Expectations versus Reality



  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I think the release of 'Breaking News" ties back in with this topic of expectations and how we as the public 'expect' a song from MJ to sound. Whether it is all of his voice or not on the track it could be his idea to show a different side of himself. Just because we have become 'accustomed' to him singing a certain way, (and hearing him 'sound' a certain way) doesn't mean that he can't sing in other styles.....he actually has a deep manly voice, though he chooses to speak/sing differently most of the time. This could be another of those instances where he is using his versatility to dispel some of the pre-conceived notions we have about him. We probably also need to learn to be flexible with our thinking in order to accommodate the idea that this is also another part of the hoax for us to 'discover the man we never knew'......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.
    I can relate to what you say, BJ, because somehow this is what I think too, but if there is another voice tied with his then it would be a fraud because SONY sells it as Michael Jackson.

    I don't know if he ever thought that people have pre-conceived opinions about his voice or wether this aspect has any connection with the situation. I don't know if a voice tune would be a point in "discover the man you never knew", because it's not about the low or high tune, but the overall feeling he sends in the song. He has songs where he sings on a lower tune but different than here. My opinion is that it was done on purpose and that he sang both lower and different just to create confusion. But why?

    And if it's not like this, then SONY would find themselves in a fraud court case up to its neck, because it will mean they do sell a fraud for their own gain and then the family's anger will be real. And they DO deserve to be boycotted.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I just feel the Opus track was a forewarning of the confusion that was about to set in over Breaking News and also all the other contradictions from Katherine in the Oprah interview. We had a snippet of Breaking News without Michael's voice then we had the unreleased track/Destiny remix with it's prominent word CONFUSION, then we actually hear Breaking News in full and we get totally confused as to whether it's him or not, at least singing the lead vocals. And not just us but the rest of the fans as well. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've come back after a few days away to total mayhem! My initial reaction to what I've seen and heard so far trying to catch up (TMZ, Oprah, 'Breaking News'), is that MJ is no different now from how he's always been - playing with the media, playing with us, creating drama and mystery and intrigue, to get the world's attention.

    I'm sorry, but if he's hoping the world to have a more sympathetic view of him, I don't think it's going to happen if current media attention is anything to go by. It's just more 'can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth'. And if/when it comes to light that he has been behind all this all along, then I fear nothing will change in the wider world. If he wants us, the world, to change our views and expectations of him, then I'm concerned that simply giving more of the same, with regard to manipulating the media, is not going to get it for him. He has to change too.
    "The BeLIEvers perspective should be different "

    And it is, most of the time <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I've come back after a few days away to total mayhem! My initial reaction to what I've seen and heard so far trying to catch up (TMZ, Oprah, 'Breaking News'), is that MJ is no different now from how he's always been - playing with the media, playing with us, creating drama and mystery and intrigue, to get the world's attention.

    I'm sorry, but if he's hoping the world to have a more sympathetic view of him, I don't think it's going to happen if current media attention is anything to go by. It's just more 'can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth'. And if/when it comes to light that he has been behind all this all along, then I fear nothing will change in the wider world. If he wants us, the world, to change our views and expectations of him, then I'm concerned that simply giving more of the same, with regard to manipulating the media, is not going to get it for him. He has to change too.

    Curls your post got me thinking about the perception of MJ by the public Today and I would think that in large his non-believing fans see him as a "victim" of the greedy music industry rather than a manipulator, with the broader public split between those who are sympathetic to him, those who believed in the previous allegations and those who do not care about MJ.
    We as beLIEver have been led to understand that HE is manipulating the media because HE wants us to know this, this does not mean he wants to be known as the greatest manipulator (Media and other) of all time!

    I beLIEve that HE is doing it this time round because ultimately HE wants to expose the media lies and help people free themselves for the conditioning they are under and NOT only for personal gain

    I think that the media is one of the many "tools", HE is using in this Hoax to help uncover "The Man we never knew", something will come out of the current confusion, I am sure he created it for a reason as there are no coincidences in this Hoax.

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Indeed what happened correspond to this subject. I think that the sole title of that song speaks volumes together with the line "Breaking the news". Only that, made it for me, the snippet was it! I was thrilled! I mean come on! This is a hoax and we've all talked about the media and their nasty behavior... and by an incredible 'coincidence' this is exactly what this song is about even if yes it is not enough compared to what they deserve but this is just the beginning, I am sure that Michael has more in store (sound like a big expectation... well I'll never be disappointed really, but I just assume that Michael has more in store, it does not harm <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ). So as to the subject at hand here and for me, the expectations if any are fulfilled, hoax related. We just have to enjoy the show and relax, the confusion about Michael singing or not is also a part of it, we really have to think in hoax mode, this is really not a come back but a takeover. The seed of confusion has been planted so let it grow... because from confusion interest raises and maybe that people will begin to see that there is something going on ....and the media should really begin to be scared now. Blessings.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've come back after a few days away to total mayhem! My initial reaction to what I've seen and heard so far trying to catch up (TMZ, Oprah, 'Breaking News'), is that MJ is no different now from how he's always been - playing with the media, playing with us, creating drama and mystery and intrigue, to get the world's attention.

    I'm sorry, but if he's hoping the world to have a more sympathetic view of him, I don't think it's going to happen if current media attention is anything to go by. It's just more 'can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth'. And if/when it comes to light that he has been behind all this all along, then I fear nothing will change in the wider world. If he wants us, the world, to change our views and expectations of him, then I'm concerned that simply giving more of the same, with regard to manipulating the media, is not going to get it for him. He has to change too.

    Curls your post got me thinking about the perception of MJ by the public Today and I would think that in large his non-believing fans see him as a "victim" of the greedy music industry rather than a manipulator, with the broader public split between those who are sympathetic to him, those who believed in the previous allegations and those who do not care about MJ.
    We as beLIEver have been led to understand that HE is manipulating the media because HE wants us to know this, this does not mean he wants to be known as the greatest manipulator (Media and other) of all time!

    I beLIEve that HE is doing it this time round because ultimately HE wants to expose the media lies and help people free themselves for the conditioning they are under and NOT only for personal gain

    I think that the media is one of the many "tools", HE is using in this Hoax to help uncover "The Man we never knew", something will come out of the current confusion, I am sure he created it for a reason as there are no coincidences in this Hoax.

    With L.O.V.E

    'Current confusion' just about sums up my feelings right now!

    Up till now we've mainly been seeing things that seemed to be laying to rest old untruths and misconceptions, dealing with the past, if you like. But these latest developments, seem to be resurrecting the craziness that has always surrounded anything to do with MJ. If we assume he's behind it all, then it's as if he wants to start it all over again, and I'm finding that unsettling. He really doesn't need to be giving the media any more ammunition to hit him with, especially as they are just showing signs of laying down their arms. Can you imagine how they'd run with the idea of him deliberately spreading rumours of 'fake' songs just for attention - while playing dead, no less! I have an uneasy feeling about this.
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    BJ you are working for or with sony?
    opus none = creating confusion-confusion
    Breaking news = the whole confusion
    Please read his family tweets.
    I love very much Michael from several years ago but if i need to be honest, for first time in my life i cant feel his soul in "Breaking news", sound very diferent, something is very wrong...i don't know... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Love you real Michael!
  • After the 'planned confusion' over the last couple of days with Breaking News, I'd like to share my interpretation with respect to some of the posts following mine. Firstly, Souza's comment regarding lack of passion or emotion compared with some of the other anti-establishment/ media songs is valid, but I tend to think like the Running Girl that it was his intention to be calm and in control......even "assured" might be a better word because look at what he has done with regards to the media: he has successfully pulled off the biggest con job whereby the media simply reported the so - called facts without even bothering to investigate or verify their validity!! The media were so ready to beLIEve in his demise that their quest for sensationalism is going to bring them undone on the world stage. I've said it before somewhere on another thread, but it bears repeating: MJ has outsmarted his antagonists, beating them at their own game, using their tactics! In essence, I think this song is not about getting ANGRY.... it's about getting EVEN..............and he knows the day is coming that the system will be exposed. In my view, MJ simply loaded the gun, but they shot themselves and everyone is going to know it.
  • With regards to Anna and the comments about Sony, I have a hard time believing that they're not 'in the know'. Sony's involvement is obvious to me because they bought the footage of the TII 'rehearsals' and edited it for the movie..... if we beLIEve that MJ is the master behind TII and I do, then he approved of the final-edit, finished product. Branca also came out and said that both MJ and Sony had previously enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship in the past as a reason for the Estate approved album deal..... as per MJ's own speech regarding "leaving Sony owning half of Sony".................it's a win-win for both so I doubt whether the BN track was meant to sabotage either party..... it's more likely to act as a catalyst to create controversy......mission accomplished there. I'm not saying that MJ may not harbour any ill-will towards Sony for being shafted over Invincible/Masters, but at the end of the day he knows how to do 'good business' and he has products (now and in the future) to distribute.........Mottola being dumped and new management may also have smoothed things over to pave the way for this deal.
  • With regards to Curls' comment..... I agree that atm all of these controversies are designed to get the world's attention..... the more the media is drawn in, the harder they will fall and the greater the impact MJ's message will ultimately be. It is my view that this crescendo of 'game playing' is designed to teach the world a lesson, so it has to be hyped up on a grand scale by whatever means, FOR NOW. After the hoax has been revealed, THAT is when the moral of the story should be heeded and that's where the change will come from.
  • ......he is purposely doing what most people think that he wouldn't do...... like saying his own name! In the context of the 'bigger picture' I think it's fair to say that we should expect the unexpected from here on in...........I'm feelin' the song btw.

    I've noticed how unusual it sounds when he's saying his own name.......

    I like to listen the song while reading the lyrics

    "Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
    Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.
    Just when you thought he was done,
    he comes to give it again.”

    no matter what, you just wanna read it again
    no matter what, you just wanna feel it again

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    everybody watching the news of michael jackson
    They want to see that I fall,
    cause I’m Michael Jackson

    You write the words to destroy
    like it’s a weapon

    you turn your back on the love and you think you can get it again

    no matter what, you just wanna read it again
    no matter what, you just wanna feel it again

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    now is that strange that i fall inlove
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    all the news today they say CRAZY time
    who is stranger today we want this day baby

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2

    now is that strange that i fall in love
    who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
    all went crazy coz im just in love
    this is breaking news X2


    I just love the song.....it's addictive, I can't stop listening to it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I'm with you, Gina. And I love the lyrics. I hope people really take them to heart and think about their actions towards him. I hear Michael and I hear another voice. Maybe it's all him, maybe not, but to me it doesn't matter as I view it as a duet. I like that he's doing something different. Why do we limit these artists to one style or genre of music? Good music is timeless music and Michael should be allowed to do anything he desires as he's sharing it with us.

    I think about my children and now grandchildren. When they draw we let them decide what color the sky is and the grass, etc. Purple sky? that's okay... The flower can be larger than the house too. It is okay because the imagination is endless if given the chance to explore. And we are the benefactors. We are putting Michael in a box and that should never happen to him or anyone else. Blessings to you all <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    As much as I've been sleeping on it so far these days, this is the conclusion I reached too. After listening to the acapella version where I can say almost 100% that it's Michael but he did it on purpose to change his voice a bit.
    I reached to the same conclusion that this was on purpose to create confusion and to have all the fans (believers and non believers) questioning the same thing and being confused about the same thing.

    What still is not clear in my head yet is that the family keeps denying it and calling it a fraud, and precisely this song that has this message.In a way it really drew attention to it from all sides, but at the same time I feel that by doing this the non-believers focused only on the fact that the family said it's fake so they take it as fake too without questioning too much, and not paying attention to the message of the song. That's what I see on the non-believers forums, they kinda have no thoughts or opinions regarding the message of the song because they don't even pay attention to it since the family screams allover that it's fake. I really wonder if they ever questioned the fact that he says "just when you thought he was done he comes to give it again"
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Looks like Breaking News is a weapon of mass confusion... Anna I think that some fans never really took attention of what is Michael's message as for the lyrics they mostly enjoyed the beat IMO. The expression "let it simmer" has to be applied here because maybe that they are not taking heed as to the message NOW but when Michael bams it will 'hit them hard' enough so that they will be obliged to take heed, no escape on that day. The confusion created by all the parties involved is leaving an indelible footprint in the minds of the people, and that footprint which is in backdrop will become more and more apparent as things develop. This really is an experiment of subtle mind control... maybe that we can talk about that in the other thread too... the footprint I talked about will be highly necessary on bamsday IMO because people would have been 'involved' in the confusion, they want it or not, realize it or not, they have embarked in the hoax. If you cannot convince them, confuse them, that they may take heed. Genius.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    After the 'planned confusion' over the last couple of days with Breaking News, I'd like to share my interpretation with respect to some of the posts following mine. Firstly, Souza's comment regarding lack of passion or emotion compared with some of the other anti-establishment/ media songs is valid, but I tend to think like the Running Girl that it was his intention to be calm and in control......even "assured" might be a better word because look at what he has done with regards to the media: he has successfully pulled off the biggest con job whereby the media simply reported the so - called facts without even bothering to investigate or verify their validity!! The media were so ready to beLIEve in his demise that their quest for sensationalism is going to bring them undone on the world stage. I've said it before somewhere on another thread, but it bears repeating: MJ has outsmarted his antagonists, beating them at their own game, using their tactics! In essence, I think this song is not about getting ANGRY.... it's about getting EVEN..............and he knows the day is coming that the system will be exposed. In my view, MJ simply loaded the gun, but they shot themselves and everyone is going to know it.

    I said in many threads so far but it also bares repetition - that in my opinion, regarding also Oprah, Michael does what an enemy less expects - that is using their own guns to unmask them and get the truth in full daylight. It's what I always thought since the very first time I heard the rumors that the kids & Katherine might go to Oprah and this is also the reason I never been angry about it, because it was a bit obvious why they would do it. The first thing that came to my mind was "he fights his enemies using ther own guns".
    When all your bullets are gone, I better not be standing, because you'll all be dead before you reload
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Looks like Breaking News is a weapon of mass confusion... Anna I think that some fans never really took attention of what is Michael's message as for the lyrics they mostly enjoyed the beat IMO.
    You're right, it is clear to me as daylight that a lot of people didn't pay attention to any of his messages from the songs. In a sad way I noticed fans dissescting and talking about the true message behind "In the closet" for instance(which in fact I LOVE, it's not that the problem) because that what makes them giggle and all hyperventilating, discussing wether he says "she wants to get it" or "she wants to give it".I love the song, but in a serious situation like he finds himself in, I believe people are blind.
    I am not generalising, it's just a conclusion I reached to after reading a lot on mjjc.com. I didn't see, personally, debates over songs like "They don't care about us"- wether who are "they"? or what is the meaning of the video? never saw anyone noticing the Illuminati eye on the wall.And many others.
    This really is an experiment of subtle mind control...
    Most likely that's what it is, and that's how I get it. Mind control. Just look at the discussions over mjjc.com. There was someone there who said "70% of the forum believes it's not Michael in the song". I cut my hand that if the family hasn't previously said "That's not Michael's voice" before its release, not even a quarter of them would have questioned its authenticity.It's simply the flock effect. Proof they don't think for themselves.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    With regards to Curls' comment..... I agree that atm all of these controversies are designed to get the world's attention..... the more the media is drawn in, the harder they will fall and the greater the impact MJ's message will ultimately be. It is my view that this crescendo of 'game playing' is designed to teach the world a lesson, so it has to be hyped up on a grand scale by whatever means, FOR NOW. After the hoax has been revealed, THAT is when the moral of the story should be heeded and that's where the change will come from.

    Thank you for this BlackJack. Yesterday I was caught up 'in the moment', and fretting somewhat. Today, with the help of a good night's sleep and your post I can see the bigger picture again!
  • With regards to Curls' comment..... I agree that atm all of these controversies are designed to get the world's attention..... the more the media is drawn in, the harder they will fall and the greater the impact MJ's message will ultimately be. It is my view that this crescendo of 'game playing' is designed to teach the world a lesson, so it has to be hyped up on a grand scale by whatever means, FOR NOW. After the hoax has been revealed, THAT is when the moral of the story should be heeded and that's where the change will come from.

    Thank you for this BlackJack. Yesterday I was caught up 'in the moment', and fretting somewhat. Today, with the help of a good night's sleep and your post I can see the bigger picture again!

    "Confusion" is a very interesting concept because so much can be achieved by confusing people!

    If we look at the confusion surrounding the release of Breaking News, it is creating a HUGE amount of free marketing as well as ....getting people to make Hasty comments and take Hasty action as well as... giving MJ plenty of ammunitions to show the wrong of this World when he comes back.

    If we now look at the beLIEvers Hoax environment, we see many different Hoax theories and rational for MJ hoaxing his death and this in itself create "Confusion" amongst beLIEvers.
    Which Theory is the right One? I was pondering this very question in the middle of the night! 100's of pieces of puzzles floating in front of my eyes, made of events that happened in MJ life (e.g. Oprah & Bashir interviews, Priscilla & LMP with Oprah, 777, His Children & Family, His fans, the trials, His Music and Art, pieces of Arts, God-like references.....etc) and mixed with scenes from "V" for Vendetta, the scriptures, BACK posts, FBI reports, Mafia connection, NWO, Illuminati/Music industry...etc.
    Layers after Layers of Hoax pieces which I could use in which ever way I want to get to my own Theory (or version of the Truth)!
    I know that somewhere in all those layers of clues, lies the TRUTH but ... Waow!... Waow! ... This is CONFUSING!

    I feel that some clues are about MJ himself and some others have been fabricated to create this giant life Thriller Movie and it is very difficult to know what is real and what is illusion---> Confusion is creating Mystery

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Off topic <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ...but is that you TheRunningGirl?
  • Off topic <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ...but is that you TheRunningGirl?
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Yes It is 100% me Sarahli!
    It is the way I look when I think about MJ and HIS Hoax!
    I thought! I am not "V" so let's take the mask out! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Off topic <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ...but is that you TheRunningGirl?
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Yes It is 100% me Sarahli!
    It is the way I look when I think about MJ and HIS Hoax!
    I thought! I am not "V" so let's take the mask out! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    You look great! This is how i look when i think about the hoax and MJ
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Off topic <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ...but is that you TheRunningGirl?
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Yes It is 100% me Sarahli!
    It is the way I look when I think about MJ and HIS Hoax!
    I thought! I am not "V" so let's take the mask out! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    Nice to see you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> you look beautiful! And yes the thoughtful expression is indeed what we most must look like when in front of our computers! But hopefully it happens a lot of times when I am laughing too! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Thanks Sarahli and Gema - You are funny! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> A good sense a humour and good laughs are important! Totally with you!

    With L.O.V.E
  • Every fire literally starts with a spark. While it may seem that the 'hoax fire' isn't exactly roaring, it IS gathering momentum. On a surface level the hoax has acted as a gateway to show us what MJ's life has been like, especially during his darkest times. However, without being directly in his shoes we can only empathise and show understanding. Most of his life he has been scandalised and betrayed, suffering public humiliation on the world-wide stage; whereas we have endured only a mere 16 months without his visual presence. Realistically, when put into this perspective we should not feel disenchanted when things do not appear to be going along as quick as we would like. On the deeper level the hoax has had the effect of 'empowering' individuals to research and question our world..... the number of people awakening IS growing and these skills will hold us in good stead for the future. We must continue to do this and not neglect these insights even once MJ has returned. It may be that the hoax is being drawn out on purpose to ensure that we will not regress back into a lull when he comes back in. There has been a fantastic amount of research and information accumulated so far and in one way this forum has become an 'insurance policy'. As more people wake up to TPTB/NWO etc, the safer the public will be. It pays to remember how it feels to think that we've lost someone we greatly admire and respect, as we are in the very fortunate position of having MJ back again, giving the world ONE MORE CHANCE. Lets make him proud.
    I speak only for me - the last year changed me a lot. Even if the NWO and manipulation of the public by media were not news for me after June 25th.

    Interesting how you say it -ONE MORE CHANCE <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Reminds me of the ONE MORE CHANCE video on Vision - is there something WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT?

    Gina, it seems like I must have overlooked this 'way back when' and got lost in the posts, but I think it's still relevant to address atm. I think ONE MORE CHANCE will be significant for sure...........I for one will be watching with eagle eyes! Given that we speak about rebirth, resurrection, starting over and new beginnings quite a lot on the forum, perhaps it's more appropriate that I say.... with phoenix eyes!!
    I for one will be watching with eagle eyes! Given that we speak about rebirth, resurrection, starting over and new beginnings quite a lot on the forum, perhaps it's more appropriate that I say.... with phoenix eyes!!

    with phoenix eyes!!
    you're quite something BJ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I'm counting on you to do what you promised ....... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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