END THE FED. Anonybook + Occupy LA 11/22/11

applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
edited November 2011 in News
END THE FED. Anonybook + Occupy LA 11/22/11 <br />
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<br /><br />[size=10pt]It is 11/22/11. 11 days after our initiation on 11/11/11, Anonybook joins forces with Anonymous, Occupy L.A., Ron Paul supporters, professors, students, artists, military veterans and other citizens in a slick op against the treasonous, criminal, terrrorist organization known as the Federal Reserve Bank.<br /><br />11/22/11. A very successful sacrament, this is merely the first of a series of rude awakenings in store for this draconian, international banking cartel.<br /><br />Special thanks to the Los Angeles Police Department for their professionalism, courtesy, cooperation and nonviolence: you have truly exhibited model police behavior for the rest of the nation...especially New York and UC Davis.<br /><br />END THE FED.[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]This video is very ,very important,is not odd,this is SERIOUS stuff  8-)!!! On one of the banner is written: End of Fed-BEGINING is near  :shock: !!!! People present there are cutting-off the MONEY in two and the police of Los Angeles is shooting EVERYTHING  :shock: .Pay attention at 2:38 ,one of the police is shooting with a camera that looks like the one Katherine Jackson had on TMZ article  :shock: !!! Almost at the end of video a girl is talking and she said that WE ARE ALL ONE , they are there for ONE REASON,TO LOVE and BE FREE  :'( :'( :'(  :'( ,so beautiful !!!!![/size]<br /><br />23w9teh.jpg<br /><br />


  • LMAO @ the police officer holding the camera, i didnt see that. Good catch Apple!! Do you see any more clues???
  • I saw this on Anonybook  ;D
  • on 1322353690:
    <br />LMAO @ the police officer holding the camera, i didnt see that. Good catch Apple!! Do you see any more clues???<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Iamambeliever please I apologise  :( !!!! My computer is KAPUT  crash/ crash/ crash/,  and I can't post very well  :(,please don't be upset with me,ok??? I think this is very important and we must comment as well this video.If you or Reveron can see more,please post ok??? Unfortunately now I have to go,family problmes,lol and is midnight here !!! Sleep well and PLEASE FORGIVE ME  :( !!![/size]<br /><br />forgive-every-thing.gif
  • Thanks for sharing this applehead.Those people are very brave,and they are doing a great job representing the 99%.I am very proud of them,and would love to be out there with them.The FED is going to crumple if we all spread this message and stop living in fear.We have God and Michael on our side,we cannot lose this battle.
  • [size=10pt]OMG is this for  real  afraid/ ,the American flag is all CUT  :shock:???? People are screaming :PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!!!<br />1,400 LAPD police for what  :?: ,people in the street are all so young  :cry:!!! Does any member here lives in Los Angeles?? Can anyone confirm this  :?: ????[/size]<br /><br />Occupy LA Evicted: You Cannot Evict An Idea <br />
  • Posted on Anonybook by Anonymous today:<br /><br />
    We Stand in Solidarity With Arrested Occupy LA Members Posted by Anonymous 11 hours ago<br /> <br />Some 300 Occupy LA members were arrested in last night's sweep of the encampment by LAPD riot police, and each has been held on an astonishing $5,000 bail.<br /><br />The unusually high bail amount is interpreted by many to be an attempt by the City to discourage the encampments in the future. We heartfully hope that no Occupy LA member was seriously injured in last night's chaos, though we have, indeed, heard reports of unwarranted brutality.<br /><br />We have learned a lot from this operation, which we shall be sharing soon. We observed critical errors made both by ourselves and others, but every learning experience is an opportunity for further mastery. Just being on the scene, trying to stay calm enough to hold a videocamera steady, avoiding running into other people and obstacles (and avoiding being run into by others!), scanning around constantly for tactically-discharged phalanxes of riot police, and processing cyclical waves of fear...is amazing, invaluable training.<br /><br />We salute Occupy LA -- and truly, all Occupiers everywhere, the world over -- for your daring, for your conviction, for your passion, for your commitment. An idea can't be evicted. You are forever heroes to us.
  • on 1322774977:
    <br />Posted on Anonybook by Anonymous today:<br /><br />
    We Stand in Solidarity With Arrested Occupy LA Members Posted by Anonymous 11 hours ago<br /> <br />Some 300 Occupy LA members were arrested in last night's sweep of the encampment by LAPD riot police, and each has been held on an astonishing $5,000 bail.<br /><br />The unusually high bail amount is interpreted by many to be an attempt by the City to discourage the encampments in the future. We heartfully hope that no Occupy LA member was seriously injured in last night's chaos, though we have, indeed, heard reports of unwarranted brutality.<br /><br />We have learned a lot from this operation, which we shall be sharing soon. We observed critical errors made both by ourselves and others, but every learning experience is an opportunity for further mastery. Just being on the scene, trying to stay calm enough to hold a videocamera steady, avoiding running into other people and obstacles (and avoiding being run into by others!), scanning around constantly for tactically-discharged phalanxes of riot police, and processing cyclical waves of fear...is amazing, invaluable training.<br /><br />We salute Occupy LA -- and truly, all Occupiers everywhere, the world over -- for your daring, for your conviction, for your passion, for your commitment. An idea can't be evicted. You are forever heroes to us.
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you Reveron ,I saw it on CNN also so.........[/size]
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