Expectations versus Reality



  • Thank you for this topic, BlackJack.

    I've thought about this a great deal and I've searched my heart.
    I believe that I love Michael with ever fiber of my being, but all
    I've ever expected is the TRUTH.

    I would love to know what happened and why related to 6/25/09, but I expect for Michael to share his truth in whatever way he's most comfortable doing that. When it comes to expectations of Michael, I WANT WHAT HE WANTS.
    And, I expect the beauty of his core message to live forever. For instance,
    the Oxford Speech is love, pure and simple, and I pray we take heed.

    "whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
    are honest, whatsoever things are true..."

    I expect Michael to "treat himself to all the pretty spaces in his head." And, if he chooses
    to share that with us, oh, what a glorious time this will be.


    SoldierofLOVE - your post is so eloquently said. I couldn't agree more.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    There is a quote from Bruce Lee about expectations:

    "I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine."

    It would be a beautiful thing if Michael could just live by this creed. Although, I doubt he could. He spent decades crafting his mysterious ways. It would be difficult for anyone not to have certain expectations of him. That being said, I feel like most folks here would be just fine with knowing he's fully back with his family and true friends......just to live his life. The man has a life, he's entitled to live that life. The public's expectations should be of no concern really. Yet, they are an important part of our lives. Daily expectations run through us all. The pressures of a plain, not famous person are bad enough....work, home, children, etc. Place on that, the mounds of fame someone like Michael has....it's a disaster. Normalcy is gone, the daily grind is gone, the pressures of my everyday life pale.

    Expectations can be a very dangerous thing....as BlackJack pointed out. Within the context of this hoax, I think it's safe to say Michael will have to explain the hoax....to those non-believers. We here, have had the privilege of knowing more. Knowledge is power....Michael knows that. We have managed to open our minds to different possibilities. I believe we have, in some degree, been rewarded for that.

    I suppose, my expectations are not of Michael, but of the public. I expect the public to sit up, take notice and learn something. However, I may not want to hold my breath on that one! The general public is so entranced by the media and preconceived notions of what they believe, it's a hard nut to crack. If, upon his re-appearance, there is a backlash, I hope he is able to calm the masses. Shock value will only go so far until anger sets in. I have faith in the fact that Michael knows what he is doing. That's enough for me. He is a good man, a good father, a good son and a good friend to any that would have him. I am sure his expectations are that we will have his back when he needs us. Forums, websites, YouTube will all come crashing down again. People will flock to these sites for more information. My hope is that we are here to give credence and validity to Michael's hoax. I surely hope we do not race to condemn those who doubt, but have patience to teach the truth. This is an amazing opportunity we have to teach with love.

    Proverbs 10:28
    The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.

    Blessings to you Michael, now and always.

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    There is a quote from Bruce Lee about expectations:

    "I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine."

    Bruce Lee read some quotes of Fritz Perls <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SoldierofLOVE - your post is so eloquently said. I couldn't agree more.

    Thank you, Voiceforthesilent. God bless you.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    There is a quote from Bruce Lee about expectations:

    "I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine."

    Bruce Lee read some quotes of Fritz Perls <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    All that I have read attributes that to Lee, my bad if not.
    Hate to mis-quote......
    still a relevant quote, however.......
    thanks for the tip Gema

    Blessings Always
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    There is a quote from Bruce Lee about expectations:

    "I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine."

    Bruce Lee read some quotes of Fritz Perls <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    All that I have read attributes that to Lee, my bad if not.
    Hate to mis-quote......
    still a relevant quote, however.......
    thanks for the tip Gema

    Blessings Always

    Was a sweet way of you to point out at that quote refering to Lee! and if Bruce Lee said it, is also his! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Again, all comments greatly appreciated.
    I honestly beLIEve that the best thing we all can do is to spread his messages and try to reach as many people as we can. He has been trying to do this for so many years and it has been falling on deaf ears. Obvious changes need to be made in the world and the hoax has provided the platform for discussion of these issues and put it squarely in the hands of his biggest asset to start with: the fans. From there I beLIEve that this event has branched out to include other interested parties and non fans, just everyday people who watched the "news" and thought "this doesn't look right, what's going on - it's like a circus; lack of evidence and conflicting stories. Even without knowing MJ's love of illusion, magic and showmanship there was enough there to warrant a second look at what was being delivered as TRUTH. If every member on this forum tells one extra person in an effort to get them to consider the possibility that the media has reported a fabrication, the number automatically doubles. The flow - on effect is that the numbers will grow exponentially and the "awakening" will snowball. The result will be more and more people coming to the realisation that you can't always TRUST the media. The message here is : that if people can be deceived about this event (the death of an albeit isolated but "much loved"celebrity) with all of the clues suggesting that IT didn't happen, then how easy is it for the population to be deceived about things of a global nature where there are NO clues being left as it is conveniently covered up!
    Just to mention a few things posted in the responses]a "shift in the human consciousness"........ we hope so
    to "take back what has been stolen from him"........ab-so-lute-ly; this includes industry respect, repairing the damage to his reputation and image.
    MJ has said before that he is 'resilient' and I beLIEve this to be 100% accurate.
    To unveil the corruption within the media by demonstrating that they HIDE the TRUTH, DISTORT the TRUTH, and purely make up tabloid junk for the sake of greed and profit, it will be mighty fitting that the industry that sought to bring him down, break his spirit and send him to the cleaners are the ones that will be EXPOSED and questioned. THAT IS poetic justice, don't you think?
    P.S. love the idea of 777 ferris wheels!

    Poetic Justice indeed. Today, one of my childhood friends called to say that she now believes in the hoax and that she is angry about the ways she's been duped. She says given that she's in Los Angeles, she's noticing on the news how bodies are carried out in blue body bags always -- never white like MJ was supposedly. She was shocked to see a body taken onto a helicopter and not strapped in. And she goes on and on with all the ways she's being awakened about lots of things.(she just watched Spike Lee's documentary on Katrina and it made her think...)

    We've been friends since junior high school and now we're 50 but she told me I was delusional when I first mentioned the hoax and she didn't have nice things to say about MJ so we haven't spoken in months! I've convinced one more person! I'm up to two now! (well, maybe 2.5) And, I have my childhood friend back who's marveling at all the intelligent things MJ has said in interviews and speeches which she hadn't heard before. She said, "what kind of world are we living in that would treat a genius like this"
    She said, "I now feel like a 'junior sleuth' trying to connect the dots."

    Exactly. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • i would hope that surely if some have expectations that are out of line with reality that it would not change any outcome. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • If every member on this forum tells one extra person in an effort to get them to consider the possibility that the media has reported a fabrication, the number automatically doubles. The flow - on effect is that the numbers will grow exponentially and the "awakening" will snowball. The result will be more and more people coming to the realisation that you can't always TRUST the media. The message here is : that if people can be deceived about this event (the death of an albeit isolated but "much loved"celebrity) with all of the clues suggesting that IT didn't happen, then how easy is it for the population to be deceived about things of a global nature where there are NO clues being left as it is conveniently covered up!

    Past discussions with relatives, friends and acquaintances about the possibility of MJ faking his death, always left me feeling that people thought I needed my head checked; my beliefs were rejected and the possibility of MJ being alive not considered - and let me say that it tested my Faith and got me to wonder why this was suddenly so important to me when MJ had never been a part of my busy life. Some of the feedback I received:
    "...And Elvis probably faked it as well!" (So Glad I never mentioned Elvis during this specific discussion)
    " Have you had any trauma lately, are you OK?"
    Conversation killer ---> SILENCE ---> eyes of Zombies staring at me! (Very impressive special effect during a set dinner!)
    " You should take a break for a while..."
    " ...There are conspiracy stories about everything nowadays..."
    then come all the strange looks when we meet again and a clear hope that I will not bring the subject up again!

    Clearly BlackJack, it is not that easy to open people mind on the possibility; People just don't want to see.
    More recently, I have however had 2 successes:
    Success 1: "...I definitely wouldn't put it past him..."
    Success 2: " With all he had to go through with the trials and spending all of his life under the spotlight, I could very well understand why he would do such a thing...."

    I don't believe that either of my BeLIEvers or Non BeLIEvers have got any expectations when it comes to MJ come back but it seems that both groups (And nobody in there is an MJ fan) would need to be given a valid reason for MJ doing it so that to see him in a positive light and the media as non trustworthy. Somebody suggested that just saying he wanted some time away from it all after all he had gone through would be enough; this is one opinion.

    Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E
  • [

    Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E[/quote]

    for some reason this question made my mind go to the movie Evan Almighty <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E

    for some reason this question made my mind go to the movie Evan Almighty <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know Suspicious mind what made you think of the movie Almighty? I have pasted the movie plot below as I had never heard of it before ---> And it has some relevance to some of the topics discussed - Absolutely.
    Would you like to expand on your thinking?
    Newly elected to Congress, former local television newsman Evan Baxter leaves his hometown of Buffalo, New York and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia, where his congressional campaign declares that he will change the world without explaining how he will do so. On his first day on the job, he meets Marty Stringer, Rita Daniels, and top congressman Chuck Long. Soon after his arrival, strange things start to happen: animals simply follow Evan without any apparent reason; he grows a beard that immediately reappears no matter how many times he shaves; eight vacant lots in Evan's neighborhood are purchased in his name; ancient tools and wood are sent to his house; and the number "614" appears everywhere he goes. Evan soon learns that his house number indicates a verse in the Book of Genesis, for which God instructs Evan to build a replica of Noah's Ark in preparation for a flood. Evan's family initially believes he is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis; later, his sons suspect something greater is occurring and assist him in the construction of the ark, although his wife Joan does not. Reappearing, God tells Evan the flood will come at midday on September 22.

    The ark used for filming was located in Crozet, Virginia.
    Animals later follow Evan to Congress, and when he explains the reason for this, Long removes Evan's name from the Congress bill that he is cosponsoring with him. Joan, upon seeing a news report that features the Ark, takes her sons to the house decides to leave Evan because she believes he is insane. Evan then builds the Ark alone, gaining international notice. Some time after Joan leaves Evan, God appears to her as a waiter at a diner, wearing a name tag displaying "Al Mighty". In this guise, he tells her God does not give things, but only the opportunity by which to obtain things, citing togetherness of families as one of these things. Seeing his meaning, Joan returns to Evan to finish the Ark together. Meanwhile, word reaches Evan that Long has commissioned a dam and has cut corners in doing so.
    On September 22, Evan loads hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with no sign of rain, provoking the spectators' scorn. A large rainstorm does come, but is brief. Evan takes this as a sign of the coming flood, but is proven wrong. Joan tells Evan to leave the Ark; however, Evan remembers Long's dam, which he fears may burst. As he thinks on this, the dam does burst, flooding the streets. At this, all spectators and policemen board the ark, which sails down the streets of Washington, D.C. on the floodwaters of the lake until it eventually lands touching the front of the Capitol. Evan then tells Long that the flood was caused by his poor design of the dam, which incites the other congressmen present to turn against Long. As investigations on Long are occurring, Evan and his family later go on a hiking trip, during which God reappears to Evan, telling him that the way to change the world is by doing one Act of Random Kindness ("ARK") at a time.

    With L.O.V.E
  • Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E

    for some reason this question made my mind go to the movie Evan Almighty <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know Suspicious mind what made you think of the movie Almighty? I have pasted the movie plot below as I had never heard of it before ---> And it has some relevance to some of the topics discussed - Absolutely.
    Would you like to expand on your thinking?
    Newly elected to Congress, former local television newsman Evan Baxter leaves his hometown of Buffalo, New York and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia, where his congressional campaign declares that he will change the world without explaining how he will do so. On his first day on the job, he meets Marty Stringer, Rita Daniels, and top congressman Chuck Long. Soon after his arrival, strange things start to happen: animals simply follow Evan without any apparent reason; he grows a beard that immediately reappears no matter how many times he shaves; eight vacant lots in Evan's neighborhood are purchased in his name; ancient tools and wood are sent to his house; and the number "614" appears everywhere he goes. Evan soon learns that his house number indicates a verse in the Book of Genesis, for which God instructs Evan to build a replica of Noah's Ark in preparation for a flood. Evan's family initially believes he is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis; later, his sons suspect something greater is occurring and assist him in the construction of the ark, although his wife Joan does not. Reappearing, God tells Evan the flood will come at midday on September 22.

    The ark used for filming was located in Crozet, Virginia.
    Animals later follow Evan to Congress, and when he explains the reason for this, Long removes Evan's name from the Congress bill that he is cosponsoring with him. Joan, upon seeing a news report that features the Ark, takes her sons to the house decides to leave Evan because she believes he is insane. Evan then builds the Ark alone, gaining international notice. Some time after Joan leaves Evan, God appears to her as a waiter at a diner, wearing a name tag displaying "Al Mighty". In this guise, he tells her God does not give things, but only the opportunity by which to obtain things, citing togetherness of families as one of these things. Seeing his meaning, Joan returns to Evan to finish the Ark together. Meanwhile, word reaches Evan that Long has commissioned a dam and has cut corners in doing so.
    On September 22, Evan loads hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with no sign of rain, provoking the spectators' scorn. A large rainstorm does come, but is brief. Evan takes this as a sign of the coming flood, but is proven wrong. Joan tells Evan to leave the Ark; however, Evan remembers Long's dam, which he fears may burst. As he thinks on this, the dam does burst, flooding the streets. At this, all spectators and policemen board the ark, which sails down the streets of Washington, D.C. on the floodwaters of the lake until it eventually lands touching the front of the Capitol. Evan then tells Long that the flood was caused by his poor design of the dam, which incites the other congressmen present to turn against Long. As investigations on Long are occurring, Evan and his family later go on a hiking trip, during which God reappears to Evan, telling him that the way to change the world is by doing one Act of Random Kindness ("ARK") at a time.

    With L.O.V.E

    well i guess because in the noah flood thing it seems like God said ok i have had enough build the boat get the animals get your family and when the rain started that was it. doors closed. everything is gone. but with evan almighty thing the preperation of the boat kind of turned into a save the day expose the corruption kind of thing.

    i know i don't tend to think the way alot of people do so it won't worry me any if no one else goes there but it is just what poped into my head.

    i will quietly go back to my jacket now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E

    for some reason this question made my mind go to the movie Evan Almighty <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know Suspicious mind what made you think of the movie Almighty? I have pasted the movie plot below as I had never heard of it before ---> And it has some relevance to some of the topics discussed - Absolutely.
    Would you like to expand on your thinking?

    With L.O.V.E

    well i guess because in the noah flood thing it seems like God said ok i have had enough build the boat get the animals get your family and when the rain started that was it. doors closed. everything is gone. but with evan almighty thing the preperation of the boat kind of turned into a save the day expose the corruption kind of thing.

    i know i don't tend to think the way alot of people do so it won't worry me any if no one else goes there but it is just what poped into my head.

    i will quietly go back to my jacket now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Well! You know, this is a possible scenario! Convince a few believers that the end of the World is near (And it may be! I am still trying to make sense of 100's pages of semi-factual info!), bring them together to build an ARK as the great flood will happen and BAM as the truth is unveiled! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Waow Suspicious mind... I am going directly into my padded cell now - you got me there! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • Then thinking loud, if BeLIEvers and Non Believers are likely to reach the same conclusions regarding the trustworthiness of the Media, what is the point in growing the numbers of BeLIEvers?
    Earlier awakening? But then Why?

    With L.O.V.E

    for some reason this question made my mind go to the movie Evan Almighty <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know Suspicious mind what made you think of the movie Almighty? I have pasted the movie plot below as I had never heard of it before ---> And it has some relevance to some of the topics discussed - Absolutely.
    Would you like to expand on your thinking?

    With L.O.V.E

    well i guess because in the noah flood thing it seems like God said ok i have had enough build the boat get the animals get your family and when the rain started that was it. doors closed. everything is gone. but with evan almighty thing the preperation of the boat kind of turned into a save the day expose the corruption kind of thing.

    i know i don't tend to think the way alot of people do so it won't worry me any if no one else goes there but it is just what poped into my head.

    i will quietly go back to my jacket now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Well! You know, this is a possible scenario! Convince a few believers that the end of the World is near (And it may be! I am still trying to make sense of 100's pages of semi-factual info!), bring them together to build an ARK as the great flood will happen and BAM as the truth is unveiled! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Waow Suspicious mind... I am going directly into my padded cell now - you got me there! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    With L.O.V.E

    it isn't necessarily a bad place <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes but the end of the world will happen sooner or later even if not in 2012... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yes, but surely not in 2012 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes, but surely not in 2012 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I love you Gema <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I just expect the best for Michael...whatever he want to do is ok for me...i just want he happy and free...he did a lot already for us...he did almost all his life the best wonderful music, dance and humanitarian work, he deserve to rest now and be happy with his children.
    I never expected nothing more...he always give to us more and more...
    Michael really deserve to be happy and FREE now!!
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    I must say that everything that has been said on this thread has really touched me. I was not a fan either before 25/06/09. I love Michael's music, always have but not one to go crazy and faint over him. I live in a place where many celebrities come to just get away from it all, for privacy and to be able to just walk around and enjoy their time away from the chaos. In my profession as an Immigration Officer I have met many celebrities who visit my country (The Bahamas). I never asked for an autograph or a photo or anything for that matter. I did my job with a smile and a warm welcome to all. As a matter of fact I met Joe Jackson when he visited The Bahamas sometime in the early 80's he actually stopped me and asked me if I would mind directing him to a store where he could purchase a swim suit (for a female). He even asked me if I would model it for him, because I looked to be the same size as the lady he was pruchasing it for. I just smiled and told him that I did mind the modelling part. He was very nice he talked with me for a few minutes and then headed in the direction of the store after trying to convince me once again to come and model the bathing suit (such I gave him the same answer, No thank you). I also met Oprah Winfrey too when she came here. She bought a home here too. We in the Bahamas value people's privacy and we try to make them as comfortable as possible. I'm saying all this just to say that I know the impact Michael Jackson has had on this world with his music and I grew up on his music and I really felt for him when I began reading on his life and all the controversy surrounding him and my heart really hurt for this man. I respect him so much and whatever he decides to do is well and good with me as long as he is happy and contented with the decision he makes with how he wants to live the rest of his life whether it be back in the spotlight or behind the scenes or wherever. The only thing I really wish for him is to find a beautiful, giving and loving woman to spend the rest of his life with who can truly make him happy. That's all I wish for him. I will always have the utmost respect and admiration for this beautiful man always. Love you more Michael.
  • I just want him back, no singing , no concerts, no nothing ! I want to know he is alright, healthy , happy as a human being, nothing more.He deserves to be happy more that anyone on this Earth, he's done enough for everyone , it's time to look in another direction to take care of him for once.I pray he is happy now and i want to see that smile again , very soon.I love you Michael, take your time but come back please.
  • Expectations can be rather dissapointing, often times what we expect never happens. I learned many years ago never to expect things of others or of life, it is much wiser to accept than expect, if we accept what is in front of us which is reality, we are far better off. The other side of this is, LOVE, it does not expect it accepts.

    I love Michael, so in answer to this question simply put from my heart, I do not expect anything of Michael, I accept him. So what ever he choose to do, is what it is. I for one do not see any value in Michael returning to the same life style that he once lived, as I had said many times. Starting a new life means your old life is past, gone. It makes no sense to go back to the same thing you just left, it's not beneficial for many reasons. I am comforted knowing that God is always watching over Micheal, and have no doubts that he will guide Michael's path.
  • Reading over this thread I wish to highlight something that I feel is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the learning curve of the hoax. It is pretty obvious but I think it is worth mentioning and drawing attention to since we can get so caught up in research/examining clues etc. Whether you're a fan of MJ or not (old or new) you have been drawn here to this site and are participating in HIStory in the making. We come from all walks of life, all around the globe, united in a common cause: connecting with each other, providing different opinions and points of view, exercising tolerance and understanding with mutual respect. Doesn't that sound like what MJ has been talking about all throughout his career? The hoax has had the effect of personifying all of these ideals and has facilitated in bringing people together with no restrictions or barriers of age, race, gender or religion. THAT IS pretty awesome don't you think, the power of it shouldn't be underestimated as it is not everyday that total strangers connect with each other on this worldwide level. Of coarse it is a pretty awesome individual that has brought us here but nevertheless I doubt whether world leaders could do it!! I'm glad that most of us do not have any expectations as to what MJ's re-emergence in the world will entail as it shows a genuine compassion and respect for him as a person and not a personality. He is one of a kind and even if there were ever to be someone on a par with him (which is a long, long-shot IMO) he did IT first.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    BlackJack, thanks for this reminder it's always good to remember why we are here and put in words it gives a lot more sense and power. Michael is a kind of magnet and I feel like I'm attracted by his positive energy. God bless him for what he's doing, I don't underestimate the task, the work behind and of course the benefits and achievements that you have well described. I want to say that Michael is unique in his uniqueness. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    BlackJack, yes, it is very unique and awesome to meet this family here on a global level in tolerance, kindness and mutual respect - no matter where we are coming from and where we are going to.
    For some of us, this may be the first time in life to be able to share this intercultural experience of what IS indeed possible when peace and love are the foundation of this encounter.
    Michael knows that borders are only lines drawn on paper, nothing more. The rest on why borders are "meant to be" by some individuals is artificially set up and not necessary at all.
    I think, this "coming together over him" is spectacular and nobody will ever be able to initiate alike.
    If only this got understood: that we all are one family, each single member being important and having very special talents to share and be proud of and that without each other we would be missing life, if only this got understood, then much, much has been achieved on this road.
    There is a team building up that is really great. And Michael is leading the way in this international work camp...

  • I guess Michael is going to be the first celebrity with his own planet to live on:

    the virtual "Planet Michael" ...
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