Re - Education : will things be any different!



  • Furthermore, BJ, a nickname is usually given as an affectionate term to someone you feel close to or know personally. Is it that you are close to Souza and Mo???? Is there something you are not telling us, my friend????
    With love!

    I know this question isn't directed at me but people call me by my nickname all the time all over the world and have no real close connection to me or why that is my nickname.They just know that is what I am known as..
    Just saying =]


    Thanks kindly for your opinion, but the question would be best answered by Souza. Thanks.
  • Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!

    HAHAHAHA.I like you.
    re:my previous post on Taaj.They are an utter disgrace.
    and the LAPD thing is totally true,she is in so much shit.
  • Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!

    See how easy things can be misunderstood and maybe go in the wrong direction?

    A "T" is all I went on and the other clues you provided about the active part currently.
    That was the only "T" I could think of.

    I don't even have info on the others.
    Going to do research on them.

    BTW why would you be so cryptic about her and the name you wanted us to figure out?

    It seems people who have names on the end of their tongues say: "It is so and so with the Initials "T" or what have you" or "There are more people involved but, I can't say to much"

    Honestly cryptic clues are understandable if your in danger (like the Jacksons might be if they spoke) or like Mike was and perhaps might still be if he speaks out about certain people.

    I understand PR and the fact that celebs can't say to much and that there is most likely stuff we will never know what goes on behind close doors in a celebs life.

    I understand that is why the need for voices for Michael and the family coming from people like us who will speak out no matter what.

    But, How in the world can we help if we never hear the names of who people are they or you want us to LOOK at or investigate?

  • Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!


    I have a question for you regarding these stalker fans......

    Michael always appears so calm and contained when experiencing these "stalker fans", as you call them (from the videos I have viewed). In fact,it appears that he has a very high tolerance level for them. If he was angered by their presence or shenanigans why did he not nip it in the bud at that time????? He had plenty of resources and opportunities to address these issues over the course of his lifetime (legally, or via his security team). Why is it now a public forum issue?

    Don't get me wrong...I am not at all justifying or condoning this is a huge infringement on his privacy and safety.....but I find it rather odd that this is the topic you choose to focus on now. Why???? I simply find it hard to believe that Michael hoaxed his death simply to avert stalker fans only. If you know more please let us know! Thanks much.

    P.S. I get the sense from the tone of your writing (yes, it has changed from the initial entries) is one of anger. Why is that? What emotional investment do you have in this story that would incite anger within you????? I am curious, my dear friend, Jackie......and I would appreciate if you could share your feelings with us. Thank you. Peace!
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    Oh, boy, this is one time I really, really hope my gut feeling is wrong. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Wow! Where to start to get some coherence to my thoughts? Maybe just dive right in then....
    This group of "followers" is the group that Ian Halperin says he infiltrated for the so called research for his book. He gave them glowing reports [ yes I read the book] saying they shared everything MJ gave them amongst each other and that the body guards would tip them off on Mike's movements. Then early in the hoax I heard there was a falling out between Sam deGossen and Talitha. Maybe they weren't so tight afterall. Anyhow, the question arises was MJ playing them and these were hoaxed along with halperin. Come on now. The dates he put in that book predicting the demise within 6 months from Christmas o8. Things that make you go hhmmm <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Then there is that disturbing video of Paris' birthday and some serious stalking being witnessed there. This is rudeness personified. If it was Paris' birthday and she was out with Dad, how inappropriate and vulgar would such a display be considered. And why didn't the body guards deal with that? These stalkers must be taught that the only time Mike is theirs is when he was or is performing. That is the time he gives of himself to them. Mike the family man out for his daughters birthday is not on the job then and shouldn't have to deal with that. That will take some re-education . On both sides. Mike do not feed the strays or they will move in. No chinese takeout or pizza sent down. It only encourages them.
    There also seems to be a lot of people using Mike and their associations or in some cases fabricated friendship to springboard off the back of this hoax or death [ whatever their concept of the truth may be] and become some kind of leader or celebrity by association. They seem to be like mini moons drawing their own space junk into their gravitation pull as they continue to orbit the sun[ sorry bout the metaphor I tend to think in pictures] Even the hoax vid makers have their followers. This is a very interesting social experiment. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    Which brings me to the last thought in my ramblings. We have people indulging in self promotion and money making rackets[ think Karen Faye and bracelets] as well as past HIStory of MJJsource. Are people's true heart motivations and desires coming to the fore now. Money. Nothing wrong with's neutral, but the LOVE OF IT.....well that's the root of all evil.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    fanaticism, are not more that a reaction visceral and irrational human that denotes low degree of criticism and autocritica.

    By this I mean any kind of fanaticism, is the human irrationality exacerbacion.
    This religious, sports, artistic etc...

    I believe that all fanaticism fall into dogmatism that most lacks logical rationale to justify these fundamentals. As I said earlier is dangerous when the fan stops being it and becomes obsesion.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.
    My gosh, I know what you mean- it can really frustrate me that he didn't nip ot on the bud a long time ago.. He didn't have to be mean about it (even though they deserve it) but he could have released a statement like the one in '93 directed at fans? Flea and tick- heh! He should have directed something at every flea and every tick.. He could have still been a gentleman about it- or heck, just have his representative do it! He has all of those assistants for something..
    Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!

    I remember now a friend of mine wrote last year on the forum that Michael's mother said that he is free now, the fans can't bother him anymore <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> .
    I was like "really ?!?!? His mother said that?! But Michael loved his fans <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> "

    But now as I see you bringing this up I am wondering if Ms. Katherine was talkind about this group <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I bet their subsequent behaviour after his 'death' did not surprise him at all as he knows exactly what they're like........ rub MJ up the wrong way and he gets madder than a rattlesnake !!

    Nooooo Jackie, you have that all wrong. MJ would never get mad, he loves all of his fans <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    On a serious note: what do you think KF is doing?

    Do you mean anything when you address Black Jack as "Jackie". Does this imply anything??????[/quote

    Again, I kindly ask you this. Perhaps, BJ, could address this as well??????
    Thank you.

    IDK............................ maybe Souza likes to give nicknames............

    Furthermore, BJ, a nickname is usually given as an affectionate term to someone you feel close to or know personally. Is it that you are close to Souza and Mo???? Is there something you are not telling us, my friend????
    With love!

    Is a girl allowed to sleep? And yes, I like to give people nicknames but I see where the confusion comes from. I thought Blackie sounded too much like a pony, nothing intended here, no need to 'investigate'....

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.
    I knew about "flea" and "tick" but not under these names, but more because of Samantha de Gosson whom I know who she is from what I researched since 12 months now, I know she's a stalker and that she states she's been close to him all day long in TII. Also, there is a blog or something I stumbled upon last year, a blog that belongs to TINI, and there were many girls there who related their stories about how they met Michael don't know what day, some of them (2 or 3) have a photo with him in a car or something, at the entrance. I read some of their stories and how they said that he was kept without eating and working until he couldn't stand on both legs, that he was controlled and manipulatd, that when they hugged him they could feel his ribs and all bones sticking out from his skin through many clothes he was wearing to hide his skinny body.

    BUT, BJ, TheRunningGirl said on the page before about the T-shirt with the message "Curls for my girls" that they gave to him and he wore it. If he really couldn't stand this group of stalkers, why give them fuel? He appears with the T-shirt,there are photos, so I don't know what to make out of this group. Indeed they are stalkers, I knew that, but why Michael allowed them at the rehearsals and even wearing the T-shirt they gave to him. I remember seeing a photo of Michael going out of a medical office, his face is covered and he holds in a hand a photo of a girl whom he has a photo together the same day he has photos with Samantha and another girls who probably is from the group. Do you know what I'm talking about? How can we explain this, then?

    here is the T-shirt

    here is him with the photo of this girl

    and here with the girl from the photo. Here he has photos with Samantha and another one too, in the same place

    I am really waiting for opinions
    Just to clear something up.... it's Talitha in the video...... but Taaj, Talitha, Samantha, Jill...... all the same ..... LYING STALKERS who love photoshop !!

    P.S. I get the sense from the tone of your writing (yes, it has changed from the initial entries) is one of anger. Why is that? What emotional investment do you have in this story that would incite anger within you????? I am curious, my dear friend, Jackie......and I would appreciate if you could share your feelings with us. Thank you. Peace!
    What emotional investment do we all have ?
    I should be working now instead of being here reading this thread <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Anna are those pictures fake?! They seem real enough to me <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I don't know for sure if they are fake or not, but I go with the fact that I don't think they are photoshopped, looking at the shadows, angles and all.

    So I'm really waiting to hear BJ's opinion on these, as they always have been a mystery for me. There are 2 more from the set with the car, one with Samantha and one with another one, a girl with curly hair if I remember right. Those also have photos with KF as far as I see.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    I thought Blackie sounded too much like a pony, nothing intended here, no need to 'investigate'....

    Haaaa hahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaa <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Thanks for this.
  • It seems quite possible that these "fans" were paid by whoever was out there wanting to intentionally destroy and distract Michael. And Michael knew it. Sometimes he toyed with these stalker fans and went along with their silly games and gifts in order to not let the real ticks and fleas get the best of him. Using "fans" to annoy Michael was "their" way of playing hardball. Michael is playing chess.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.
    I knew about "flea" and "tick" but not under these names, but more because of Samantha de Gosson whom I know who she is from what I researched since 12 months now, I know she's a stalker and that she states she's been close to him all day long in TII. Also, there is a blog or something I stumbled upon last year, a blog that belongs to TINI, and there were many girls there who related their stories about how they met Michael don't know what day, some of them (2 or 3) have a photo with him in a car or something, at the entrance. I read some of their stories and how they said that he was kept without eating and working until he couldn't stand on both legs, that he was controlled and manipulatd, that when they hugged him they could feel his ribs and all bones sticking out from his skin through many clothes he was wearing to hide his skinny body.

    BUT, BJ, TheRunningGirl said on the page before about the T-shirt with the message "Curls for my girls" that they gave to him and he wore it. If he really couldn't stand this group of stalkers, why give them fuel? He appears with the T-shirt,there are photos, so I don't know what to make out of this group. Indeed they are stalkers, I knew that, but why Michael allowed them at the rehearsals and even wearing the T-shirt they gave to him. I remember seeing a photo of Michael going out of a medical office, his face is covered and he holds in a hand a photo of a girl whom he has a photo together the same day he has photos with Samantha and another girls who probably is from the group. Do you know what I'm talking about? How can we explain this, then?

    here is the T-shirt

    here is him with the photo of this girl

    and here with the girl from the photo. Here he has photos with Samantha and another one too, in the same place

    I am really waiting for opinions

    I don´t know what to say.
    I don't know for sure if they are fake or not, but I go with the fact that I don't think they are photoshopped, looking at the shadows, angles and all.

    So I'm really waiting to hear BJ's opinion on these, as they always have been a mystery for me. There are 2 more from the set with the car, one with Samantha and one with another one, a girl with curly hair if I remember right. Those also have photos with KF as far as I see.

    I know...I've seen photos like this one before
    Maybe they are fake after all
  • I see it different. I think it's a matter of longing for the ideal man/woman, the perfect one, and the celebs are promoted with this ideal image, even if they are people like all of us.

    Some of us want to touch the stars in the sky don't we <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ? Because seems that touching the stars could bring us the supreme happiness.

    So it's for selfish reasons, like it was said before. I wanna touch you because this makes me happy, I don't care if it makes you happy or not. Selfish....

    I think you are very intelligent, GinaFelicia with clear and precise reasoning and awareness.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    "Gema&quot wrote:

    In this pic I understand : For My Music. For my in letters and music in symbols.


    Here I understand That the girl is the GF. Pic of the girl and GF in the jacket logo.


    IDK, lookig at the pics again I can also see a "call". Is Michael pointing out "who is it"?. Can this all be a public denounce against that woman in the pic?
  • Honestly, I thought everyone knew about this group already that's why I didn't bother going into 'T' .... it was obvious from the video who it was...... the hoax has been going on a while now..LOL. I purely wanted to bring attention to the re-education issue and highlight that this group has been lying about being 'close' with MJ..... the evidence speaks for itself, all the way back to 2007 at least !! The last thing I want is continued discussion on these stalkers but it turns out that it has been a good refresher to get people on the same page. These women did not make life pleasant for MJ and they did not take a hint or indeed an obvious "go away". BTW the bodyguards did make reference to this as well and told the world about "flea" and "tick". In answer to the questions about why MJ would put up with it, the bodyguards said "he was too much of a gentleman" to take it further and also the way I see it, the media would have had another field day. He has already been persecuted so much why give them another opportunity to create headlines such as .....' Jacko whinges, another vainglorious attempt to show how imprisoned he is and hard done by his own fame'. Besides, his own security team are much better at protection for him and his family than a restraining order. Finally, of coarse the hoax is not just for that reason or else why come back at all !! As I've said before, the hoax is all encompassing and deals with everything that needed to be addressed.

    Perfectly stated, BlackJack. Your insights inspire me. Thank you.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    I have been reading again your posts and I got mix feelings. I am not sure if I am understanding what you mean reading between the lines. But please, let me know if you think that we, the people of this forum, equals to you as "stalker fans".

    We have not been letting Michael RIP, digging up HIStory and life in order to understand why he hoaxed his death. This action of ours can be considered as "stalking" a man who decided to dissapear.

    Also, you mentioned in one of your posts that "all this" is an insurance policy? About what? People who don´t let the man be?

    I would like to be able to read posts without needing a cryptic lexicon near by to understand what posters mean when they write <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    In this pic I understand : For My Music. For my in letters and music in symbols.

    It's this
    <!-- m --> ... 5123816525<!-- m -->
This discussion has been closed.