Expectations versus Reality



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Thanks
    You are right, would make a good piece of research.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    gold pants syndrome <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> it took me "ages" to get rid of it, thanks to you Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> please don't wear those again <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    yes I think you are right BJ, curiosity and maybe the urge to find out the truth...
    I speak only for myself, but I think others here are alike...I need to analise and explain everything....maybe that's why I can never be happy <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Well, life has completely changed after June 25th last year.
    What Michael did, how he opened our apetite for learning and making changes in our lives is incredible.
    LMAO Gina!!
    and yes we changed a lot after jun 25....in all senses i can say... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Wow, thank you BlackJack - you have succeeded in taking a scenario (that I had managed to make far too confusing and complicated), and stripping it back to common sense, curiosity and human nature! I love the simple, yet profound thought process that arrived at that conclusion and I appreciate the way you present these ideas to us.

    I totally identify with the 'little empathy button'! Before I even considered that MJ's death was a hoax, I started reading his lyrics, poetry, writings and others' accounts of his humanitarianism, watching films and videos of live performances, speeches and interviews - I suppose, discovering the man I'd never had the urge to discover before because I 'just liked his music and found him somewhat intriguing'!

    That's when my 'empathy button' got switched on and I felt devastated at the injustice of someone, who'd striven and succeeded in bringing so much pleasure to the world through music and entertainment, dying without that world knowing that he was really about so much more than that. I felt overwhelming sorrow and sadness for him. That's the best way I can describe it.

    So thank goodness for the internet and YouTube that brought me through that - to this! And the positive feeling I now have that wrongs can be righted and eyes opened.
    ditto <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Same frequency - is old, i've heard it before....
    Sure deserves an explanation, but it is a reality even if we can't "touch" it or can't explain it. But it can be felt easily, just think about the others you relate with every day...
    It feels at time that MJ the mastermind, has found a spiritual way (The right frequency) to reach through to those "like-minded" BeLIEvers,

    Please, explain to me the "same frequency" thing (with smileys if possible ) what do you mean with that?
    Wait a minute. Are we talking here about MJ being psychic? Him having the ability to connect somehow with us beyond the hoax letters?
    If yes, I would like to know more about it.


    OOPs!!! Gema, GINAFELICIA....Let me explain my thoughts!
    I believe that it is conceivable that some form of spiritual communication (Yes Gema - I mean beyond the Hoax letters) may be taking place where MJ is the "sender" (Consciously or not) and some people who happen to be on the same "spiritual plane" are the "receivers".
    I am not saying that either the sender or the receivers are psychic ... but that there is a CONNECTION that has established itself, either directly or through a "source" which makes some communication possible. The mind has got so much power that whilst this is far-fetched, it has to be a possibility!
    In itself, this could be described as telepathic communication, and telepathic capabilities are about connecting frequencies.
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    anyone not clammering around trying to get back up in their chair after seeing this simply has no sense of humor <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @suspicious mind, what do you find so funny?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I think this issue is one of the most important to discuss.
    First, as it has been discussed, it's important to know the expectations people have to can see if they correspond with reality.And if they don't, then probably help is needed to drift in the right dirrection.I don't know how it will work otherwise.....

    For me, the expectations I have are not a concert or a tour, but something completely different. I think what I have in my mind is a completely different Michael, at another level. Like we never seen him before.
    The most important now is that people understand the message and focus on it, rather than on a tour or concerts, or something of the genre. I really think that a lot of people still focus only on the final result (comeback) and sit down waiting for it. I know we all wait for it, I myself want to see him again with all my heart, but I really want and struggle to know more and more about the message he is trying to spread, I really want to help him and make it easier for him to reach the deaf and the blind who refuse to understand his message.
    I know it's an extremelly hard work, because we are like a drop in an ocean, but probably the ones who strongly oppose it will understand in the end.
    I am having a hard time understanding how these people can so strongly oppose it all, I simply can't understand. Even if you don't believe at all that he could be alive, but to not have the slighest doubt? to not question not even once "what if..?". This goes together with the idea that some people will accuse and turn their back to him feeling hurt and deceived. He ows you nothing, absolutely nothing.If someone has the right to be deceived, that one is Michael.Because only now he can see how many people do understand him and how many don't. If they don't, it means they never did. A truth doesn't become an error just because no one sees it.
    All I want to tell you, Michael, if you are reading this, that you probably lose a few, but you gain more more than that.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    EDIT: sorry, I meant "dissappointed" not "deceived". I thought about something and wrote another thing.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I believe that it is conceivable that some form of spiritual communication (Yes Gema - I mean beyond the Hoax letters) may be taking place where MJ is the "sender" (Consciously or not) and some people who happen to be on the same "spiritual plane" are the "receivers".
    I am not saying that either the sender or the receivers are psychic ... but that there is a CONNECTION that has established itself, either directly or through a "source" which makes some communication possible. The mind has got so much power that whilst this is far-fetched, it has to be a possibility!
    In itself, this could be described as telepathic communication, and telepathic capabilities are about connecting frequencies.
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    What struck me reading this is that you have used 'spiritual' words such as: sender, receiver, psychic, spiritual plane, telepathy. On the other hand I latched on to BlackJack's 'earthy' words like: common sense, curiosity, human nature, empathy, human reactions, like-mindedness. But basically I think we're talking about the same thing i.e. the power of the human mind to pick up on signals from the sometimes most unexpected of sources.

    I think most of us here are 'on the same wavelength' - we just use different vocabulary lists sometimes!
  • @suspicious mind, what do you find so funny?

    that perfectly placed smiley you requested.

    now would be a good time for my jacket you think? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hold on! don´t wear the jacket yet.....wait for TMZ to give the sign....
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Thinking about what's been discussed, about how people arrived here.
    These days I've been thinking about this, talking to my friend, how did I get here? I was really thinking how did I reach to be on this side, and I honestly cannot remember clearily. It was something that happened suddenly.
    It happened around October-November 2009, and I don't know exactly how, but I think I was on youtube and searching for something about Michael and I saw a hoax video. At that time I honestly say that I simply didn't think about this, I was simply heartbroken, I couldn't see anything. Even when watching the Memorial, my sister at least noticed something strange and told me "god, how can they (the family) be so emotionless and feel as if they are false?". I didn't notice anything, I barely could see the screen because of the tears....I was blinded by the pain.
    So around October-November I saw a hoax video and my first reaction was like I was hit with something. I didn't jump to accuse them of being deluded or insane, on the contrary. The first thing I know is that I went on google and wrote "Michael Jackson fake death" and found the forum and the rest is History.

    And now I think- if it was like this how i found out, how can some people simply have no idea about it, or if they have an idea about it they oppose it so strongly, some of them violently. How can so many people not even questioning when they see something that really makes you wonder.Even in the most general way of thinking, the mere overdose of Liberian Girl photos at the memorial and then repeating it again at the funeral should have them at least making them curious and questioning.

    I am on a very unstable position, I know..... I am not yet completely sure about it either. I cannot be until I see him with my eyes... It's human nature. But I hope that those holes I have in my mind and the questions I find no answer yet will slowly start to get more clear...... Sometimes, now more than ever, I really need a backup
  • Hold on! don´t wear the jacket yet.....wait for TMZ to give the sign....
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I agree with you all <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    TheRunningGirl you are fantastic.
    Sender - receiver- the same frequency - must be some kind of telephatic mechanic we don't fully understand how it works, but this doesn't mean it's not there.
    I believe in it.
    And yes Gema I do believe Michael has some sort of phychic power which he developed in time, starting from his early years, when he was forced to grow up fast.
    That was bad in a way for him but on the other hand it was good because I imagine he had this chance to learn and develop some sort of knowledge about people in general that led to this skill. I think it was a matter of observation and experience combined with a very perceptive mind and with intuition, nothing magic.

    From the beggining I thought Michael is a very good trained mind-reader and a very good psychologist.
    Just because the touring phase of his life is over doesn't mean that's IT of coarse. He has never stopped dabbling in the arts as he's a creative force of nature that must channel itself through some form of medium....... just look at the hoax production that's going on now. BAM is a return on his OWN terms, not a continuation of things as they were - like a tour or even necessarily a concert , one-off or otherwise.
    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    BlackJack, Michael created such a sense of loss with his disappearace 2 weeks before London first concert that I think people just want him back, even if he won't sing another note again or he won't dance again (which I personally think it's impossible for him cause I imagine he adores to dance <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ). The moment of "death" was perfectly chosen to shock people.

    I've been reading so many confession of believers. They just say "I want to know for sure he is alive and happy, I just want him to be happy".
    Why the same reaction to so many people? I think because we were subjected to the same phychological stimulus and it worked just the way Michael expected it to work.

    God I hope I'm not just imagining things ........ Someone has to be really a genius to orchestrate all this.....
  • I believe that it is conceivable that some form of spiritual communication (Yes Gema - I mean beyond the Hoax letters) may be taking place where MJ is the "sender" (Consciously or not) and some people who happen to be on the same "spiritual plane" are the "receivers".
    I am not saying that either the sender or the receivers are psychic ... but that there is a CONNECTION that has established itself, either directly or through a "source" which makes some communication possible. The mind has got so much power that whilst this is far-fetched, it has to be a possibility!
    In itself, this could be described as telepathic communication, and telepathic capabilities are about connecting frequencies.
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    What struck me reading this is that you have used 'spiritual' words such as: sender, receiver, psychic, spiritual plane, telepathy. On the other hand I latched on to BlackJack's 'earthy' words like: common sense, curiosity, human nature, empathy, human reactions, like-mindedness. But basically I think we're talking about the same thing i.e. the power of the human mind to pick up on signals from the sometimes most unexpected of sources.

    I think most of us here are 'on the same wavelength' - we just use different vocabulary lists sometimes!

    @curls ---> Duality!
    I totally beLIEve in the "earthy" description of the Magic MJ is creating through this hoax and it is true that imagination can easily take over and create its own illusion. We see what we want to see and we interpret it the way we want to interpret it! This is the power of the mind!
    Saying this, I also believe that some people have got the ability to connect to "non earthy" sources and they get "clues" that may not be visible to others, this is the spiritual side of things, this is the "unexplained". We use such a small percentage of our brain power, the rest must be there for a reason!

    With L.O.V.E
  • I believe that it is conceivable that some form of spiritual communication (Yes Gema - I mean beyond the Hoax letters) may be taking place where MJ is the "sender" (Consciously or not) and some people who happen to be on the same "spiritual plane" are the "receivers".
    I am not saying that either the sender or the receivers are psychic ... but that there is a CONNECTION that has established itself, either directly or through a "source" which makes some communication possible. The mind has got so much power that whilst this is far-fetched, it has to be a possibility!
    In itself, this could be described as telepathic communication, and telepathic capabilities are about connecting frequencies.
    Some attempts have been made in explaining such pattern a communication using Quantum Mechanics but much remains unexplained! Maybe, it would make for a good piece of Research! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    What struck me reading this is that you have used 'spiritual' words such as: sender, receiver, psychic, spiritual plane, telepathy. On the other hand I latched on to BlackJack's 'earthy' words like: common sense, curiosity, human nature, empathy, human reactions, like-mindedness. But basically I think we're talking about the same thing i.e. the power of the human mind to pick up on signals from the sometimes most unexpected of sources.

    I think most of us here are 'on the same wavelength' - we just use different vocabulary lists sometimes!

    @curls ---> Duality!
    I totally beLIEve in the "earthy" description of the Magic MJ is creating through this hoax and it is true that imagination can easily take over and create its own illusion. We see what we want to see and we interpret it the way we want to interpret it! This is the power of the mind!
    Saying this, I also believe that some people have got the ability to connect to "non earthy" sources and they get "clues" that may not be visible to others, this is the spiritual side of things, this is the "unexplained". We use such a small percentage of our brain power, the rest must be there for a reason!

    With L.O.V.E
    kind of like when some folks refer to the leading of the holy spirit . some people can accept that and others cannot.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hold on! don´t wear the jacket yet.....wait for TMZ to give the sign....
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Have you read the Tyra Banks and her stalker thread? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Hold on! don´t wear the jacket yet.....wait for TMZ to give the sign....
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Have you read the Tyra Banks and her stalker thread? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    @Suspicious mind & @Gema
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> yes I thought it was funny! 3 thoughts came to mind:
    1. Stalker fans
    2. Forum stalker
    3. My own nice stalker ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )

    On a serious note - you can borrow my crystal ball for a while, I will not need it during halloween as I will be riding my broomstick searching for clues, this is the only time of the year I can use it without getting noticed + I may get a game a quidditch !

    kind of like when some folks refer to the leading of the holy spirit . some people can accept that and others cannot.
    Yes - it is just a way to say that sometimes there is an invisible guiding hand which is available to help - You ask a question, you pray... and suddenly "blink" the answer is just in front of you... and you don't know how it happened!

    With L.O.V.E
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    What I think is that when we feel lost, alone, like in front of a dark path, there's always the chance that a little light would appear and guide us. This is what I feel and what I noticed so far. We are all here, searching, helping eachother to gather and move along in the same dirrection even if sometimes we seem to loose the right one. I have to say that I appreciate everything you all do, we all do together and I am very grateful that even if we are just a drop in an ocean if we consider the whole world, we really fight with teeth and nails to defend Michael and I am sure he is aware of what we are doing, of our daily struggle when sometimes we loose hope, when we need a smooth hand to help us go on with this all, who can show us we are not crazy when our hearts tell us Michael is alive. What I understand is that the majority of us are here because we are part of the world who was striken down by the fact of loosing him but, besides this, the ones who in our pain once though "what if this all would be just a wrap? A movie?" and couldn't just accept it without questioning. I can't go by the saying "what can we do? May God rest him in peace", I can't. It's not about the fact that I always considered it unfair, cruel, because he is one of the kindest persons I've seen, with a big heart, ready to help and doing it without thinking about what he would gain out of it. I was so heartbroken because there are criminals in this world who live longer than anyone else,some even have their liberty running and hiding from the police, and Michael? What did he do to deserve this? I couldn't accept it. I am a huge Justice supporter. What Michael has done, and what he is doing is called love. It's about the fact that something in my heart, after the shock had settled down a bit in my mind after June 25, was telling me that something wasn't right about it and began to search more and more and here I am, after 12 months (since I started to get into this), standing up for him and ready to do what any Army of LOVE soldier would do: support him and provide him with strenght, fight for him.

    Michael, I don't know if you read this, but if you do, you have to know that you have the strongest, supportive and devoted army one could ever wish for and these are not just words in the wind.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    This has to be short as I am late for work, so straight to the original question of expectation versus reality. MJ does not have to do another thing and that is fine by me. But for some reason, I have the sneaking suspicion that I am going to be totally blown away by the time this hoax reaches it's climax. No pressure Mike, but you were always at the forefront and paving previously unchartered roads so I can't see how this will be any different.
  • Every fire literally starts with a spark. While it may seem that the 'hoax fire' isn't exactly roaring, it IS gathering momentum. On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months without his visual presence. Realistically, when put into this perspective we should not feel disenchanted when things do not appear to be going along as quick as we would like. On the deeper level the hoax has had the effect of 'empowering' individuals to research and question our world..... the number of people awakening IS growing and these skills will hold us in good stead for the future. We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned. It may be that the hoax is being drawn out on purpose to ensure that we will not regress back into a lull when he comes back in. There has been a fantastic amount of research and information accumulated so far and in one way this forum has become an 'insurance policy'. As more people wake up to TPTB/NWO etc, the safer the public will be. It pays to remember how it feels to think that we've lost someone we greatly admire and respect, as we are in the very fortunate position of having MJ back again, giving the world ONE MORE CHANCE. Lets make him proud.
    Every fire literally starts with a spark. While it may seem that the 'hoax fire' isn't exactly roaring, it IS gathering momentum. On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months without his visual presence. Realistically, when put into this perspective we should not feel disenchanted when things do not appear to be going along as quick as we would like. On the deeper level the hoax has had the effect of 'empowering' individuals to research and question our world..... the number of people awakening IS growing and these skills will hold us in good stead for the future. We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned. It may be that the hoax is being drawn out on purpose to ensure that we will not regress back into a lull when he comes back in. There has been a fantastic amount of research and information accumulated so far and in one way this forum has become an 'insurance policy'. As more people wake up to TPTB/NWO etc, the safer the public will be. It pays to remember how it feels to think that we've lost someone we greatly admire and respect, as we are in the very fortunate position of having MJ back again, giving the world ONE MORE CHANCE. Lets make him proud.
    I speak only for me - the last year changed me a lot. Even if the NWO and manipulation of the public by media were not news for me after June 25th.

    Interesting how you say it -ONE MORE CHANCE <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Reminds me of the ONE MORE CHANCE video on Vision - is there something WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Every fire literally starts with a spark. While it may seem that the 'hoax fire' isn't exactly roaring, it IS gathering momentum. On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months without his visual presence. Realistically, when put into this perspective we should not feel disenchanted when things do not appear to be going along as quick as we would like. On the deeper level the hoax has had the effect of 'empowering' individuals to research and question our world..... the number of people awakening IS growing and these skills will hold us in good stead for the future. We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned. It may be that the hoax is being drawn out on purpose to ensure that we will not regress back into a lull when he comes back in. There has been a fantastic amount of research and information accumulated so far and in one way this forum has become an 'insurance policy'. As more people wake up to TPTB/NWO etc, the safer the public will be. It pays to remember how it feels to think that we've lost someone we greatly admire and respect, as we are in the very fortunate position of having MJ back again, giving the world ONE MORE CHANCE. Lets make him proud.

    Indeed, what I have always thought myself too. Michael has endured a lifetime of struggle and suffering provoked by vultures, and we have 16 months to go and there are people who give up and move on. It's not like that. I know that I myself have ups and downs, some very deep downs sometimes but never ever goddamn ever to give up. I am not a coward and not the person to have the mind closed. For a lifetime of suffering 16 months are nothing. For me not the lenght of the situation scares me, it never did. I never saw "soon" as others might see "soon". Of course that I will strongly start to doubt my own consciousness if there is like 5 years to go this way. But I think it won't happen. Because if a change is what we fight for, there must be someone to show the whole situation and awake the public.

    Then, exactly as you said BJ; it is of a HIGH importance that people will fight even more after he comes back, to stay together and defend him more than they ever did, also fighting for the change we all want to achieve.I really hope people will not resume themselves at the happiness of seeing him agan and then forsake him in the same sea of sharks.We must get together and defend him like never before, and defend his vision and struggles like never before from then on.
  • Every fire literally starts with a spark. While it may seem that the 'hoax fire' isn't exactly roaring, it IS gathering momentum. On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months without his visual presence. Realistically, when put into this perspective we should not feel disenchanted when things do not appear to be going along as quick as we would like. On the deeper level the hoax has had the effect of 'empowering' individuals to research and question our world..... the number of people awakening IS growing and these skills will hold us in good stead for the future. We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned. It may be that the hoax is being drawn out on purpose to ensure that we will not regress back into a lull when he comes back in. There has been a fantastic amount of research and information accumulated so far and in one way this forum has become an 'insurance policy'. As more people wake up to TPTB/NWO etc, the safer the public will be. It pays to remember how it feels to think that we've lost someone we greatly admire and respect, as we are in the very fortunate position of having MJ back again, giving the world ONE MORE CHANCE. Lets make him proud.

    I speak only for me - the last year changed me a lot. Even if the NWO and manipulation of the public by media were not news for me after June 25th.

    Interesting how you say it -ONE MORE CHANCE <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Reminds me of the ONE MORE CHANCE video on Vision - is there something WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT?

    MJDHI is indeed not only recording HIStory in the making, it is also here to educate and bring together likeminded people who are ready to seize the "ONE MORE CHANCE" MJ is giving the World.
    It feels good to have found him (again) and know that he is at the Helm - it does make for a much more enjoyable sail come "highs and lows"!

    With L.O.V.E
    However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding.

    BlackJack please don't underestimate the impact Michael's death had on us.
    It is much more than empathising and understanding. What he managed to do was a "takeover" of our souls. We belong to him and he didn't even had to ask for it.
    So I guess we don't have to worry that after the BAM we'll go back to our lives like before.
    Do I sound very ridiculous <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    Doesn't matter, here is the place where I still feel free to sound ridiculous.
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