Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    OK Gina <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    As for the thought that the internet is either the place to truly be yourself or the ideal enviroment to create a fake persona, I'd say it's both and you could do both simultaneously. For instance someone could have an account on here which they set up in their own name and in which they express their real thoughts and ideas and personality. Then they might have another account set up elsewhere for example a friends house or whatever, where they are a completely different persona who delights in stirring up trouble and causing conflict. Now how could we know they were the same person? We couldn't and that's why the internet is a haven for all sorts of tricksters as well as genuine folks expressing an opinion. None of us know who any of us are if you get my meaning so it's down to intuition and staying objective.
  • The scale of this Hoax production is totally mind blowing! It gets me to re-consider my definition of GENIUS all together!

    The drug addiction story does not FIT with my "version" of MJ personality profile and... the "file" is now archived; it was all a "HOAX"!
    Instead I would like to spend a bit of time reviewing the Pepsi accident --- I was reading the new thread on this topic yesterday and I am glad you are mentioning it in your post BlackJack.... THANK YOU

    The Pepsi accident conveniently sits exactly in the middle of MJ "life:
    - 9282 days from birth to the "accident" and 9282 days from the "accident" to "death"
    - 9282 adds to... 21... 7x3 .... 777
    - The tape of the accident was released on the 15th July 2009 ... 21 days after the "accident ... 777

    For over a year, the "Pepsi Accident" and the amazing "coincidence" of its timing sat uncomfortable in my mind. I either beLIEve in coincidences or I don't! The probability of the "accident happening on this specific day by chance is in the region 1/15000.

    If I assume for a minute that the Pepsi accident was indeed "hoaxed", it implies that the whole Hoax scenario would already have been drafted at least 25 years before the "Death" and many of the key events in MJ life (At least for the last 25 years) would have been planned around it.

    It is ALL so AMAZING that I find myself wondering what we are really witnessing here!

    Are we witnessing a one in a lifetime production made by a genius or are we witnessing a man fulfilling HIS DESTINY and OURS?

    ...And "Witnessing" may not even be the right word for it... in my deep moments, I also feel that I am fulfilling my destiny at the same time... maybe we are all becoming ONE IN CONSCIOUSNESS...
    Oh! Michael! Nobody ever succeeded in confusing me the way you are! XX

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I don't think that the Pepsi accident was a hoax, we clearly see Michael's hair on fire... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I rather think that Michael exagerated the consequences on purpose so that he could take time for himself. Now regarding the timing...I have only one word... DESTINY.
    OK Gina <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    As for the thought that the internet is either the place to truly be yourself or the ideal enviroment to create a fake persona, I'd say it's both and you could do both simultaneously. For instance someone could have an account on here which they set up in their own name and in which they express their real thoughts and ideas and personality. Then they might have another account set up elsewhere for example a friends house or whatever, where they are a completely different persona who delights in stirring up trouble and causing conflict. Now how could we know they were the same person? We couldn't and that's why the internet is a haven for all sorts of tricksters as well as genuine folks expressing an opinion. None of us know who any of us are if you get my meaning so it's down to intuition and staying objective.

    I only know who I am <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Running Girl, I know exactly what you mean! This is almost too big for my mind to comprehend. It is seriously mind-blowing! And an open mind is taking me to places I would never have imagined I would go - this man is truly 'awesome'!
  • Back clues. Once you recognize a back clue you start to see them scattered throughout MJ's solo career. I think we are still seeing them, most recent example being "alive" in HMH. Is it "alive" or is it "alright"? Maybe it's "alright" pronounced purposely to sound like "alive".

    Smooth Criminal verse, in the song, "mouth to mouth" sounds like "Dr. Murray". Was Dr. Murray's name chosen because it sounds like that name is in that song?

    Cherilyn Lee. Did MJ purposely call this nutritionist nurse because he knew she couldn't obtain Propofol to give him AND because he knew she waslikely to talk? Or is it much simpler then that, she's simply an extra who signed a confidentiality agreement and is a paid actress working on the hoax project. Either way, it's a back clue.

    More examples, O2 MJ's behavior, the cover of Dangerous album, 6 month to live rumors end of year 2008, Lou Ferigno telling stories of MJ sending dummies off in ambulances to fool people, back's prophetic new 7 day theory posts on MJJC board.

    There's lots more but my brain is mush tonight.

    I agree bec,.............planting the seeds along the way, with the trees now bearing the fruit in the garden of ILLUSION!!

    Anna, it is my view that everything can be fabricated in 'showbusiness'. By the very word, it means that the 'business' is for "SHOW"...........it doesn't have to be true or real....it's for entertainment!!! So, yes, the insomnia may be real or not....at times, everyone may have trouble sleeping, but it certainly does 'fit' the hoax picture that was being painted.
    Gina, I think you have a valid point regarding Elvis; Sarahli, TRG and Curls: I agree that the destiny and 'awesome-ness" is more than mind-blowing.... it is a whole new level of genius we are 'in the mix' of witnessing!!
  • I don't have time to read all your comments but i have to agree with something, Michael is very clever and he planned this hoax along the way .Everything has some meaning now, things we didn't understand before are much clearer .Everything can be done in show business, but not good things all the time....look how many people become greed and they are like vultures .Michael was surrounded by them and i think he didn't know who to trust anymore.I truly hope now is the time when Michael will find out exactly who his real friends are.
  • yes it's difficult to know who you can trust but I think deep inside you know who you can trust or not.
    For example, I just know I can trust you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Gina, i trust u 2.You are a lovely friend <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • You know why I'm worried about what I wrote? Maybe I went to far with the sincerity.......let too much of myself to show and I think sometimes I should just shut up...which is reeeeeeaallly difficult for me <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And all this happened because I wasn't seriously considering Michael could be reading the forums. Now I try to imagine his reactions to our posts and I don't feel very comfortable about it.....

    Gina, please don't feel uncomfortable. If MJ is reading the forums it's because he wants to hear/read people's genuine, honest opinions and thoughts. He doesn't want posts modified in case he might be reading - that's exactly what he found so distressing throughout his life - that people wouldn't be themselves with him, they acted differently as soon as he was around.

    And anyway, I've read nothing from you that isn't genuine, thoughtful, sweet and lovable! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. xxx

    Yes! I support this Curls!
    Gina continue to be who you are!
    I also opted to be Who I am as I really cannot see much point in being anybody else! I did not like the disguises or the doubles on offer in the shop! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    My rational is a very simple one! I am here because I beLIEve that MJ is alive and that HE is the only man on this planet who has got the power, the courage, the intelligence and the desire to really make a positive impact on this World... and I want to help him if I can. This is a one in a life time experience, we need to live it as well as contributing to it!

    Maybe MJ is watching and I hope he is really enjoying it, he deserves his time as a spectator, doesn't he? --->XX

    With L.O.V.E
    I agree with you, i hope that he is reading our posts.And yes, This is a one in a life time experience and I'm so happy to be a part of this.Michael if you read now just remember I LOVE YOU , WE love you very much.I respect you & i believe in you.God bless u !
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Its her, I am thrilled that you mentioned MJ donning disguises in order to obtain honest opinions.......IMO this hoax is his biggest market research activity to date. Being able to watch all of this unfold from behind the scenes and see how people act and react is giving him an advance 'preview' of what may happen when he finally does meet his maker and he gets to do it while he is still living!! He's so curious about human nature that he took the opportunity to see "who said what" and "who did what" .............. it ain't no use wondering about it when you're long gone, much better to 'see' it while you're here.

    BlackJack, thank you for sharing your delight. I love unchained enthusiasm!

    You know, I really thought MJ was going to reappear that first Halloween(I didn't realize some important facts then, and assumed it was a publicity stunt for his tour <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ), and when he did not, I began to wonder if he was doing his Hide and Watch thing again. The longer he was gone, the more I was convinced that he IS doing this, even though, we were continually being mind-seeded that he was the victim of some murder plot, and, conflictingly, <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> we also had "friendly" hints that, gosh darn it---we KNOW better than that. We know MJ is on top of ANY subterfuge. He has a higher I.Q. than any two criminals around him. Shamone.

    This is the biggest market research activity to date <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> ...but WHAT is he after? He's not tapping a room full of people or random passersby. And, it is not as you say, either (nice try <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ), that he simply wanted a window into his funeral(s) from this side, rather than the other. I don't feel that he is that self-involved---plus, there is that HE planned the first memorial himself, and knowing what we think we know about him, everything was tightly scripted, as much as possible for the people who were privy to it being an MJ production.

    If he wanted to know how people would grieve when he dies, he got the entire picture, in his face, that afternoon and evening. "Ok, time to come out and give these mourners some relief." But, no... <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> That was not it. He's STILL watching for some thing. Something important enough, to, again, not be moved to rethink, by a flood of emotion from his test subjects!!!

    I have counted at least three things, so far. one of them is, that he is seeking honest opinion on his work in the movies, without the automatic "!Michael Jackson!" golden touch. Have you been to the topic about these movies, yet?

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=15087<!-- l -->

    I am just a little tiny bit mystified, as to WHY he would then leave his panther paw prints all over them, so that WE know these are his efforts, anyway. Unless it is simply a provision for proof for unbelievers, later, during his big revelation?? Or, is he trying to see how easily people are led around by their curiousity, into beLIEving that these are his movies, when they are not? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> You may have noticed that many of us on this board have our own straightjackets. This is not for nothing... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Its her, your unsername is so unusual..... every time I see it on my screen I wonder if it means something <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    like always, it;s a pleasure to read your comments <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    you ask what is he after?.....
    as much as I struggle to see beyond the entertainer, my first thought is always that he's only DOING HIS JOB <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • How can someone be a drug addict and sing and dance like Michael in TII? Or record beautiful songs like Hold My Hand in 2007...... I don't know how people can buy this addiction story...
    No way.

    BTW, have you noticed the song Hold My Hand on michaeljackson.com has 03:31 - and this is 7 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?

    Hey Gina, anyone who is a drug addict (prescription drugs, not hard core) can easily fool anyone into believing they are not one - just like an alcoholic. The body gets immune to them so more and more have to be taken and your body responds normally. Your mind actually takes over convincing you that you need more pills whether you have any symptoms or not - you crave it - it's when your body is empty that is when you don't seem to be yourself but once the pills have hit your system you function normally. It's a very sad road for many, many people.

    Love you Michael!
  • "BlackJack" wrote:
    Anna, it is my view that everything can be fabricated in 'showbusiness'. By the very word, it means that the 'business' is for "SHOW"...........it doesn't have to be true or real....it's for entertainment!!! So, yes, the insomnia may be real or not....at times, everyone may have trouble sleeping, but it certainly does 'fit' the hoax picture that was being painted.

    This will not be a very popular view point that I am about to express but, there is some things I feel some people are over looking. This is not directed at anyone in particular and especially BlackJack I want you to understand that even though I quoted you and your posts, this will not be a direct statement to you but, to everyone who will read my words, my wish is that people will step back and look at these topics I did quote through different eyes.

    That is a long run on sentence, lol

    First with regards to him being a showman, yes I agree he is very talented and a genius at his craft. He is a master at what he does because he has taken the TIME and devoted himself to study the greats and became greater than his masters. I am not taking that away from who he is. There are aspects to his personality that some may over look because it may seem rude or it may not be a very popular way of looking at him or thinking he could have any flaws.

    To me that does him a disservice because if we all keep saying how perfect he is and what not it creates pressure on him to always feel like he has to live up to others standards. It creates a false perception of him even if he has done that himself with his creative thinking and mind games he has played in the past. Some of the perception is made by him purposefully and some of the perception of him is created by us.

    He is a showman by trade. It is his chosen profession to be an entertainer and he is very good at it. But, in the same man lays a man who has also sang many times of lonelyness, pain, anguish. He has told us through his songs he is hurting deeply in his soul.

    That is not his showmanship, that is Michael the man, the human.

    If we continue to find a way to fit the notion of his possible drug addiction into the current situation and dismiss it as "Oh it must have been created to be used for this "hoax" later on in the years" we are denying that it is a very strong possibility that he did have a problem at one time with the drugs. It is what I call denial. I know first hand of denial. I also know first hand that sometimes we end up in situations that are bad and don't really know how we got there.

    Michael has shown signs of PTSD and when I say that I am speaking from experience. I am diagnosed with PTSD and Bipolar. I am not an extreme case of Bipolar so please don't start thinking I am crazy talking or that I would harm anyone purposefully with words. I am saying that to say that I see things differently when it comes to Michael and the drugs.

    I fell into a trap of being on prescription drugs after a multitude of surgeries. It was never my intentions to become addicted to them. I did however build a tolerance to them due to long term use. The more I took them for pain the more my body got used to them and I needed the medicine to just feel normal. I also was stuffing/burying the pain from emotional trauma by staying high. Or numb. I ended up using more and more prescription drugs because it dulled my hurting heart. I didn't have to face my pain because I was numb.

    I am saying this because if Michael did use prescription drugs in the beg. for his pain it is very possible he did use them also for numbing his emotions.

    The accusations didn't help his psyche at all. As strong as he is, he is also weak. We all are weak and vulnerable at times. We all go through ups and downs emotionally. He is not immune to that just because he is this great showman.

    Taking a look back to his childhood and seeing that alot of trauma has happened in his life it will manifest itself in the strangest ways. Taking pills is one form of coping with the after effects of trauma that has never been dealt with correctly.
    Some people drink to much, some people over eat to cope with their emotions.

    I know this from experience. I am not saying I know for a fact that this is true for Michael but, I would make a bet I am very close. Please take the time to read the material I posted on this subject and see if you see the symptoms in how Michael has shown us secretively.
    "BlackJack" wrote:
    It is my opinion Anna, that MJ is not and has never been a prescription drug addict. When we think back to when he first mentioned the 'addiction', he had been on tour and was facing the first round of false allegations. I imagine that he would have done anything to quit the tour and escape the country so that he could marshal his legal team and focus on a strategy for his defence..........using the Pepsi burn nicely gave him that alibi and he conveniently played that card....that's what I think, since it didn't appear his hospitalisation was that serious, nor was his stint in rehab very long. I'm not saying that he has never taken pain medication for legitimate conditions, but from our investigations, we know that MJ is extremely professional and thorough with his work; he meticulously plans things down to the minutest detail and he has had a strong religious upbringing.... this all screams to me that MJ is way too smart and responsible to ever go down the road of drug addiction of any kind. As I've previously said, MJ has definately 'played' with his image as an entertainer to get people to see what he wants them to see. The very portrayal/ admission of addiction to pain medication back in 1993 has come in very handy in the 2009 'death' hoax, wouldn't you say...... to me, that has "planned, for future use" written all over it and supports the idea that the hoax has been in the works for quite some time as his " greatest ever ILLUSION".

    <!-- m -->http://www.helpguide.org/mental/emotion ... trauma.htm<!-- m -->
    Healing Emotional and Psychological Trauma
    Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery

    If you’ve gone through a traumatic experience, you may be struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger that you just can’t kick. Or you may feel numb, disconnected, and unable to trust other people.

    When bad things happen, it can take awhile to get over the pain and feel safe again. But treatment and support from family and friends can speed your recovery from emotional and psychological trauma. Whether the traumatic event happened years ago or yesterday, you can heal and move on.

    What is emotional and psychological trauma?

    Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world.

    Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and alone can be traumatic, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. It’s not the objective facts that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized.

    A stressful event is most likely to be traumatic if:
    It happened unexpectedly.
    You were unprepared for it.
    You felt powerless to prevent it.
    It happened repeatedly.
    Someone was intentionally cruel.
    It happened in childhood.

    Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by single-blow, one-time events, such as a horrible accident, a natural disaster, or a violent attack. Trauma can also stem from ongoing, relentless stress, such as living in a crime-ridden neighborhood or struggling with cancer.

    Childhood trauma increases the risk of future trauma
    Traumatic experiences in childhood can have a severe and long-lasting effect. Children who have been traumatized see the world as a frightening and dangerous place. When childhood trauma is not resolved, this fundamental sense of fear and helplessness carries over into adulthood, setting the stage for further trauma.

    Childhood trauma results from anything that disrupts a child’s sense of safety and security, including:

    An unstable or unsafe environment
    Separation from a parent
    Serious illness
    Intrusive medical procedures
    Sexual, physical, or verbal abuse
    Domestic violence

    Symptoms of emotional and psychological trauma

    Following a traumatic event, most people experience a wide range of physical and emotional reactions. These are NORMAL reactions to ABNORMAL events. The symptoms may last for days, weeks, or even months after the trauma ended.

    Emotional symptoms of trauma:

    Shock, denial, or disbelief
    Anger, irritability, mood swings
    Guilt, shame, self-blame
    Feeling sad or hopeless
    Confusion, difficulty concentrating
    Anxiety and fear
    Withdrawing from others
    Feeling disconnected or numb

    Physical symptoms of trauma:

    Insomnia or nightmares
    Being startled easily
    Racing heartbeat
    Aches and pains
    Difficulty concentrating
    Edginess and agitation
    Muscle tension

    These symptoms and feelings typically last from a few days to a few months, gradually fading as you process the trauma. But even when you’re feeling better, you may be troubled from time to time by painful memories or emotions—especially in response to triggers such as an anniversary of the event or an image, sound, or situation that reminds you of the traumatic experience.
    Battered woman's syndrome doesn't always only apply to women in the respect of symptoms. I believe anyone (whether your a woman or man) in a battered situation the symptoms and the scars/deep emotional wounds are the same.

  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Imconvinced, we are kicking around ideas, not excluding any because it simply sounds offensive or could be construed as being disrespectful.

    This is a death hoax. In order to figure out something that exists outside of the veritable "box" you cannot think inside of one. Everything is fair game for mature discussion in my opinion.

    Besides, we are saying maybe the addiction was a hoax. After all, we don't really have proof that it was real. So like MJ's "death", this too could be considered a possible hoax.

    No one is minimizing the devastation of addiction. We are having a mature, respectful conversation on one of the many "what if..."'s in this entire scenario. Because.... what if?
  • Imconvinced, we are kicking around ideas, not excluding any because it simply sounds offensive or could be construed as being disrespectful.

    This is a death hoax. In order to figure out something that exists outside of the veritable "box" you cannot think inside of one. Everything is fair game for mature discussion in my opinion.

    Besides, we are saying maybe the addiction was a hoax. After all, we don't really have proof that it was real. So like MJ's "death", this too could be considered a possible hoax.

    No one is minimizing the devastation of addiction. We are having a mature, respectful conversation on one of the many "what if..."'s in this entire scenario. Because.... what if?

    Bec ... I agree with you, we need to be open-minded and be prepared to consider different scenarios.

    Whilst being the greatest entertainer that ever will be, MJ is also an amazing man with his own personality and own range of emotions... and the way we perceive Who HE is, is partly made of what he wants us to BeLIEve, who we are and how we make it fit our own life experiences.

    I love the way the Hoax is gradually changing His "image" from "Victim" to " Manipulator" (I personally prefer "Man in control" as "Manipulator" can be taken in a negative way ---)....

    With L.O.V.E
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I fully agree with BlackJack's theory that Michael wasn't a drug addict at any point, I also don't think he was ever broke either. I believe he has created the illusion over the years and there were so many false stories in the media that getting past all those and finding the truth would have been nigh on impossible, even if any journalists had been willing to do so. I also fully understand what I'mconvinced is saying, that it would be totally understandable for Micahel to have suffered trauma leading to addictions, I just don't think he did become an addict. I know we're all just tossing around ideas here but that's always been my opinion, that he was never an addict. It didn't "feel" right by instinct just like nothing "felt" right after June 25th 2009.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I'm in between. I don't believe he has ever been drug addict but probably using those prescription medicines for treating either insomnia or something else when he was passing through hell. My mother takes valium kind of medicine every night to sleep, and she's not addicted and she doesn't suffer from insomia. But it helps because sometimes when aging you find it hard to sleep from various reasons.

    With Michael I can't know, but if he had periods when he took such meds that doesn't automatically make him addicted. You can stop taking them and period. I simply don't believe he could be addicted to meds and painkillers for ages, I simply don't buy it. You cannot be a walking pharmacy and do what he does. I find it impossible, because sooner or later the organism will break down. You cannot go on and on like that.

    I also think that people tend to put a stamp on him, be it as "victim" or "manipulator", but no one knows. We say he's in charge of everything, he does that and that, but are we sure of that? I am very afraid we just put on him the stamp WE like and the one we want to believe. I am so afraid to not be otherwise.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Trouble is, when you sit on the fence for too long, you get splinters in your bottom! At some point you have to come down on one side or the other - or maybe just take a nice cosy cushion on the fence with you!

    I'll admit to a lot of fence sitting nowadays but you do get a good view from up there as long as you keep looking around and don't fall asleep!
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Trouble is, when you sit on the fence for too long, you get splinters in your bottom! At some point you have to come down on one side or the other - or maybe just take a nice cosy cushion on the fence with you!

    I'll admit to a lot of fence sitting nowadays but you do get a good view from up there as long as you keep looking around and don't fall asleep!

    Nicely put, Curls!! I am a fence-sitter as well!! There are so many good arguments for both sides. It's hard to know which one is in fact the right one. Hopefully, in the end, all our questions will be answered.
  • Hi bec, TheRunningGirl and others,

    I knew that my post would cause some to become defensive. That was not my intentions. I never thought you folks were excluding the idea of him actually being addicted at one point in his life. I was only giving a different perspective for people to analyze.

    Anything I say will always come from a place of Love. Anything I say will always be after I have taken into consideration other theories. I respect that you folks have a different view point and I also know that you folks have taken into consideration many theories but, I hadn't seen the theory I was referring to being talked about lately.

    I feel that my words can be misunderstood alot. Have a great day. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Its her, your unsername is so unusual..... every time I see it on my screen I wonder if it means something <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    like always, it;s a pleasure to read your comments <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    you ask what is he after?.....
    as much as I struggle to see beyond the entertainer, my first thought is always that he's only DOING HIS JOB <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Hi Ginafelicia, thank you for being so sweet! I didn't mean anything negative, when I asked "What is he after?". He 's definitely working on something important. I was just trying to squint my brain and look at what he could possibly be looking at and looking for, THERE. It is a puzzle. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Also, I think I know what you mean, that it is his job, although, deeper...(and this is WAY cool!). Once I read that he told (I think) Frank Dileo, on the subject of visiting and helping people, that "we need to save the world; it is our job, here" (or something exactly like that), so, maybe he has a greater burden than just Entertainment" driving him, as his actual Job <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . We knew it!

    Um...about the username. One mystery at a time. This is MJ's Illusionary Feast. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I don't have an unusually pretty real name such as yours; at least a million people have my name. I wanted something short & unusual. This is all it means: I always liked the way Mike says the word, "her" in his songs. When I come on forum to post, it's the circus blood in me, announcing my self. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Also, I feel like it IS my real name because people always stop talking when i approach them (in real life). i can almost hear them wacking each other in the ribs, shushing each other with, "it's her..." (Hey---we all have our demons... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> BTW, This is for them: <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> )
  • Its her, your unsername is so unusual..... every time I see it on my screen I wonder if it means something <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    like always, it;s a pleasure to read your comments <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    you ask what is he after?.....
    as much as I struggle to see beyond the entertainer, my first thought is always that he's only DOING HIS JOB <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Hi Ginafelicia, thank you for being so sweet! I didn't mean anything negative, when I asked "What is he after?". He 's definitely working on something important. I was just trying to squint my brain and look at what he could possibly be looking at and looking for, THERE. It is a puzzle. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Also, I think I know what you mean, that it is his job, although, deeper...(and this is WAY cool!). Once I read that he told (I think) Frank Dileo, on the subject of visiting and helping people, that "we need to save the world; it is our job, here" (or something exactly like that), so, maybe he has a greater burden than just Entertainment" driving him, as his actual Job <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . We knew it!

    Um...about the username. One mystery at a time. This is MJ's Illusionary Feast. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I don't have an unusually pretty real name such as yours; at least a million people have my name. I wanted something short & unusual. This is all it means: I always liked the way Mike says the word, "her" in his songs. When I come on forum to post, it's the circus blood in me, announcing my self. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Also, I feel like it IS my real name because people always stop talking when i approach them (in real life). i can almost hear them wacking each other in the ribs, shushing each other with, "it's her..." (Hey---we all have our demons... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> BTW, This is for them: <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> )

    I Knew It

    you are so crazy ! only in a good way
    luv ya
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Its her, your unsername is so unusual..... every time I see it on my screen I wonder if it means something <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    like always, it;s a pleasure to read your comments <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    you ask what is he after?.....
    as much as I struggle to see beyond the entertainer, my first thought is always that he's only DOING HIS JOB <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Hi Ginafelicia, thank you for being so sweet! I didn't mean anything negative, when I asked "What is he after?". He 's definitely working on something important. I was just trying to squint my brain and look at what he could possibly be looking at and looking for, THERE. It is a puzzle. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Also, I think I know what you mean, that it is his job, although, deeper...(and this is WAY cool!). Once I read that he told (I think) Frank Dileo, on the subject of visiting and helping people, that "we need to save the world; it is our job, here" (or something exactly like that), so, maybe he has a greater burden than just Entertainment" driving him, as his actual Job <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . We knew it!

    Um...about the username. One mystery at a time. This is MJ's Illusionary Feast. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I don't have an unusually pretty real name such as yours; at least a million people have my name. I wanted something short & unusual. This is all it means: I always liked the way Mike says the word, "her" in his songs. When I come on forum to post, it's the circus blood in me, announcing my self. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Also, I feel like it IS my real name because people always stop talking when i approach them (in real life). i can almost hear them wacking each other in the ribs, shushing each other with, "it's her..." (Hey---we all have our demons... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> BTW, This is for them: <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> )

    I Knew It

    you are so crazy ! only in a good way
    luv ya

    Hi Suspicious mind!

    I kinda thought everyone would know it, because we've all slapped someone to shut up, because, "here she comes"...but the secret has been safe until now! MJ's secrets are so much Juicier...I'll hide in his shadow anytime <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Now, shhhhh. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> (Luv Ya, TOO, you nut! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> )
  • I've always wondered if the addiction was a hoax. I remember back in 1993 when his so called addiction caused him to cancel his tour. He was on stage in Mexico City, ( I was there visiting a friend) and I watched him do a performance as if it was his last. It was fantastic. His Bille Jean was crazy! His dance solo was like I've never seen it before. The next day he was gone to Europe, his tour cancelled and the talk of him being on pain killers. I thougth, that was not a man on drugs. He was at the top of his game and there was no way he could have done that performance if he was addicted. I think he used it to his own advantage because he knew the media would believe it. It seems the only time we ever saw him kind of drugged out was when he was giving a depositon for a lawsuit, again using it to his advantage so he could say. " I don't remmber." when asksed a question.
    I think he may have used it again for this hoax. His family and others are just too eager to admit to his drug use. Also, the body that was found at Carolwood did not have any other drugs in it except those that DM gave him. so, so much for the drug addict theory.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I've always wondered if the addiction was a hoax. I remember back in 1993 when his so called addiction caused him to cancel his tour. He was on stage in Mexico City, ( I was there visiting a friend) and I watched him do a performance as if it was his last. It was fantastic. His Bille Jean was crazy! His dance solo was like I've never seen it before. The next day he was gone to Europe, his tour cancelled and the talk of him being on pain killers. I thougth, that was not a man on drugs. He was at the top of his game and there was no way he could have done that performance if he was addicted. I think he used it to his own advantage because he knew the media would believe it. It seems the only time we ever saw him kind of drugged out was when he was giving a depositon for a lawsuit, again using it to his advantage so he could say. " I don't remmber." when asksed a question.
    I think he may have used it again for this hoax. His family and others are just too eager to admit to his drug use. Also, the body that was found at Carolwood did not have any other drugs in it except those that DM gave him. so, so much for the drug addict theory.

    Yeah. That.

    Less then 24hrs later and Oxman is on TV blabbing about DRUGS DRUGS DRUGSSSSSSSSSSS. Every time the family is in front of a microphone, addiction, intervention, DRUGSSSSSSS. It's quite the overkill.

    So now everyone and their brother thinks MJ is a druggie. That's bothered me for a long time.

    If this family is so concerned about MJs "legacy" they sure got a funny way of going about protecting it.
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