ect. As I said, he is not the one people used to paint him into. And besides this, it's very normal to say all those

    I don't say those things...Having said that, I agree that people have painted a very different picture of Michael than what he probably is like when pushed to his limit. I don't think he goes around cursing like a sailor but I do believe he's been pushed to those limits. He even says words in some songs that make me blush but he makes it sound cool anyway <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • This thread has become quite convoluted since I was asked to provide answers/opinions to some questions, however the original update to this thread which I have posted again below is really what I wanted to make a point about. This group who is still active now [of whom "T"is one (I honestly thought you all would know her name)], have been misrepresenting themselves as being "very close to MJ" and "know a lot of things"and are pointing fingers everywhere, when the TRUTH is that he could not stand these stalkers. I referred to the video in essence to show that his displeasure had in fact been captured since so many people cannot beLIEve that he ever retaliates. This group's main function has been to divide his fan base ...... and to a degree it has been splintered.... believers V the nons. This thread has many good points in it that I hope will not be glossed over if you can follow the information flow.............. sometimes the TRUTH is hidden in plain sight... even amongst the gossip!!

    BlackJack - Thanks for this but my confusion remains and I shall explain why.

    What confuses me is the perception I have of MJ "tolerating" those stalking fans when you are using very strong words such as "he could not stand these stalkers"!
    Was MJ not wearing the Tee-shirt the stalkers gave him on his "last" This Is It rehearsal? The one with "Curls for the Girls" or similar written on it? ( To take one example)

    I am also somewhat struggling with those stalking Fans having the power to divide his fan base! In my "not so simple" mind, they have this power only if he gave them this power directly or indirectly! HIM alive! would he really allow this to happen? I beLIEve he is no PUSH-OVER, so how did he let it happen?

    With L.O.V.E
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????[/quote

    Again, I kindly ask you this. Perhaps, BJ, could address this as well??????
    Thank you.

    IDK............................ maybe Souza likes to give nicknames............

    Nicknames, my dear, are generally shorter---I defer this question now to the source, Souza. An answer would be much appreciated, Souza. Thanks.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I was never involved in the MJ fan base, never ever. But seems to be true that a lot of hate is spread within the MJ fan base. I also experienced harrasment by so called "fans" and have been called awful names, and my experience is not isolated. On the other hand I have also met the most lovely people on this earth within the MJ fan base. I guess that the last choice is to choose well who you hang around with <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Nicknames, my dear, are generally shorter---I defer this question now to the source, Souza. An answer would be much appreciated, Souza. Thanks.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Jackie sounds sweeter to me...BJ is not a word i like to write too much....
  • This thread has become quite convoluted since I was asked to provide answers/opinions to some questions, however the original update to this thread which I have posted again below is really what I wanted to make a point about. This group who is still active now [of whom "T"is one (I honestly thought you all would know her name)], have been misrepresenting themselves as being "very close to MJ" and "know a lot of things"and are pointing fingers everywhere, when the TRUTH is that he could not stand these stalkers. I referred to the video in essence to show that his displeasure had in fact been captured since so many people cannot beLIEve that he ever retaliates. This group's main function has been to divide his fan base ...... and to a degree it has been splintered.... believers V the nons. This thread has many good points in it that I hope will not be glossed over if you can follow the information flow.............. sometimes the TRUTH is hidden in plain sight... even amongst the gossip!!

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Keep your boxers on BlackJack...

    I get it now. I know who you are talking about.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=46&t=12182<!-- l -->

    Some of her tweets lead to info below... Happy Reading

    @SFL_eMJay_Junky I support @Taaj2001 100%... I understand how you feel, but what she is saying is sadly true. Hard to believe but true.
    via web in reply to SFL_eMJay_Junky

    Reply Retweet @MyMjjTribute it is me. Can't say more that what I am posting for the moment. Follow @taaj2001 she has info as well

    I went to taaj2001 twitter account and got to snooping and investigating. Click links to find out what is REALLY up.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I first looked up this Taaj Malik and found this article,

    <!-- m --> ... _3457.html<!-- m -->

    then clicked her name inside the article and it took me to this page
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    I clicked the link on the right side of this page.

    It took me to this page.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    where DRAMA unfolds. This is a Fan based shit hitting the fan..

    This is about the Fans who believe MJ is dead, the fan based camp for MJ justice.
    Please read to understand what is happening.

    I wanted to UPDATE my post to say that the link to taajm-exposed is VERY revealing, this is the Groups of Fans who organized the Banner to Fly over the Court House during Conrad Murray's Court Date on June 14, 2010..

    The blog is revealing the fact that this woman has been STEALING money from fans scaming them. I think this is what ALL the TMZ articles were about when they were talking about copyright infringement on MJ's name and FRAUD websites.

    You should READ the blog.
    More posts like that from me on that thread link. Don't be so cryptic and more people would catch on.

    No need to be rude and say the thread is now convoluted.

    You could at least have some patience when wanting help or opinions if people don't figure out your clues right away. geeesh!
    Original update..... that sparked the flow.........................
    In keeping with my thoughts about re-education and how people interact with high profile celebrities in particular, there was an excellent snippet of video doing the rounds showing MJ interacting with "normal" admirers and then "sweet" Mike telling off one of his "stalker fans" who we'll call "T". It was taken a few years ago and he was out shopping with Paris. As they walked along he was saying hello to people and shaking the odd hand here and there, however, he was being 'tagged' by one of the group of annoying stalkers that made his life hell. At one point he turned to "T" and said : "BACK OFF, don't come any closer"...... it's pure MJ gold showing that everyone has a limit and he had reached his. The sad part is that this group with their parasite behaviour didn't learn their lesson and kept on following him around relentlessly right up until his 'disappearance'. The absolute epitome of disrespect came after his "death" when they fabricated lies about 'how close' they were to him and then set about producing the exquisite photo-shopped pictures as if to prove it. Even IF the hoax was purely only to 'escape' this torment and keep his kids safe from these stalkers, I wouldn't blame him at all !!
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    He even says words in some songs that make me blush

    LOL!I'd probably cause some kind of attack with my vocab then hahaha <3
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks Im_convincedmjalive.

    I remember that thread. Harsh words were said about Randy Jackson, but to be honest i never understood what was going on.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Is Taaj the girl close to Karen? the one in black?
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    Why is that Taaj Malik being brought up into this?Is she the fan that BJ is on about? if so
    massive LOL.
    Sorry,I know stalking isn't funny, nor is being harassed while shopping with your child but she is so bad at life and just generally being that kind of person,it is her profession.
    I could tell you tales I have heard about this woman,all appauling.
    Taaj isn't her real name for a start.
    She has numerous restraining orders out on her,one for throwing a dead rat at another fan's door
    She has been accused of theft,fraud,slander..I could go on and on and on.

    I'll find the online document about her that the J4MJ group did for the police.
    Oh yeah..full on LAPD action.
  • I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????[/quote

    Again, I kindly ask you this. Perhaps, BJ, could address this as well??????
    Thank you.

    IDK............................ maybe Souza likes to give nicknames............

    Furthermore, BJ, a nickname is usually given as an affectionate term to someone you feel close to or know personally. Is it that you are close to Souza and Mo???? Is there something you are not telling us, my friend????
    With love!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Furthermore, BJ, a nickname is usually given as an affectionate term to someone you feel close to or know personally. Is it that you are close to Souza and Mo???? Is there something you are not telling us, my friend????
    With love!

    I know this question isn't directed at me but people call me by my nickname all the time all over the world and have no real close connection to me or why that is my nickname.They just know that is what I am known as..
    Just saying =]
This discussion has been closed.