Expectations versus Reality



    yes he is and maybe this is also a lesson because if we are in his place, on the stage, we should understand the pressure of it, how difficult it is to please everyone in the audience....
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    yes he is and maybe this is also a lesson because if we are in his place, on the stage, we should understand the pressure of it, how difficult it is to please everyone in the audience....

    He told us he feel more confortable on stage than in other place...I think he want to say he is ALRIGHT directing the greatest show in earth behind scenes because he is singing and dancing in the video so he is working, and he keep watchin' us <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I heard again "keep your head up" but loudy and i hear his voice there...i hear this before very low...but loudy I can hear him...I think...OR MAYBE IS MY STRONG DESIRE TO HEAR HIM <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    Miriam I would do anything to have more time to study all the aspects of this story, to listen carefully all the new songs.....
    Unfortunately, the day should have at least 48 hours for me......

    ahhhh....it's not easy to have a normal job and a full-time believer job too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I'm interested to know what people are expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally (as opposed to the other issues that are of a global nature). [...]
    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?
    My only expectation is that someday, when he will feel comfortable, safe and ready, he will come back to us. I don’t mean to come back in order to make concerts, live appearances, new songs etc, but ONLY to let the world know for sure without any doubt –somehow, someway- that he is alive. I hope that he will find a way to do it, without putting himself in danger. After that, he can remain disappeared forever if this is what he really wants. I will absolutely understand and respect his decision. He has already given to us so many things as a musician and entertainer that my whole lifetime won’t be enough to discover and estimate his offer, given that unfortunately I am a new fan and I will NEVER forgive myself for not having discovered him earlier. I honestly believe that it’s time for him to enjoy his life the way he prefers to do it as a simple human being just like you and me and not as a celebrity. He deserves a second chance to see his children growing up and at least to find happiness and peace. IT’S MORE THAN ENOUGH TO ME JUST TO KNOW FOR SURE THAT HE IS ALIVE. I DON’T EXPECT ANYTHING ELSE. I adore him so much (the person not he personality) and he is so valuable to me that I would never ask for more than his SAFETY AND HAPPINESS. That's all that matters now. He has no one obligation to us, the fans. In the contrary he deserves in return our unconditional and whole-hearted love, faith, support, respect and understanding.

    PS. I am sorry for my bad English, I hope that you can understand me...
  • I don't expect anything about Michael, because the more i'm in this story the more i feel "who i am", and i am "nothing' in Mr Jackson's life. I mean i was expecting things, hoping things, but then what ?
    I just ask myself, do we really have things to expect ?
    After all, expecting nothing would be the best Love gift to make to Michael. I mean of course I'll be crazy about it if he returns (or say he is alive), who wouldn't be so ? But i just finally tells myself, we have nothing to expect from him. We just have the right to enjoy what he gives us, and the rest of his life belongs to him.
    What if he doesn't want to return, doesn't want us to know about anything, and just wanna become some random guy being expected nothing from anyone. Doesn't Michael Jackson have this right as anyone else here ?
    Who are we to expect something. Ok we love Michael, ok we think he's great, the greatest, blahblahblah, but after all, does he really knows us to the point of doing things because of us ? I mean, Michael Jackson the artist shares something special with his fans as a group, but does one single person among us has any right on Michael Jackson outside the stage ? I think NO, no way, never... and i think his personnal life has to prevail about such decisions in his life. i don't wish to have some power on this part of his life just because i show some love and expect to have some in return.

    It's a limit i have in my mind, and it just brings me to this conclusion : nothing has to be expected from Michael Jackson. We have some right to enjoy this adventure with him because he gave us some clues for it, but do we have to expect him to end this adventure the way we'd love...Does he have to give us what we want just because we feel we're are some kind of "special ones" who beLIEved ? NO....

    Concerning expectation after a return, i'm not even able to think about something because i'm now aware that we don't know anything about what can pop in his head and what his plan can be. I wanna be surprised, whatever it is. As my personnal expectations, I hope Michael will ring my door with a pizza and we'll share some good time watching a movie. That's my only expectation about him being alive <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that MJ has accomplished so far in his career and it got me wondering about the expectations he had for himself. Obviously, to get to the top of his craft he had to have a strong sense of conviction and belief in his own abilities to succeed. This determination and ambition produced the earth-shattering success of Thriller and the sheer enormity of its impact happened when he was only 24...! It's a hard act to follow and despite successful subsequent albums, it has not been outsold.... as an artist where do you go from there? It's also interesting that even suffering two devastatingly horrendous shake-downs, he managed to continue his ambition in the pursuit of his TAKEOVER. IMO it's obvious looking back retrospectively that MJ had a very clear career objective and this hoax is revealing his immense strength of purpose to accomplish that. It's my view that the TAKEOVER actually began on 25 June 2009 as he has been 'pulling the strings from behind the curtain' since then.... it's just not publicly known yet. I can definately imagine MJ as the "King" of his own entertainment empire controlling all things MJ and bringing his expectations fully into reality.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Me too. Being the man behind the (red!) curtain and orchestrating all that we've seen since 25th June 2009 is a role that I can absolutely see him being comfortable with and as we've seen extremely proficient in. Quite how the "rest of the world" still hasn't got the idea is beyond me. However it will make the impact of his comeback even more spectacular and even more of a wake-up call. Looking forward to it immensely! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • gboetegboete Posts: 12
    Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that MJ has accomplished so far in his career and it got me wondering about the expectations he had for himself. Obviously, to get to the top of his craft he had to have a strong sense of conviction and belief in his own abilities to succeed. This determination and ambition produced the earth-shattering success of Thriller and the sheer enormity of its impact happened when he was only 24...! It's a hard act to follow and despite successful subsequent albums, it has not been outsold.... as an artist where do you go from there? It's also interesting that even suffering two devastatingly horrendous shake-downs, he managed to continue his ambition in the pursuit of his TAKEOVER. IMO it's obvious looking back retrospectively that MJ had a very clear career objective and this hoax is revealing his immense strength of purpose to accomplish that. It's my view that the TAKEOVER actually began on 25 June 2009 as he has been 'pulling the strings from behind the curtain' since then.... it's just not publicly known yet. I can definately imagine MJ as the "King" of his own entertainment empire controlling all things MJ and bringing his expectations fully into reality.

    "I can definately imagine MJ ...."

    Yes, "Imagine". Me too. But it is still believing, imagining, wishfull thinking. Not "knowing". And you might say : "believing" is enough.
    But then I remember Pres. Bush saying that there were nuclear weapons in Iraq. This caused the terrible and unnecessary war (like all wars). I knew, I believed, there were not nuc weapons, but Bush "believed" the contrary". He based his belief on a document of secret services (UK?).
    If some group now wants us to believe that Mr. Jackson is still alive, and spreads false rumors, where we are then ? How can we know for sure that we are not fooled ?
    Don't minsunderstand me, I am a believer since september 2009, and I am 99.999..% sure he is alive, but that small part that leaves doubt, is still somewhat frightening (to me).
    He certainly is capable for doing all this, but I feel so much compassion, that he again sacrifieced and sacrifices himself for his goals AND the undeniable lessons for the world. I hope he has so much help and support from "the force" and everybody involved. And I support him fully.
  • Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that MJ has accomplished so far in his career and it got me wondering about the expectations he had for himself. Obviously, to get to the top of his craft he had to have a strong sense of conviction and belief in his own abilities to succeed. This determination and ambition produced the earth-shattering success of Thriller and the sheer enormity of its impact happened when he was only 24...! It's a hard act to follow and despite successful subsequent albums, it has not been outsold.... as an artist where do you go from there? It's also interesting that even suffering two devastatingly horrendous shake-downs, he managed to continue his ambition in the pursuit of his TAKEOVER. IMO it's obvious looking back retrospectively that MJ had a very clear career objective and this hoax is revealing his immense strength of purpose to accomplish that. It's my view that the TAKEOVER actually began on 25 June 2009 as he has been 'pulling the strings from behind the curtain' since then.... it's just not publicly known yet. I can definately imagine MJ as the "King" of his own entertainment empire controlling all things MJ and bringing his expectations fully into reality.

    What MJ achieved with Thriller was simply exceptional and set the bar very, very high indeed!

    My many look Back always showed this word TAKE-OVER repeated again and again… and whilst I understood the high level meaning of it and accepted that it was a significant part of what MJ is creating, I have however not yet visualized what it really looks like… and whilst I could paint a picture based on my own imagination & beliefs, I do NOT know what MJ vision & expectations really are
    The Sony contract said to be for about 10 recordings through 2017 initially threw me off, as I was not expecting it, but then again it all depends of the Vision the King has got for his entertainment empire… One does need Partners and Sony may be one of those.
    We have certainly started to see new “MJ products” such as the Cirque du Soleil or the experience and interesting media activities from TMZ; those may be early evidence of the TAKE-OVER… and we have the Michael album to come out on the 14th December (the same day as Prince concert in NY – Make it 2!)

    It is certainly humbling to think that MJ would have carried out his plans despite his suffering, keeping focused on achieving his ultimate goal.

    With L.O.V.E
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that MJ has accomplished so far in his career and it got me wondering about the expectations he had for himself. Obviously, to get to the top of his craft he had to have a strong sense of conviction and belief in his own abilities to succeed. This determination and ambition produced the earth-shattering success of Thriller and the sheer enormity of its impact happened when he was only 24...! It's a hard act to follow and despite successful subsequent albums, it has not been outsold.... as an artist where do you go from there? It's also interesting that even suffering two devastatingly horrendous shake-downs, he managed to continue his ambition in the pursuit of his TAKEOVER. IMO it's obvious looking back retrospectively that MJ had a very clear career objective and this hoax is revealing his immense strength of purpose to accomplish that. It's my view that the TAKEOVER actually began on 25 June 2009 as he has been 'pulling the strings from behind the curtain' since then.... it's just not publicly known yet. I can definately imagine MJ as the "King" of his own entertainment empire controlling all things MJ and bringing his expectations fully into reality.

    That's funny, I went for a good, long, head-clearing walk yesterday and found myself thinking about these very same things! How to top Thriller? How to gain personal control of his work, without untrustworthy business associates? The hoax appears to be dealing with both - time will tell, I hope.
  • I can definately imagine MJ as the "King" of his own entertainment empire controlling all things MJ and bringing his expectations fully into reality.

    This is what I imagine too -- the Entertainment Empire. But, the reason I imagine this is because of the catalog and Kingdom Entertainment announced in 1997. I don't believe it was ever defunct. I'm not sure if MJ chose to stay involved with Prince Waleed but they unveiled a magnanimous vision and I feel strongly that MJ never abandoned this. So much work went into creating it and then poof it was gone. I don't believe MJ would put his time and energy into a vision like that and abandon it. I choose to believe he's been operating the Entertainment Empire in a clandestine way for awhile and we are now seeing some of the fruits of that labor. Currently, MJ is saturating the airwaves with the announcements about Vision, The Experience, Immortal (cirque) Tour, new albums, etc. I don't know much about the business but from what I'm learning, it doesn't seem that this could have happened in just 17 months. And I know there's much more with the filmmaking...
    I've even seen some pretty interesting online videos that I think MJ has involvement in along with his middle eastern friends...

    I also imagine that MJ is tempered by what he believes God expects from him. Therefore, it's not just an empire, but justice. I feel that MJ seeks justice for those in the industry and for the disenfranchised all over the world. Hence, I hope MJ knows that his immense charity work and the fact that so many people believe that he could change the world, completely surpassed what he did with Thriller. Completely. Thriller II??? - let's say Thriller III or IV is in the works because the social justice mantle he carries as an entertainer and businessman surpasses almost everyone. I imagine that he will continue this work - especially Heal The Kids and his vision to have an International Children's Day. I believe in this vision very much. He is a majestic being, ordained by God and he must do God's will. That's thrilling enough.
    Who can explain His destiny better?
    He was chosen by God, there's no doubt in my mind..... all his incredible succes, at such a young age, was given to him for reasons we might not understand yet.

    The entertainer in him and his ambition and his need for perfection maybe drove him to this form of interactive art we are experiencing right now. How lucky we can be <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    This is a form of art that can surpass the succes of Thriller - as Thriller is already the closest to perfection so far, in fact Billie Jean is perfection - just like the Bible - who can take a musical note out of it or add a musical note to it or a line....nobody, because it's perfect just the way it is !!!!!!!

    This is something so big that can make a complete takeover of the entertainment industry, placing Michael again on top of innovation, light-years away from the other artists who would dare to compete with MJ.

    And yes BJ, the takeover started on June 25th, when the internet was blocked by Michael Jackson and we felt in love with him forever...he left no room for others there in our hearts <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Love you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I can tell you if he comeback, the very next work he make after his return will be more big than thriller....he have now even more millions fans than before jun 25 2009. And he will win records again, can you imagine? the only human who die and comeback from the death, history friends...
    I have no doubt this will be very more big than thriller....
    Every day create your History...
    Pure genius!
  • To be only 24 and have such a success like anyone had before...It's incredible ! And he remained humble and exactly the same no matter how successful he become, no matter what happened in his life. His comeback will be the most amazing event of all time .People will go <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    MJ had a very clear career objective and this hoax is revealing his immense strength of purpose to accomplish that. It's my view that the TAKEOVER actually began on 25 June 2009 as he has been 'pulling the strings from behind the curtain' since then.... it's just not publicly known yet.
    Only Michael could do this , i really think this plan is brilliant !
  • Waiting more than anything to his comeback .Please don't keep us waiting for too long Michael ! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm not even sure about what "Takeover" means lol.... but I feel like what we are witnessing is even more than that.
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