Expectations versus Reality



  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    GINAFELICIA, I think that what BJ wanted to say with 'without being in his shoes, we can show understanding' was not about to underestimate the impact that the events of 25th of June had on every person, but to show understanding towards his FEELINGS.
    There is one thing that for me is more clear than ever when we talk about 'not being in his shoes'; you can understand and put yourself in his situation and try your best to imagine the best you can all the situations he's been through, but even if you imagine and feel what he might have felt, it's not the same with actually BEING through that.
    For instance in the 2005 trial, I felt horrible, I put myself in his shoes and suffered together with him and suffered to see him passing through all that hell and the fact that KNOWING he was completely innocent made it unbearable. It ENRAGED me. I felt like it would never end, and a deep fear that the injustice will go that far as to condemn him. I suffered, and I suffered and cried all the time for him, I was horrified. I was looking day by day at the news about the day's trial and I was feeling like mortified, thinking 'god, what are you doing to him?what are you doing to him??' and I felt like my hands were tied, being here and couldn't help him, watching them dragging him throuh dirt from right to left.

    But I know perfectly that his feelings were thousand of times more powerful because he was THERE, he was passing through that, day by day at court, facing all those humilations and injustice, increased by media conspiracy against him who were trying to tear him apart piece by piece in the most deshumanizing way. He LIVED all that. I just imagine how he was feeling, knowing that the injustice could go that far as condemning him for a crime he did not commit. And hitting him exactly where it hurt the most- his love for children. I honestly tell you that I simply don't know how he could survive that.

    So what BJ tried to explain here ( correct me if I am wrong) is that as long as we are not in his shoes and we don't have the wound that vivid in the heart like he and only HE does, then the least thing people should show is understanding and patience.Because's he's been through hell.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Fully agree with you, Anna. I also think BlackJack wanted to point this out
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned.

    Imo, all this will be processed (digested) and taking a realistic turn when Michael comes back.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    Then, exactly as you said BJ; it is of a HIGH importance that people will fight even more after he comes back, to stay together and defend him more than they ever did, also fighting for the change we all want to achieve.I really hope people will not resume themselves at the happiness of seeing him agan and then forsake him in the same sea of sharks.We must get together and defend him like never before, and defend his vision and struggles like never before from then on.

    I totally agree with you on this.

    To me it is very important to play that role at last, and in no way i am going to step out <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Many years i defended and supported Michael from the shadow, and now i am an active member of his "army" he he <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> The doors have been opened and I am so thankful for it <3

    I feel kind of stuck and lost lately. Like the "army" needs to have it´s leader (a.k.a Michael) and show the world that he is still here.

    I am the head number 300 to the left <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    He LIVED all that. I just imagine how he was feeling, knowing that the injustice could go that far as condemning him for a crime he did not commit. And hitting him exactly where it hurt the most- his love for children. I honestly tell you that I simply don't know how he could survive that.

    At one point I thought he would not make it and hopefully he would think about his own kids to overcome all the pain and hold himself together.

    Stress kills....and I admire his endurance.
    So what BJ tried to explain here ( correct me if I am wrong) is that as long as we are not in his shoes and we don't have the wound that vivid in the heart like he and only HE does, then the least thing people should show is understanding and patience.Because's he's been through hell.

    I understood it as that as well.
    yes he lived all that and we didn't, or maybe some of us lived something almost similar at a lower extent of course.
    As I know not all people have the same capacity of empathy.
    I made a mistake assuming everybody feels what I personally feel. Sorry.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Sometimes, when I think again of the hell he passed though I just don't know how could he gather himself together and act with such dignity, with such strenght. In his place I think I'd break down, I mean it. I admire him so much and I don't say it just because. I trully admire his strenght, his dignity and I know all these are stronger than any lies and that he will prove it, he will prove his is smarter than they are and they didn't choose the right person to mess with. It breaks my heart when I think of 2005 trial, how there were daily news on the Tv, showing him on his ride to court and back. I was yelling inside. I had such a hatred towards those who accused him of something he didn't do and when I saw people accusing him when I knew he was innocent, I felt like breaking the goddamn TV into pieces.

    Michael is strong, he always was, and poor those who messed with him, because they didn't know who they messed with for real. The time for justice just begun
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    It's not about what everyone feels, of course each one of us at one moment in time passed through hard moments. I just tried to explain that the understanding was not about our feelings towards the events on 25th of June. It was about understanding and patience towards his feelings.

    On the other hand, only we know, each one of us how we suffered since that day. I know that only I personally know what I felt and been feeling. So here not even Michael can know exactly how we feel inside, because that day only we can know the sorrow we felt. So it's the reverse of the story. I am sure he understands the sorrow that was inevitable. But it's not him who lost someone that he loves so much, so even if he understands, we are the ones to feel it deep inside.

    I know that no matter how people told me 'I understand your feelings' or when my mother told me 'I know how you feel', I told her 'no, you don't...'
    That was what I wanted to explain. BJ didn't underestimate our feelings.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    There exist cases where people have wrongly been accused of the same thing....some people even committed suicide because they couldn't stand it...so yes Michael is really strong. I want to say that the degree of pain for Michael must have been increased by the degree of his fame, so it must have been huge. I don't know it's like the more persons know and talk about it the more it hurts. The way he has been treated by the media despite the fact that he has been proven innocent, all the names they called him by etc; I really hate them for what they have done. It's like he was in front of a streamroller, a hateful machine ready to destroy him by all means possible.

    I always try to put myself in Michael's shoes and even just that is hurtful, so I don't even dare to imagine the pain he endured.... now I really think that empathy can make us understand a lot. Maybe that the Experiment is also to try to put ourselves in Michael's shoes and really try to see things from his perspective. Maybe that Michael want to share that pain and let it go outside to maybe ease it, because that pain must still be there it can't be erased totally. Maybe that Michael want to benefit a little more from the situation he is in now, it's like he is outside the world watching from a distance and enjoying the ride. He maybe feels at ease and in peace, comfortable and safe, so really he deserves that we be patient.
  • GINAFELICIA, I think that what BJ wanted to say with 'without being in his shoes, we can show understanding' was not about to underestimate the impact that the events of 25th of June had on every person, but to show understanding towards his FEELINGS.
    There is one thing that for me is more clear than ever when we talk about 'not being in his shoes'; you can understand and put yourself in his situation and try your best to imagine the best you can all the situations he's been through, but even if you imagine and feel what he might have felt, it's not the same with actually BEING through that.
    For instance in the 2005 trial, I felt horrible, I put myself in his shoes and suffered together with him and suffered to see him passing through all that hell and the fact that KNOWING he was completely innocent made it unbearable. It ENRAGED me. I felt like it would never end, and a deep fear that the injustice will go that far as to condemn him. I suffered, and I suffered and cried all the time for him, I was horrified. I was looking day by day at the news about the day's trial and I was feeling like mortified, thinking 'god, what are you doing to him?what are you doing to him??' and I felt like my hands were tied, being here and couldn't help him, watching them dragging him throuh dirt from right to left.

    But I know perfectly that his feelings were thousand of times more powerful because he was THERE, he was passing through that, day by day at court, facing all those humilations and injustice, increased by media conspiracy against him who were trying to tear him apart piece by piece in the most deshumanizing way. He LIVED all that. I just imagine how he was feeling, knowing that the injustice could go that far as condemning him for a crime he did not commit. And hitting him exactly where it hurt the most- his love for children. I honestly tell you that I simply don't know how he could survive that.

    So what BJ tried to explain here ( correct me if I am wrong) is that as long as we are not in his shoes and we don't have the wound that vivid in the heart like he and only HE does, then the least thing people should show is understanding and patience.Because's he's been through hell.
    Fully agree with you, Anna. I also think BlackJack wanted to point this out

    No need to correct ...... this is exactly what I meant. Sometimes ideas need clarification as people pick things up differently... thank you. If only the media would set about getting clarification once in a while before printing their nonsense or taking things out of context!!
    Well, now Michael is officialy dead and yet I sometimes read the comments on TMZ and there are hate comments and some people actually are happy and content Michael died.
    I read them and I don't understand. There is a saying, something like "speak only good about the dead ones" (aproximate translation <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> )
    It's a matter of respect for the ones who passed.
    How can those people be actually happy Michael is gone <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> ?!

    BlackJack - seems like I missunderstood your comment. Sorry <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I was missleaded by my own feelings...
    For example, when I thought Michael was dead and buried I actually wanted to go to his tomb and die there.... of course I couldn't do this mainly because I wouldn't be allowed in <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ....but I "died" and "died" again in my mind many times <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .....I know this sounds sick maybe but it was real, it was there and caused me an incredible pain. The whole world had no meaning, no use for me anymore, even my family.....it was the first time in my life when I actually understood how extrem pain can lead you to suicide.
    The remedy was to believe he is alive and thank God I found reasons to believe it.
    I actually feel that if he's dead I am dead and if he's alive I am alive.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    No need to correct ...... this is exactly what I meant. Sometimes ideas need clarification as people pick things up differently... thank you. If only the media would set about getting clarification once in a while before printing their nonsense or taking things out of context!!

    BlackJack, media doesn't need clarifications, they don't even need facts to make up something and print it in black ink.Once the story falls in media's hands, it is lost forever, even to the protagonists.
    It's more than a century now since some noticed what a power modern media is..... and so they began to use it and it was used by every government, every corporation, every country and political or economical regime in this world.
    Objective journalism = rara avis, because objective journalism doesn't bring money into the pocket.

    The name Michael Jackson sold and still sells....so the truth doesn't matter at all... only the money the story makes.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    No need to correct ...... this is exactly what I meant. Sometimes ideas need clarification as people pick things up differently... thank you. If only the media would set about getting clarification once in a while before printing their nonsense or taking things out of context!!

    BlackJack, media doesn't need clarifications, they don't even need facts to make up something and print it in black ink.Once the story falls in media's hands, it is lost forever, even to the protagonists.

    You know, here I use a quote from Michael, a bit modified to fit the situation: "If all the journalists who had lied,if they dissapeared, there wouldn't be a a journalist left on this earth" And it's true. The truth about who they write about, for them, looks too normal as to sold out their paper in 10 minutes. Lies are always endless, they are like fantasies: once you had released your imagination, there's no way to stop it. And every lie tags another lie, and they make an endless chain. Narrow minded people do nothing but take these "shits" of paper as the truth and don't question anything. This type of people also don't need too much attention, because if they take as facts what's written in the news paper, then they don't respect either their own person - they accept to be lied in such an easy, ridiculous way. I sometimes think of what their faces would look like when they will find out for real how media fooled them during their entire lives.
    I know there are many like this but also there are many who wouldn't give either 2 cents to buy a news paper (maybe if it would be cheaper than a roll of toilet paper and use it that way!). Excuse me for this, but I always tend to be ironic when it comes to say my opinion about media in all its forms.
    So, BlackJack, Michael will manage to reach his goal. He is the first person in this entire world who is about to make a real thriller. This is not an easy thing to do and this requires time and he needs to know this and I know he does. He is one of the most influential person in this world in our time and he's about to prove that media lied with every single nonsense they wrote about him and drag them through dirt 10 times more than they managed to do with him. As I said, they didn't know who they messed with, and this is another good thing. Enemies are always the surprised ones when they have a wrong impression about their adversaries or underestimate them.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months.

    I want to emphasize again what you wrote here because I need to say something more on this subject that is of high importance.
    Sometimes I think it's been long, 16 months, because I was actively in it all, everyday, since 12 months now. I passed through horrible moments, through some better moments, I have ups and downs all the time, but never never never goddamn EVER to give up. Everytime I stay and reflect about the time I think about the years of humiliation he's been through. Imagine beginning with the '93 false allegations, that was the beginning. Since then, no matter how he tried to make people see and believe him that he is innocent, there are still people who believe him to be guilty. There are people who still think he is guilty.

    I know that putting myself in his shoes, putting myself in a situation where no matter how many times I say I am innocent people won't believe me, it would drive me insane, MORE if it's about a subject I care about more than about anything else. I would try to do anything humanly possible to make people see and understand what I say.

    Imagine that he was humiliated publicly, just imagine how he might have felt to be accused of such thing when he dedicated his whole life in helping children all around the world.Imagine how he might have felt to be brought in handcuffs, publicly, like a criminal, humiliated, when he was completely innocent, just because some people coalized in destroying his reputation. I just imagine that and I have shivers. He's been through hell and no one except him would ever ever know how he felt and how that wound remained open in his heart.

    That's why I support completely that we have to show him patience and understanding, because he had taken far more long time than us, they broke his heart, throw it in the dirt and stepped on it.This requires time to mend. And even if he is resilient, he is only human.....
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    For us these 16 months seemed a long time while for him these 16 months can look like a blink of an eye.
    I like to think Michael got over those times of humiliation because really doesn't worth to think about it anymore. The allegations were ridiculous and people who had common sense realised it from the beginning.
    I really wish Michael would forget about it and treat it like what it was: garbage.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I like to think Michael got over those times of humiliation because really doesn't worth to think about it anymore. The allegations were ridiculous and people who had common sense realised it from the beginning.
    I really wish Michael would forget about it and treat it like what it was: garbage.

    It would better for his heart but I don't think he can fully erase that off his soul. It's not that simple, you know? They were absurd, false but many people fell in that game and many, too many, accused him of being a child molester. Exactly what he mostly cares about and they knew it. This is what BlackJack said above, that the people can at least show understanding and patience because no matter how you would say "I understand you" you will never ever in your life be able to feel what he felt, to have nights when you put down your head on the pillow and still can't be able to relax your muscles because of the humiliation you are put through and the horrible feeling of the uncertainity, to not know what will happen tomorrow, if you will be able to get up and walk by yourself towards the court - to not know if in the end will be justice and seeing yourself for the next 20 years in jail. No...

    No, all this can't be erased just because they were ridiculous and false. Yes, we all know they were. In what regards myself, I didn't doubt 1 second of my life that he was innocent and that he is innocent of all those charges. But I am realistic and I am aware that there are people who still doubt his innocence and this can't be allowed anymore. In this world justice needs to be served. This can't go on like this no more. I support him in everything, he is right and he has the right to do this. Maybe I am a very sensitive person, but when I am hurt I just can't forget. No matter how deep the wound was. There will always be a scar there. Always. He is a strong man, he knows he has us and we support him to hell and back.

    We need to show him we really are there for him, that together we can make that change. He can't do it alone and he needs us. That's why I wish with all my heart that the ones who feel he is alive and understand it, to gather together because there is this part of the whole thing which they really are not aware of and Michael NEEDS our help more than ever.
    Truth always comes out sooner or later.
    The more vocal we are in defending Michael the more the ones who hate him will have fun continuing to acuse him.
    We are too passionate about it and that not serves Michael's cause, but can do some damage to it.
    Just my opinion
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I don't feel one could ever be too passionate about the truth. That being said, there has been talk about watching what is said here. I do find it interesting this thread has managed to turn from the original expectations vs reality to talk of Michael's darkest hours once again. The more I read, the more I am convinced that at least some part of this hoax is aimed directly at the media. I am not sure how much or what exactly. But, until we here it from Michael himself, we will never know.
    BlackJack- again on the money......without walking in Michael's shoes one would never know the utter pain he endured. I remember crying when I read about his accusations......both times. Crying because I knew it was garbage, pure evil trash. It pierced my heart and soul to a degree I had never felt. However, it was nothing compared to his pain. I believe the pain of the accusations was magnified greatly by the fans' reactions. I don't think Michael thought his "fans" would turn on him so much. Millions of so-called fans believed he could have been guilty. That had to create so much pain in his heart, so much frustration in his head. Perhaps, he felt like after he was cleared of all charges, life would return to normal. Well, as normal of life for him as he could.....King of Pop and all. Is it possible that the fans' reactions of hatred and disgust was fed to them by the media....oh yes. There was so much talk of crimes against children at that time. Every media outlet had some show on the subject. We were on information overload. Mere thoughts became absolute truths in the minds of many. Those thoughts came after endless hours of TV coverage and news articles....when the lie becomes the truth. In my mind, child abuse is the most horrible of crimes. The one thing Michael's gut-wrenching experience did was shed light on the problems of abuse. I believe because he had the topic front and center, he saved many a child from abuse. People had failed to realize that.
    So, bringing this thread about to the original topic of expectations- I would truly hope that when the hoax is revealed, Michael's name is synonymous with saving children from abuse. He went to the ends of the Earth to prove his innocence, all the while shedding light on a major problem. He deserves the respect, he deserves his good name back.....now and forever.

    Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you will land among the stars!
    Blessings to all-
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Isn't Michael known to be a prankster? He has the resources... to be happy <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Isn't Michael known to be a prankster? He has the resources... to be happy <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What do you mean? I think I need coffee, strong coffee...
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Isn't Michael known to be a prankster? He has the resources... to be happy <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What do you mean? I think I need coffee, strong coffee...
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I just thought that the topic was getting very depressing like Michael couldn't be happy anymore and that his life was destroyed for ever and so on. It's just a feeling that I had reading even if I know that people mean well but I said that to put a kind of .... I don't know <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> sorry.
  • Isn't Michael known to be a prankster? He has the resources... to be happy <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What do you mean? I think I need coffee, strong coffee...
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I just thought that the topic was getting very depressing like Michael couldn't be happy anymore and that his life was destroyed for ever and so on. It's just a feeling that I had reading even if I know that people mean well but I said that to put a kind of .... I don't know <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> sorry.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I think it is important to keep some positivity! No Harm done Sarahli!
    Hopefully Michael is having the occasional good laughs watchin' us... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Hey Sarahli! Now I understand....yes, totally agree!
    I do think Michael kept it together and stayed positive. I don't think I could have, if I had been in his shoes. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    I am sure he is having a lot of fun reading all our posts and other sites. The hoax is so complex, so many layers. I hope he is resting up. If he decides to bam.....he's in for total chaos with the media. I am sure he's thought all this through. It's an amazing thing to be a part of...this forum, the hoax.....Michael's thoughts are all here with us. I am glad you helped me understand more....I really did need that coffee <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Have a beautiful day!
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