TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • Dear BTC...I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU  :bearhug:<br /><br />
    Likewise, a dummy carries some risk (as do all the options).  There would be the risk of 'it' being seen by someone who wasn't in the know...it definitely wouldn't fool a trained EMT who wasn't in the know...and it would be very difficult to explain away IF the need arose due to 'unknown' variables taking place, like WHY there is a dummy not only laying there but also being worked on while Mike is supposedly dying or dead somewhere else in the house?  Or who had the 'forethought'...in an emergency situation...to go find the 'dummy' to replace Mike for a distraction?  Why would there be a need for a distraction at Carolwood, his home, IF he was really dying?  Same issue with the transport....ANYTHING going wrong enroute to UCLA could potentially lead to those NOT in the know discovering a 'dummy' in the ambulance.  Would Mike or the FBI leave all that to 'chance'?  Also, would REAL resources (EMT's, ambulance, doctors, hospital space) have been used for a 'dummy'...while they could've been used for what they are meant to...REAL emergencies?
    <br /><br />this is what i exactly wanted to convey...small errors might lead to big failures, especially in a plan as vast as this hoax.<br /><br />If there is a corpse it has to be provided by the UCLA (imo) because DWD doesn't make sense when it comes to California Law.<br /><br />i'm still shifting from dummy to corpse and corpse to dummy...but at this point corpse is convincing me...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1353947983:
    <br /> What if the guy (the one who's NOT in it) revealed to the press (for $$$ or whatever reason) that the stories about paramedics not finding the pulse in the Carolwood home itself was not true, he was very much alive while heading towards Carolwood, there's something fishy and all. Not that this guy's suspicions about the whole scenario would matter, but it would still mean that someone who's not supposed to know has/had 'smelt the rat' ...<br />
    <br /><br />You're right, of course, but this would be an ever present risk with any of the available scenarios. What if the Not-In-On-It-Guy noticed that the body didn't look like MJ and smelled a rat? What if the NIOIG noticed the body wasn't real and smelled a rat? What if the NIOIG noticed there wasn't anything on the stretcher and smelled a rat? I think this would be an unavoidable risk regardless of which scenario they went with and the multiple conflicting stories planted and "leaked" were in part to address this potential problem. With so many stories flying around (as well as the preposterous notion of a death hoax implanted in the collective mind of the world thanks to the precedent set in pop culture history by Elvis 30 years prior- but that's another topic), they seemed prepared to meet this particular risk head-on in a full out strategic propaganda campaign defensive-offense.<br /><br />Who's going to listen to Joe-Blow-Nobody when Cherilyn Lee, Jermaine Jackson, Shifty-Eyed-Klein, Incredible Lou Ferigno, Lisa Marie Presley, Miko Best Friend Brando, and Bumbling Old Joe Jackson (and more!) are ready, willing, and champing at the bit to blab their heads off about MJ and the death to who ever will put a microphone in front of them. MJ flooded the media with information, making their job alluringly easy. The Press didn't have to go looking for the stories, the stories FLOCKED to the Press.<br /><br />Hearing stories of drugs and desperation and possible scandals at EAG and possible Murray having phone sex while MJ is dying incompetence and condom catheters and who's the real father of MJ's kids is VASTLY more "interesting" to the corporate media looking to $ell a $tory then "MJ coughed on the stretcher" --especially when the media is being bombarded with stories from MJ "insiders".<br /><br />In fact, considering this valid risk, Real MJ coughing (or doing something else that obviously indicates life) would be the least sexy story to attempt to go to the media with when compared to any of the other options. So this guy saw that Real MJ wasn't dead yet? So? He's dead (by the time of the story telling) now. Considering the alternative: "what was supposed to be Real MJ wasn't... a "it looked like someone else/a decomposing body/a dummy/there was nothing on the stretcher" story might actually attract the wrong kind of attention, even when experiencing a full-on media blitz of info from the MJ camp.<br /><br />Speaking of Real MJ being the least risky option, I think Real MJ would also be the least risky option to use in case of ambulance accident. It's supposed to be Real MJ in the ambulance, in unknown condition (at that time)... and it IS Real MJ in unknown condition (just fine-but you can't tell that just by looking). The stretcher gets transferred once the relief ambulance shows up and they continue on the UCLA. A little late maybe but they are leaving an hour+ for "working" on him in the ER so they have time to be flexible here before slated TOD @2:26pm (DEADline haha).
  • In any scenario there are going to be people outside the hoax that will get suspicious.  No way to avoid all the pitfalls.  Anytime something is reported to have happened that is not 100% factual, there will be some margin for error. Even if it is true someone is going to feel something is up, especially if they believed the hype about Michael’s finances, not showing up for rehearsals, etc.  If Michael had been planning this for all the time we are assuming he had, then he would have known that in advance and took measures to ensure the lease risk of being found out. How he went about assuring that, I have no clue.  But that he would have done it I feel almost positive.  I still remain in the minority of believing this hoax involved other issues rearing its ugly head causing the hoax to go forward earlier than perhaps planned.  But who knows for sure?  Michael  :moonwalk_:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    To add to my post, with all the prior stories planted about MJ's "temperament" for faking illness or exaggerating his medical needs or canceling appointments last minute to get out of obligations, the notion that perhaps he's faking it was almost encouraged at first. The thought was already present in people's minds initially on 6/25/09. It was Jermaine's announcement that made MJ's death finally real for the public. People who arrive at the ER alive can die of heart problems even under the best of care, people who are drug addicts, same. MJ could have been alive going to the ER and died anyway, happens all the time and this information being leaked to the media by someone not involved but happened to witness something should not risk the hoax. An unauthorized witness is not likely to "crash" the hoax and bring everything to a screeching halt, they would be more likely to witness it quietly and then share what they saw later with others. For example, who is going to be outwardly and publicly disrespectful of anyone being transported in an ambulance? Do we really think someone is going to see MJ cough or blink or even roll over  on the stretcher and finger point and yell out: "HE'S FAKING, HE'S NOT DYING, HE'S FINE!!" Considering human nature, that's extremely unlikely, and also considering human nature, if it DID happen, anyone who witnessed this outburst would be most likely to think the finger pointer were a little crazy, if not exceedingly rude and callous.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />MJ faking his death is risky, no matter how it was done.  I'm sure many of the "what ifs" were considered in the planning of the hoax and maybe it didn't go exactly as planned but he pulled it off.  The media reported he died and the world believed it and still does.  Over-speculating on all the things that could have gone wrong is not going to change the outcome that has already happened.  There was no way to plan this hoax that was risk free.  Failure was not an option for MJ or anyone on his team.  MJ being there allows him to make the split-second decisions that may have been required for any unknown variables.  He can play dead for the short stints that he has to.  And you're right bec, anyone who may have thought they saw something suspicious would be drowned out by the roar of "death" confirmations by the people who "matter".<br /><br /><br />
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Ok.....so I posted these two videos over on the thread about Ben's interview.  I am going to post them here as well, only becasue we are talking about the ambulance and paramedics here too.  TS asked "what" went to UCLA....I'd like to know which day he means?  If you play these two videos side-by-side, try and get them to fit your screen...get them playing as close to timing of the ambulance backing out as you can....you can plainly see that the people are in different spots.  Namely, the taller paramedic that helps back out the ambulance by hand signals.  If you stop the TMZ/Starline video about :09 he is in mid-street when the ambulance backs out.  In the HollywoodTV video, stop about :51 he is clearly at the end of the driveway fairly close to the ambulance already.  Also the gentleman in the suit (security, I guess), is in different spots. <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />The thought of green screening has come to mind as well.  If green screen was used on one of these videos (I am thinking the TMZ one), would it matter if there was anything or anyone on the stretcher?  <br />we also have been shown this video from Ben....it shows the stretcher apparently being loaded.  However, I can't figured how in the world that particular view would be obtainable. How would a fan be covering up the "peep hole" anyways? He also talks about the employees leaving.  (Lol.....the lady that clearly walks out of the gate, in front of the camera and the world......Michael, that you?  :icon_geek:)  This video also shows that paramedic again, closer up near the ambulance.  <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />I am such a visual person, seeing these videos again, while talking about this stuff helps me sort it out......<br />Brilliant posts....I need to go back a re-read them.  BTC....fascinating thoughts as usual! <br />Great info too on the life insurance stuff......it's SO confusing.....really not my forte.  <br /><br />OK...back to coffee and reading.....thanks guys...you all are quite amazing!<br />TS.....I am beginning to think you were the one on the stretcher.......just kidding love.  <br />The thought of all this being "started" by a single tweet has also crossed my mind.  Perhaps...nothing we saw on June 25th happened<br />on June 25th.  Perhaps it's ALL green screened or shot "the other day".....and the videos (all of them) were just released<br />to the media.  The crowds would have still gathered, the helicopter could have still taken off...but flew to nowhere.  The video<br />of the coroner's office arrival, along with the "in flight" video....all released to the media.  It was set off by a tweet only......<br />the tweet heard around the world.  Okkkkkkkk......I've gone around the bend, as Alice said in Alice in Wonderland.  <br />I'll go back to Christmas decorating now.........<br /><br />Blessings and thanks again for all these great posts!!!  <br />LOVE
  • What strikes a nerve in the Everstand video is that his initial thought was to call the papers to sell the photo :ghsdf: not about Michael’s condition.  No one was interested because Farrah had died.  Later of course Michael died.  Now they want to negotiate.  $$$$$$  Where is his emotion?  Oh, there wasn’t any.  It wasn’t real.  :animal0017:
  • But i do know that finding a corpse that looks like MJ within a week of the starting of the hoax....has REALLY LESS chances!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />Clearly that ambulance was in a rush.    :icon_e_confused:<br /><br />Not doing the ambulance run that day would be way too suspicious.  There had to be actual witnesses, and there were.  The maps lady Linda (who seems genuinely distressed in the video) is there everyday, I met her outside of Carolwood last year and the very first question she asked me was if I thought Michael was still alive, much to my delight.  Different camera angles are going to give different perspectives.  The two things that we've established with certainty is the ambulance photo was staged and the ambulance did go to Carolwood and UCLA on June 25th.<br />
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    If we consider the AR to be only partially wrong (find some truth in every lie), then this may be considered for "what" went to UCLA:<br /><br />traumagers.jpg<br /><br />http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/newsdesk/tmz_documents/0208_mj_case_report_wm.pdf<br /><br />Page 41 of the AR.<br /><br />I don't know if one can draw blood from a dead body, but as sphincters relax, the bladder would be empty and Ms. Fleak is in.<br />Which means either <br />- the samples are wrong (corpse & dummy theory) or<br />- the AR is wrong also in this aspect (all theories) or<br />- MJ peed into a cup (MJ alive theory).
  • ...or they used some of the pee already bottled in that room.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Arnie Klein told TMZ that MJ peed into cups.  Why he said that and if there's any truth to that is not determined but it definitely seems like a clue of some sort.  And it says the urine was collected from the "scene".<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(I'm going to add some off topic stuff here...Arnie Klein is a skin doctor and urine therapy is a known remedy for skin diseases and acne.  Older urine that has been sitting for 3 or 4 days will have a higher ammonia count which makes it more effective when applied to the skin.  It's been used in some cases to treat vitiligo because the ammonia helps even out the skin tone, making dark patches lighter.  There are numerous other uses for urine therapy, it can cure a variety of ailments "ranging from Arthritis, Cancer, Hepatitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Herpes and adrenal failure."  Remember that TMZ article claiming MJ had the "herpes cure, acne cures and arthritis cures". http://www.tmz.com/2009/09/18/jackson-estate-sued-over-herpes-cures/    Sorry for bringing this up again, I know it's irrevelant to the conversation and pure speculation.)
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1353333968:
    However, don't believe it just because I say so; go by the evidence that we have access to.  And that evidence includes the usage of the word "alleged" in the verdict.
    <br /><br />
    on 1353294619:
    However, if it was NOT only a movie, then there is a simple explanation for the "alleged"--to keep things legal, since Michael Joseph Jackson was not legally and actually a victim (he was merely an alleged victim).
    <br /><br />So this is the reason for "alleged" in the verdict. Now it is this?:<br /><br />
    on 1353700985:
    And these laws provide a very clear explanation for the word “alleged” in the verdict.  It would be inaccurate, if not illegal, to state that the DWD patient was a “victim” of manslaughter (which is a type of homicide); but the wording “alleged victim” made it perfectly accurate and legal.  On a side note: a dummy would not have any date of death, much less any need for an “alleged date” of death.
    <br /><br />Seems a contradiction.<br /><br />
    on 1322553638:
    I still do not ask anyone to accept anything, unless I back it up with evidence.
    <br /><br />
    on 1353507284:
    However, just because I say that things were done a certain way, does not mean that everyone will believe me--and in fact, it is good if people don't just take my word merely because I say so.  Nevertheless, it is hard and time consuming to back up what I say with strong evidence.
    <br /><br />
    on 1353512076:
    Although it's true that we should not gullibly believe everything we hear; on the other hand, it is also true that we should not reject everything we hear--merely because we can’t gullibly believe everything.  We should seriously consider taking things at face value, unless there is solid evidence otherwise.
    <br /><br />Regarding the Live MJ theory and possible motive for:<br /><br />
    on 1322551924:
    on 1322525986:
    <br />4 - Gives Michael hands on direction of his hoax.
    <br />Why would he need hands on direction, if it's all planned in advance?  What is there to direct?
    <br /><br />
    on 1353471560:
    Also agreed that the schedule picture may not have been current on 6-25-09, and schedules can change.  For the purpose at hand, though, it doesn't really matter; in fact, the point that schedules can change (even unexpectedly) is my main reason for bringing up Blount.
    <br /><br />
    on 1353515319:
    Instead, it is about the possibility that someone would show up (at the house, or at UCLA), who was not planned to be there and was not in the hoax.  This happens in real life; and it was a realistic possibility on 6-25-09, even if it was not highly probable.<br /><br />The hoax was planned with 3 layers of protection: <br />#1 Have everyone be in on the hoax, who is planned to be most directly working with the body.<br />#2 Have a real patient, just in case someone gets in the mix who was not originally planned to be there.<br />#3 If all else fails, have the FBI on standby to keep quiet anyone who might find something out that they were not intended to know.
    <br /><br />In between the lines it could all pertain to Real MJ.<br /><br />Taking everything at face value is accepting that MJ really did travel in ambulance 71 to UCLA ,and left there wrapped in a sheet via helicopter, ultimately being loaded into corner van and disappearing into a parking garage. That's the official story. That's where MJ was supposed to be at each point on 6/25/09. Each point containing a risk of discovery that it isn't MJ and he's not dead.<br /><br />Those are two different risks, though, at second thought.<br /><br />The first risk is pre-UCLA and within UCLA. Unauthorized people wandering in risk finding out that the patient isn't MJ. Finding out MJ isn't dead (yet) before 2:26pm wasn't much of a risk. As earlier discussed, people take a turn for the worse and end up dead all the time. Finding out the patient isn't MJ would be more risky because if this person subsequently dies (which they do) and it's though to not be MJ, then instantly it suggests hoax.<br /><br />The second risk is post UCLA when MJ is supposed to be dead. Post 2:26 pm, the risk of unauthorized discovery becomes that MJ isn't dead. If he moves or coughs in the helicopter and those guys are in on it, that's a problem. If someone sneaks a peak and he's clearly not dead inside that sheet, that's a problem. Meanwhile a decoy dead body (morgue has plenty available) is substituted it would be accepted as a decoy while the real thing (real dead MJ) is somewhere else.<br /><br />So maybe live MJ went in (to UCLA ER), but John Doe dead guy came out.<br />
  • If there was pee sitting around that room, it could’ve been anybody’s.  The thought that any was just sitting around in jars or cups or what ever is just nasty.  Unless of course, it serves the purpose of this hoax.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    We've been worrying about things going wrong, messing up the carefully planned events of the day, trying to choose the least risky scenario, as if there was one plan and it had to go right no matter what. Well, what if there had been many plans covering every conceivable unexpected occurence and what we actually saw/were presented with, was simply in response to what actually happened on the day, which may, or may not, have included responding to unexpected events?<br /><br />If any unforseen events had cropped up on 25th June, like ambulance accidents or unexpected people seeing 'something', couldn't there simply have been another 'script' to switch to - it didn't HAVE to be the way it was told to the world.  A planned series of explanations, testimonies, stories etc to cover all eventualities.  Could be the story the world was given (at the time and after, as in the trial) is quite simply the one that best fits what actually happened, whether that includes unforseen events or not.<br /><br />What I mean is, there could've been Plan A, then if such and such happened, let's switch to Plan B, e.g. MJ coughs or is spotted alive so let's change the story to have him alive at that point, only to die later.<br /><br />We really don't need to concern ourselves about things that may have gone wrong in any of the theories out there - if anything had 'gone wrong' (and maybe it did), then we would have been given a story that took that into account (and maybe we were).<br /><br />We've been trying to work out what happened based on the story we have been told, but how about looking at it slightly differently - we have the story that fits what actually happened on 25th June.  <br /><br />That doesn't mean MJ is dead - it means he was where he was reported to be, only alive.  I think we have collectively made things a lot more complicated than they need to be.<br /><br />The best illusions are usually simple - when you know how they were done!<br /><br />
  • @BTC, hahaha yeah it changes all the time for me too...and thanks BTW.<br /><br />So I still definitely think MJ had to leave the house on that day and that there need to be a switch at some point.<br /><br />TS was saying that a contingency would need to be in place in case a paramedic changed shifts, BUT if all paramedics were in on it then it would be made sure that all required paramedics were available that day including Sean Mills. Which gets me to think one of two things, either the shift change was made up or the shift change was a deliberate attempt to throw people off. <br /><br />It still either could be any of the scenarios except for nothing going to UCLA. It's pretty obvious on the board here that with all the theories a lot of scenarios have been thought of, a lot of good points for and against a theory has been thought of and all of the potential risks. No matter how hard we try we won't know what really happened and TS KNOWS THAT. If we want to even come close to figuring it out we're going to need some TRUTHFUL information. MJ created the biggest most complex illusion on June 25th as we know from obviously not getting any closer to the answers. He's masked what really happened with like 10 layers of smoke its so hard to know what to think, take what is true and disregard what is false when MJ mixed a batch of ingredients where you can't make sense of what's what anymore. And at the end of it TS 'so kindly' wants to serve the left overs (he was definitely not kidding) on a silver platter for us. Hmm what I'm tasting is just a little too processed for me.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If he moves or coughs in the helicopter and those guys are in on it, that's a problem. If someone sneaks a peak and he's clearly not dead inside that sheet, that's a problem. Meanwhile a decoy dead body (morgue has plenty available) is substituted it would be accepted as a decoy while the real thing (real dead MJ) is somewhere else.
    <br /><br /><br />Human beings are curious, there was a possibility that the people in the helicopter be  discover the corpse of the most famous artist of the world.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Obviously it's hard for us all to agree on one theory without all the missing pieces of the puzzle.....heck.....for all I know it was Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck on the stretcher that day  :icon_lol:<br /><br />It seems the only theory we agree that is discounted is that "nothing" went to UCLA that day and the dummy/corpse/Live MJ theories are still in the mix.<br /><br />I'm not sure we are ever going to come to a consensus because we all have such strong opinions about 1 theory or another and we have been trying to nut this out now for more than a week...actually a year. I have the feeling TS won't pop back in until Nov 29th 2012 ( :icon_e_wink: ) but happy to be wrong about that if it's before then :icon_mrgreen:<br /><br />btw - great post @BTC and @UYI - congrats on finishing your Uni course! hoooorrrayyy!!<br /><br /><br />
  • Great Brainstorming going on.  I know I haven't been too much help with this.  My mind keeps going to the "why" and not to the "how".  I thought I read that the driver is an unknown ?  Did anyone find out who the ambulance driver was ?  What if MJ was disguised as a driver or paramedic ?  Then anything could have been put on the stretcher when they got to the hospital (empty,live MJ,dummy,hospice patient).  IDK    :Pulling_hair:<br /><br />Congratulations UseYourIllusion.  You did it  :icon_e_smile:
  • on 1353975616:
    <br />Great Brainstorming going on.  I know I haven't been too much help with this.  My mind keeps going to the "why" and not to the "how".  I thought I read that the driver is an unknown ?  Did anyone find out who the ambulance driver was ?  What if MJ was disguised as a driver or paramedic ?  Then anything could have been put on the stretcher when they got to the hospital (empty,live MJ,dummy,hospice patient).  IDK    :Pulling_hair:<br /><br />Congratulations UseYourIllusion.  You did it  :icon_e_smile:<br />
    <br /><br />That's a funny idea but doubtful...lol.  I remember reading a story quite a while ago (a couple actually) that indicated that Michael wasn't necessarily the best wheel man out there...sorry Michael  :icon_e_confused: ...so I doubt that he'd pick that day of all days to jump behind a wheel and dust off his driving skills.  Of course on second thought...maybe that's why there were multiple attempts made to back the rig out of the driveway. :icon_e_wink:
  • crazy idea here, perhaps if fbi is involved they may have had time to prepare enough to make an agent appear as michael and then take his place. <br /><br />back into my little corner now.  :icon_pale:
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @Wish...I remember thinking about the green screen theory last year and thinking that IT would've been THE ultimate of illusions.  Having everyone think that everything we saw and, therefore, think we 'know' to have happened on June 25th actually didn't happen at all in real-time.  I also remember TS coming along and figuratively smacking us on the back of the head for entertaining the idea  :icon_lol:...and although I don't remember exactly what he said to debunk it (I'd have to go back and try to find it)...I do remember that his points made sense.  I haven't taken a look at the vids you posted yet but will.<br /><br />Still, as I said a few pages back....and what may end up being our 'error' (one of many lol)....we're taking certain events of June 25th as 'fact' that were either given to us by Ben (i.e. video with no date or time stamp), testimony from people we don't know whether they were telling the truth or following script, and statements from 'witnesses' that are full of discrepancies.  What's true, what 'fake'...who's in, who's not...what happened, what didn't...and on and on we go lol.  <br /><br />I do think we've tried our best to make sense of things...all throughout Level 7 and even still now.  But as Adi said...I don't think we're all going to agree, nor will we be able to figure it all out...since there are still pieces missing.  Because there are pieces missing, anything could've happened 'that day'.  <br /><br />I am interested to see how TS is gonna finish Level 7, though...and by Thursday lol.  Will we finally be 'sure' of a, b and c....or will we still be left, once again, scratching our heads by pulling our hair?  :icon_e_confused:<br /><br />Just a few days to go...<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • OT - Does anyone have a copy of the L A newspaper with Michael’s publicly placed obituary in it?  Usually placed the next day.  I’ve seen many mentions in different newspapers from all over the world.  I’ve seen like an autobiography written in the L.A. Times, but never the original notice that was placed by the family.  I’m sure I probably overlooked it in my grief stricken days.  I just wondered if anyone has a copy of the newspaper and can scan it here.<br /><br />Here are the 2 places Michael is buried according to Find A Grave:  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />  Jackson, Michael [cenotaph]    b. August 29, 1958  d. June 25, 2009<br />Musician, Entertainer. He was called the "King of Pop," and is best remembered for his revolutionary videos such as "Thriller" (1982), and "Dangerous" (1991), as well as two Guinness World Records: Most successful entertainer of all time (with 13 Grammy Awards, 13 Number One single hits in a solo career, and sales of over 750 million in albums worldwide), and for having the greatest selling album of all time ("Thriller"). He is also remembered for his trademark single sequined white glove, and...[Read More] (Bio by: Kit and Morgan Benson)<br />Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA<br />Plot: Near front entrance at first drive to right, in Section 6<br />http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=59849915<br /><br /><br />Jackson, Michael    b. August 29, 1958  d. June 25, 2009<br />Musician, Entertainer. He was called the "King of Pop," and is best remembered for his revolutionary videos such as "Thriller" (1982), and "Dangerous" (1991), as well as two Guinness World Records: Most successful entertainer of all time (with 13 Grammy Awards, 13 Number One single hits in a solo career, and sales of over 750 million in albums worldwide), and for having the greatest selling album of all time ("Thriller"). He is also remembered for his trademark single sequined white glove, and...[Read More] (Bio by: Kit and Morgan Benson)<br />Cause of death: Acute Propofol intoxication compounded by the effects of benzodiazapines or a benzodiazapine.<br />Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, USA<br />Plot: Great Mausoleum, Holly Terrace, Sanctuary of Ascension. This mausoleum is private and locked to the general public.<br /><br />http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=38746353<br /><br />
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1353986537:
    <br />OT - Does anyone have a copy of the L A newspaper with Michael’s publicly placed obituary in it?  Usually placed the next day.  I’ve seen many mentions in different newspapers from all over the world.  I’ve seen like an autobiography written in the L.A. Times, but never the original notice that was placed by the family.  I’m sure I probably overlooked it in my grief stricken days.  I just wondered if anyone has a copy of the newspaper and can scan it here.<br />
    <br /><br />I found two links online with the guestbook <br /><br />http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-jackson-obit26-2009jun26,0,3365554,full.story<br /><br />http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/latimes/obituary.aspx?pid=128911426#fbLoggedOut<br /><br />http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/latimes/guestbook.aspx?n=michael-jackson&pid=128911426&view=1<br />
  • on 1353988237:
    <br />
    on 1353986537:
    <br />OT - Does anyone have a copy of the L A newspaper with Michael’s publicly placed obituary in it?  Usually placed the next day.  I’ve seen many mentions in different newspapers from all over the world.  I’ve seen like an autobiography written in the L.A. Times, but never the original notice that was placed by the family.  I’m sure I probably overlooked it in my grief stricken days.  I just wondered if anyone has a copy of the newspaper and can scan it here.<br />
    <br /><br />I found two links online with the guestbook <br /><br />http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-jackson-obit26-2009jun26,0,3365554,full.story<br /><br />http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/latimes/obituary.aspx?pid=128911426#fbLoggedOut<br /><br />http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/latimes/guestbook.aspx?n=michael-jackson&pid=128911426&view=1<br />
    <br /><br />But are those family placed?  They sound more like commentaries the media wrote up.  The family one would be kind of general without listing all his accomplishments & referencing his trials and tribulations. 
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