Expectations versus Reality



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I have not put a stamp on you.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I thought that you agreed to say that maybe Moonwalker had clues and hence I pinpointed to its released date. Now there is no absolute proof of 25 years. This is more about speculation but Moonwalker gives a strong message as Michael breaking free from the music industry wishes and in my understanding Michael began to think about doing something to expose them. Of course it was certainly more an idea at that time... but in my mind something happened already back then... I love "Leave me Alone" and it is full of symbolism proving that Michael knew his enemy very well already.

    I know, but I quoted you because you answered me regarding the situation and not taking it personal to me and I didn't want to continue the personal things. Yes, I agree that in Moonwalk we find certain things that are somehow related to what is happening with him now. But I stood many times and think that if it was to plan a hoax since late '80s he must have been focusing so much on it that it would have driven him crazy, at least in my opinion. You can't live 25 years planning your dissapearance more if you are just a human and you cannot prevent everything that will come in your road towards this. I also think that even if he passed though media hell since he was very young, nothing compares to the period between the trials and after it. This indeed, must have been a heavy reason for him to make this move, to want at any cost to make people see the truth about him, to bury the media in their own lies.

    I think and analyze and for me it's almost impossible. I know it's my opinion but I state it no matter what. For me it's so unclear and I don't have all the informations to try to get to the bottom of all this. This could have taken a few years but not 25. It would have been like he dedicated a human life to plan his "death" and I think it's too much and his purpose in this world I don't think it's planning his "death" but to unite races, to heal this world that has become ill..... though his music.. I try to see all possibilities and as much as I analyze them, the 25 years plan doesn't work for me.

    You absolutely have the right to have your own opinion of course, this is why we are here, to discuss it. There are several aspects encompassed in this hoax and I think that people forget about the spiritual realm and the fact that Michael is a strong believer in God.
  • I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    I am not so much bothered by the name mentioning and I think people are overexaggerating because the song is not bad. What I am bothered about is the lack of passion and emotion in it. 2000 watts was very different as well and I loved it. I am not feeling his emotion in this song while I guess this must be a topic he would put all of his emotion in. JMO. And there is an extra voice in the song that is overruling his voice at certain points which is a little too boyband for me. So whether or not it's him, I have heard better and that has nothing to do with the tone of his voice.
    I am not pointing this comment at you Souza or BlackJack directly but, I did use your words because there are points in your comments which I have highlighted and I wanted to address these thoughts.

    First with regards to Mike sounding different and the public especially his fans had/have such a narrow way of thinking when it comes to how his voice is supposed to sound. The fans and non-fans have suddenly become professional singers, or vocal coaches? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I have never seen so much wishy washy back and forth thinking until I found this "hoax" forum. Never have I seen someones opinion change so fast and even in one day. I view this song "Breaking News" as a testimony of how fickle minded people are. I view this as an example of how people do not stick to their own convictions.

    I always thought this was Mike singing. I had no doubt. I guess it is easier for some of us to be flexible in our thinking that indeed he does have a range of vocal. It also doesn't hurt that I didn't listen to him much after Thriller. I have brand new ears. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I have commented in another thread on how I view this song and why I believe it was created just for this "hoax" but, I want to add to that. Mike gave his all to his fans over the years and I have seen how even his fans have become demanding and entitled. I have seen alot of comments that if I was Mike I would be like wtf? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I see alot of comments that to me seem like nothing the man did or will do will ever satisfy his fans.

    In saying all that I say the words to "Breaking News" and the fact that it seems like there is no passion in his voice...

    Well maybe he just didn't give a crap anymore at that point. He had just been through the shit storm of the trial. That alone would drain anyone of their passion.

    I also believe he didn't give a crap what his fans thought about the song. I believe he was like "oh well I don't really have to give my all because when I do it is never good enough for them anymore."

    Ya know what it is proof positive in what has happened over the last week. All the songs being leaked now and everyone is a critic, lol

    I would love to hear anyone of those people who critisize his voice sing a note for me so I can critisize them.
    "Breaking News" lyrics
    You turn your back on the love and you think you can get it again
    no matter what, you just wanna read it again
    no matter what, you just wanna feed it again

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Do you think maybe he is giving you One More Chance?
    Do you think maybe he is asking for one more chance to be seen as a human with flaws?


    P.S. I also believe that we are being used. Even if people didn't like his song it made it to the top already just based on the CONTROVERSY it created. He has used this type of marketing before. TII movie with the planted idea of body doubles. Then this song with the planted ideas of it being fake, again by his family.

    He did this back in the 80's when DeLio was his manager. The false stories in the Tabloids of him sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber...Genius

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_group<!-- m -->

    A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging.. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members.

    I think this “hoax” has elements of Market Research and focus groups. We are introduced to new music and album covers, and what do we do?
    We give our opinions.

    This is data being recorded and we are being observed by the artist. This is being done to understand the target audience (their likes and dislikes) of a certain product. It is done because he cares about his fans and wants to please them the best he can by doing research first.
  • To be honest I copied&pasted this post, because I already posted it on another thread
    viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15079 . I find this a fascinating thread, I mean, it's very interesting to read the different point of views.
    Anyway, here's mine point of view. Knowing that Michael is alive, no doubt about that, I wonder more often in what stage of the hoax we are in at the moment? When does the hoax end? IF it ends; I mean, I really can understand Michael if he has decided not to come back publicly in person. Still, there will be a BAM, but not the bam most beLIEvers expect it to be. May be it’ll be a BAM performance with a virtual Michael, like the Cirque du Soleil shows in the next years and a Thriller II-movie. Michael will be there, but behind the scenes/camera. In fact, he might be directing, producing right now, who knows. I can imagine that he enjoys life and family more without the public eye. There’ll be no stress, OK there will be some stress about the risk of being recognized, however it’s by far not comparable with the stress he’s been in. It is possible.
    It might also be the other way. The public eye and his fans. Michael loves his fans, it’s a part of his life and he still needs them, he’s inspired by them. It gives a cross reaction, because his fans are inspired by him, and in particular the beLIEvers and the Army of L.O.V.E. About expectations, we all are sharing thoughts and speculate about what Michael might expect from us. We’re eager to fulfil these expectations, because that’s what we can do the least after what he did for us and the world. The point is how do we know exactly what he expects from us. Yes, we can guess. We think we know him by now. Do we really? OK, one thing’s for sure, we all love him and we support him. A forum like this is perhaps beyond his expectations, or not.. Important is that we reflect and look back and realize what we've already achieved on this forum. These were just my thoughts.
    About Breaking News - I am about to start feeling stupid because I really like it and a lot of "experts" come to tell me that I shouldn't.

    I like it and that's final.

    Now I think is Michael singing indeed, even if he sounds a bit different and a bit without the passion we are used to.

    But as someone here said - maybe this is his way to show us he is in control of everything.
    Oh Greet, I am glad to see you here <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Also, bec, I saw what you think about TS, I also respect your opinions and you might have noticed that. But you are sometimes really stubborn. You really don't see anything but your opinion and who doesn't think like you, you put in a little joke or something. This is not how it should be. BUT, if my theory doesn't fit your opinion this doesn't mean I am off the track. I've been following this forum since 2009 and it's my choice in what to believe and what opinion to make out of everything, don't you agree? This means you must accept other's opinions as anyone accepts yours. I am really not interestd in discussing my person or yours. All I want to discuss is this subject: the hoax and the possible planning since 25 years ago. Isn't it better? And don't drag me after Anna all the time, it really annoys me. wtf.Cut it. Instead to be interested in the subject you seem you have a personal problem and I just don't care about discussing this type of things, because you don't know me personally as to analize what I know and what I don't know, what I think or what I should or shouldn't think.

    Back on what's important. Can you argument the fact this was planned 25 years ago? I would really like to hear your opinion on this if you are so against my opinion. I'd like to see everyone's opinions regarding the planning of the hoax since 25 years ago.

    Not sure why you felt like giving me a public personality critique but it's off topic.

    How do you think I've come to the knowledge that I have gained? By listening to other people's ideas and theories!

    If you're interested in the 25 year theory you can do a search or start a new thread. There's a great deal of information on the forum on this subject and others might want to talk about it on its own thread.
  • gboetegboete Posts: 12
    Oh Greet, I am glad to see you here <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    And I think I saw Kim also. And Miriam.
    Mostly reading, still... and don't know how everything works here.
  • I know it's the easy way for Michael to not come back. I wish him to be happy more than anything, even if ....I would miss him like crazy <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> .
    But the man I think he is would not choose the easy way.
    His "death" is a statement of freedom and in order to prove it I think he will come back.

    I don't think Michael not coming back is the easiest way at all. I think it would be the hardest thing he's ever had to do. You're right, his "death" is a statement of freedom and in order to prove it, he might just decide to remain Free in exactly the way foreverking shares it. I really don't know, but the idea that he is alive and well and not coming back as we know him is something to ponder. Don't get me wrong, I want him to come back.
    I too agree that he's a warrior. He's a healer and he's a nurturer too. And, I want to lay my eyes on him. I want everyone to know that he beat this evil system. I do want this and because I want it so much, I need to say that he will come back but honestly, I do not know if this is what Michael wants. He may have more control over things large and small by not coming back. He will make movies that Paris will star in <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and Prince will help direct <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> What would be more glorious than that for him?

    If it is true that Michael will not come back, I think of foreverking's little boy and all the other children who love Michael and I think of how grounded and at peace Prince, Paris and Blanket seem and that Michael did this for the sake of his children. Maybe we'll be keen enough to know that we are seeing Michael without seeing him. I've said before in this thread and will say it again, I want what Michael wants. That's my only expectation.
    funny how opposite ideas can be sustained with logical arguments.....
    I know nothing right now......
    I still think he will come back....what I expect from Michael? Nothing, just to come back and to be happy, rich and free........

    Love you Michael.....
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    funny how opposite ideas can be sustained with logical arguments.....
    I know nothing right now......
    I still think he will come back....what I expect from Michael? Nothing, just to come back and to be happy, rich and free........

    Love you Michael.....

    Just think about the clues he left throughout the YEARS, this hoax is so carefully planned that it would be strange if he didn't come back. If he just wanted to get out of it all, he would have chosen a believable death/story/doctor etc. and he would have made sure there would be an open casket picture with himself in it. Why would you plan your hoax for so long, make it so complicated just to stay away? That makes no sence at all. This hoax has a purpose and him not returning means everything he so carefully planned would be in vain.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • funny how opposite ideas can be sustained with logical arguments.....
    I know nothing right now......
    I still think he will come back....what I expect from Michael? Nothing, just to come back and to be happy, rich and free........

    Love you Michael.....

    Just think about the clues he left throughout the YEARS, this hoax is so carefully planned that it would be strange if he didn't come back. If he just wanted to get out of it all, he would have chosen a believable death/story/doctor etc. and he would have made sure there would be an open casket picture with himself in it. Why would you plan your hoax for so long, make it so complicated just to stay away? That makes no sence at all. This hoax has a purpose and him not returning means everything he so carefully planned would be in vain.

    I want him to come back and I understand your argument too. But, staying away doesn't mean he wanted to just "get out of it all" and I think that was made clear before. He is making a huge statement that changes how MJ is viewed and changes what we understand about the world we live in and the life MJ lived, perhaps the security of his children, and the exposing of what needs to see the light of day. Somebody had to think he was dead, but he isn't. I don't think this is either/or. Nor do I think "taking over" necessarily means "coming back" as we know it. Taking over and not coming back aren't mutually exclusive.

    It's merely a question. Does he wish to stay out of the public eye and still have an impact greater than we could imagine? Is that possible? It's already happening. I want him to come back, I'd prefer it, I think it would be mind-blowing, but I understand foreverking's point is all. It's something to ponder. MJ has already made a huge statement and he's awakened a lot of people and clearly things are shaking up right and left. Logically, he didn't have to be in the public eye for that to happen. All that said, I would love to see him again but is that my wish or his? Time will tell.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    funny how opposite ideas can be sustained with logical arguments.....
    I know nothing right now......
    I still think he will come back....what I expect from Michael? Nothing, just to come back and to be happy, rich and free........

    Love you Michael.....

    Just think about the clues he left throughout the YEARS, this hoax is so carefully planned that it would be strange if he didn't come back. If he just wanted to get out of it all, he would have chosen a believable death/story/doctor etc. and he would have made sure there would be an open casket picture with himself in it. Why would you plan your hoax for so long, make it so complicated just to stay away? That makes no sence at all. This hoax has a purpose and him not returning means everything he so carefully planned would be in vain.

    I want him to come back and I understand your argument too. But, staying away doesn't mean he wanted to just "get out of it all" and I think that was made clear before. He is making a huge statement that changes how MJ is viewed and changes what we understand about the world we live in and the life MJ lived, perhaps the security of his children, and the exposing of what needs to see the light of day. Somebody had to think he was dead, but he isn't. I don't think this is either/or. Nor do I think "taking over" necessarily means "coming back" as we know it. Taking over and not coming back aren't mutually exclusive.

    It's merely a question. Does he wish to stay out of the public eye and still have an impact greater than we could imagine? Is that possible? It's already happening. I want him to come back, I'd prefer it, I think it would be mind-blowing, but I understand foreverking's point is all. It's something to ponder. MJ has already made a huge statement and he's awakened a lot of people and clearly things are shaking up right and left. Logically, he didn't have to be in the public eye for that to happen. All that said, I would love to see him again but is that my wish or his? Time will tell.

    Hmmm, I don't think that many people have really wakened up, just look at comments on YouTube, TMZ and every other internet article. More than before, yes, but not enough by far. Things are speeding up and our freedom is taken away faster than I would have imagined a year ago. If he wants to REALLY make a difference, he needs to shake the world by coming back. Otherwise people will fall into their own habits again when the MJ news gets less. It's just the way it goes and that would mean everything would have been for nothing.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    The hoax has NO sense without the comeback......JMO

    Maybe Michael still ponders over it.... it's not easy to find the RIGHT way to come back so it has the greatest impact and awaken people. But I trust The Maestro will find a way <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • gboetegboete Posts: 12
    I don't think Michael not coming back is the easiest way at all. I think it would be the hardest thing he's ever had to do. You're right, his "death" is a statement of freedom and in order to prove it, he might just decide to remain Free in exactly the way foreverking shares it. I really don't know, but the idea that he is alive and well and not coming back as we know him is something to ponder. Don't get me wrong, I want him to come back.
    I too agree that he's a warrior. He's a healer and he's a nurturer too. And, I want to lay my eyes on him. I want everyone to know that he beat this evil system. I do want this and because I want it so much, I need to say that he will come back but honestly, I do not know if this is what Michael wants. He may have more control over things large and small by not coming back. He will make movies that Paris will star in <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and Prince will help direct <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> What would be more glorious than that for him?

    If it is true that Michael will not come back, I think of foreverking's little boy and all the other children who love Michael and I think of how grounded and at peace Prince, Paris and Blanket seem and that Michael did this for the sake of his children. Maybe we'll be keen enough to know that we are seeing Michael without seeing him. I've said before in this thread and will say it again, I want what Michael wants. That's my only expectation.[/quote]

    I looked at the Oprah interview with the children and what caught my eye :

    Prince making sure that his fingers were seen well on the screen (he touched his neck when he was filmed) and the second time he was on screen with his hands at the back of his head. It is like he wanted to prove that he has Vitiligo. Directed by Michael ??
    Paris, I think she spoke the most because, as she said, she is the "actrice". She comes forward to tell to the world what a great daddy they had (sorry, have). She has only one goal : to clear his name and reputation. Directed by Michael ? She had certain sentences in her head that she absolutely wanted to say. That was obvious to me.
    And indeed, they seem relaxed.

    Still I don't get why Katherine talked about Michael being embarrassed about the surgery thing. Then, why for heavens sake, talk about it now ??????
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Guys don't forget about the end of the world.
    Oh God do you think Michael can stay away from the big stage of the world ?!?!?!!???
    The stage was and is his life !! He's a show-man first of anything, this is his nature! JMO

    For me it's like this: if he is alive he will come back <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    If he doesn't come back - he is dead for sure <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Michael don't you dare to be dead ....love you more <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • Thinking of the still shots of the video for ONE MORE CHANCE one thing that automatically sticks out as blatantly obvious is that MJ is dancing on and around the tables where an audience would normally be, whilst all of the audience is up on a stage (definately not what is usually expected)................this rings all the bells of our current situation...........MJ is behind the scenes watching us perform on 'the stage'.............. a parallel role reversal if I ever saw one!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Thinking of the still shots of the video for ONE MORE CHANCE one thing that automatically sticks out as blatantly obvious is that MJ is dancing on and around the tables where an audience would normally be, whilst all of the audience is up on a stage (definately not what is usually expected)................this rings all the bells of our current situation...........MJ is behind the scenes watching us perform on 'the stage'.............. a parallel role reversal if I ever saw one!

    Yes, I noticed this since I saw the screen shots (though can someone explain how some people made these screen shots? Who leaked them?). As I stated my opinion a few days ago, I agree with the fact that, if this is a hoax, it must have taken a few years to develop and plan it in every detail (I personally don't agree with the theory it has been planned since Moolwalker, so since 1988), but this video started to be filmed in 2003 and stopped because of the trial. Could really be possible to have answers in this video from 2003, answers to the situation he is in now? And most importantly, if this video was stopped in full shooting, it must be incomplete. Where would they get the rest of the scenes from?
    I'm feeling watched for sure, like playing a part in a strange kind of movie, and I'm not even a good actor <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but maybe it's just my rich imagination ...

    I hope Michael has a great time there behind the scenes......

    How are we doing Michael <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
  • I had doubts before that Michael will not come back...but not anymore, I'm sure he will come back.This will be the biggest impact of all.It's not important what we want , the most important thing is what he wants and people to wake up and see the truth.I also thinks like so many of you here that this is planned so carefully and then BAM , when we least aspect this .I think this moment is coming and I'm so excited ! Love you more Michael, take your time and don't forget that you are truly loved !
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Thinking of the still shots of the video for ONE MORE CHANCE one thing that automatically sticks out as blatantly obvious is that MJ is dancing on and around the tables where an audience would normally be, whilst all of the audience is up on a stage (definately not what is usually expected)................this rings all the bells of our current situation...........MJ is behind the scenes watching us perform on 'the stage'.............. a parallel role reversal if I ever saw one!
    Correct. Makes me think of what he said to Orianthi....This is your (our?) time to shine.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864

    January 25th, 2010

    7 months ago we went to sleep. Today is the day we wake up.

    Today is the day we stop beLIEving and we start beLOVEing.

    There is a message that needs to be spread and the message is L.O.V.E.

    For one man, 50 concerts were not enough. 500, 5000, 50000, 500000 wouldn’t have been enough.

    So this is the day we stop being the audience and we become the show.

    This is the day we become the choreographer, the backup dancers, the backup singers, the band, the crew, the stage manager, the lights, the music, the dance….

    This is the day we become HIM

    THIS IS IT. This is OUR show.

    HE is inside each and every single one of us. Inspiring us, giving us his talents, sharing his L.O.V.E. so we can spread his message in every corner of this PLANET.

    HE is the source. L.O.V.E. is the message. WE are the messengers. Let’s Stay United Now to SPREAD it around.

    As for HIM? For the first time in his life, he is sitting back enjoying the show.

    Thank you Grace for that post......if so many people feel the same then it must mean something
    Thinking of the still shots of the video for ONE MORE CHANCE one thing that automatically sticks out as blatantly obvious is that MJ is dancing on and around the tables where an audience would normally be, whilst all of the audience is up on a stage (definately not what is usually expected)................this rings all the bells of our current situation...........MJ is behind the scenes watching us perform on 'the stage'.............. a parallel role reversal if I ever saw one!
    And we've seen only 2 minutes of it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Can't wait for the rest .....
    Love you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The video for One More Chance ..wow, Michael sure is watching us ! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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