Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • If MJ created this hoax to see how people behave i hope he put in the equation that people behave different in the internet in many cases and under many circumstances and are, in fact, conditionated by the medium <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and even create pseudo lifes or their ideal profile.

    That view of "human nature" could not be accurate at all.

    Internet creates a bareer interfering in the communication.

    I believe that during all this months we have been exposed to many different individuals displaying different behavioural profiles approaching the patterns of recognition for each one of them.

    As an example, I could write wonderful words about MJ in my virtual life and communication but in the real world I could be a MJ hater who wishes him and his community the worst.

    That understanding of "human nature" in the virtual world is not accurate.

    There are as many "Trolls" on the internet as there are in real life. They just come and go!
    I have always been fascinated by modern psychology and I think that pattern of behaviours are identifiable on this type of forum over time. It is not a 100% accurate science but then assessing human behaviours in a "class room environment" isn't 100% accurate either.

    I would have thought that there is a much broader remit to MJ current study of Human Nature than this specific forum or forums in general ... though hopefully, this is his favourite classroom... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes, but not only media has been talking about his "death" without any backup, but also the family.The fans know how media has lied about every single detail of his life, but they are not the only ones to talk about his death. The family does too. Since day one, repeatedly, and they still do. The fans believe the family. You know what I'm saying?If we are honest here, when his own mother comes and talks about her son's death and releases a book in his memory, do you think the fans will go "no, she's faking it"?
    So it's not the media alone to put the blame on.

    Actually, they don't.

    The Jackson family (collective), to put it nicely, is in very low esteem in the MJ fan community. In short... MJ fans bash the Jackson Family at nearly every opportunity, calling them liars, gold diggers, and leaches.

    They don't believe a word the family says. So why do they suddenly believe the Jacksons when they say he is dead?

    I didn't quite grasp the severity of and how widespread of an opinion this is until I started lurking on MJJC. I have read pages and pages and more pages of members there bashing and making fun of the Jackson family. It's so common a belief, it's considered the truth in those circles. A large and outspoken faction of MJ Fans consider ALL the Jacksons lying, goldigging, leaches.

    Pretty much the only time they have believed the Jacksons weren't lying is when they talk about MJ being dead. Ironic.
    Everything you said about the non-believers and their thinking towards The Jackson family can and does apply here on this forum towards the believers. It is not fair to point fingers and throw rocks at the fans over there @ MJJcommunity.

    First take the plank out of your own eye before condeming and judgeing others.

    This is not a arguement of your opinion.
    I am speaking fact about the reality that no one is better than the other.

    If the excuse that it is different for us because we are investigating.
    Well that doesn't mean that we should bash his (Mike's) family like I have seen more than a million times here on this forum.


    I never said it didn't happen here. Don't put words in my mouth and then attack me for them. I am able to compare and contrast communities based on my own observations.

    I'm not sure why you decided to attack me for stating what I have observed. You could call it an opinion if you want but it begs the question why you have such an extreme problem with that. My opinion was in response to Anna's opinion that the fans believe the Jackson Family. That's what people do on message boards, share opinions. We are not robots. Oh, and your line:
    I am speaking fact about the reality that no one is better than the other.
    is also an opinion.

    and closing a scathing retort to someone with "Peace" doesn't make it all ok.

    I am not interested in fighting with anyone but I'll not be subject to an unsolicited thread pirate flaming either.
    This is not a arguement of your opinion.
    Sorry you felt attacked and I wasn't putting words into your mouth. I was expressing my feelings about what you said that is all.

    Well then what is it an argument of? Why did you feel the need to pipe up and tell me "this isn't an argument of your opinion"? What does that mean? What's the point? Is that a catch phrase or slang or some vernacular I don't know?

    And it's called putting words in someone's mouth when you get offended about something they didn't say.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    If MJ created this hoax to see how people behave i hope he put in the equation that people behave different in the internet in many cases and under many circumstances and are, in fact, conditionated by the medium <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and even create pseudo lifes or their ideal profile.

    That view of "human nature" could not be accurate at all.

    Internet creates a bareer interfering in the communication.

    I believe that during all this months we have been exposed to many different individuals displaying different behavioural profiles approaching the patterns of recognition for each one of them.

    As an example, I could write wonderful words about MJ in my virtual life and communication but in the real world I could be a MJ hater who wishes him and his community the worst.

    That understanding of "human nature" in the virtual world is not accurate.

    Hey Gema!
    I do think you bring up a good point. I know for myself, I have never been a part of any forum, any chat, any social media any-anything internet related. I am truly rather shy and don't feel too comfortable at times. However, after reading this forum for so long, I felt compelled to join finally (glad I did). At times, I feel closer to my true self here on forum. There is a certain freedom of expression. Perhaps what we are seeing, in terms of human nature, is more of that....freedom of expression. We get all caught up with Michael finally being free. Lest we forget, we have freedom as well. Fans, admirers, music lovers all have the freedom once again to sing Michael's praises and be true to themselves. I think you are absolutely correct when you say people can create an inaccurate view of human nature on the internet. However, in doing so they are showing a very basic side of human nature itself. The need to be liked, loved, admired or just plain noticed is a core component of human nature.
    Anyways...Gema, your posts always get me thinking <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> That's a good thing! Thank you!
    Have a beautiful evening!
    Blessings to you and all!
    Oh Gema I think exactly the opposite. I think on the net people can afford to be themselves more than anywhere because they think they can be here incognito.
    I know we can be easily identified and in fact it's a risk we take to express our TRUE thoughts and feelings on the internet, but yet there is this illusion that we are anonymous here.

    In fact we dare to write all this stuff because nobody knows who we are, more or less.
    We are from different corners of the planet so we feel safe writing what we think because we feel protected by the distance.

    And I must confess that I didn't really believed Michael could ever read our posts, so I went on writing and writing everything that came into my mind about him.
    Now I'm a little worried about all that I wrote, but that's too late isn't it? The damage was already done .

    I just hope he is not angry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • Yes, but not only media has been talking about his "death" without any backup, but also the family.The fans know how media has lied about every single detail of his life, but they are not the only ones to talk about his death. The family does too. Since day one, repeatedly, and they still do. The fans believe the family. You know what I'm saying?If we are honest here, when his own mother comes and talks about her son's death and releases a book in his memory, do you think the fans will go "no, she's faking it"?
    So it's not the media alone to put the blame on.

    Actually, they don't.

    The Jackson family (collective), to put it nicely, is in very low esteem in the MJ fan community. In short... MJ fans bash the Jackson Family at nearly every opportunity, calling them liars, gold diggers, and leaches.

    They don't believe a word the family says. So why do they suddenly believe the Jacksons when they say he is dead?

    I didn't quite grasp the severity of and how widespread of an opinion this is until I started lurking on MJJC. I have read pages and pages and more pages of members there bashing and making fun of the Jackson family. It's so common a belief, it's considered the truth in those circles. A large and outspoken faction of MJ Fans consider ALL the Jacksons lying, goldigging, leaches.

    Pretty much the only time they have believed the Jacksons weren't lying is when they talk about MJ being dead. Ironic.
    Everything you said about the non-believers and their thinking towards The Jackson family can and does apply here on this forum towards the believers. It is not fair to point fingers and throw rocks at the fans over there @ MJJcommunity.

    First take the plank out of your own eye before condeming and judgeing others.

    This is not a arguement of your opinion.
    I am speaking fact about the reality that no one is better than the other.

    If the excuse that it is different for us because we are investigating.
    Well that doesn't mean that we should bash his (Mike's) family like I have seen more than a million times here on this forum.


    I never said it didn't happen here. Don't put words in my mouth and then attack me for them. I am able to compare and contrast communities based on my own observations.

    I'm not sure why you decided to attack me for stating what I have observed. You could call it an opinion if you want but it begs the question why you have such an extreme problem with that. My opinion was in response to Anna's opinion that the fans believe the Jackson Family. That's what people do on message boards, share opinions. We are not robots. Oh, and your line:
    I am speaking fact about the reality that no one is better than the other.
    is also an opinion.

    and closing a scathing retort to someone with "Peace" doesn't make it all ok.

    I am not interested in fighting with anyone but I'll not be subject to an unsolicited thread pirate flaming either.
    This is not a arguement of your opinion.
    Sorry you felt attacked and I wasn't putting words into your mouth. I was expressing my feelings about what you said that is all.

    Well then what is it an argument of? Why did you feel the need to pipe up and tell me "this isn't an argument of your opinion"? What does that mean? What's the point? Is that a catch phrase or slang or some vernacular I don't know?

    And it's called putting words in someone's mouth when you get offended about something they didn't say.


    The statement I said was for this reason happening now. Some how you have taken my opinion and the fact that I specifically said This isn't a arguement of your opinion and now turned this into a what exactly I dunno. This isn't a arguement of your opinion: Meaning everything I was about to say wasn't meant to be rude but, I was disagreeing with your opinion.

    If you were offended that is not my fault, it is up to you to feel your feelings after you read my words. The way you have responded to me is condesending with your choice of words to be honest.

    Furthermore if I was attacking you or trying to offend you BELIEVE this you would definetly not have to wonder. I am done with this.

  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    We are from different corners of the planet so we feel safe writing what we think because we feel protected by the distance.

    Shouldn't it be the opposite?
    I mean, what makes us feel comfortable listening to the song "Hold your hand"?
    Isn't being close the most comfortable zone?
    Isn't being distant and feeling comfortable a really perverted feeling that we are being fed to have as a "natural" state when it's not? Isn't being distant just the right "trendy thingie" - no obligations, more fun, no connections, more borders crossed?

    Isn't a forum channel per se part of the hoax or a hoax itself within the whole hoax?
    A specific media channel is playing a role in the hoax; youtube videos are playing a role in the hoax; what makes a forum not an essential cornerstone of a hoax? (I am not saying the admins are part, I am saying the conceptual idea is part, no misunderstandings pls.)

    The outcome of this particular meeting place is astounding in terms of "we feel close despite we are far away". Thanks to many very special persons here this is building a comfort zone and leading to holding hands even if we do not always agree. Will we stick together when times get rough? Or would this be cracked down into another illusion?

    I think the hoax in its actual expressions and dimensions would not have been feasible 10 years ago. Neither the technical equipment nor the human participants' predisposition and conditioning were the same nor supportive enough.
    We are from different corners of the planet so we feel safe writing what we think because we feel protected by the distance.

    Isn't being close the most comfortable zone?

    IDK.....I think not always....at least not for me
    As you say, being close creates obligations...... and in a way is a limit to personal freedom.......
    There are moments when closeness may become a burden ...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Interesting discussion. Psychology of internet users.

    First I just wanted to say this was a true comment by Bec:
    Pretty much the only time they have believed the Jacksons weren't lying is when they talk about MJ being dead. Ironic.
    I do think there was a lot of bashing here of the Jackson's too a while back but as people gained confidence that the Jacksons were helping Michael, we started being more respectful. How hard it must be for those who think MJ's dead, angry about killers going free, and MJ used for money. JMO
    by GINAFELICIA » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:45 am

    Oh Gema I think exactly the opposite. I think on the net people can afford to be themselves more than anywhere because they think they can be here incognito.
    I know we can be easily identified and in fact it's a risk we take to express our TRUE thoughts and feelings on the internet, but yet there is this illusion that we are anonymous here.

    In fact we dare to write all this stuff because nobody knows who we are, more or less.
    We are from different corners of the planet so we feel safe writing what we think because we feel protected by the distance.

    And I must confess that I didn't really believed Michael could ever read our posts, so I went on writing and writing everything that came into my mind about him.
    Now I'm a little worried about all that I wrote, but that's too late isn't it? The damage was already done .

    I just hope he is not angry
    Everything I've ever read from you is always very positive, perceptive and Michael would be pleased! IMO <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I'm thinking too it's wonderful that people can be their true selves on line. I love it--honesty--so pure, invigorating! But if a person's secret thought life enjoys being nasty, vengeful, perverted, obnoxious, argumentative, distrustful, vulgar, on and on --it makes it so unpleasant for others. There's all kinds of people out there. If you are a basically good person then that will all be refected on a forum. When you talk in person with people, there's so many other things going on, judging their appearance, age, sex, time factor, fear of word getting out, etc., that prevents honesty. We put up walls of privacy and protection. Plus I find small talk such a time waster, and on the forum you can cut to the chase, and get right into the good stuff right away. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    If MJ created this hoax to see how people behave i hope he put in the equation that people behave different in the internet in many cases and under many circumstances and are, in fact, conditionated by the medium <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and even create pseudo lifes or their ideal profile.

    That view of "human nature" could not be accurate at all.

    Internet creates a bareer interfering in the communication.

    I believe that during all this months we have been exposed to many different individuals displaying different behavioural profiles approaching the patterns of recognition for each one of them.

    As an example, I could write wonderful words about MJ in my virtual life and communication but in the real world I could be a MJ hater who wishes him and his community the worst.

    That understanding of "human nature" in the virtual world is not accurate.

    There are as many "Trolls" on the internet as there are in real life. They just come and go!
    I have always been fascinated by modern psychology and I think that pattern of behaviours are identifiable on this type of forum over time. It is not a 100% accurate science but then assessing human behaviours in a "class room environment" isn't 100% accurate either.

    I would have thought that there is a much broader remit to MJ current study of Human Nature than this specific forum or forums in general ... though hopefully, this is his favourite classroom... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    The conditioning and change of behaviour happens and applies when there is a viewer.

    A simple example; When I am alone I pick my nose but if i now there is a viewer i don´t

    Another example. A fan forum or this forum, when people think that one poster could be MJ the behaviour changes (as happened when some trolls stepped by).

    To be honest, I don´t think that MJ is reading this forum but I think that friends and family can do it eventually and that is why I am of the opinion that when we all post we need to do it with Love and concern, because at the end harsh words hurt. Behaving as one does in daily life would be the easiest but I am awared that once a person is behind the screen all demons can come out as well.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    If MJ created this hoax to see how people behave i hope he put in the equation that people behave different in the internet in many cases and under many circumstances and are, in fact, conditionated by the medium <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and even create pseudo lifes or their ideal profile.

    That view of "human nature" could not be accurate at all.

    Internet creates a bareer interfering in the communication.

    I believe that during all this months we have been exposed to many different individuals displaying different behavioural profiles approaching the patterns of recognition for each one of them.

    As an example, I could write wonderful words about MJ in my virtual life and communication but in the real world I could be a MJ hater who wishes him and his community the worst.

    That understanding of "human nature" in the virtual world is not accurate.

    Hey Gema!
    I do think you bring up a good point. I know for myself, I have never been a part of any forum, any chat, any social media any-anything internet related. I am truly rather shy and don't feel too comfortable at times. However, after reading this forum for so long, I felt compelled to join finally (glad I did). At times, I feel closer to my true self here on forum. There is a certain freedom of expression. Perhaps what we are seeing, in terms of human nature, is more of that....freedom of expression. We get all caught up with Michael finally being free. Lest we forget, we have freedom as well. Fans, admirers, music lovers all have the freedom once again to sing Michael's praises and be true to themselves. I think you are absolutely correct when you say people can create an inaccurate view of human nature on the internet. However, in doing so they are showing a very basic side of human nature itself. The need to be liked, loved, admired or just plain noticed is a core component of human nature.
    Anyways...Gema, your posts always get me thinking <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> That's a good thing! Thank you!
    Have a beautiful evening!
    Blessings to you and all!

    However, in doing so they are showing a very basic side of human nature itself. The need to be liked, loved, admired or just plain noticed is a core component of human nature.

    100% agree <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Have a beautiful evening as well!
  • I think there are 2 kind of people here on the internet just like in real life.Some of us are sincere, expressing our true feelings and telling exactly what we think, and some are fake and telling what they want to believe is the truth.Sometimes I'm so naive and believe people too much...I aspect they to be like me, honest and real but some of them are not .Is very difficult to know who u can trust because you don't know the real person behind a profile.
    yes it's difficult to know who you can trust but I think deep inside you know who you can trust or not.
    For example, I just know I can trust you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Oh Gema I think exactly the opposite. I think on the net people can afford to be themselves more than anywhere because they think they can be here incognito.

    Being oneself and incognito does not seem possible imo.

    To be incognito means to not show too much about yourself, to hide to avoid people knowing you or who you are.

    I know we can be easily identified and in fact it's a risk we take to express our TRUE thoughts and feelings on the internet, but yet there is this illusion that we are anonymous here.

    Yes, it is an illusion of being anonymous, but each "avatar" has it´s own personality and part of that personlity could be a hidden human nature.
    In fact we dare to write all this stuff because nobody knows who we are, more or less.

    It depends how much info you give about yourself. Some people in this forum have been very honest abpout who they are and we know everything about them (or I do) and those give me a lot of trust.

    After 17 months we know our avatars but also the person behind each one.

    Since some months back, I am of the opinion that people over the internet must protect their ID. I have read the kind of harassement that some people have suffered and I must say that Iwas very surprised to see how internet can gather all kind of people, also the most evil ones who, imo, must be locked away from any kind of internet communication.

    And I must confess that I didn't really believed Michael could ever read our posts, so I went on writing and writing everything that came into my mind about him.
    Now I'm a little worried about all that I wrote, but that's too late isn't it? The damage was already done .

    I just hope he is not angry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Too late for? if you expressed a pure thought and you were yourself I see it as a positive thing.
    It is normal to have negative opinions but I also see normal to express negative opinions from the respect and eloquence. One can oppose to an idea and express that respectfully without falling in to judgemental patterns (something that is unavoidable) or using hars words.
    We are humans with emotions, we disagree at times, we get angry, we curse, we lose screws...but all that must happen with temperance.
    People around us should not suffer our dissapointments.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I think there are 2 kind of people here on the internet just like in real life.Some of us are sincere, expressing our true feelings and telling exactly what we think, and some are fake and telling what they want to believe is the truth.Sometimes I'm so naive and believe people too much...I aspect they to be like me, honest and real but some of them are not .Is very difficult to know who u can trust because you don't know the real person behind a profile.

    The trust factor is something I became awared of just recently.
    I have been very ignorant of how things work in the internet and just lately became familiar with terms like troll i.e

    I always got the impression that certain profiles would go to some especific platforms to find their preys but I found out that the whole net is open to attract (draw in) "victims" and "perpetuators"

    I could not believed when i found my personal laptop being hacked after joining a chat, i mean, how sick is that? why do people want my pics or my personal info?

    Internet crimes are also a reason for people to dig in to ones system, the surprise comes when you are in a platform which seems harmless and it has some people who clearly are just too screwed up in their heads.

    I never stop getting amazed of how people behaves and interact with each other.
    Gema I am sorry I used the wrong word, I meant to say we don't reveal our identity here so we have the illusion we are protected. I am an exception - I used my own picture and my real name because I know people who know me don't come on this site and 99% of them don't speak english. As about hiding my IP, I don't know how is this possible but anyway I don't care too much, I'm pretty sure nobody will come to Romania to stalk me <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->.
    In another words, I feel completly free here to speak my mind with no restrictions and I feel great about it <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    It's a blessing to be allowed to be yourself a couple of hours a day.......
    You know why I'm worried about what I wrote? Maybe I went to far with the sincerity.......let too much of myself to show and I think sometimes I should just shut up...which is reeeeeeaallly difficult for me <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And all this happened because I wasn't seriously considering Michael could be reading the forums. Now I try to imagine his reactions to our posts and I don't feel very comfortable about it.....
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    You know why I'm worried about what I wrote? Maybe I went to far with the sincerity.......let too much of myself to show and I think sometimes I should just shut up...which is reeeeeeaallly difficult for me <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And all this happened because I wasn't seriously considering Michael could be reading the forums. Now I try to imagine his reactions to our posts and I don't feel very comfortable about it.....

    Gina, please don't feel uncomfortable. If MJ is reading the forums it's because he wants to hear/read people's genuine, honest opinions and thoughts. He doesn't want posts modified in case he might be reading - that's exactly what he found so distressing throughout his life - that people wouldn't be themselves with him, they acted differently as soon as he was around.

    And anyway, I've read nothing from you that isn't genuine, thoughtful, sweet and lovable! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. xxx
  • You know why I'm worried about what I wrote? Maybe I went to far with the sincerity.......let too much of myself to show and I think sometimes I should just shut up...which is reeeeeeaallly difficult for me <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And all this happened because I wasn't seriously considering Michael could be reading the forums. Now I try to imagine his reactions to our posts and I don't feel very comfortable about it.....

    Gina, please don't feel uncomfortable. If MJ is reading the forums it's because he wants to hear/read people's genuine, honest opinions and thoughts. He doesn't want posts modified in case he might be reading - that's exactly what he found so distressing throughout his life - that people wouldn't be themselves with him, they acted differently as soon as he was around.

    And anyway, I've read nothing from you that isn't genuine, thoughtful, sweet and lovable! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. xxx

    Yes! I support this Curls!
    Gina continue to be who you are!
    I also opted to be Who I am as I really cannot see much point in being anybody else! I did not like the disguises or the doubles on offer in the shop! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    My rational is a very simple one! I am here because I beLIEve that MJ is alive and that HE is the only man on this planet who has got the power, the courage, the intelligence and the desire to really make a positive impact on this World... and I want to help him if I can. This is a one in a life time experience, we need to live it as well as contributing to it!

    Maybe MJ is watching and I hope he is really enjoying it, he deserves his time as a spectator, doesn't he? --->XX

    With L.O.V.E
  • BlackJack wrote:
    Who would of thought of MJ as a teacher.......I don't mind!!

    Michael has taught us alot over the years, I know for myself he has taught me to listen, to think on my own and not believe what is put in front of me as the gospel, give with your heart and the most important one is to believe in yourself because when you believe in yourself anything is obtainable. So thank you Michael, wherever you may be, thank you. You are a wonderful teacher!!

    Love you Michael!
  • First off as I have mentioned before, MJ has been hoaxing the world for a long time..... he has painted a picture of what he wants people to see, whether that be in an interview or video or performance. I don't mean that in a bad way, I think it's just his nature, to be a joker and to 'play' with people. As we know, he likes creating the mystery and illusions as that is part of genuine showbusiness.........it is the entertainer's job to entertain. That hoax has been planned to sit inside his 'death' hoax...by showing the world at large images that tend to give the impression that he is not well, by leaking reports to the media of insomnia and prescription drug abuse, the stress of the tour, etc;
    What is your opinion, BJ? Has Michael ever had any kind of drug addiction or problem recently or in the past?Or as everyone says, that after the Pepsi incident in 1984 he became addicted to painkillers (like Mrs. Katherine says)?
    This leads in nicely to the current situation with the non-believers. They have been conditioned: firstly by MJ himself (to view him a certain way), and then by the media, however it is ironic that all fans are well aware of how the media has lied about MJ time and again, yet the non-believers feel that the media didn't lie about his death......this is what I find astonishing.
    Do you think that Michael portrayed a false image of himself sometimes on purpose but where? On stage or off stage?

    I agree that what people see outside is far from how he is in fact. A lot of people think they know each and every detail of his life and how he would act or not. In fact they know nothing. I am pretty sure that Michael, the man, is someone people never reached to.A lot of fans think they know him. They do not. And they will never find out from other's mouths or from TV.

    It is my opinion Anna, that MJ is not and has never been a prescription drug addict. When we think back to when he first mentioned the 'addiction', he had been on tour and was facing the first round of false allegations. I imagine that he would have done anything to quit the tour and escape the country so that he could marshal his legal team and focus on a strategy for his defence..........using the Pepsi burn nicely gave him that alibi and he conveniently played that card....that's what I think, since it didn't appear his hospitalisation was that serious, nor was his stint in rehab very long. I'm not saying that he has never taken pain medication for legitimate conditions, but from our investigations, we know that MJ is extremely professional and thorough with his work; he meticulously plans things down to the minutest detail and he has had a strong religious upbringing.... this all screams to me that MJ is way too smart and responsible to ever go down the road of drug addiction of any kind. As I've previously said, MJ has definately 'played' with his image as an entertainer to get people to see what he wants them to see. The very portrayal/ admission of addiction to pain medication back in 1993 has come in very handy in the 2009 'death' hoax, wouldn't you say...... to me, that has "planned, for future use" written all over it and supports the idea that the hoax has been in the works for quite some time as his " greatest ever ILLUSION".
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Back clues. Once you recognize a back clue you start to see them scattered throughout MJ's solo career. I think we are still seeing them, most recent example being "alive" in HMH. Is it "alive" or is it "alright"? Maybe it's "alright" pronounced purposely to sound like "alive".

    Smooth Criminal verse, in the song, "mouth to mouth" sounds like "Dr. Murray". Was Dr. Murray's name chosen because it sounds like that name is in that song?

    Cherilyn Lee. Did MJ purposely call this nutritionist nurse because he knew she couldn't obtain Propofol to give him AND because he knew she waslikely to talk? Or is it much simpler then that, she's simply an extra who signed a confidentiality agreement and is a paid actress working on the hoax project. Either way, it's a back clue.

    More examples, O2 MJ's behavior, the cover of Dangerous album, 6 month to live rumors end of year 2008, Lou Ferigno telling stories of MJ sending dummies off in ambulances to fool people, back's prophetic new 7 day theory posts on MJJC board.

    There's lots more but my brain is mush tonight.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    It is my opinion Anna, that MJ is not and has never been a prescription drug addict. When we think back to when he first mentioned the 'addiction', he had been on tour and was facing the first round of false allegations. I imagine that he would have done anything to quit the tour and escape the country so that he could marshal his legal team and focus on a strategy for his defence..........using the Pepsi burn nicely gave him that alibi and he conveniently played that card....that's what I think, since it didn't appear his hospitalisation was that serious, nor was his stint in rehab very long.
    Yes, when he was in rehab for a period, probably he had some problems, but then again I have my honest opinion that he's never been a prescription drug addict. That doesn't make you addict. There are people who face difficult situations and in his case he was going through hell. I am still not sure why was he in rehab at that time, but even so, I find it hard to believe he was ever addicted to painkillers like Mrs. Katherine said, or a walking pharmacy as people say.

    I'm not saying that he has never taken pain medication for legitimate conditions, but from our investigations, we know that MJ is extremely professional and thorough with his work; he meticulously plans things down to the minutest detail and he has had a strong religious upbringing.... this all screams to me that MJ is way too smart and responsible to ever go down the road of drug addiction of any kind.
    But to take pain medication does mean to be addicted to them? Mrs. katherine somehow implied he was addicted to them.
    It is my opinion too, that he couldn't have done that.... I mean when I read "Moonwalker" he says there that Elvis' drug destruction has always interested him, because he'll never want to walk that path himself. I don't think he'd say that if he would do the opposite.He's way too intelligent and if you think about who he is, would he become who he is if he was a walking pharmacy? Would he ever do that considering he loves his children so much?it would be a irresposible act and I simply don't find any logic in it.

    By the way, BJ, what to you think about the sleeping problems? did he ever have or still has sleeping problems?
    As I've previously said, MJ has definately 'played' with his image as an entertainer to get people to see what he wants them to see. The very portrayal/ admission of addiction to pain medication back in 1993 has come in very handy in the 2009 'death' hoax, wouldn't you say...... to me, that has "planned, for future use" written all over it and supports the idea that the hoax has been in the works for quite some time as his " greatest ever ILLUSION".
    But do you think that he could falsely state he had drug problems back in 1993 thinking it will help him in the fake death he'll do in 16 years?
    How can someone be a drug addict and sing and dance like Michael in TII? Or record beautiful songs like Hold My Hand in 2007...... I don't know how people can buy this addiction story...
    No way.

    BTW, have you noticed the song Hold My Hand on michaeljackson.com has 03:31 - and this is 7 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    But do you think that he could falsely state he had drug problems back in 1993 thinking it will help him in the fake death he'll do in 16 years?

    I might be very wrong but sometimes I thought Michael was in some sort of contest with Elvis and tried to do things better than Elvis ever did.
    He was married with Lisa and he questioned her about her father's death. What for?!
    I think he wanted to "beat" Elvis once and for all, to be greater even in "death", to outrun his legend of faking death with an even greater hoax.

    So yes, I think he thought about faking his death a very long time ago because he wanted to just make the hoax greater than Elvis'. Remember the Angry Black Man, worried about the condition of the black artists , even if some of Elvis' songs were written by black artists?!
    This song Hold My hand is so good...... I just can't stop listening..... Akon and MJ make a great duet, their voices go so well together....
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