TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1352322380:
    <br />If the hoax community already suspected Michael to have fled the country via airplane then Jermaine's deliberate "slip-up" sounds like a confirmation. Why would he throw anyone off after the fact? There was no danger anymore when the "slip-up" was done. But anyway, I was just re-reading some of TS' posts and he already gave us his perspective with 5 points backing up his theory (aka MJ went at the airport and not UCLA) so it's like or we believe him or not. Not sure if TS will address this once more. Waiting-- I smell a long post is on the way.  :suspect: <br /><br />But mind you, TS never confirmed that he would finish by 29 November 2012. We again are assuming.  :LolLolLolLol:<br />
    <br /><br />I was reviewing some archives and I just wanted to comment on this. I don't define this as an assumption, based on this post:<br /><br />
    on 1326316285:
    <br />I thought that I would have time over the holidays for level 7 here; but that didn't happen, sorry.<br /><br />Obviously, others can continue the investigation here; and I will be back here as soon as I can.<br /><br />For sure, all three 7's will be done by the end of 2012: Level 7, Update 7, and Sign 7 (777).<br /><br /> :!:  :!:  :!:<br />
    <br /><br />predating this more recent post:<br />
    on 1350890102:
    <br />Well, after about a year I’m “back”—no, that does NOT have a double meaning, lol.<br /><br />It’s been quiet for quite a long timE; but things should start rumbling again …<br /><br />TS: “However, we will finish no later than November 29—even if I have to do 7b and 7c without any help (7a is nearly complete already).”<br /><br />I said we would finish level 7 by November 29, but did I say what year?<br /><br /> :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />If we are going to be top-notch investigators, we have to learn not to assUME anything!<br /><br />Anyway, back to business, timE to finish up Level 7.<br /><br /> :compute:<br />
    <br /><br />TS says the levels will be done by the end of 2012. I think we can safely determine that the 11/29 deadline is this year.
  • on 1353173767:
    <br />
    on 1352322380:
    <br />If the hoax community already suspected Michael to have fled the country via airplane then Jermaine's deliberate "slip-up" sounds like a confirmation. Why would he throw anyone off after the fact? There was no danger anymore when the "slip-up" was done. But anyway, I was just re-reading some of TS' posts and he already gave us his perspective with 5 points backing up his theory (aka MJ went at the airport and not UCLA) so it's like or we believe him or not. Not sure if TS will address this once more. Waiting-- I smell a long post is on the way.  :suspect: <br /><br />But mind you, TS never confirmed that he would finish by 29 November 2012. We again are assuming.  :LolLolLolLol:<br />
    <br /><br />I was reviewing some archives and I just wanted to comment on this. I don't define this as an assumption, based on this post:<br /><br />
    on 1326316285:
    <br />I thought that I would have time over the holidays for level 7 here; but that didn't happen, sorry.<br /><br />Obviously, others can continue the investigation here; and I will be back here as soon as I can.<br /><br />For sure, all three 7's will be done by the end of 2012: Level 7, Update 7, and Sign 7 (777).<br /><br /> :!:  :!:  :!:<br />
    <br /><br />predating this more recent post:<br />
    on 1350890102:
    <br />Well, after about a year I’m “back”—no, that does NOT have a double meaning, lol.<br /><br />It’s been quiet for quite a long timE; but things should start rumbling again …<br /><br />TS: “However, we will finish no later than November 29—even if I have to do 7b and 7c without any help (7a is nearly complete already).”<br /><br />I said we would finish level 7 by November 29, but did I say what year?<br /><br /> :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />If we are going to be top-notch investigators, we have to learn not to assUME anything!<br /><br />Anyway, back to business, timE to finish up Level 7.<br /><br /> :compute:<br />
    <br /><br />TS says the levels will be done by the end of 2012. I think we can safely determine that the 11/29 deadline is this year.<br />
    <br /><br />but is it a fact that when all levels will be done by the end of 2012 that the hoax will be finished as well? I mean did TS make a statement that when all levels will be completed by the end of 2012 that there will be a bam? Perhaps there will be a sequel with level #9 of resurrection in 2013 ?
  • Oh Lord, please no sequels or level #9. I am not sure I can do much more and that is just being honest. I will always beLIEve but I think that the longer this goes the more the world at large is slowly moving away from Michael Jackson. Not his fans and supporters, mind you, but people on the whole. He needs to come back while people still remember what happened and find his comeback relevant. On the other hand he's done an excellent job at keeping his name in the news. I saw the other night that Dancing With The Stars this week will be danced to MJ's BAD25 album. #GoMJ<br /><br />I was thinking about the BAM the other night. Does one believe that his lawyer who died a few months after him will BAM with him? Over the last 3 years there has been several deaths of people in Michael's inner circle - some by natural means and some not. If Michael comes back and Peter's death ends up being real, will this make for an odd and bitter situation for Peter's family? Just thinking out loud.<br /><br />I was also reading on the Front thread and there were comments about the BAM party. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael already knows who we all are and where we live and he'll take that into consideration. He has the means to make sure that if everyone can get to a certain area closer to home that he could provide funding for airfare to Neverland. To me, that would be the most appropriate homecoming for him. JMO.<br /><br />Also - Bec, saw your comment on Front's page about calling Elivs's hoax death and raising him a resurrection. Great comment.<br /><br />Blessings
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1353173767:
    <br />
    on 1352322380:
    <br />If the hoax community already suspected Michael to have fled the country via airplane then Jermaine's deliberate "slip-up" sounds like a confirmation. Why would he throw anyone off after the fact? There was no danger anymore when the "slip-up" was done. But anyway, I was just re-reading some of TS' posts and he already gave us his perspective with 5 points backing up his theory (aka MJ went at the airport and not UCLA) so it's like or we believe him or not. Not sure if TS will address this once more. Waiting-- I smell a long post is on the way.  :suspect: <br /><br />But mind you, TS never confirmed that he would finish by 29 November 2012. We again are assuming.  :LolLolLolLol:<br />
    <br /><br />I was reviewing some archives and I just wanted to comment on this. I don't define this as an assumption, based on this post:<br /><br />
    on 1326316285:
    <br />I thought that I would have time over the holidays for level 7 here; but that didn't happen, sorry.<br /><br />Obviously, others can continue the investigation here; and I will be back here as soon as I can.<br /><br />For sure, all three 7's will be done by the end of 2012: Level 7, Update 7, and Sign 7 (777).<br /><br /> :!:  :!:  :!:<br />
    <br /><br />predating this more recent post:<br />
    on 1350890102:
    <br />Well, after about a year I’m “back”—no, that does NOT have a double meaning, lol.<br /><br />It’s been quiet for quite a long timE; but things should start rumbling again …<br /><br />TS: “However, we will finish no later than November 29—even if I have to do 7b and 7c without any help (7a is nearly complete already).”<br /><br />I said we would finish level 7 by November 29, but did I say what year?<br /><br /> :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />If we are going to be top-notch investigators, we have to learn not to assUME anything!<br /><br />Anyway, back to business, timE to finish up Level 7.<br /><br /> :compute:<br />
    <br /><br />TS says the levels will be done by the end of 2012. I think we can safely determine that the 11/29 deadline is this year.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes I agree 2012....also I have to double check this, but didn't TS say somewhere that UPDATE #7 would be AFTER the BAM? <br /><br />At the moment we are still only up to Update #6.5: TIai update #6.5: Michael & Elvis, DOUBle-scam from TS?? (TIME DOUBTS) which was started on November 30th 2010 (almost 2 years ago! ...wow) <br /><br />If so, then TS saying that all three 7's will be done by the end of 2012: Level 7, Update 7, and Sign 7 (777) pretty much indicates the BAM is this year..... <br /><br />:Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile<br />
  • TS said back in August 2011 that the hoax will end sometime before the end of 2012. Everyone thought Michael would have bammed last year but I think the bam will be this year. <br /><br />I finished my last post with this statement, “I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!”  And now I will finish this post with the following statement, “If MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that Paris is a fake informer—and even La Toya, since she verified the pariisjaxn Twitter account more than once.”<br /><br />If you check the closed caption on the TII DVD, you should find the spelling of "four" and NOT "fore".  There is, of course, an interesting four year connection from 2005 to 2009; but four years forward (inclusive) is primarily what is being referred to: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.  Also, Paris just verified the year 2012 on her Twitter--which my next redirect will be about, stay tuned.   bounce/
  • Last but not least: I will say for certain that MJ will BAM before the end of 2012!!!  Previously, I have given probabilities, possibilities, hints, and clues of a BAM from MJ.  However, this is the very first time that I have given a BAM timing with certainty—not that I am giving an exact day or even year (could be this year or next), but I am saying that there is a deadline beyond which his BAM will not be extended.  I say this with so much certainty that if MJ does not BAM by January 1, 2013: then you may know that TS is a fake informer!  :moonwalk_:
  • Nice video by tiger believe linking a possibly bam on 21.12.12 linking the jackSUN, Mayans, bam clue by tmz, x factor performance of They Dont Care About Us cirque on 21st last year. <br /><br /> />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Found it: here is what TS said about Update #7......that it will most likely not be before bamsday. In this post below (from June 16th 2010) TS is hinting that Update #7 will probably be after bamsday  and then in the more recent posts also suggests that Update #7 will be completed in 2012.<br /><br />
    6-15 Running Out of Ideas?<br />{http://http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&amp;t=8077&amp;p=132300&amp;hilit=running out of ideas#p132300}<br /><br />This actually goes back to a thread from April 2; several on that thread thought that TS was “running out of ideas”.  What do you think—looking back over the redirects and updates from April, May, and June—were they right?<br /><br />Even now, I am not running out of ideas; actually, everything covered so far has just been an introductory course.        But most people think that what I’ve written already is far too much; so how is even more going to help them?<br /><br />Yes, this redirect also had the “BAM” in the signature.  Especially in view of that last paragraph: Update #7 most likely will not be before bamsday—whether that is in June, July, or later.  There may be more redirects, but probably not on a regular or daily basis.
    <br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,11061.msg183996.html#msg183996
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />Yes, I think 2012 as well.  TS has been hinting at 2012 since late 2009 with the early re-directs.  Didn't want to think that then but here we are now.  It's go time.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1353206989:
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, I think 2012 as well.  TS has been hinting at 2012 since late 2009 with the early re-directs.  Didn't want to think that then but here we are now.  It's go time.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the 2012 year was hinted at from the very start by TS.  I didn't want to consider that either.....back in 2009, 2012 seemed like a lifetime away. I can't help but feel a little tingle of excitement at the prospect now we are almost at the end of 2012, but am trying not to get too excited because I have let myself down too many times in the past at all the BAM dates I've had in my head which have come and gone.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1353210166:
    <br />
    on 1353206989:
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, I think 2012 as well.  TS has been hinting at 2012 since late 2009 with the early re-directs.  Didn't want to think that then but here we are now.  It's go time.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the 2012 year was hinted at from the very start by TS.  I didn't want to consider that either.....back in 2009, 2012 seemed like a lifetime away. I can't help but feel a little tingle of excitement at the prospect now we are almost at the end of 2012, but am trying not to get too excited because I have let myself down too many times in the past at all the BAM dates I've had in my head which have come and gone.<br />
    <br /><br />I feel the same but I think I'm more excited than anything.  Late 2012 was a clue from minute number one of the hoax - 12:21 for the "911" call.  Those numbers immediately conjure up thoughts of the infamous date of 12/21/12, for many.  Not that the BAM has to be that date, but minute number one of the hoax let us know the timeframe.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1353210704:
    <br />
    on 1353210166:
    <br />
    on 1353206989:
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, I think 2012 as well.  TS has been hinting at 2012 since late 2009 with the early re-directs.  Didn't want to think that then but here we are now.  It's go time.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the 2012 year was hinted at from the very start by TS.  I didn't want to consider that either.....back in 2009, 2012 seemed like a lifetime away. I can't help but feel a little tingle of excitement at the prospect now we are almost at the end of 2012, but am trying not to get too excited because I have let myself down too many times in the past at all the BAM dates I've had in my head which have come and gone.<br />
    <br /><br />I feel the same but I think I'm more excited than anything.  Late 2012 was a clue from minute number one of the hoax - 12:21 for the "911" call.  Those numbers immediately conjure up thoughts of the infamous date of 12/21/12, for many.  Not that the BAM has to be that date, but minute number one of the hoax let us know the timeframe.<br />
    <br /><br />Same here. I never wanted to think 2012 either, I always thought that would be too long. But like you said, Andrea, here we are. Everyone is right, TS has said 2012 for a long time but I never wanted to believe him.<br /><br />So maybe it'll go: Level 7 finished on 11/29, Sign 7 is MJ himself (12/6? 12/12?, 12/?), and then Update 7 on 12-21-12.<br /><br />Man, tick-tock it's coming fast. It's like a 2 ton boulder hurtling toward the Earth, back was right. It's a little scary to be honest.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />Ya it is a bit scary because that one moment we've been waiting for, for all this time, is upon us - it's why we're still here.  I feel as ready as I can be and at the same time, not.  It's hard to describe, I'm sure some of you know what I mean.  I hope in that moment I savor it.  Life will again forever change once Michael is back and I truly hope it brings a positive change to a world that desperately needs it.  Whatever happens, I'll be there.
  • on 1353219897:
    <br /><br />Ya it is a bit scary because that one moment we've been waiting for, for all this time, is upon us - it's why we're still here.  I feel as ready as I can be and at the same time, not.  It's hard to describe, I'm sure some of you know what I mean.  I hope in that moment I savor it.  Life will again forever change once Michael is back and I truly hope it brings a positive change to a world that desperately needs it.  Whatever happens, I'll be there.<br />
    <br /><br />You've said everything I felt and I totally get what you mean. I was also just thinking about it, the scenario of everyone finally knowing MJ is alive, it just felt extremely weird. I don't know how to describe how it was, I guess anything in this hoax is hard to describe because everything is so unconventional to us, even though it's so normal. I feel like this is all I know, probably conditioning but I'm just so stuck in 'this world' that I don't really know the other one. When MJ comes back I don't know how the real feeling will be, kinda excited to find out as well as a little hesitant but I know that from now to whenever it is, I'll keep watching.<br /><br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    It's exciting and a bit daunting all at the same time to think about the BAM......and no matter how hard I try I still can't envisage how it will happen.<br /><br />Interesting thoughts about the timing bec and the upcoming significant dates  :icon_cool:<br /><br /><br />Also - I just wanted to correct my above post too: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21319.msg429207.html#msg429207<br /><br />The Update #6.5 was actually on November 30th 2010 at 11:30 - I had my forum time settings incorrect, so for me it was showing at Dec 1st - I have corrected now in my original post <br /><br />So the last Update we have from TS is from 11/30 at 11:30........11/30/2012 Thriller 30th anniversary......I feel in my bones something significant might happen on that day...maybe?
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Only 6 weeks left in 2012 and I don't know how to feel!  Expectant, excited, apprehensive  ...... having been met with nothing but a blank wall or ridicule from those I shared my thoughts with early on, I've kept my hoax life pretty much to myself - I have no idea how these people will react to the bam, or to me, when it happens!<br /><br />If I'm honest, I'm kinda putting my feelings on hold, till something big happens, or 1st Jan 2013, whichever is first, and trying not to allow any specific dates before that to have any more importance than others. Trying, you understand!
  • on 1353227437:
    <br />Only 6 weeks left in 2012 and I don't know how to feel!  Expectant, excited, apprehensive  ...... having been met with nothing but a blank wall or ridicule from those I shared my thoughts with early on, I've kept my hoax life pretty much to myself - I have no idea how these people will react to the bam, or to me, when it happens!<br /><br />If I'm honest, I'm kinda putting my feelings on hold, till something big happens, or 1st Jan 2013, whichever is first, and trying not to allow any specific dates before that to have any more importance than others. Trying, you understand!<br />
    <br /><br />i can exactly understand how you feel....in my first few months as a believer, sometime back in maybe 2010, i was exposed to a lot of ridicule because i kept explaining to my friends that Michael's alive and also about all the exploitations he had to face...now i just keep silent<br /><br />as the days go on, i feel more desperate and helpless and can't wait to have the truth out...people still don't have any idea about Michael's life...they say these hurtful things, and are never really ready to know what the truth is... <br />Michael's comeback will surely act as a big blow to them...I don't want to sound revengeful, but i really hope they realize how cruel, indifferent, ignorant they've been!<br /><br /><br />patience is all it takes... :screaming-7365:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1353210166:
    <br />
    on 1353206989:
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, I think 2012 as well.  TS has been hinting at 2012 since late 2009 with the early re-directs.  Didn't want to think that then but here we are now.  It's go time.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the 2012 year was hinted at from the very start by TS.  I didn't want to consider that either.....back in 2009, 2012 seemed like a lifetime away. I can't help but feel a little tingle of excitement at the prospect now we are almost at the end of 2012, but am trying not to get too excited because I have let myself down too many times in the past at all the BAM dates I've had in my head which have come and gone.<br />
    <br />Yes, I get these shivers up my spine too.  The suspense is incredible!  The worry that nothing will happen, or that Something happens, and I can't get on the site because it's so overloaded with hundreds/thousands trying to log in and post.  But excitement that MJ's face will be all over the head-line news again, with people mostly praising, questioning, ( or finding something to mock about :icon_evil:).  Hopefully we get to hear him speaking to fans, public, the world! :bowdown:  It's probably going to be different and even better than anyone suspects.  :affraid:  And I would love to hear from his mouth if he was Front --and whoever else he was disguised as...<br /> :michael_jackson-1135:
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Don't get me wrong Thriller4ever, I'm not desperate or helpless and I don't want revenge! I may not be sure of a lot in this hoax but I know I'm right about MJ being alive and I can put up with everyone in my life thinking I'm crazy until it's proved that I'm not!<br /><br />@MJonmind - I guess we've all had thoughts like yours! How on earth is it going to happen - what is it going to be like??!!  :affraid:  :icon_e_surprised:  :woohoo2:  :icon_lol:
  • on 1353242104:
    <br />Don't get me wrong Thriller4ever, I'm not desperate or helpless and I don't want revenge! I may not be sure of a lot in this hoax but I know I'm right about MJ being alive and I can put up with everyone in my life thinking I'm crazy until it's proved that I'm not!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />oh no curls...i didn't mean u were revengeful...LOL! i was just talking about my own personal feelings, that's it...  :icon_e_biggrin:<br />
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    on 1353232583:
    <br />
    on 1353227437:
    <br />Only 6 weeks left in 2012 and I don't know how to feel!  Expectant, excited, apprehensive  ...... having been met with nothing but a blank wall or ridicule from those I shared my thoughts with early on, I've kept my hoax life pretty much to myself - I have no idea how these people will react to the bam, or to me, when it happens!<br /><br />If I'm honest, I'm kinda putting my feelings on hold, till something big happens, or 1st Jan 2013, whichever is first, and trying not to allow any specific dates before that to have any more importance than others. Trying, you understand!<br />
    <br /><br />i can exactly understand how you feel....in my first few months as a believer, sometime back in maybe 2010, i was exposed to a lot of ridicule because i kept explaining to my friends that Michael's alive and also about all the exploitations he had to face...now i just keep silent<br /><br />as the days go on, i feel more desperate and helpless and can't wait to have the truth out...people still don't have any idea about Michael's life...they say these hurtful things, and are never really ready to know what the truth is... <br />Michael's comeback will surely act as a big blow to them...I don't want to sound revengeful, but i really hope they realize how cruel, indifferent, ignorant they've been!<br /><br /><br />patience is all it takes... :screaming-7365:<br />
    <br /><br />This is how i feel to..and my experience is the same.<br />Sometimes i wunder how many there are like me following everything..and reading but dont post much because of the difficulty with writing English?<br />I think there is a whole Army of us out there.<br />I hope Michael knows that we also wil be there.<br /><br />Speaking for myself..i am waiting for the day he needs me..and than i know what to do.<br />Mattie
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes indeed, my bad, TS said 2012. Forgot that post. Thank you for reminding Bec.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1353243914:
    <br />Yes indeed, my bad, TS said 2012. Forgot that post. Thank you for reminding Bec.<br />
    <br /><br />My pleasure, we are a team, that's what we are all here together for  :icon_e_biggrin:
  • on 1353184880:
    <br /><br />but is it a fact that when all levels will be done by the end of 2012 that the hoax will be finished as well? I mean did TS make a statement that when all levels will be completed by the end of 2012 that there will be a bam? Perhaps there will be a sequel with level #9 of resurrection in 2013 ?<br />
    <br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,20134.msg348767.html<br /><br />I apologize if I may have given a negative impression of lack of faith or doubt. My questions were merely based on my search for certainty and facts about the BAM, because I wish for it so wholeheartedly, though I realize that at this moment it is not possible to have certainty and facts. It is just a matter of having faith in Michael, TS and Front. This faith is a fact and that is all what is needed for the BAM. In the meantime whatever happens, I'll wait and watch with FAITH and LOVE.  :bearhug:  :bearhug:  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
  • on 1353217950:
    <br /><br />Same here. I never wanted to think 2012 either, I always thought that would be too long. But like you said, Andrea, here we are. Everyone is right, TS has said 2012 for a long time but I never wanted to believe him.<br /><br />So maybe it'll go: Level 7 finished on 11/29, [size=14pt]Sign 7 is MJ himself[/size] (12/6? 12/12?, 12/?), and then Update 7 on 12-21-12.<br /><br />Man, tick-tock it's coming fast. It's like a 2 ton boulder hurtling toward the Earth, back was right. It's a little scary to be honest<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />Wow Bec it would be a very good idea if TS' Sing 7 were Michael himself, lol, that makes so much sense to me, imagine: first Michael appears in his own BAM and after his speech TS pops up behind him saying: "Hello everyone, here you have Mr. Michael Jackson aka Sign 7", wow that would be amazing!!.<br /><br />voiceforthesilent:<br />
    I was also reading on the Front thread and there were comments about the BAM party. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael already knows who we all are and where we live and he'll take that into consideration. He has the means to make sure that if everyone can get to a certain area closer to home that he could provide funding for airfare to Neverland. To me, that would be the most appropriate homecoming for him. JMO.<br />
    <br /><br />You are so right, the best Michael's homecoming would be surrounded by those who have been supporting and taking time for his hoax from the beginning, those who have always believed in him, those who have understood why he pulled all this out and those who really love him and care about him and I think he is enough clever to know that.<br />
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