Expectations versus Reality



  • Reading over this thread I wish to highlight something that I feel is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the learning curve of the hoax. It is pretty obvious but I think it is worth mentioning and drawing attention to since we can get so caught up in research/examining clues etc. Whether you're a fan of MJ or not (old or new) you have been drawn here to this site and are participating in HIStory in the making. We come from all walks of life, all around the globe, united in a common cause: connecting with each other, providing different opinions and points of view, exercising tolerance and understanding with mutual respect. Doesn't that sound like what MJ has been talking about all throughout his career? The hoax has had the effect of personifying all of these ideals and has facilitated in bringing people together with no restrictions or barriers of age, race, gender or religion. THAT IS pretty awesome don't you think, the power of it shouldn't be underestimated as it is not everyday that total strangers connect with each other on this worldwide level. Of coarse it is a pretty awesome individual that has brought us here but nevertheless I doubt whether world leaders could do it!! I'm glad that most of us do not have any expectations as to what MJ's re-emergence in the world will entail as it shows a genuine compassion and respect for him as a person and not a personality. He is one of a kind and even if there were ever to be someone on a par with him (which is a long, long-shot IMO) he did IT first.

    Thank You Blackjack - Whether an MJ fan or not, participating in HIStory in the making is an exceptional experience! I appreciate MJ, bringing his awesome talent, his values, his beliefs into the unrolling of this unique event... It feels so different from anything else ... One needs to recognise GENIUS when they see it!


    With L.O.V.E
  • I'm interested to know what people are expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally (as opposed to the other issues that are of a global nature). Expectations can be Dangerous as they do create pressure. To put pressure on yourself is one thing, but to have pressure created by what others EXPECT of you, magnifies the intensity. What others WANT from you is a major part of the problems in all of THIS. As you all are aware, everybody wants a piece of the action whether it's the record industry who think they OWN their artists, right down to the people who jump on the gravy train and want you for their meal ticket. Fabrication and corruption is unfortunately everywhere and Trust becomes impossible! You've heard many times that without Trust, life is lonely.
    I think it's important to remember that MJ is over 50 and did not want to be touring past the age of 40, (HIStory was IT). He did not want to end up like Sammy Davis Jr doing Vegas night after night and he said that he wished James Brown would've taken the time to slow down and enjoy his success instead of working himself into the ground.
    He can still sing, there is no doubt, but if Big Business or the fans expect a tour can you see how this is unrealistic and creates pressure. MJ doesn't do what he doesn't want to do! Just because the touring phase of his life is over doesn't mean that's IT of coarse. He has never stopped dabbling in the arts as he's a creative force of nature that must channel itself through some form of medium....... just look at the hoax production that's going on now. BAM is a return on his OWN terms, not a continuation of things as they were - like a tour or even necessarily a concert , one-off or otherwise.
    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    I missed this part...when did brother Tito mention this? Where?

    Well back to your topic starter Thinking Project again...
    I have waited until now to comment.
    One: because I HAD NO expectations regarding Michael returning to public. I have been comfortable with the idea of The Man having a LIFE. Out of the spotlight.

    I am a champion of his rights to do so.
    I realize it is difficult for people to see him in a different light.
    He has been a showman since he was a big boy at 8.
    This has been his life for over 45 years.

    Thinking about that would be overwhelming
    If you were thinking of faking your death and then coming back but, NOT as Michael Jackson The King of Pop but,

    Michael (ArchAngel) to some but, Michael The Man and Father to Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

    Now in saying that, reason Two why I waited to post a comment,
    Some very weird and interesting things have happened in the last few days.

    I find it very suspect that when we have been pressing for Michael's "hoax" to be revealed, we have been pressing for people to wake up to NWO, other stuff, mind control, media LIES, campaigns to Prosecute Sneddon, campaigns to clear Michael's name, uncover his name at the school, then ok a article that is against his name being seen (knew that was coming) and then wait the big fat LIE to side track people from the TRUTH is The chile mine rescue.


    I call B.S. and it is a "hoax" and it is all about GREEDY media and NWO stopping us from thinking (fear mongering) trauma...makes people believe shit easier.

    Ok so I find it highly suspect that one of the miners loves Elvis...Really? LMAO!

    Weren't we also trying to prove something about Elvis/Jesse and Eliza?

    Too many weird things going on for me to worry whether Mike comes back into view, personally Mike I would stay hiding for a minute... it is 911 coming soon.

    The writing is on the wall.


    P.S. Here is the clincher...

    <!-- m -->http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20101018/wl_ ... iners_pact<!-- m -->

    By Simon Gardner and Terry Wade Simon Gardner And Terry Wade – Mon Oct 18, 10:39 am ET
    COPIAPO, Chile (Reuters) – Most of Chile's 33 rescued miners are honoring a pact of silence about the worst of their ordeal, but one indicated on Sunday he would talk if paid and another set the record straight about what didn't happen.

    Lucrative movie and book deals have been flowing in since the miners' miraculous rescue on Wednesday after 69 days trapped half a mile underground after a cave-in, and several are now looking to safeguard their financial future.

    So far, most of the men have not yet spoken of the very worst moments of their ordeal in a hot, humid tunnel 2,050 feet underground, particularly during the agonizing 17 days before they were found alive. The rescue was watched by hundreds of millions of people, a survival story that captured the world's imagination.

    "We can't talk about those things, because there is a pact. We can't talk about the period from the cave-in until we escaped," said Mario Gomez, who at 63 is the oldest of the miners, as he helped his family dismantle the tent at "Camp Hope," the settlement they erected after the accident.

    Fellow miner Omar Reygada said the pact aimed to ensure the real story was told about the days after the August 5 collapse. Some of the miners have said they were planning a book, and several said they had not yet decided as a group on the sale of rights to their story.

    "There's an agreement for us to speak as a group, to avoid distortions that can arise when we speak individually," he said.

    Still, miner Jorge Galleguillos said the pact was non-binding, and told Reuters he would tell his story for a fee. He refused to speak in detail otherwise.

    "I have to think about myself," he said after attending a religious ceremony at the mine and touring the tent settlement where his family waited for his rescue.

    Mario Sepulveda, a joker and the most charismatic of the miners, who thrilled the world when he emerged from the escape capsule that hoisted the men to safety with a bag of souvenir rocks, has already tested the pact's limits.

    In an interview with Britain's Mail on Sunday, Sepulveda said he had at times lost hope of being rescued and had played dead in a macabre joke on the other miners.

    He rejected the suggestion that the men had sex while trapped underground or that he had considered cannibalism.

    "The reason I am speaking is that people have been gossiping and saying things and I think it is important for one of us, me in this case, to tell it as it was down there, but also to answer some of the things that people are getting wrong," he told the paper.

    "Saying we had sex down there with each other is just plain wrong," he added. "There are some things I will never talk about. But they are things that would embarrass some of the kids (younger miners). Nothing sexual, more that they acted like kids."

    Sepulveda says he will use any money earned from his story to create a fund for his children's university education.

    The 40-year-old, who spent his birthday trapped in the mine, did not join 13 of his colleagues at the ceremony on Sunday.

    Miner Victor Segovia kept a diary the men plan to turn into a book. Parts of his notebook have been sealed with tape to ensure secrecy.

    Some just don't want to talk about their darkest days underground, amid psychologists' warnings that the most lasting damage could be emotional and go on for months if not years.

    "I don't want to talk about that yet," said Claudio Yanez, 34, who had been considering quitting the mine before the accident.

    Just sayin LOOK at ALL the perks the miners are getting, lol.

    Shady Shit going on! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • With Michael's return I am expecting him to have the respect that he deserves. His life was consumed with lies after lies, and by judgemental people who only saw and heard what they wanted to see and hear.

    The hoax is a wake up call to everyone. Even though there are still those who will always bad mouth Michael the hoax has done wonders in restoring who he really is. After the hoax a number of people who were not even fans started to read up on Michael and they found out that he was a pretty good guy afterall. And even some of the 'haters' have done a 360.

    Over the past 15 months and 3 weeks Michael's good name and reputation has slowly been restored and a big thank you goes out to his family, friends and fans who have worked tirelessly to do this. At times I have felt guilty that I sit and try and figure out what happened to him instead of writing a letter in his name but then I recall what someone once said to me, "YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE IN YOUR OWN WAY".

    I am expecting Michael to be at peace within himself, he has the love of his children, his family and his fans who will always support him.

    Do I want him to perform again? Of course I do. Is it realistic? Perhaps to a certain degree. He said that he wanted his children to see what he did for a living and he also said that he was still young enough to do it. I don't think he accomplished this with the movie so that would leave the possiblity of him performing one last time.

    I want Michael safe, healthy and happy and I think he can come back and have all of this and much more. We have not heard the last from Michael Joe Jackson!

    Love you Michael!
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    BlackJack once again you speak the truth very eloquently and put all of this into perspective. Having read some negative posts lately I think it's a shame that such posts create disquiet and disharmony when we're all here for the same reason. Once we get to the stage where we're using negative phrasing or worse sarcasm to force our point then we've lost the amazing global kinship we've discovered here.
    We here don't all agree with every theory and some may not believe TS to be genuine but we still have to respect their opinion just like we respect those who believe in the Messiah theory or even the alien theory. To each their own opinion. Tolerance and respect no matter what our personal opinion is. I don't even like to see the seeds of in-fighting being planted so I hope it doesn't happen here but as someone pointed out love needs to find a place here just like it does everywhere else. If we keep that in mind and keep our sense of humor intact too all that matters is the truth, and we can focus on that. Of course people have off-days and doubts but I think the majority of us here can see beyond that, I'm always amazed at how incredibly smart and intuitive we are as a group and I think that says a lot about the real fans, the ones who always did "get it". Not the screaming fainters but the thinkers, the listeners.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Great post trustno1. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> You have said what I feel, some people say they're open minded and tolerant....ok but I think that this tolerance tends to diminish when people are confronted to someone telling them that what they believe is the truth and that it doesn't fit their belief (maybe I made that mistake too but I'm tying to improve myself)...I mean that if you really are tolerant you accept that people believe in the Alien theory of the Messiah theory but you also accept those who don't believe in it...we can disagree in peace.
    ....we must be drawn by the love we have inside.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Reading over this thread I wish to highlight something that I feel is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the learning curve of the hoax. It is pretty obvious but I think it is worth mentioning and drawing attention to since we can get so caught up in research/examining clues etc. Whether you're a fan of MJ or not (old or new) you have been drawn here to this site and are participating in HIStory in the making. We come from all walks of life, all around the globe, united in a common cause: connecting with each other, providing different opinions and points of view, exercising tolerance and understanding with mutual respect. Doesn't that sound like what MJ has been talking about all throughout his career? The hoax has had the effect of personifying all of these ideals and has facilitated in bringing people together with no restrictions or barriers of age, race, gender or religion. THAT IS pretty awesome don't you think, the power of it shouldn't be underestimated as it is not everyday that total strangers connect with each other on this worldwide level. Of coarse it is a pretty awesome individual that has brought us here but nevertheless I doubt whether world leaders could do it!! I'm glad that most of us do not have any expectations as to what MJ's re-emergence in the world will entail as it shows a genuine compassion and respect for him as a person and not a personality. He is one of a kind and even if there were ever to be someone on a par with him (which is a long, long-shot IMO) he did IT first.

    BlackJack, I wonder if you'd like to ellaborate a bit on the parts of your post that I've put in bold. So many of us have been perplexed and overwhelmed at the strength and power of this situation we find ourselves in - being somehow led or drawn to MJ, putting our lives on virtual hold as we investigate and learn about a man we didn't personally know and in many cases didn't even pay much attention to before his 'death'.

    I would be very interested to know your views on the phenomenon or psychology that is at work here. What is it about this man, and indeed about me, and the workings of the human mind and spirit, that has caused this unprecedented, unfathomable 'takeover'? How did this 'awesome individual' manage to bring me here?!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I will quote myself to give my point of view <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Re: If MJ does return, a Concert might not even happen.

    Postby Gema » Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:41 am

    I have been thinking lately about a "BAM" possibility and how I would react if and when that happens.
    I think it would be a good thing.
    I think that up to this point, MJ´s message has become more important than his concerts and if he comes back on stage, would be a good idea for him to "promote" his messages to reach us all.

    We, MJ supporters and fans are a little "odd" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> (or at least I see myself odd <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->)some of us can see beyond, others can think outside the box, others are naive, others very religious... but at the end we are united by him and that is per se "the greatest show on earth".
    And by him, I refer to no other than Michael Jackson! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Reading over this thread I wish to highlight something that I feel is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the learning curve of the hoax. It is pretty obvious but I think it is worth mentioning and drawing attention to since we can get so caught up in research/examining clues etc. Whether you're a fan of MJ or not (old or new) you have been drawn here to this site and are participating in HIStory in the making. We come from all walks of life, all around the globe, united in a common cause: connecting with each other, providing different opinions and points of view, exercising tolerance and understanding with mutual respect. Doesn't that sound like what MJ has been talking about all throughout his career? The hoax has had the effect of personifying all of these ideals and has facilitated in bringing people together with no restrictions or barriers of age, race, gender or religion. THAT IS pretty awesome don't you think, the power of it shouldn't be underestimated as it is not everyday that total strangers connect with each other on this worldwide level. Of coarse it is a pretty awesome individual that has brought us here but nevertheless I doubt whether world leaders could do it!! I'm glad that most of us do not have any expectations as to what MJ's re-emergence in the world will entail as it shows a genuine compassion and respect for him as a person and not a personality. He is one of a kind and even if there were ever to be someone on a par with him (which is a long, long-shot IMO) he did IT first.

    BlackJack, I wonder if you'd like to ellaborate a bit on the parts of your post that I've put in bold. So many of us have been perplexed and overwhelmed at the strength and power of this situation we find ourselves in - being somehow led or drawn to MJ, putting our lives on virtual hold as we investigate and learn about a man we didn't personally know and in many cases didn't even pay much attention to before his 'death'.

    I would be very interested to know your views on the phenomenon or psychology that is at work here. What is it about this man, and indeed about me, and the workings of the human mind and spirit, that has caused this unprecedented, unfathomable 'takeover'? How did this 'awesome individual' manage to bring me here?!

    Great questions <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I was about to ask the same!!
  • Well, since you asked........ The way I see it there are a couple of forces at work, the first one being pure COMMONSENSE. Looking from the perspective of what was presented as TRUTH, (even if you do not know about MJ's love of illusions and magic) an unbiased, logical mind could easily discern that things did not add up!! That makes a 'normal' curious person want to know things.... this is human nature and MJ knows all about making people curious- he has done it successfully his whole life (and STILL is). That is the 'draw' you are feeling that led you to go on the internet and WOW! you wound up here. It is no co-incidence that you are among many like-minded people as the forum is full of open-minded individuals who are level-headed and are open to possibilities (I'd like to say we are people who are not fully influenced by the conditioning we are constantly subjected to). Isn't it better to have these sorts of people to do research on such things as NWO/EOW/media corruption, than those who are just hysterical fanatics. I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out. He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO. Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome). The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.
    gold pants syndrome <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> it took me "ages" to get rid of it, thanks to you Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> please don't wear those again <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    yes I think you are right BJ, curiosity and maybe the urge to find out the truth...
    I speak only for myself, but I think others here are alike...I need to analise and explain everything....maybe that's why I can never be happy <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Well, life has completely changed after June 25th last year.
    What Michael did, how he opened our apetite for learning and making changes in our lives is incredible.
    Well, since you asked........ The way I see it there are a couple of forces at work, the first one being pure COMMONSENSE. Looking from the perspective of what was presented as TRUTH, (even if you do not know about MJ's love of illusions and magic) an unbiased, logical mind could easily discern that things did not add up!! That makes a 'normal' curious person want to know things.... this is human nature and MJ knows all about making people curious- he has done it successfully his whole life (and STILL is). That is the 'draw' you are feeling that led you to go on the internet and WOW! you wound up here. It is no co-incidence that you are among many like-minded people as the forum is full of open-minded individuals who are level-headed and are open to possibilities (I'd like to say we are people who are not fully influenced by the conditioning we are constantly subjected to). Isn't it better to have these sorts of people to do research on such things as NWO/EOW/media corruption, than those who are just hysterical fanatics. I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out. He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO. Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome). The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.
    Seems to me you also have a great perception of the human nature. The way you describe above the process of how we get here is really the best I've been reading since now.
  • Well, since you asked........ The way I see it there are a couple of forces at work, the first one being pure COMMONSENSE. Looking from the perspective of what was presented as TRUTH, (even if you do not know about MJ's love of illusions and magic) an unbiased, logical mind could easily discern that things did not add up!! That makes a 'normal' curious person want to know things.... this is human nature and MJ knows all about making people curious- he has done it successfully his whole life (and STILL is). That is the 'draw' you are feeling that led you to go on the internet and WOW! you wound up here. It is no co-incidence that you are among many like-minded people as the forum is full of open-minded individuals who are level-headed and are open to possibilities (I'd like to say we are people who are not fully influenced by the conditioning we are constantly subjected to). Isn't it better to have these sorts of people to do research on such things as NWO/EOW/media corruption, than those who are just hysterical fanatics. I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out. He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO. Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome). The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.
    Seems to me you also have a great perception of the human nature. The way you describe above the process of how we get here is really the best I've been reading since now.

    I totally agree with you BlackJack, and Gina you are so right <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Before 25.06.2009 i wasn't a fan, i liked his music very much, i knew he was innocent, and i admired him as an artist but i was not like i am today.Something happened to me after that day that i can't explain , i was feeling the need to search more about Michael, to understand him better, to know his work more...And today i can say that i love this man for who he is as a human being first of all .I think i am more fan of the man , Michael not for him as an artist.He is so kind, humble , he loves to give people and he doesn't want something in return , this is just wonderful for a megastar that he is.Michael has a special place in my heart .
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Well, since you asked........ The way I see it there are a couple of forces at work, the first one being pure COMMONSENSE. Looking from the perspective of what was presented as TRUTH, (even if you do not know about MJ's love of illusions and magic) an unbiased, logical mind could easily discern that things did not add up!! That makes a 'normal' curious person want to know things.... this is human nature and MJ knows all about making people curious- he has done it successfully his whole life (and STILL is). That is the 'draw' you are feeling that led you to go on the internet and WOW! you wound up here. It is no co-incidence that you are among many like-minded people as the forum is full of open-minded individuals who are level-headed and are open to possibilities (I'd like to say we are people who are not fully influenced by the conditioning we are constantly subjected to). Isn't it better to have these sorts of people to do research on such things as NWO/EOW/media corruption, than those who are just hysterical fanatics. I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out. He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO. Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome). The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.
    Seems to me you also have a great perception of the human nature. The way you describe above the process of how we get here is really the best I've been reading since now.

    I totally agree with you BlackJack, and Gina you are so right <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Before 25.06.2009 i wasn't a fan, i liked his music very much, i knew he was innocent, and i admired him as an artist but i was not like i am today.Something happened to me after that day that i can't explain , i was feeling the need to search more about Michael, to understand him better, to know his work more...And today i can say that i love this man for who he is as a human being first of all .I think i am more fan of the man , Michael not for him as an artist.He is so kind, humble , he loves to give people and he doesn't want something in return , this is just wonderful for a megastar that he is.Michael has a special place in my heart .
    All this discussion is just so profound. Blackjack and all of you. It just all rings so true for me too. There is something so phenomenal happening here since last June 25, 2009. I wished there was a way to explain to outside people how wonderful this all is, how special MJ is, and what a world-wide blessing this hoax is. But they just see my dreamy look and excited words, and they walk away with <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->. Oh brother here we go again, and are not willing to even look into it. The thing is there has to be that little seed planted that takes root in their heart, to plant a question, an interest, a curiosity to look further. Without that people just steer clear of anything that seems weird, fanatical, gullible, and off the deep end.

    I know this 1+year experience is something my heart has craved most of my life, now I'm in it and basking in it, and in the future I will look back on this time as surreal, and golden, pivital in my life. It just expresses my heart, my deepest longings for love and openness, for community, for healing our planet. What Michael is doing here is restorative and healing for all of us. Sort of like I was sleeping before, but now I've been woken up! Maybe I'm going overboard but... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks for your answer <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out.
    I agree. Also, as I see it, the ones who knew that media lied about MJ ( as me i.e), were stuck in the same pattern of "defending MJ" with no apparent success due to the lack of knowledge of how to "market" our opinions.
    Now we know the tools to use and how to "fight" a cause, with L.O.V.E <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO.
    In my experience, the 1st thing that popped in my head when I was told "MJ is dead" was the word hoax. I saw the ambulance pic on yahoo and said "fake".
    The weird part of all of this is that MJ popped again in my life weeks (months) previous his death <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> and the events came from a simple dream up to a family member questioning me about a pen case of mine from 1988 on which I wrote the name "Michael Jackson" and 2 hearts..that pen case popped as well...21 years later...That´s what I call magic <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome).
    Would you believe me if I would say that I never saw MJ as a "sexual icon"?
    To be honest, I noticed the GP fever last year and due to reading comments and being exposed to GP most of the time I found how well those pants fitted MJ <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    with this comment above I try to say that the hoax has also played the "fan base" the other way around <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> from not seeing MJ as a sexy icon to appreciate that, in deed, he was/ is nice to look at. So, in resume, I opened up to another side of Michael I did not notice before.

    My perception of MJ was conceived as seeing him to be a sweet-naive-intelligent-idealistic soul wanting to heal the world and wanting to take back his childhood. I would even dare to use the word "asexual". I listened to him, his lyrics touched my heart but did not see a "person" but a "soul".
    Now I see him also as a MAN.
    I hope I made myself understood <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.

    Sure he is!
    This was really a call to join the Army <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Calling:
    - Old supporters (fans from the 80´s-90´s and earlier who did not follow his music career after the "fan fever" period but felt his pain during the abuse he was exposed to during the years (here I include myself. MJ marked my childhood, not present but I discovered after June 25th that he has been always in my heart))
    - Current supporters (fans who never stop buying his records up to date) and
    - New suporters (the people non fans who came out from the blue after MJ´s passing).

    So yes, I wonder what other person in this business has joint together so many people and in this way. That to me is the work of a master mind. The press should take notice <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    urge to find out the truth...
    I speak only for myself, but I think others here are alike...

    Yes. Urge to find the truth.
    I questioned myself several times and asked if I was in denial and I was following the pattern of a "fan" who is shocked and can´t let the idol go. But when reading the news over and over did just not make sense. I thought that either the news were manipulated, or the journalists were missinformed, or the whole system is corrupted, because the case, as being presented by media, looks like a mess. And the bedroom picture was almost comic.

    So much irony could not be serious <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I felt really insulted, my intelligence being insulted to be more precise.

    But after seeing the memorial I started questioning myself again...specially after Paris speech...a child criying for such a serious issue....is a child....talking about her deceased father.....so I told myself, wow....the pain, the emotion coming from a child....it must be genuine...
    But I also got in mind the latest Arvizo testimony....a child....talking about such a serious issue....almost the same age than Paris....telling the world his feelings about an unfortunate event....and I never trusted one word he said...

    So, to make something long short....bells started ringing in my head and the roaller coaster was oficially inaugurated <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    If Arvizo lied with such a serious issue, Paris has the right to fool the world and say the truth anyway.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    What Michael is doing here is restorative and healing for all of us. Sort of like I was sleeping before, but now I've been woken up! Maybe I'm going overboard but... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    No, you are not going overboard <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I am sure you have made a resume of how each of us feels <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    WOW Gema....about the little story with your pen...
    My sister was a fan of Michael from the beginning... and she told me her old Thriller cassette she had for 20 years I think get broken one week before June 25th. She saw this as a bad sign.
    Your posts reminded me of my reaction (which I am still ashamed of <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ) when my husband told me in an agitated voice "you know Michael Jackson died"... I didn't care <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ... I only said "may God rest him in peace" or something like that.....

    But that state of indiference lasted only for about a few hours..... in fact untill the evening news, when the announcement was made again and in the background his angelic voice was singing Heal the world.... that was the moment that hit me so bad that I can't recover myself since then.

    Then during the memorial (I found it boring and didn't wanted to watch it live at that time <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ) my husband called me "look what's written: I'm alive and here forever" and then the Liberian Girl picture made me suspicious....

    In fact I found his death strange...first thought it was "he was murdered"

    Then I thought this death is too ironic...to die 2 weeks before the long-awaited concert----too ironic, to unreal.... and besides there was that weird London announcement....

    So here I am....hoping he is well and happy and most of all alive.

    Oh another weird reaction of mine: I could not stand to read the RIPs, it was torture to me, I don't know about others. I just wanted to scream "don't look between the dead ones for the one who is alive".
  • Well, since you asked........ The way I see it there are a couple of forces at work, the first one being pure COMMONSENSE. Looking from the perspective of what was presented as TRUTH, (even if you do not know about MJ's love of illusions and magic) an unbiased, logical mind could easily discern that things did not add up!! That makes a 'normal' curious person want to know things.... this is human nature and MJ knows all about making people curious- he has done it successfully his whole life (and STILL is). That is the 'draw' you are feeling that led you to go on the internet and WOW! you wound up here. It is no co-incidence that you are among many like-minded people as the forum is full of open-minded individuals who are level-headed and are open to possibilities (I'd like to say we are people who are not fully influenced by the conditioning we are constantly subjected to). Isn't it better to have these sorts of people to do research on such things as NWO/EOW/media corruption, than those who are just hysterical fanatics. I think that's why you hear so many saying that they weren't real fans before. Their interest has been awakened and they've learnt that if the media has been fed lies about the 'death' then it's also possible that we've been lied to in so many other ways, especially about MJ himself. This causes the little 'empathy' buttons inside of us to switch on and suddenly you feel an overwhelming compulsion to help him out. He understands this concept and ingeniously figured out a way to trigger this human reaction (in like-minded individuals/people on the same frequency)... for a GOOD cause. It may be spiritual as you feel connected with one another and I totally think you can be spiritual without organised religion IMO. Also the hoax has suddenly broadened his fan base to include all of these new fans who appreciate him on a whole new level and not just the GPS (gold pants syndrome). The hoax is all-encompassing and having a number of impacts on all the areas that he wanted to address. I truly can't imagine anyone else being able to pull this scenario off, he is a mastermind.
    BlackJack - It is always a pleasure to read your brilliant posts.

    What I find absolutely mind-blowing about this whole Hoax event, is that it is totally multi- dimensional (just like a gigantic round version of a Rubik cube):
    -From clues and stories about the circumstances of MJ death to ... the "getting to know the man himself" to ... Media corruption and conditioning to ...The NWO to ... The End of the World and the many associated spiritual connections (And there is probably more)
    -From the type of people involved in "finding the Truth" (The BeLIEvers) to their reasons for being here

    It feels at time that MJ the mastermind, has found a spiritual way (The right frequency) to reach through to those "like-minded" BeLIEvers, creating a collective mastermind to research and discuss the "Hoax" and its far reaching "implications" --- One in Consciousness---
    (And I totally agree that spirituality does go far beyond the boundaries of religions!)

    It is an amazing adventure and I am forever grateful to MJ for making it happen! HE is one of a Kind!

    With L.O.V.E
    TheRunningGirl - yes you are right.
    We are about to reach something we've never dreamed of <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    One in Consciousness
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    This is amazing
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    It feels at time that MJ the mastermind, has found a spiritual way (The right frequency) to reach through to those "like-minded" BeLIEvers,

    Please, explain to me the "same frequency" thing (with smileys if possible <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) what do you mean with that? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Same frequency - is old, i've heard it before....
    Sure deserves an explanation, but it is a reality even if we can't "touch" it or can't explain it. But it can be felt easily, just think about the others you relate with every day...
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Wait a minute. Are we talking here about MJ being psychic? Him having the ability to connect somehow with us beyond the hoax letters?
    If yes, I would like to know more about it.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Wow, thank you BlackJack - you have succeeded in taking a scenario (that I had managed to make far too confusing and complicated), and stripping it back to common sense, curiosity and human nature! I love the simple, yet profound thought process that arrived at that conclusion and I appreciate the way you present these ideas to us.

    I totally identify with the 'little empathy button'! Before I even considered that MJ's death was a hoax, I started reading his lyrics, poetry, writings and others' accounts of his humanitarianism, watching films and videos of live performances, speeches and interviews - I suppose, discovering the man I'd never had the urge to discover before because I 'just liked his music and found him somewhat intriguing'!

    That's when my 'empathy button' got switched on and I felt devastated at the injustice of someone, who'd striven and succeeded in bringing so much pleasure to the world through music and entertainment, dying without that world knowing that he was really about so much more than that. I felt overwhelming sorrow and sadness for him. That's the best way I can describe it.

    So thank goodness for the internet and YouTube that brought me through that - to this! And the positive feeling I now have that wrongs can be righted and eyes opened.
  • Same frequency - is old, i've heard it before....
    Sure deserves an explanation, but it is a reality even if we can't "touch" it or can't explain it. But it can be felt easily, just think about the others you relate with every day...
    It feels at time that MJ the mastermind, has found a spiritual way (The right frequency) to reach through to those "like-minded" BeLIEvers,

    Please, explain to me the "same frequency" thing (with smileys if possible ) what do you mean with that?
    Wait a minute. Are we talking here about MJ being psychic? Him having the ability to connect somehow with us beyond the hoax letters?
    If yes, I would like to know more about it.


    OOPs!!! Gema, GINAFELICIA....Let me explain my thoughts!
    I believe that it is conceivable that some form of spiritual communication (Yes Gema - I mean beyond the Hoax letters) may be taking place where MJ is the "sender" (Consciously or not) and some people who happen to be on the same "spiritual plane" are the "receivers".
    I am not saying that either the sender or the receivers are psychic ... but that there is a CONNECTION that has established itself, either directly or through a "source" which makes some communication possible. The mind has got so much power that whilst this is far-fetched, it has to be a possibility!
    In itself, this could be described as telepathic communication, and telepathic capabilities are about connecting frequencies.
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    i agree with you, blackjack
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