TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    We can go back a step and regard the 911 call.<br /><br />IF the 911 call was real THEN the paramedics were also real. Because when you call 911 it begins a process of emergency response which is obligatory by law.<br /><br />However,<br /><br />IF the 911 call were staged, it stands to reason that the paramedic team was also staged (scripted). You can only get real paramedics if a real distress call goes out (or if one is prearranged to be stationed at a post).<br /><br />We will recall that the 911 call did not make it to police scanners. We know this because the scene was devoid of media/photographers besides Ben's team. Also, very few gawkers were at the scene. Yes a handful were present, but not the scene you could expect if the info went out over scanners, which are public record for anyone who has a CB/short wave radio. You figure, they spent ~45 min at the scene. TONS of time for anyone even across the county to show up and "check it out". There are people who make their living off monitoring these scanners and using the info to snap pics and sell them to news sources.<br /><br />Since the call never made it to police scanners, I think it is a logical conclusion to draw that the 911 call was staged (ie not sent through usual dial-9-1-1 channels).<br /><br />Additional supporting evidence that the call was staged were some of the anomalies in the convo on the call. The caller never states that the patient isn't conscious, the operator "offers" that info. The operator hangs up prior to emergency team arriving.<br /><br />If the call was staged, another logical conclusion to draw from this is that the paramedic team was also prearranged. Prearranged paramedic team=everyone is in on it (short of perhaps the fire chief who's responsibility may be to remain with the fire truck during a medical distress call).<br /><br />I agree it is not logical to conclude that MJ did not prearrange this portion of the hoax as to leave Day One up to chance is EXCEEDINGLY risky. If the immediate players are not all aware what is going on, the hoax could have been found out from the get go and then where would that leave him? 20+ years of planning down the tube? <br /><br />Additionally supporting the idea that the paramedic team was prearranged, how could it be ensured that a team of paramedics not in on it ahead of time would concede to Murray that the "obviously" dead corpse go to UCLA instead of to the morgue? What if they refused as the idea was preposterous? What if there was bitter arguing? What if the leader of the paramedic team called his superiors? What if he put his foot down and said NO WAY JOSE??<br /><br />And again, as someone stated earlier, we have the ambulance backing out of the driveway, which is super dooper questionable, as this is just not how it is done under any circumstances. And as no one has brought up, the doors of the ambulance needed to be SHUT before entering UCLA, and we see them wide open as the paramedics wheel the stretcher into the ER. A professional paramedic team would shut these doors this as protocol. Ambulance doors are not left wide open upon completing delivery at the ER. There is a great deal of sensitive, expensive equipment in there and standard operating procedure is that doors get SHUT once the patient is unloaded. There's 4 guys there. All 4 are not needed to push the stretcher. This is one reason there are always more then 2 paramedics attending. One person needs to be loose so they can cover tasks such as this which are necessary and normal.<br /><br />So if you follow the trail of bread crumbs, I believe we can conclude that the paramedic team is prearranged. Key people in key places. One of those key people must be in a position of authority at LAFD to ensure that the prearranged team is the one who responds. It has to be someone in authority as the call was staged and in order to get a response to a staged call, a superior at LAFD has to approve the team being dispatched. A paramedic team can't just elect to go galavanting around LA in an ambulance "just because" they feel like it.<br /><br />And again, IF the paramedic team is prearranged, there is no need to "fool" them with a real corpse.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I must agree with your logic once again bec.  IF the 911 call wasn't real then a REAL emergency response isn't likely.  We know there was an ambulance used to stage the photo - so we can reason that the same one was used for June 25.  The photo itself (on the surface) shows the patient was not a hospice-type patient.<br /><br />Obviously there is something about Blount - we are to believe he wasn't scheduled for that shift but if he was part of the plan then re-arranging his schedule makes sense.  <br /><br />TS:<br />
    The hoax was planned with 3 layers of protection: <br />#1 Have everyone be in on the hoax, who is planned to be most directly working with the body.<br />#2 Have a real patient, just in case someone gets in the mix who was not originally planned to be there.<br />#3 If all else fails, have the FBI on standby to keep quiet anyone who might find something out that they were not intended to know.
    <br /><br />Point #3 - theoretically with the FBI on hand to keep people quiet if need be - that argument works with a dummy too.  See a dummy?  No you didn't.  Ok, understood.<br /><br />Point #1 would include the paramedics.  Also doctors and coroner.<br /><br />Just a random thought - if a dummy was used and someone at UCLA saw it was a dummy who wasn't supposed to, that person could've been reasoned with that it was a decoy, for MJ's privacy he was brought somewhere else.  On that day, with all that confusion, how would an unplanned witness know what's really going on?  I realize this might sound silly.<br /><br />TS, I realize that you may be playing devil's advocate in regards to the corpse theory.  If that's the case then you can see some of us are trying hard to debunk it.  <br /><br />
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    <br />wow, so many sharp minded people here! I like your interpretations, although, sometimes it is hard to stay on track with so much reading  :icon_geek:<br />My humble personal opinion is that there were both real corpse and dummy ( due need of situation).<br /> I believe that real corpse was used with special agreement of involved dying person. <br /><br />
  • Just a note:<br /><br />the word alleged can be considered a hedge word (hedging on the meaning of a statement).<br />It can be a form of media protection against legal repercussions.<br />Statement analysis shows hedge words can be used to avoid responsibility and evade the truth.<br /><br />sources:<br />grammar.about.com/od/tz/g/verbhedterm.htm<br />deceptionanalysis.com/hedge_words.html<br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1353519819:
    <br />I must agree with your logic once again bec.  IF the 911 call wasn't real then a REAL emergency response isn't likely.  We know there was an ambulance used to stage the photo - so we can reason that the same one was used for June 25.  The photo itself (on the surface) shows the patient was not a hospice-type patient.<br /><br />Obviously there is something about Blount - we are to believe he wasn't scheduled for that shift but if he was part of the plan then re-arranging his schedule makes sense.  <br /><br />TS:<br />
    The hoax was planned with 3 layers of protection: <br />#1 Have everyone be in on the hoax, who is planned to be most directly working with the body.<br />#2 Have a real patient, just in case someone gets in the mix who was not originally planned to be there.<br />#3 If all else fails, have the FBI on standby to keep quiet anyone who might find something out that they were not intended to know.
    <br /><br />Point #3 - theoretically with the FBI on hand to keep people quiet if need be - that argument works with a dummy too.  See a dummy?  No you didn't.  Ok, understood.<br /><br />Point #1 would include the paramedics.  Also doctors and coroner.<br /><br />Just a random thought - if a dummy was used and someone at UCLA saw it was a dummy who wasn't supposed to, that person could've been reasoned with that it was a decoy, for MJ's privacy he was brought somewhere else.  On that day, with all that confusion, how would an unplanned witness know what's really going on?  I realize this might sound silly.<br />TS, I realize that you may be playing devil's advocate in regards to the corpse theory.  If that's the case then you can see some of us are trying hard to debunk it. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />I would buy it :) Sounds logic to me
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Additionally, pulled out of the memory banks, the LAFD had some sort of Twitter/blog/equivalent online where their days schedule was posted as per normal; calls they attended, etc. In the weeks following 6/25/09, this record was accessed by a hoaxer and shared on the forum. MJ's emergency never made it onto that schedule. No LAFD response to Carrolwood or anywhere else was recorded for the early afternoon of 6/25/09. Again, this is just from memory, and I would have no idea how to re-access this info. Those were the days before I knew how to take a screenshot,  much less thought it necessary to do so. I had no idea then what I was getting into now.<br /><br />So it can be disregarded as evidence, since I can't prove it, but considering I saw it and remember it, it has gone into the big mixing pot out of which has resulted in my pet theories today.<br /><br />If this were a real emergency response and a real dead body, it would have been recorded like every other real call on LAFD log.<br /><br />So again, who is an alleged real dead body supposed to fool? What's the motive?<br /><br />Once at UCLA, if they REALLY needed a corpse, there's plenty to be had within the walls of the hospital, completely erasing the trouble and risk of getting one INTO Carrolwood in order to transport it out of there.<br /><br />HOWEVER, what's the chances of finding and procuring a dead body on 6/25/09 that looks enough like MJ to masquerade as his body for personnel not in on the hoax? Even if the facial features don't match (people can be convinced that stage makeup results in MJ's public appearance), what's the chances that someone of the right age, body type/size, gender, and race died close enough to noon on 6/25/09 of some cause that doesn't reveal itself on the surface (stabbing, gunshot, other injury) to be accepted by ER staff operating under the premise that this is a patient who recently died of Propofol intoxication/heart failure?<br /><br />TS, I think you, yourself laid out those statistics over a year ago. Long odds to be sure.<br /><br />If we are going to dismiss all of these concerns by saying "well the FBI was in charge and they made it all work" then why even bother with all the 911 call/ambulance/paramedics/UCLA docs in the first place? Why can't the FBI just make it so that MJ "died" and that's that? No one needs to see the show that occurred on 6/25/09. Who's supposed to be fooled by all this if the FBI is in charge??<br /><br />The Media, the Public, and the FANS, that's who, and a dead body isn't necessary to fool any of them.<br /><br />So again, we lack motive for the trouble of a real corpse.
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1353522095:
    <br /><br />HOWEVER, what's the chances of finding and procuring a dead body on 6/25/09 that looks enough like MJ to masquerade as his body for personnel not in on the hoax? Even if the facial features don't match (people can be convinced that stage makeup results in MJ's public appearance), what's the chances that someone of the right age, body type/size, gender, and race died [size=14pt]close enough to noon on 6/25/09 [/size] of some cause that doesn't reveal itself on the surface (stabbing, gunshot, other injury) to be accepted by ER staff operating under the premise that this is a patient who recently died of Propofol intoxication/heart failure?<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />And don't forget Rigor Mortis stands in within the first 2 to 6 hours after the patient deceased.
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    on 1353517578:
    <br />And again, IF the paramedic team is prearranged, there is no need to "fool" them with a real corpse.<br />
    <br /><br />That's right, but as TS said, only if nothing changes unexpected ( shift changing...)
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I also assumed when TS said "what went to ULCA" instead of "who went to ULCA" he was talking about a dummy. He could have even said "who/what" but because he only said "what went to ULCA" I was assuming he was talking about an inanimate, lifeless object. I would never refer to a dead body as "what". I do believe the dummy theory is very plausible. I've been to a madame tussauds wax museum, and those are spot on. With the special effects/technology we have today, I'm very sure they could make a "dead" MJ out of wax. However in this case I do believe paramedics would have to be in on it... unless the FBI or someone who was in on the hoax with authority told the paramedics that they were going to have dummy/wax version of MJ to confuse paparazzi while MJ's real body was at a different hospital (when actually MJ's real body was in Bahrain (or wherever)).  :icon_question: :Pulling_hair:
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1353522095:
    <br /><br />If we are going to dismiss all of these concerns by saying "well the FBI was in charge and they made it all work" then why even bother with all the 911 call/ambulance/paramedics/UCLA docs in the first place? Why can't the FBI just make it so that MJ "died" and that's that? No one needs to see the show that occurred on 6/25/09. Who's supposed to be fooled by all this if the FBI is in charge??<br /><br />The Media, the Public, and the FANS, that's who, and a dead body isn't necessary to fool any of them.<br /><br />So again, we lack motive for the trouble of a real corpse.<br />
    <br /><br />I just went for a long walk to give this corpse thing another assessment - and I rejected it once again!<br /><br />Along the lines of what bec said above, I came to the conclusion that there was no need to go through the whole 911 call, paramedics, ambulance, UCLA palaver in order to achieve a perfectly good death hoax.  All the other parts like dodgy doc Murray, drugs, trial etc could have happened with a simple 'Murray found MJ dead and the body was picked up by the coroner' scenario.<br /><br />So, I'm left asking WHY did MJ decide to 'die' this way, with all the accompanying problems of corpses, dummies or whatever, when it wasn't needed - and I conclude the events of 25th June were done this way for show, spectacle, drama, attention - ILLUSION.<br /><br />And look how successful this decision was, here we are, hoaxers 3 and a half years on STILL unable to work out just how he pulled it off!<br /><br />Can anyone come up with a better reason for kicking off the hoax the way he did?<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1353509266:
    <br />
    on 1353509012:
    <br />... continuing on my last post ...<br /><br />Notice also that many things were done, to confuse the appearance of the patient.<br /><br />Blount: “he had an IV attached to his leg”, a “nasal cannula … attached to his nose”, “a condom catheter attached to him”; “and all of that was in place, when” Blount “first saw Mr. Jackson”; and Blount “described Mr. Jackson as being very pale and very thin”<br />{~0:50, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wh0omtmt-E; see also ~12:00, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ03Oo_ppjg}<br /><br />“[Senneff:] The patient was dressed with pajama bottoms, a pajama top; the top was open, the patient was wearing a surgical cap, or something similar, covering his hair; and he appeared to be underweight to me.” {~9:15, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_44lw6Y_FiQ}<br /><br />Edit: also a strap going under the chin, and around behind the ears and head (but don't ask me to find that one, maybe someone else can find it).<br /><br />“[Senneff:] … his eyes were open, they were dry, and his pupils were dilated.”<br />{~3:45, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mbf1uQikbQ}<br /><br />“Richard Senneff testified when he arrived at MJ's house and saw MJ, he looked like a hospice patient – extremely frail.” {http://www.tmz.com/2011/01/11/michael-jackson-doctor-conrad-murray-preliminary-hearing-trial-witness-propofol-death-week1/}<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Edit: also a strap going under the chin, and around behind the ears and head[/size] (but don't ask me to find that one, maybe someone else can find it).<br />
    <br /><br />Yes indeed TS it is time consumming to back things up with hard evidence so maybe that I can help you here a tiny bit  :icon_lol: in the following video they are talking about this^^: from 3:56 to 4:39 they are describing what a nasal cannula is:<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I think the 911 call serves the numerology and therefore it was essential to have one placed at that time 12:21 which proves combined with other points that it's a hoax. So as I see it as much as things had to be as real as possible, it was necessary to leave clues pointing to this being hoax, it had to be taken into account. Therefore the whole scenario is as such because of this. So if you need a 911 call you also need what follows when you call that number in real life.
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    To make it easier for everybody to get on the loop back and fully understand the impact, a staged 9II may be well explained through a staged 911 call and consecutive events. Numerology is a structuring ladder tool in this, not a purpose, IMO.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    @Sarahli, I thought about all the numbers/times etc while on my brainstorming walk earlier!  I decided they could have been placed in ANY scenario, not simply the one we were presented with.  Also as long as numbers/times etc were reported and documented, and therefore available to be referenced later, it really doesn't matter whether the events actually took place or not, and at those times or not.<br /><br />Is that similar to what you mean @ellyd, by 'numerology is a structuring ladder tool in this'?<br /><br />Increasingly today I'm thinking ILLUSION!
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Yes, curls. Reference and "first level support" rope to find the way through the foggy dark.<br />What would it take to expose a lie of such a caliber without being called a liar yourself?<br />You need to knit a story from A to Z alike but this time leave traces to find your way back from Z to A to make it understood how it worked. Then send out the scouts to experience it themselves. Words don't teach that dimension. <br />Nothing different we are doing here but going from Z to A with the help of our friends and pieces of rope and experience it ourselves.<br /><br />Add.: numbers do work - so IMO some key events HAD to take place on certain days / hours / minutes.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    If all the paramedics were not in on it and  Blount did come in on the day unexpectantly and was not aware of the hoax, I doubt that a dummy would fool an experienced paramedic like him, especially since he was the person inserting the endotracheal tube into the patient and the other procedures he had to perform that day. <br /><br />But as Andrea mentioned - I guess if the FBI are involved then they could tell him to keep his mouth shut if it was a dummy.<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TS<br />
    Senneff knew that the patient was not Michael JOE Jackson, and he also knew (or learned) that the patient was Michael JOSEPH Jackson...<br /><br />The hoax was planned with 3 layers of protection: <br />#1 Have everyone be in on the hoax, who is planned to be most directly working with the body.<br />#2 Have a real patient, just in case someone gets in the mix who was not originally planned to be there.<br />#3 If all else fails, have the FBI on standby to keep quiet anyone who might find something out that they were not intended to know.
    <br />Now we’re getting somewhere!<br /><br />
    on 1353536530:
    <br />If all the paramedics were not in on it and  Blount did come in on the day unexpectantly and was not aware of the hoax, I doubt that a dummy would fool an experienced paramedic like him, especially since he was the person inserting the endotracheal tube into the patient and the other procedures he had to perform that day. <br /><br />But as Andrea mentioned - I guess if the FBI are involved then they could tell him to keep his mouth shut if it was a dummy.<br />
    <br /><br />It all had to be as real as possible, to avoid unexpected exposure like Blount or public.  So hospice patient on life-support, plug pulled minutes before fake 911 call going to real 71 station, so 911 dispatcher at fake call location had to be in on it (TS's long dissertation on that).  Since only Blount and Sennef were the main ones working on the body, then perhaps only Sennef and chief who gives orders, would need to be in on it, as well as head doctor and head nurse at UCLA.  TS always said, "well placed key people".  Sennef was in the ambu pic, which was staged the previous day with the MJ dummy. Perhaps even the autopsy pics were taken "the other d..." as well.  There were reports from fans who waited regularly outside the house, that that night things were different, with different and more bodygaurds that usual, and the lights stayed on longer than usual.  The security tapes of vehicles coming and going, could have been FBI bringing in the life-support patient even then, but he would still be alive at that point.<br /><br />Adi, nice finding the other ‘MJ’ funeral, possible replacement body.<br /><br />
    The twin developments — the killing of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, one of the most wanted men in Mexico and the United States, followed by the theft of his corpse before authorities had even publicly identified it — left Mexican officials struggling on Tuesday to explain how a major blow against the nation’s criminal organizations could suddenly turn into an illustration of their persistent strength.
    <br />
    If it is not possible to bury a dead body in the ground, it may be kept in a vault or a coffin, instead.
    <br />it = what<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Also - was just pondering which paramedics are in or not in (all or just some):<br /><br />Wasn't Senneff the one who wrote the Paramedics Report with all the inconsistencies - wrong DOB, incorrect spelling of Michael's name etc, and from my trial memory his version of events regarding what was happening in the room when they arrived matched up with Alvarez's testimony (who I think is definitely in on the hoax) ?<br /><br />Not sure this proves either way, but thought it interesting.
  • on 1353528077:
    <br />
    on 1353522095:
    <br /><br />If we are going to dismiss all of these concerns by saying "well the FBI was in charge and they made it all work" then why even bother with all the 911 call/ambulance/paramedics/UCLA docs in the first place? Why can't the FBI just make it so that MJ "died" and that's that? No one needs to see the show that occurred on 6/25/09. Who's supposed to be fooled by all this if the FBI is in charge??<br /><br />The Media, the Public, and the FANS, that's who, and a dead body isn't necessary to fool any of them.<br /><br />So again, we lack motive for the trouble of a real corpse.<br />
    <br /><br />I just went for a long walk to give this corpse thing another assessment - and I rejected it once again!<br /><br />Along the lines of what bec said above, I came to the conclusion that there was no need to go through the whole 911 call, paramedics, ambulance, UCLA palaver in order to achieve a perfectly good death hoax.  All the other parts like dodgy doc Murray, drugs, trial etc could have happened with a simple 'Murray found MJ dead and the body was picked up by the coroner' scenario.<br /><br />So, I'm left asking WHY did MJ decide to 'die' this way, with all the accompanying problems of corpses, dummies or whatever, when it wasn't needed - and I conclude the events of 25th June were done this way for show, spectacle, drama, attention - ILLUSION.<br /><br />And look how successful this decision was, here we are, hoaxers 3 and a half years on STILL unable to work out just how he pulled it off!<br /><br />Can anyone come up with a better reason for kicking off the hoax the way he did?<br />
    <br /><br />The clear intention for Michael Jackson to pull the hoax the way he did is just to fool the media to play THEM the same way THEY did to him, he is trying to ridicule media the way THEY did to him, Michael in this case is like a teacher teaching the lesson once and for all, it's like saying to the whole world: don't believe what is written and don't believe what you see, it's well known that in this hoax illusion has played and is playing a major role so every scene of the ambulance / stretcher / paramedics / UCLA / helicopter etc is just an illusion and a major TRICK to show the world that everything can be manipulated to get to be seen the way some people wants us to see it. <br /><br />I am pretty sure that after this hoax the whole world is gonna respect Michael the way he deserves once and for all thanks to his big effort to expose the devilish behaviours.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1353538370:
    <br />Also - was just pondering which paramedics are in or not in (all or just some):<br /><br />Wasn't Senneff the one who wrote the Paramedics Report with all the inconsistencies - wrong DOB, incorrect spelling of Michael's name etc, and from my trial memory his version of events regarding what was happening in the room when they arrived matched up with Alvarez's testimony (who I think is definitely in on the hoax) ?<br /><br />Not sure this proves either way, but thought it interesting.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />The signature does look like it says Richard Senneff.  I would say this is a pretty good sign that he's in on it since he conveniently messed up the identity of his patient, "officially".<br /><br />jacko_letter1_2103_100626a.jpg
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1353514460:
    <br />
    on 1353511389:
    <br />With all respect, but you can't just pick a ((almost)death) patient out of an hospice to "act" as a dying MJ.<br />What about the family of the patient, or the (possible) pain and drama,this person was going through (the end of) his life?<br />You can't just "use" such a real person for this, that's rude.<br /><br />And seriously, what would the world think, when this comes out?<br /><br />"MJ used a hospice patient for his death hoax". Don't you think the people will think that MJ is crazier than they allready thought?<br />I'm sorry but I can't see how a used corpse can help him  to build up a better image for him as a person. ...
    <br /><br />Unfortunately, this kind of reasoning (which is not evidence, and would not hold up in a court of law) is what many people are using, as their MAIN reason to dismiss the corpse theory--and prevent them from candidly assessing some very obvious facts.  What if this was court, and these reasons were thrown out of court as emotional reasons and not admissible evidence, what would you have left?<br /><br />Furthermore, there are answers to these objections.  First of all, who says that the whole world is going to learn all the steps in how the hoax was accomplished?  Unless it is announced on major news, by the FBI or someone that the public would believe, then the public would be left merely to investigate the methods--if they wanted to (and most would not bother to investigate).<br /><br />Next, if there is a real criminal sting involved, then the FBI would have the final say in at least some phases of the hoax--including what went to UCLA on the stretcher.  So it would not be MJ's decision, and nobody could blame MJ even if they learned how it was accomplished.<br /><br />Third, and I think Souza and/or others found this in one of the previous levels: Death with Dignity answers a lot of questions about timing, and much more.<br />{http://www.deathwithdignity.org/}<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    The mission of the Death with Dignity National Center is to provide information, education, research and support for the preservation, implementation and promotion of Death with Dignity laws which allow a terminally ill, mentally competent adult the right to request and receive a prescription to hasten death under certain specific safeguards. We promote Death with Dignity laws based on our model legislation, the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, as a stimulus to nationwide improvements in end-of-life care and as an option for dying individuals. We accomplish our mission by working to defend and promote Death with Dignity laws in court and in the court of public opinion through our nonprofit Death with Dignity National Center [501(c)(3)], and by working directly with public policymakers through our affiliated Political Action Fund [501(c)(4)].
    <br /><br />http://www.deathwithdignity.org/aboutus<br /><br /><br />You just want to say that a patient with a terminal illness may choose the day and the hour of his death', but as I am reading this applies to the states of Oregon and Washington and the events of June 25 occurred in California<br />
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I still think that there is a good chance that Michael Joe Jackson created the "character"  the KOP Michael Joseph Jackson, and all the "Hoopla" that has surrounded his life, so that at the completion of his THRILLER, real life 30 yr Hoax/ARG/Mission/Education/bible study/Conspiracy/Movie...he could Resurrect Himself, Michael the man, so that he can awaken the world to all the LIES we have been "spoon fed" for Centuries and BeLIEved in. I think this is truly going down in History as the Greatest Demonstration for our personal Freedoms! I agree that we have all been Living  a real life "Truman show", but the end/Beginning is all about "US", that is what truly will matter in the end! People will finally realize the truth about Michael, but more importantly about themselves!<br /><br />From this point on, we will ALL look at our lives very differently, we will then realize that this is truly a mission of LOVE first and foremost! Change is what is important, Michael's life long mission, is about bringing Peace, Unity and LOVE back to humanity, because it is TIME...Time for the old "materialistic and Greedy" ways of man, to end, as we usher in the new Beginning...The Hoax is just Michaels way of saying "I LOVE and care about each and every one of you enough to "die" for you, in order to bring about real change, and I will entertain you like no other while we get ready for the next Phase.<br /><br />TS, I tend to Believe that there are a lot more people involved in this hoax/ARG, then you "lead" people to beLIEve! In fact, I think half of Hollywood and the Music and entertainment industry are now taking part in this!!! I see and connect "dots" everywhere now!! TV , music movies...Michaelisms are everywhere!!! All Michael had to do is get people to sign contracts not to "reveal" the TRUTH!! This is a MASSIVE undertaking, and Michael knows all the right people in the right places, that would just LOVE to help him on a mission of this Scale!!! <br /><br />Don't get me wrong, I don't claim to have all the answers, and I could be wrong, but if I am wrong, then that would mean that all of Hollywood is EVIL and that they had to have murdered MJ and that means that they are running this hoax...that would mean we are all doomed!...well, I for one don't Believe that for one second...NO WAY JOSE!! :LolLolLolLol: No siree Bob, this is the Creation of a Genius, with a Heart of Gold, and the ULTIMATE GOAL IS FOR LOVE!!!<br /><br />Michael is going to change the world, with help from friends in high places (and all over places  :LolLolLolLol:), but we as individuals still need to do the "Internal" work ourselves!  <br /><br />I could be totally wrong about the 2 Michaels, as I still Believe that it is possible that Michael just played both characters himself...but I do believe that we have seen an awful lot of "Decoy" Michael's over the years...like strategically placed Michaels for "Media" purposes, to "USE" them in the long run!!<br /><br />All I know for 100% certainty is that the MOST important factor in all of this is Bringing LOVE and Peace back to humanity,  even if it is one Soul at a time...It's all for LOVE, and L.O.V.E.<br /><br />Many "paths", but ONE Destination in the end/beginning!    :bearhug:<br /><br />You know that I LOVE each and every one of you...with all my Heart and Soul, for we are ONE, we were never separate, and soon we will come to remember this...some of us already have!! Anyway Family...Keep the Faith and spread a little LOVE and Kindness to someone in need...that is how we change the world! Blessings!!<br /><br />Michael...LOVE you Brother...you probably know the rest by now!! Don't shoot me down if I am wrong in my observations...I don't claim to know what you look like as I have never met you face to face, but I do feel I know your Heart, as it is my own, and that is all that truly matters to me in the Big Picture!! I will always treasure the fact that I carry you with me wherever I go...You are a part of me!! Thank you...LOVE you More!!<br /> :bearhug:
  • the question is if the 911 call is staged (which is perhaps true because Albert Alvarez's voice is clearer than the paramedic/operator), and if the paramedics are all in it, then why would they even need a corpse. A dummy would do just fine.<br /><br />And if the 911 call was staged, and suppose, Blount was not "in it" then Blount would know that there wasn't any call, he would know right then and there that this was all fake.<br /><br />as Bec said:<br />
    on 1353517578:
    <br /><br />I agree it is not logical to conclude that MJ did not prearrange this portion of the hoax as to leave Day One up to chance is EXCEEDINGLY risky. If the immediate players are not all aware what is going on, the hoax could have been found out from the get go and then where would that leave him? 20+ years of planning down the tube? <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />this leaves us with the only possibility that EVERYTHING was arranged before-hand.<br /><br />But if these guys, that is senneff, Blount, Goodwin, herron, and mills were all involved wouldn't the other paramedics know that whatever was going on at MJ's house was not true? <br />
  • 02b15-9f6fd695-d199-414e-ad4c-d5c060d5e3a7.png<br /><br /><br />if the 911 call is staged, is it possible that they make the call appear on the screen this way? or, this is also staged/pre-arranged.<br /><br />and, if the paramedics are in the hoax, UCLA, coroner and others are all in the hoax, then who is the target of sting?<br />One department for sure is the media. But i definitely don't think that sting is 'limited' to the media...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1353537721:
    <br />It all had to be as real as possible, to avoid unexpected exposure like Blount or public.  So hospice patient on life-support, plug pulled minutes before fake 911 call going to real 71 station, so 911 dispatcher at fake call location had to be in on it (TS's long dissertation on that).  Since only Blount and Sennef were the main ones working on the body, then perhaps only Sennef and chief who gives orders, would need to be in on it, as well as head doctor and head nurse at UCLA.  TS always said, "well placed key people".  Sennef was in the ambu pic, which was staged the previous day with the MJ dummy. Perhaps even the autopsy pics were taken "the other d..." as well.  There were reports from fans who waited regularly outside the house, that that night things were different, with different and more bodygaurds that usual, and the lights stayed on longer than usual.  The security tapes of vehicles coming and going, could have been FBI bringing in the life-support patient even then, but he would still be alive at that point.<br />
    <br /><br />This is murder. It is against the law to "pull the plug" on a person on life support in the United States unless a doctor and the family agree and the person does not have prearranged alternative wishes on file with their lawyer. Washington and Oregon are the only two states that allow assisted suicide and then there are a thousand legalities involved with lawyers n doctors n etc. And really? To time that with MJ's numerology for his fake death stunt? There's no way on Earth that can be explained as being in the best interest of the patient. There's no chance in a billion that 12:15pm-ish on 6/25/09 is exactly and precisely when this person's quality of life diminished to the precise point when death was preferable to life and "pulling the plug" became in the patient's best interest to do. <br /><br />Referring to evidence that would stand up to lawyers in court, if this were brought into a trial I would expect it would be argued that MJ put his wishes and his project's best interests before the best interests of a sick and dying man. By insisting on a fairly rigid time schedule for his project requiring death, MJ would either cause undo suffering by forcing the patient to stay alive and potentially suffering when death would be kinder; Or it would be argued that MJ caused undo suffering by ending the life (murder) of a person who's body wasn't quite ready to pass on. Depending on the circumstances, the argument would be difficult to the point of improbability to assert that MJ's numerologically timed hoax project would be found to be more important than, and take precedence over the hospice care and end of life decisions for another human being.<br /><br />If we go with the FBI explanation, we have to accept that the FBI is doing some massive sting operation and enlisting MJ's help. As part of his help he has to "die" and they have to stage his death with a real body. The FBI authorizes a person to be taken off life support on a prearranged day and pose as dead MJ to fool everyone including emergency personnel. The FBI further authorizes that this is to occur at precisely MJ's directed numerology time table, down to the exact minute, on his orders only? Why would the FBI authorize what is considered murder in the State of California on a time schedule that satisfies MJ's numerology equations for a sting operation?<br /><br />And again, speaking of RISK, as in, it's too risky for MJ to go to UCLA that day (even though he needed to get out of Carrolwood somehow sooner or later), it's got to be a million times riskier for the "MJ body" to possibly come into personal contact with anyone not in on it from start to finish that day. MJ is clearly not dead but the story needs to be that he is, so they need to go through all the motions of this prearranged public display (Illusion, exactly, curls!), from start to finish exactly as planned with NO obstructions, NO do-overs, and NO one saying no.<br /><br />What if someone said NO? As in "NO I'm not working on an obviously dead corpse and btw, are we SURE this is Michael Jackson?" What if when pressed this someone got angry and said "forget it, this is crazy, i'll not be a part of it", and walked OUT? And what if they had a big mouth and told everyone what a cluster fuq the whole thing was and how obviously this guy wasn't MJ and how obviously it was a long dead body out of the morgue or something, and blah blah blah...?? Then what?<br /><br />Then it's over, or at least it super ruined, or you need serious damage control STAT.<br /><br />Seems to me everyone who's hands on and first person needs to be in on it. He needs total control in this department. The 911 call is almost certainly staged and that means a prearranged paramedic team. If someone got sick or whatever, they'd just leave that person out, not throw some new, unprepared, unknowing person in the mix, that's a recipe for disaster. As it is, they had 3 alternates, lol. They didn't NEED 5 guys. 4 would have worked in the scenario we saw.<br /><br />If everyone's in on it, they don't need a corpse at all. They just need something to toss around and make it feel real for retelling, and also to fool the casual glance. An MJ dummy is perfect. It also solves the helicopter scene problem of seemingly weightlessness of the "body" and rigid feet. Also explains descriptions such as; can't find a vein, dry eyes that don't dilate, eyes open, fixed stare, no pulse, "someone who has been down (not "dead", "deceased", or "unresponsive", but down) a long time", lifelessness: all describe a dummy very well.
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