Expectations versus Reality



  • GINAFELICIA who knows you may be speaking with him right now or at sometime on this forum who knows. Like we all say we dont know who is who on this forum and some of us may have been talking to Michael and dont know it thats why I think its important to respect each other no matter what. Michael may be testing some of us and throwing questions at us that some of us may not want to hear to see how we will react whether respectfully or rudely so remember to please let us respect each other's opinions and view no matter what. Much Love to all of you.

    I have been asked that question a couple of times. Imo, i think that his guards can be screening the forum, since they mentioned that they did that in the past, and passing him "positive" comments.

    It is a pity that he would need to disguise himself behind a screen name to be able to engage in a conversation but it is understandable. People would behave differently and the conversation will be conditionated.

    I am 100% agree with you on this "so remember to please let us respect each other's opinions and view no matter what". One can have a different opinion but always, lets try to be respectful in the opposition. This comes with "social exposition" and "maturity". It is not easy for every one <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Luvs back.
    I agree with you Gema.We should respect everyone 's opinion and try to understand their point of view.Would we speak to Michael differently if we knew It's him under a user name here on this forum ?

    Absolutely. People would conditionate their answers or communication with him to get out the most positive and beautiful side of them <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and that is great, but, we are humans...we have all kind of emotions, negative ones as well.

    I am sure that if people would know who is MJ behind the screen name, he would be flodded with love. He surely brings out the best on people who likes him.

    I take the time to exclude myself in this case bacause I know that i am a pain in the a** and I really don´t care who I talk to, to me everyone is worth to be read, listened or argue with <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I make no discrimination.

    If I don´t agree with an opinion, i will express that (from the respect of course) but i will still do <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> independently of who is having the opinion.
    When I talk to people i mean it, i talk to a person, not to their "star status".

    At the end, when naked, we all are the same <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> and go to the w.c and burp....the only difference is that i am not as charismatic as stars are, or as talented or gifted, my bankaccount has echo <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> and I am not stalked for a piece of hair.
    The last part of you comment made me laugh. My bank account doesn't exist in my case <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I had one but now i don't.Yes, naked we are all the same...agree ! Sometimes I'm shy and don"t say in front of people exactly what i think because I'm afraid not to offend that person.It's better not to know under which user name Michael is hiding (if he is ! ) he deserves to have some privacy one way or the other.We are all the same, it's too bad that some of them who have a lot of money don't appreciate the one's who are less fortunate in life.I met a lot of people like that in my life .Michael is the last humble, kind and loving person on this Earth that has a lot of money and fame and is still the same , no matter what and he respects people poor or reach, white or black, and so on....This is one of the reasons i love him so much.
    Expectations can be Dangerous as they do create pressure. To put pressure on yourself is one thing, but to have pressure created by what others EXPECT of you, magnifies the intensity. What others WANT from you is a major part of the problems in all of THIS.
    I think it's important to remember that MJ is over 50 and did not want to be touring past the age of 40, (HIStory was IT). Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    I don't need Michael to tour, I don't need Michael to sing, I don't need Michael to do anything for us. I just want him to be happy, rich and free.

    Though I would adore to see him dancing a bit <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    But really Michael, we just want you to be alive and happy and maybe if you have time and you are willing, maybe you will teach us more. You are a great teacher and I just can't stop listening to you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->.
    Please don't mind ... I think I love you and it is a great experience to just love YOU, nothing more <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> .
  • Honestly, I do not really have any expectations. He really doesn't have to come back and I would be perfectly fine with that. I can only imagine what he has had to endure over the years. I wouldn't blame him if he decides not to come back. I learned so much from this adventure and I wasn't even expecting to even be in it! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Sometimes, the unexpected is the best.
    I am selfish... I want him to come Back.... I want him to come Baaaaack <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    If it is possible <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • I'm interested to know what people are expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally (as opposed to the other issues that are of a global nature). Expectations can be Dangerous as they do create pressure. To put pressure on yourself is one thing, but to have pressure created by what others EXPECT of you, magnifies the intensity. What others WANT from you is a major part of the problems in all of THIS. As you all are aware, everybody wants a piece of the action whether it's the record industry who think they OWN their artists, right down to the people who jump on the gravy train and want you for their meal ticket. Fabrication and corruption is unfortunately everywhere and Trust becomes impossible! You've heard many times that without Trust, life is lonely.
    I think it's important to remember that MJ is over 50 and did not want to be touring past the age of 40, (HIStory was IT). He did not want to end up like Sammy Davis Jr doing Vegas night after night and he said that he wished James Brown would've taken the time to slow down and enjoy his success instead of working himself into the ground.
    He can still sing, there is no doubt, but if Big Business or the fans expect a tour can you see how this is unrealistic and creates pressure. MJ doesn't do what he doesn't want to do! Just because the touring phase of his life is over doesn't mean that's IT of coarse. He has never stopped dabbling in the arts as he's a creative force of nature that must channel itself through some form of medium....... just look at the hoax production that's going on now. BAM is a return on his OWN terms, not a continuation of things as they were - like a tour or even necessarily a concert , one-off or otherwise.
    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?
    I just read this thread and I have to say, I have strong feelings about MJ and a BAM. Iknow my position may not popular, but I feel strongly about his return and I hope and pray he does not come back.
    This hoax has brought to surface so many truths in regards to MJ and his life, personally and professionally. Some who he thought were his friends (or maybe he knew they were not his friends, but his sudden death, proved him correct), have betrayed him. The world has in many ways forgotten the ugly molestation lies and sees him for the creative force he “was”. I had to chuckle as I visited Disneyland this summer and watched Captain Eo. The audience sat mesmerized by the MJ of the 80’s. He was able to capture them once again, along with their children. This would not have happened if he had not orchestrated this hoax. I was also in the Toy store with my little boy and he jumped up and down, excited as he put the new Dance Mickey Mouse on his Santa list. I again had to smile as I watched the Mickey on display do the moonwalk. I knew MJ was somewhere smiling. This would have never happened if MJ had not “died”. My nieces were students at Gardner Elem. in Hollywood when MJ was honored with his name on the auditorium. His name was covered when the molestation charges were thrown at him, but once again, his name is displayed for everyone to see. His name had been dragged through the mud by hateful and ignorant people in the media and within the legal system. But in his death, it’s as if most of the world has realized their error. There is something very symbolic about the uncovering of his name on the school.
    Coming back may have some advantages. Yes, the media will learn a lesson about reporting the lies, and yes, he’ll return to the world and we’ll be able to enjoy him again, out in the public eye, but what does he gain personally? He’ll still have to deal with the fanatic fans like those mentioned in another post. He’ll still have to deal with a media that is heartless and only concerned about the bottom line…selling their product, be it a magazine, newspaper or the TV. ratings. On the other side, if he remains behind the curtains, he’s able to continue using his creative voice in many ways without the scrutiny. His children will be able to live a more “normal” life without the microscope that follows MJ. His legacy will remain in tact and most of all, the world will still have his magic for generations to come in the form of videos, CD’s, etc…

    Just to understand how the magic MJ creates, especially with children, is timeless. I will tell you a story. My husband and I recently adopted a little 4 year boy. He came to us through foster care and had previously been in 4 other foster homes since the age of 2. His parents, the people who were created to love him, instead abused him. The previous foster homes were crowded and some were also abusive. His parents failed him and the system was also failing him. But children react to the world differently and he has been nothing but a bright light since the day he came into our home. One day I was on my computer, viewing this web site and he was sitting in my lap. He saw the pictures of MJ posted as members signature and he just lit up light a Christmas tree. He suddenly jumped up and began to sing and dance to Billie Jean. I was floored. This beautiful little child who had been in so many homes, with so many different people, had managed to find some happiness in the form of MJ. I asked him how did he know Michael Jackson and he said. “Everybody knows Michael Jackson. I love him”.

    MJ does not need to come back in order for his love and magic to continue. Not everyone will get it, but many of us do, especially the children. My hope for MJ is for him to one day be able to hold his grandchildren and tell them stories of a man who once lived, but had to die in order to live. He should be able to do this in peace. He’s given the world enough and it’s now up to us to continue to spread his love. It’s not going to happen over night, but one thing I know for sure. Love always wins in the end.
    The dust has settled and MJ is back on top. I would hope that MJ will not let the dust fall out the right side of his pearl jacket and return to world of the living.
    Just my opinion.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    foreverking what a beautfiul post you made me cry. I loved your story and your little boy dancing Billie Jean in the second he saw Michael he just a blissful feeling for the heart. Michael loves children so much. Thanks for that.

    In a sense I understand how you feel, you love Michael so much that you want to protect him and you feel like the best way for this to happen is for him to keep in hiding from the sight of those who did everything they can to harm him. I totally understand. But I have another vision of Michael, I feel like he is a "warrior", a combatant inside, and that he wants to fight and stand up for the truth and justice. He is a knight for me, ready to go to the battle and repair all the injustices he has suffered and even more than that. So I believe in his return and that this is a good thing... but he is doing that for all of us, for his own children, not only for him, the message he has to spread is really for the whole humanity because we are facing dark times... and most of all... times of revelations. This is all to bring back love and awareness to the world because unfortunately this has been lost. Michael is not alone in all this and we are his unbreakable armor of love protecting him till the end whatever happens. God bless you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • foreverking what a beautfiul post you made me cry. I loved your story and your little boy dancing Billie Jean in the second he saw Michael he just a blissful feeling for the heart. Michael loves children so much. Thanks for that.

    In a sense I understand how you feel, you love Michael so much that you want to protect him and you feel like the best way for this to happen is for him to keep in hiding from the sight of those who did everything they can to harm him. I totally understand. But I have another vision of Michael, I feel like he is a "warrior", a combatant inside, and that he wants to fight and stand up for the truth and justice. He is a knight for me, ready to go to the battle and repair all the injustices he has suffered and even more than that. So I believe in his return and that this is a good thing... but he is doing that for all of us, for his own children, not only for him, the message he has to spread is really for the whole humanity because we are facing dark times... and most of all... times of revelations. This is all to bring back love and awareness to the world because unfortunately this has been lost. Michael is not alone in all this and we are his unbreakable armor of love protecting him till the end whatever happens. God bless you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Foreverking you wrote a beautiful and unselfish post - children love Michael as much as Michael loves children because children have innocent eyes, they see things as they are...

    Sarahli, I agree with you that Michael will come back; my heart tells me that he is a courageous, unselfish man and he is doing what he is doing not only to restore his reputation and vindicate those who hurt him so badly but also to raise global consciousness and bring Love back into our World.
    I was earlier reading an article about Michael by David Nordahl, a painter and artist friend of Michael - the article is beautiful written and at the end there is Michael as a knight on his white horse! This is for you Sarahli.



    With L.O.V.E
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I read this article too and saw this beautiful paint...what a beautiful paint...i agree with Michael restoring his reputation and keeping his children safe.
    I have 4 littlel girls and all of them love him, you know what? of topic but he help me to teach my girls as a matter of no to lie, they know how lies hurt people and Michael is an example of this....
    Im very happy to be part in this great site, great thinkers and very inteligent people around <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I know it's the easy way for Michael to not come back. I wish him to be happy more than anything, even if ....I would miss him like crazy <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> .
    But the man I think he is would not choose the easy way.
    His "death" is a statement of freedom and in order to prove it I think he will come back.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    foreverking what a beautfiul post you made me cry. I loved your story and your little boy dancing Billie Jean in the second he saw Michael he just a blissful feeling for the heart. Michael loves children so much. Thanks for that.

    In a sense I understand how you feel, you love Michael so much that you want to protect him and you feel like the best way for this to happen is for him to keep in hiding from the sight of those who did everything they can to harm him. I totally understand. But I have another vision of Michael, I feel like he is a "warrior", a combatant inside, and that he wants to fight and stand up for the truth and justice. He is a knight for me, ready to go to the battle and repair all the injustices he has suffered and even more than that. So I believe in his return and that this is a good thing... but he is doing that for all of us, for his own children, not only for him, the message he has to spread is really for the whole humanity because we are facing dark times... and most of all... times of revelations. This is all to bring back love and awareness to the world because unfortunately this has been lost. Michael is not alone in all this and we are his unbreakable armor of love protecting him till the end whatever happens. God bless you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Foreverking you wrote a beautiful and unselfish post - children love Michael as much as Michael loves children because children have innocent eyes, they see things as they are...

    Sarahli, I agree with you that Michael will come back; my heart tells me that he is a courageous, unselfish man and he is doing what he is doing not only to restore his reputation and vindicate those who hurt him so badly but also to raise global consciousness and bring Love back into our World.
    I was earlier reading an article about Michael by David Nordahl, a painter and artist friend of Michael - the article is beautiful written and at the end there is Michael as a knight on his white horse! This is for you Sarahli.



    With L.O.V.E

    Wow thank you my dear <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    what a beautiful prince riding a white horse...
  • don't see him not ever creating something for an audience . it gives him joy and satisfaction. it is who he is. we don't know what we might have enjoyed from him had he not had to deal with all the other mess. if all goes well he will be able to operate on his own terms.

    think of your self. do you not more enjoy being able to freely give than to have something be expected from you. you probably give more and do it with more joy in your heart.

    someone gave the thing about holding sand in your hand.
    couldn't you also say that you could turn your hand and freely give someone else more of that sand than if they were to try to snatch it form you.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    I am selfish... I want him to come Back.... I want him to come Baaaaack <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    If it is possible <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    I know...we miss him very much <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I am selfish... I want him to come Back.... I want him to come Baaaaack <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    If it is possible <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    I know...we miss him very much <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Very, very much. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Shamone people! Be happy Michael knows that we LOVE him <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GINAFELICIA since I have been on this forum you have never in my opinion been disrespectful so please dont think that I was talking to you specifically I was just saying in general to all that we should respect each other and each other's opinions even if we dont agree with the other. I have had some others and responses to opinions from others who got very offensive and began to disrespect each other and thats what I'm saying that we dont know who we are talking to so we should have respect for each other and speak with each other in a calm and civil matter. Much love to you GINAFELICIA.
  • GINAFELICIA how did you get a photo of yourself as your avatar I was trying to do that to post a photo of myself too and cant seem to get it can you tell me how you got yours there. Thanks
    Well, I had some problems with the photo because it was oversized and I had to make it smaller. I used pixresizer. I don't know if this is the problem with your picture. You should ask Souza.

    As about the other problem, you scared me a bit at first... thank you for clearing it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    GINAFELICIA how did you get a photo of yourself as your avatar I was trying to do that to post a photo of myself too and cant seem to get it can you tell me how you got yours there. Thanks

    you take a photo of yourself or whatever photo you want, you resize it as to be maximum 90 x 90 and the go up into your Control Panel--> Profile--> avatar and add the specific photo: browse--> add--> save. That's all
  • I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    We did limit him in our drawers, didn't we? Is that fair?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    I am not so much bothered by the name mentioning and I think people are overexaggerating because the song is not bad. What I am bothered about is the lack of passion and emotion in it. 2000 watts was very different as well and I loved it. I am not feeling his emotion in this song while I guess this must be a topic he would put all of his emotion in. JMO. And there is an extra voice in the song that is overruling his voice at certain points which is a little too boyband for me. So whether or not it's him, I have heard better and that has nothing to do with the tone of his voice.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    We did limit him in our drawers, didn't we? Is that fair?
    Yesterday i was listening to this song " Breaking News " and i was thinking..this is not MJ's voice ! But here you gave us a logical explanation about this, hope this is the reason why his voice is so different.Blessed day everyone.
    ......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    I've noticed how unusual it sounds when he's saying his own name.......

    I like to listen the song while reading the lyrics

    "Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
    Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.
    Just when you thought he was done,
    he comes to give it again.”

    no matter what, you just wanna read it again
    no matter what, you just wanna feel it again

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    everybody watching the news of michael jackson
    They want to see that I fall,
    cause I’m Michael Jackson

    You write the words to destroy
    like it’s a weapon

    you turn your back on the love and you think you can get it again

    no matter what, you just wanna read it again
    no matter what, you just wanna feel it again

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    now is that strange that i fall inlove
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    all the news today they say CRAZY time
    who is stranger today we want this day baby

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2


    I just love the song.....it's addictive, I can't stop listening to it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    It is indeed interesting that the releases of both Opis None and Breaking News generated a wide range of opinions... from "Experts" to "want to be experts" to "fans"... And, I think you are right BlackJack in saying that "those opinions" have got a lot to do with expectations.

    The great majority of people beLIEve MJ to be gone and they are looking back at what they "know" of him & his art as a reference point for the new releases. With all the media CONFUSION around them and HIM gone, the past is their only valid reference point and that's how their expectations are shaped.

    The BeLIEvers perspective should be different and much more open to "SURPRISES" as we BeLIEve he is alive and we know we are on a journey to discover the man we never knew. Still, it can be quite difficult to be totally open-minded as we "BeLIEve" but do not "KNOW" for sure!
    I was initially totally taken back by Opis None, I did not know what to make of it : Joke or innovative musical composition? That's only when I took away the "Michael Jackson" badge and listened to it in a relaxed environment that I felt the music and "went" with it. The Breaking News experience was different, I liked it the first time I heard it. I felt him calm and in control delivering a message rather than lacking passion. Reading this, he may be saying "He! He! He! Got you!", Oh well! Never mind! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
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