Expectations versus Reality



  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I'm eager to see if the video is still this one with him dancing on the tables!!
    I only hope to see him in the video...whatever happens was a very beautiful one but i missed him there a lot...I love Santana too so I enjoy the video double <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    Miriam you know I stay here just to look at your signiture pictures <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    What a beautiful smile <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    If he would be here I would dedicate this song to Michael, 'cause HIS music makes me free <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> :

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4eMG4cI ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    "Just rise your hands tonight..
    and feel the freedom.
    Everything goes so right...
    I feel the rhythm
    I need'you here with me.
    'Cause music makes me free!"

    Why you think i add this to my signature? i can stay here looking at him every time i miss him....<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    These are a few photos from the shooting. I have really HQ ones but it's almost impossible to find them on my DVDs now. there are too many photos to search through

    You might know them


    Oh Thank you for these pictures.......

    People didn't pay too much attention to the video to come....but I remember TMZ said something like "better be one hell of a video !!"

    We'll see, we'll see.......

    Love you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I don't know how the original video was meant to be, but Michael dancing on the table sounds great ....... right girls <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    In case the video will not have any clues......I try to not rise my expectations too high...

    Counting the days.....
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I still don't know what clues we can find in it if it's the one that was filmed years ago. I remember TMZ said something like "the fans will dig into everything" so probably that was a hint to do it, but still, if it was filmed years ago, what could we get as clues? considering it's been 17 months ane we discovered many clues.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I still don't know what clues we can find in it if it's the one that was filmed years ago. I remember TMZ said something like "the fans will dig into everything" so probably that was a hint to do it, but still, if it was filmed years ago, what could we get as clues? considering it's been 17 months ane we discovered many clues.

    A LOT, are you kidding? Lol. This has been in the planning for 20 years, maybe 25.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    well, that's what I find hard to believe and one of the things that TS said and doesn't convince me.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    A LOT, are you kidding? Lol. This has been in the planning for 20 years, maybe 25.

    honestly how can you or how can we be sure of this? what proof we have to be sure this was planned 20 years ago? I am sorry but I really won't rely on this without a strong proof... at least my opinion.
  • These are a few photos from the shooting. I have really HQ ones but it's almost impossible to find them on my DVDs now. there are too many photos to search through

    You might know them


    Oh Thank you for these pictures.......

    People didn't pay too much attention to the video to come....but I remember TMZ said something like "better be one hell of a video !!"

    We'll see, we'll see.......

    Love you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Michael you are taking my breath away with this pictures....love you more
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    A LOT, are you kidding? Lol. This has been in the planning for 20 years, maybe 25.

    honestly how can you or how can we be sure of this? what proof we have to be sure this was planned 20 years ago? I am sorry but I really won't rely on this without a strong proof... at least my opinion.

    Go and watch Moonwalker again, that might help.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    A LOT, are you kidding? Lol. This has been in the planning for 20 years, maybe 25.

    honestly how can you or how can we be sure of this? what proof we have to be sure this was planned 20 years ago? I am sorry but I really won't rely on this without a strong proof... at least my opinion.

    Go and watch Moonwalker again, that might help.

    I know Moonwalker as I know the back of my hand.. I am curious where did the theory of 25 years of planning come from. I really ask because for me there's no relevance or proof this could have been planned 25 years ago.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    A LOT, are you kidding? Lol. This has been in the planning for 20 years, maybe 25.

    honestly how can you or how can we be sure of this? what proof we have to be sure this was planned 20 years ago? I am sorry but I really won't rely on this without a strong proof... at least my opinion.

    Go and watch Moonwalker again, that might help.

    I know Moonwalker as I know the back of my hand.. I am curious where did the theory of 25 years of planning come from. I really ask because for me there's no relevance or proof this could have been planned 25 years ago.

    Wow Tarja and Anna you really are a tag-team! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The clues in Moonwalker have been discussed quite a bit and surely can't just be coincidence. Again you're looking for concrete proof but no-one has that, we're just working with what we're given.
    If there would be solid proof outhere I suppose we wouldn't have a Hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    If there would be solid proof outhere I suppose we wouldn't have a Hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Exactly my point thanks Gina <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Anna and Tarja if you're okay to say that Moonwalker is full of clues (and it is) then considering the fact that it has been released in 1988 do the maths... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Anna and Tarja if you're okay to say that Moonwalker is full of clues (and it is) then considering the fact that it has been released in 1988 do the maths... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I don't understand why if I don't find something as full of clues as someone else, people put a stamp on you and that's it. Yes, I do not find a relevance this has been planned for 25 years.Why can't we have a discussion? I don't accept a thing just because. I need arguments. If I disagree, it doesn't mean I don't want to hear opinions. I like to talk to people and discuss every detail about this. I don't know why some people are so stubborn and do not accept another opinion besides their one. They do not accept another opinion but either they argument WHY. they just put you a stamp and close their minds to discussion. My mind never stops moving, I always analyze everything, my mind is not stuck to a theory. I am in constant improvement, searching new things, trying to find answers. If I stick to an old theory I will never see the new thing comming up. I can't be like that. And I don't think I am wrong. Maybe I am for other people, but for me I am not wrong and that's what counts for me in the end.I can't agree with a theory that hasn't been proved or at least enough argumented. I can't agree with a theory just because "people say so". I am always reaching my own conclusion after I heard everyone's opinions. If my conclusion agrees with someone else's, fine. If not, this is it. This is life, we all think different. If I always ask for arguments is exactly because I want to have as many informations about everything as I can.

    I am sure this was planned years ago as such a thing can't be done in months, it would be ridiculously absurd to think that. But either I find an explanation for 25 years planning. yes, Moonwalker was released in 1988, it has many connections with the movie TII for me (I don't know if for anybody else), but OK, starting from here - what's the big clue this has been planned for 25 years?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think Anna and Tarja have a LOT of reading to catch up on.

    Sorry girls, I'm not trying to be condescending but the answers you seek are available to you, just start clicking and reading. When you're done, click and read again. And again. And again.... you get the idea.

    It's all there, but like everything else in this hoax, it's not conveniently packaged for ease of consumption. You have to go do the reading and the learning for yourself. It's good that you're skeptical. Combine that skepticism with a thirst for knowledge and a strong sense of curiosity, and all you seek to understand will be clarified for you.

    Read, girls, read! The archives on this site contain many answers!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Also, bec, I saw what you think about TS, I also respect your opinions and you might have noticed that. But you are sometimes really stubborn. You really don't see anything but your opinion and who doesn't think like you, you put in a little joke or something. This is not how it should be. BUT, if my theory doesn't fit your opinion this doesn't mean I am off the track. I've been following this forum since 2009 and it's my choice in what to believe and what opinion to make out of everything, don't you agree? This means you must accept other's opinions as anyone accepts yours. I am really not interestd in discussing my person or yours. All I want to discuss is this subject: the hoax and the possible planning since 25 years ago. Isn't it better? And don't drag me after Anna all the time, it really annoys me. wtf.Cut it. Instead to be interested in the subject you seem you have a personal problem and I just don't care about discussing this type of things, because you don't know me personally as to analize what I know and what I don't know, what I think or what I should or shouldn't think.

    Back on what's important. Can you argument the fact this was planned 25 years ago? I would really like to hear your opinion on this if you are so against my opinion. I'd like to see everyone's opinions regarding the planning of the hoax since 25 years ago.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I'd like to see everyone's opinions regarding the planning of the hoax since 25 years ago.

    I don´t believe that the hoax was created 25 years ago but I believe that events happening 25 years ago have been taken inside the hoax to fit.

    Moonwalker i.e, has a story that imo fits perfect in to the hoax so it is reminded as a guide.

    I´ll go further, I think that MJ could have been created this hoax for many purposes and among them, one was to make the end of Moonwalker a true story for his children.

    Imagine the scenario.
    A bad doctor "kills" the smooth criminal, and the children, 2 boys and 1 girl, misses Michael....but he comes back in the most fanstatic way <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Was the hoax planned 25 years ago? NO, imo
    Is the hoax using events from the past? Yes, imo
  • gboetegboete Posts: 12
    I like to think Michael got over those times of humiliation because really doesn't worth to think about it anymore. The allegations were ridiculous and people who had common sense realised it from the beginning.
    I really wish Michael would forget about it and treat it like what it was: garbage.

    It would better for his heart but I don't think he can fully erase that off his soul. It's not that simple, you know? They were absurd, false but many people fell in that game and many, too many, accused him of being a child molester. Exactly what he mostly cares about and they knew it. This is what BlackJack said above, that the people can at least show understanding and patience because no matter how you would say "I understand you" you will never ever in your life be able to feel what he felt, to have nights when you put down your head on the pillow and still can't be able to relax your muscles because of the humiliation you are put through and the horrible feeling of the uncertainity, to not know what will happen tomorrow, if you will be able to get up and walk by yourself towards the court - to not know if in the end will be justice and seeing yourself for the next 20 years in jail. No...

    No, all this can't be erased just because they were ridiculous and false. Yes, we all know they were. In what regards myself, I didn't doubt 1 second of my life that he was innocent and that he is innocent of all those charges. But I am realistic and I am aware that there are people who still doubt his innocence and this can't be allowed anymore. In this world justice needs to be served. This can't go on like this no more. I support him in everything, he is right and he has the right to do this. Maybe I am a very sensitive person, but when I am hurt I just can't forget. No matter how deep the wound was. There will always be a scar there. Always. He is a strong man, he knows he has us and we support him to hell and back.

    We need to show him we really are there for him, that together we can make that change. He can't do it alone and he needs us. That's why I wish with all my heart that the ones who feel he is alive and understand it, to gather together because there is this part of the whole thing which they really are not aware of and Michael NEEDS our help more than ever.
    I am new here, at least for posting. And I wanted to study the site more intensively before posting. But here I see that the believers have to unite and support him. So I am in. Being a believer myself already for over one year, but more or less "banned" from the
    mj.com site (at least concerning our "beliefs". I have friends here, that I met at the mj.com (hi Gina and Miriam !). And I must say that I agree with all what I have read so far. I myself was "touched" by Michael after June 25, yes also one of the many that did not know what happened, and it changed my life complety... I loved Michael all my life, but did not really know anything more than what was in the newspaper or on TV. I did not even have one CD. But I knew he was innocent. Looking back, he has been hidden in my heart all my life. But he showed himself to me after June 25. And I am 100% his now.....
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Anna and Tarja if you're okay to say that Moonwalker is full of clues (and it is) then considering the fact that it has been released in 1988 do the maths... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I don't understand why if I don't find something as full of clues as someone else, people put a stamp on you and that's it. Yes, I do not find a relevance this has been planned for 25 years.Why can't we have a discussion? I don't accept a thing just because. I need arguments. If I disagree, it doesn't mean I don't want to hear opinions. I like to talk to people and discuss every detail about this. I don't know why some people are so stubborn and do not accept another opinion besides their one. They do not accept another opinion but either they argument WHY. they just put you a stamp and close their minds to discussion. My mind never stops moving, I always analyze everything, my mind is not stuck to a theory. I am in constant improvement, searching new things, trying to find answers. If I stick to an old theory I will never see the new thing comming up. I can't be like that. And I don't think I am wrong. Maybe I am for other people, but for me I am not wrong and that's what counts for me in the end.I can't agree with a theory that hasn't been proved or at least enough argumented. I can't agree with a theory just because "people say so". I am always reaching my own conclusion after I heard everyone's opinions. If my conclusion agrees with someone else's, fine. If not, this is it. This is life, we all think different. If I always ask for arguments is exactly because I want to have as many informations about everything as I can.

    I am sure this was planned years ago as such a thing can't be done in months, it would be ridiculously absurd to think that. But either I find an explanation for 25 years planning. yes, Moonwalker was released in 1988, it has many connections with the movie TII for me (I don't know if for anybody else), but OK, starting from here - what's the big clue this has been planned for 25 years?

    I have not put a stamp on you.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I thought that you agreed to say that maybe Moonwalker had clues and hence I pinpointed to its released date. Now there is no absolute proof of 25 years. This is more about speculation but Moonwalker gives a strong message as Michael breaking free from the music industry wishes and in my understanding Michael began to think about doing something to expose them. Of course it was certainly more an idea at that time... but in my mind something happened already back then... I love "Leave me Alone" and it is full of symbolism proving that Michael knew his enemy very well already.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I have not put a stamp on you.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I thought that you agreed to say that maybe Moonwalker had clues and hence I pinpointed to its released date. Now there is no absolute proof of 25 years. This is more about speculation but Moonwalker gives a strong message as Michael breaking free from the music industry wishes and in my understanding Michael began to think about doing something to expose them. Of course it was certainly more an idea at that time... but in my mind something happened already back then... I love "Leave me Alone" and it is full of symbolism proving that Michael knew his enemy very well already.

    I know, but I quoted you because you answered me regarding the situation and not taking it personal to me and I didn't want to continue the personal things. Yes, I agree that in Moonwalk we find certain things that are somehow related to what is happening with him now. But I stood many times and think that if it was to plan a hoax since late '80s he must have been focusing so much on it that it would have driven him crazy, at least in my opinion. You can't live 25 years planning your dissapearance more if you are just a human and you cannot prevent everything that will come in your road towards this. I also think that even if he passed though media hell since he was very young, nothing compares to the period between the trials and after it. This indeed, must have been a heavy reason for him to make this move, to want at any cost to make people see the truth about him, to bury the media in their own lies.

    I think and analyze and for me it's almost impossible. I know it's my opinion but I state it no matter what. For me it's so unclear and I don't have all the informations to try to get to the bottom of all this. This could have taken a few years but not 25. It would have been like he dedicated a human life to plan his "death" and I think it's too much and his purpose in this world I don't think it's planning his "death" but to unite races, to heal this world that has become ill..... though his music.. I try to see all possibilities and as much as I analyze them, the 25 years plan doesn't work for me.
  • And don't drag me after Anna all the time, it really annoys me. wtf.Cut it.

    It's not a surprise people "drag you after Anna all the time". After all, you both post in the same threads, are always backing each other up and have the same opinion. You even post from the same IP address........
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    And don't drag me after Anna all the time, it really annoys me. wtf.Cut it.

    It's not a surprise people "drag you after Anna all the time". After all, you both post in the same threads, are always backing each other up and have the same opinion. You even post from the same IP address........

    Souza knows and should I now avoid where she posts just to avoid personal comments? Sorry but I am not here to be attentive where she or anyone else posts as to think "oh, I must refrain my comment now, because she posted here already". can we let it here? I really am here because of Michael and not to discuss my person. And it's uncomfortable already. I am not here to fight with anybody. I don't know why you feel like being harsh with me from time to time. Peace
  • And don't drag me after Anna all the time, it really annoys me. wtf.Cut it.

    It's not a surprise people "drag you after Anna all the time". After all, you both post in the same threads, are always backing each other up and have the same opinion. You even post from the same IP address........

    Souza knows and should I now avoid where she posts just to avoid personal comments? can we let it here? I really am here because of Michael and not to discuss my person. And it's uncomfortable already. I am not here to fight with anybody. I don't know why you feel like being harsh with me from time to time. Peace

    I'm simply explaining why you get comments like that, nothing more, nothing less. I don't think that was harsh. I think your "wtf.Cut it" comment towards Bec was a whole lot less friendly than my reply towards you.

    Regarding posting from the same IP address: the fact that you explained that to Souza doesn't automatically mean I know about it as well.
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