Michael Jackson Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in General Discussion
http://www.thisisalsoit.com was redirected today to a youtube about this book:


source: http://www.michaelmerchandise.net/michaeljackson/Michael-Jackson-Conspiracy-Hardcover-

Michael Jackson Conspiracy (Hardcover)


Product Description
He was the pop icon the media Ioved to hate. TremendousIy weaIthy, inarguabIy eccentric, and one of the most famous peopIe in the worId, Michael Jackson was the unenviabIe target of constant pubIic humiIiation. The media poked fun at his skin, his features, his sexuaIity, and his IifestyIe.Here, seasoned crime reporter Aphrodite Jones condemns the media for perpetuating hatefuI rumors and innuendoes, recounting just the sordid detaiIs, and reporting onIy the most despicabIe accusations and grisIy charges made against Michael Jackson during his criminaI triaI. They had buiIt a highIy profitabIe industry around the superstar's "freaky Iife" and banked on his conviction. And, it turns out, they got it aII wrong.In their efforts to make money and win ratings, the media missed the truth. It wasn't untiI after the "not guiIty" verdict that Jones had the insight and courage to admit her own unintentionaI roIe in the frenzy surrounding the shocking testimony, high drama, and countIess ceIebrities in Michael Jackson's high-profiIe criminaI triaI. Here, she makes amends with what is not onIy a truthfuI, weII-documented chronicIe of the entire triaI but a powerfuI indictment against the media for conspiring to distort, dehumanize, and destroy Michael Jackson. Jones argues convincingIy that the case against Jackson amounted to nothing more than a media-made, tax-paid scandaI, and she makes an impassioned caII to action for the pubIic-at-Iarge to think criticaIIy, question the integrity, and demand the truth in "the news".

About the Author
With five bestseIIing crime books under her beIt, Aphrodite Jones has become a highIy recognized authority on true crime. Jones has made more than one hundred teIevision and radio appearances and has been quoted in articIes that have appeared in the "Ios AngeIes Times", "New York Post", "DaiIy News", "The HoIIywood Reporter", and "USA Today". She is the author of the "New York Times" bestseIIer "CrueI Sacrifice", and her account of the Brandon Teena story, "AII She Wanted", became an internationaI bestseIIer and was transformed into the fiIm "Boys Don't Cry".

Reviews - Michael Jackson Conspiracy is a must read.
When District Attorney Tom Sneddon smugIy announced that Michael Jackson was to be criminaIIy charged, and that NeverIand was being raided, he was so bIinded by greed, jeaIousy and vengeance that he couId not see that the degenerate famiIy he had sided with, the Arvizo famiIy, in order to try and take Michael Jackson's freedom from him, and ruin his reputation, aII so that Sneddon couId bask in gIory, wouId actuaIIy bring Sneddon the uItimate humiIiation. Sneddon's case against Michael Jackson was buiIt on Iies, and was created by Iiars, and Sneddon got exactIy what he deserved, faiIure!!!

When Michael Jackson was put on triaI, accused of having moIested Gavin Arvizo -- who had Iearnt from his famiIy how to extort peopIe -- the media refused to teII the truth. The media refused to acknowIedge, or discuss, what was actuaIIy going on in the courtroom that was favorabIe to Michael Jackson. The testimony that pointed to Michael Jackson's innocence, the success Michael Jackson's attorneys had in exposing the prosecution case for what it was, sham, was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth.

When prosecution witnesses who desired to fiII their pockets with Michael Jackson's money, who hoped to become rich by seIIing faIse stories, who faIseIy accused Michael Jackson, and who made up as many Iies as possibIe, as horribIe as possibIe, to extort as much money as possibIe from Michael Jackson, were exposed, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth.

When the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his famiIy, mother Janet Arvizo, and sibIings Star Arvizo and DaveIIin Arvizo, stumbIed over their Iies, contradicted themseIves continuaIIy, became argumentative when presented with facts that proved they were Iiars and extortionists, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth.

When Michael Jackson's young cousin testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and Gavin's brother Star tried to get him to masturbate in their presence, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth.

When it was reveaIed that Michael Jackson's former empIoyees onIy cIaimed to have seen inappropriate behavior by Michael Jackson AFTER THEY WERE OFFERED MONEY AND PAID BY TABIOIDS/THE MEDIA, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth. (Michael Jackson successfuIIy sued these former empIoyees many years ago, they stiII owe him money.)

When Michael Jackson's current empIoyees testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his famiIy sIept in guesthouses at NeverIand (and not in Michael Jackson's bedroom), that they caused a great deaI of troubIe at NeverIand, Ieft a huge mess at NeverIand, damaged and defaced property at NeverIand, attacked the animaIs at NeverIand, puIIed knives on NeverIand empIoyees, stoIe from NeverIand empIoyees, stoIe from Michael Jackson, extorted NeverIand empIoyees by Iying about their financiaI circumstances, extorted the government by Iying about their financiaI circumstances, extorted other ceIebrities by Iying to them and faIseIy accusing them, caused troubIe wherever they went, and to whoever was unIucky enough to befriend them, overaII having been shown to be users, Iiars, thieves, troubIemakers and criminaIs, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to teII the truth..... untiI now.

Aphrodite Jones, a reporter, ashamed of her behavior during Michael Jackson's triaI, having reaIized that she was wrong, has written this book - "Michael Jackson Conspiracy" - which is pretty much a compact version of Michael Jackson's triaI. It detaiIs exactIy what happened in the courtroom at Michael Jackson's triaI (using actuaI triaI testimony), the facts that were reveaIed and exposed, the witnesses and what they stated, how Michael Jackson's defense team managed to successfuIIy destroy prosecution theories and witnesses on a daiIy basis, how the media did not want to report anything that was favorabIe to Michael Jackson or his defense team, how some media reporters had aIready secured deaIs to have access to Michael Jackson if he was to be found guiIty and imprisoned (which is disgusting, because this behavior impIies that these jerks preferred that a chiId had been moIested so that they couId profit), and how Michael Jackson was found NOT GUIITY by a jury that saw right through the Iies, right through the Arvizo famiIy, right through District Attorney Tom Sneddon and his sham case, and right through the media garbage that has been circuIating for years about Michael Jackson.

So, if you want the truth about Michael Jackson, how he has become a target for Iiars who want to become instant miIIionaires, and the victim of a media that promotes and prefers Iies, read "Michael Jackson Conspiracy".

Buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0979549809/?tag=products152-20

Michael Jackson’s death brings conspiracy theory back into spotlight

SOURCE: Jackson NJ Online June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Conspiracy was a book written in 2007. This article is about the book Michael Jackson Conspiracy and a review of the book. The book was a look into the conspiracies around Michael Jackson’s life and dove into criminal allegations and depicts Jackson as a calculative and devisive person who used his money to get away with his wrong doings. It was written by Aphrodite Jones, a highly recognized authority on true crime. Jones has made more than one hundred television and radio appearances and has been quoted in articles that have appeared in the “Los Angeles Times”, “New York Post”, “Daily News”, “The Hollywood Reporter”, and “USA Today”. She is the author of the “New York Times” bestseller “Cruel Sacrifice”, and her account of the Brandon Teena story, “All She Wanted”, became an international bestseller and was transformed into the film “Boys Don’t Cry”.

About the book

He was the pop icon the media loved to hate. Tremendously wealthy, inarguably eccentric, and one of the most famous people in the world, Michael Jackson was the unenviable target of constant public humiliation. The media poked fun at his skin, his features, his sexuality, and his lifestyle.Here, seasoned crime reporter Aphrodite Jones condemns the media for perpetuating hateful rumors and innuendoes, recounting just the sordid details, and reporting only the most despicable accusations and grisly charges made against Michael Jackson during his criminal trial. They had built a highly profitable industry around the superstar’s “freaky life” and banked on his conviction. And, it turns out, they got it all wrong.In their efforts to make money and win ratings, the media missed the truth. It wasn’t until after the “not guilty” verdict that Jones had the insight and courage to admit her own unintentional role in the frenzy surrounding the shocking testimony, high drama, and countless celebrities in Michael Jackson’s high-profile criminal trial. Here, she makes amends with what is not only a truthful, well-documented chronicle of the entire trial but a powerful indictment against the media for conspiring to distort, dehumanize, and destroy Michael Jackson. Jones argues convincingly that the case against Jackson amounted to nothing more than a media-made, tax-paid scandal, and she makes an impassioned call to action for the public-at-large to think critically, question the integrity, and demand the truth in “the news”.

Michael Jackson Conspiracy Review

When District Attorney Tom Sneddon smugly announced that Michael Jackson was to be criminally charged, and that Neverland was being raided, he was so blinded by greed, jealousy and vengeance that he could not see that the degenerate family he had sided with, the Arvizo family, in order to try and take Michael Jackson’s freedom from him, and ruin his reputation, all so that Sneddon could bask in glory, would actually bring Sneddon the ultimate humiliation. Sneddon’s case against Michael Jackson was built on lies, and was created by liars, and Sneddon got exactly what he deserved, failure!!! When Michael Jackson was put on trial, accused of having molested Gavin Arvizo — who had learnt from his family how to extort people — the media refused to tell the truth. The media refused to acknowledge, or discuss, what was actually going on in the courtroom that was favorable to Michael Jackson. The testimony that pointed to Michael Jackson’s innocence, the success Michael Jackson’s attorneys had in exposing the prosecution case for what it was, sham, was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. When prosecution witnesses who desired to fill their pockets with Michael Jackson’s money, who hoped to become rich by selling false stories, who falsely accused Michael Jackson, and who made up as many lies as possible, as horrible as possible, to extort as much money as possible from Michael Jackson, were exposed, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. When the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his family, mother Janet Arvizo, and siblings Star Arvizo and Davellin Arvizo, stumbled over their lies, contradicted themselves continually, became argumentative when presented with facts that proved they were liars and extortionists, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. When Michael Jackson’s young cousin testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and Gavin’s brother Star tried to get him to masturbate in their presence, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. When it was revealed that Michael Jackson’s former employees only claimed to have seen inappropriate behavior by Michael Jackson AFTER THEY WERE OFFERED MONEY AND PAID BY TABLOIDS/THE MEDIA, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. (Michael Jackson successfully sued these former employees many years ago, they still owe him money.) When Michael Jackson’s current employees testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his family slept in guesthouses at Neverland (and not in Michael Jackson’s bedroom), that they caused a great deal of trouble at Neverland, left a huge mess at Neverland, damaged and defaced property at Neverland, attacked the animals at Neverland, pulled knives on Neverland employees, stole from Neverland employees, stole from Michael Jackson, extorted Neverland employees by lying about their financial circumstances, extorted the government by lying about their financial circumstances, extorted other celebrities by lying to them and falsely accusing them, caused trouble wherever they went, and to whoever was unlucky enough to befriend them, overall having been shown to be users, liars, thieves, troublemakers and criminals, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth….. until now. Aphrodite Jones, a reporter, ashamed of her behavior during Michael Jackson’s trial, having realized that she was wrong, has written this book – “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” – which is pretty much a compact version of Michael Jackson’s trial. It details exactly what happened in the courtroom at Michael Jackson’s trial (using actual trial testimony), the facts that were revealed and exposed, the witnesses and what they stated, how Michael Jackson’s defense team managed to successfully destroy prosecution theories and witnesses on a daily basis, how the media did not want to report anything that was favorable to Michael Jackson or his defense team, how some media reporters had already secured deals to have access to Michael Jackson if he was to be found guilty and imprisoned (which is disgusting, because this behavior implies that these jerks preferred that a child had been molested so that they could profit), and how Michael Jackson was found NOT GUILTY by a jury that saw right through the lies, right through the Arvizo family, right through District Attorney Tom Sneddon and his sham case, and right through the media garbage that has been circulating for years about Michael Jackson. So, if you want the truth about Michael Jackson, how he has become a target for liars who want to become instant millionaires, and the victim of a media that promotes and prefers lies, read “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”.

You can find a preview of the book here:

“Michael Jackson – Conspiracy” - VIP Chat with Aphrodite Jones:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."


  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    I have this book and is a must read! i have told everyone i know to read it!
  • Aphrodite Jones mentions that she went to her publishers to try and get this book published but they refused to publish anything pro-Jackson.

    She has 2 publishers.
    Pinnacle, which is a subsidiary of Kensington Publishing Corp. an Independent publisher.
    Harper-Collins which is owned by News Corporation.


    News Corporation (often abbreviated to News Corp.) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder is Rupert Murdoch.


    The Walt Disney Company often simply known as Disney, is the largest media and entertainment conglomerate in the world.
    * 1993 - Miramax Films
    * 1996 - Capital Cities/ABC
    * 2001 - Fox Family Worldwide
    * 2002 - Saban Entertainment
    * 2006 - Pixar Animation Studios
    Robert Iger – President and CEO


    Viacom short for "Video & Audio Communications", is an American media conglomerate with various worldwide interests in cable and satellite television networks (MTV Networks and BET), and movie production and distribution with Paramount Motion Pictures Group. Paramount is also the distributor of movie studio DreamWorks. Sumner Redstone is the chairman and, through National Amusements, the majority shareholder. It is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.


    Time Warner Inc. is the world's fourth largest entertainment conglomerate as well as the world's fourth largest media conglomerate, headquartered in the Time Warner Center in New York City. Formerly three separate companies, Warner Communications, Inc., Time Inc., and America Online, Inc. (along with the assets of a fourth company, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.) form the current Time Warner, with major operations in film, television, publishing, Internet service and telecommunications. Among its subsidiaries are AOL, New Line Cinema, Time Inc., HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, The CW Television Network, TheWB.com, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Kids' WB, The CW4Kids, Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Hanna-Barbera, Ruby-Spears Productions, Adult Swim, CNN, DC Comics, and Warner Bros. Games.
    Terra Firma Capital Partners is likely to buy a 10% Stake in Time Warner, since it would buy all the remaining rights and stakes of Time Warner in Warner Music Group and merge it with EMI.


    The General Electric Company, or GE is a multinational American technology and services conglomerate incorporated in the State of New York.[ In 2009, Forbes ranked GE as the world's largest company.
    Jeffrey Immelt is the current chairman of the board and chief executive officer of GE.
    List of assets owned by General Electric


    Vivendi SA (formerly known as Vivendi Universal) is a French international media conglomerate with activities in music, television and film, publishing, telecommunications, the Internet, and video games. It is headquartered in Paris. Vivendi owns Canal+ Group (television) and Universal Music Group, Vivendi Entertainment, controlling stakes in Activision Blizzard (video games), Maroc Telecom and SFR (telecommunications), and 20% of NBC Universal (television and film). Vivendi in its current form came into existence on April 20, 2006 following the sale of an 80% stake in the Vivendi Universal Entertainment unit to General Electric to form NBC Universal (merging GE's NBC unit & Vivendi's Vivendi Universal Entertainment unit) and the gradual recovery of the company from its disastrous over-expansion in the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
    On December 2, 2007, Vivendi announced that it would be merging its Vivendi Games unit with Activision in a $18.8 billion deal. This will allow the merged company, Activision Blizzard, to rival Electronic Arts, the world's biggest video games publisher.


    The Liberty Media Corporation is an American media conglomerate.Liberty Media operates three divisions: Liberty Capital, Liberty Entertainment, and Liberty Interactive Group. The control is exercised by company Chairman John C. Malone, with a majority of the voting shares.
    Liberty Capital
    * Marginal shareholdings in companies including Time Warner and Viacom
    * TruePosition
    * Atlanta Braves
    * Starz Media
    * Overture Films
    * WFRV-TV 5 and WJMN-TV 3: CBS affiliates for Green Bay, Wisconsin and Escanaba, Michigan (under WFRV and WJMN Television Station, Inc.)
    * MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (67%)
    Liberty Entertainment
    * Liberty's 48% interest in The DirecTV Group
    * Starz Entertainment (including Starz! and Encore)
    * Liberty's 50% interest in GSN
    * FUN Technologies, including Fanball
    * Liberty Sports Holdings: Owners of FSN Pittsburgh, FSN Rocky Mountain, and FSN Northwest
    * Overture Films
    Liberty Interactive Group
    * QVC, Inc.
    * Provide Commerce (operator of proflowers.com)
    * Bodybuilding.com
    * BuySeasons (operator of buycostumes.com)
    * Lockerz
    and Liberty's interests in:
    * Expedia, Inc.
    * IAC/InterActiveCorp
    * OpenTV
    * Backcountry.com
    * Sirius XM Radio (Liberty gave Viacom cash for stock in 2003)


    Bertelsmann AG is a transnational media corporation founded in 1835, based in Gütersloh, Germany. The company operates in 63 countries. Bertelsmann is not publicly listed, and is majority owned (76.9%) by the Bertelsmann Foundation, a non-profit organisation and political think tank set up by the founding family Mohn.The remaining 23.1% is owned by the Mohn Family.
    Bertelsmann currently consists of five corporate divisions and a forthcoming music division:[3]
    * RTL Group, Europe's biggest broadcaster
    * Gruner + Jahr (a magazine publisher, the biggest in Europe)[4]
    * Random House, the world's largest trade book publisher (popular literature)
    * Direct Group, the world's largest book and music club group
    * Arvato AG, an international media and communications service provider


    AT&T Inc. is the largest provider of local, long distance telephone services in the United States, and also serves digital subscriber line Internet access and digital television. AT&T is the second largest provider of wireless service in the United States, with over 81.6 million wireless customers, and more than 150 million total customers. AT&T, Inc. was formed in 2005, when "Baby Bell" SBC Communications Inc. purchased former "Ma Bell" AT&T Corporation. The newly merged company took on the iconic AT&T moniker and T stock-trading symbol (for "telephone").
    The current AT&T includes eleven of the original Bell Operating Companies, and the original long distance division. While it reconstitutes much of the former Bell System, AT&T Inc. lacks the vertical integration of the historic AT&T Corp., which prompted United States v. AT&T, the antitrust suit that led to the breakup in 1984[citation needed] (which was ultimately settled by the Modification of Final Judgment in 1982.) The company is headquartered in downtown Dallas, Texas.
    Randall L. Stephenson — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


    Sony Corporation is a multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and one of the world's largest media conglomerates with revenue exceeding $78.88 billion U.S. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video game consoles, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its name is derived from sonus, the Latin word for sound.
    Sony Corporation is the electronics business unit and the parent company of the Sony Group, which is engaged in business through its five operating segments—electronics, games, entertainment (motion pictures and music), financial services and other. These make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world. Sony's principal business operations include Sony Corporation (Sony Electronics in the U.S.), Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Ericsson, and Sony Financial. As a semiconductor maker, Sony is among the Worldwide Top 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders. The company's current slogan is make.believe.
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony<!-- m -->

    Who Owns What | Columbia Journalism Review

    The Incredible Shrinking Media Ownership Group

    Who Controls the Media?

    The Nations Big Ten

    A Brief History of Media Merger Hysteria: From AOL-Time Warner to Comcast-NBC
  • Ted Turner
    Robert Edward "Ted" Turner III (born November 19, 1938)[2] is an American media mogul and philanthropist. As a businessman, he is known as founder of the cable television network CNN, the first dedicated 24-hour cable news channel. In addition, he founded WTBS, which pioneered the superstation concept in cable television. As a philanthropist, he is known for his $1 billion gift which created the United Nations Foundation, a public charity to broaden support for the UN. Turner serves as Chairman of the United Nations Foundation board of directors. He owns more land than any other American.
    Turner Broadcasting System, Inc merged with Time Warner, Inc. on October 10, 1996, with Turner as vice chairman and head of Time Warner's cable networks division. On January 11, 2001 Time Warner merged with AOL as AOL Time Warner. The company has since dropped "AOL" from its name. As of December 2009, AOL has been divorced from the company entirely.
    Turner was vice-chairman and Time Warner's biggest stock holder. It is estimated he lost as much as $7 billion when the stock collapsed in the wake of the merger. He stepped down as vice chairman in 2006.

    The United Nations is the frame work for One World Government

    Lou Dobbs Abruptly Quits CNN
    Months ago the president of CNN/U.S., Jonathan Klein, offered a choice to Lou Dobbs, the channel’s most outspoken anchor. Mr. Dobbs could vent his opinions on radio and anchor an objective newscast on television, or he could leave CNN.

    Lou Dobbs has been highly critical of illegal immigration policy, "The War on Drugs", the secret meetings between the leaders of the US, Canada, & Mexico in regards to the Security & Prosperity Partnership (the framework for the creation of a North American Union much like the EU) and many other topics.
  • Who Controls the Media

    What is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life. Its' "experts" write scholarly pieces to be used in decision making, the academics expound on the wisdom of a united world, and the media members disseminate the message. It was founded by David Rockefeller.

    David Rockefeller Thanks The Media For Keeping New World Order Plans Secret For Over 40 Years

    David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population.

    Don`t believe in Conspiracy theories yet...
  • lynnlynn Posts: 46
    I can't find this book anywhere! I found 1 website that has it but it's over $200.00 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Anyone know of any place I could find the book?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I can't find this book anywhere! I found 1 website that has it but it's over $200.00 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Anyone know of any place I could find the book?

    <!-- m -->http://www.bol.com/nl/p/engelse-boeken/ ... index.html<!-- m -->

    And Amazon I guess...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    <!-- m -->http://jetzi-mjvideo.com<!-- m -->

    This free site allows you to download MJ related articles, books etc.
    The last time I checked, A.J.s book was available on the site.
    I can't find this book anywhere! I found 1 website that has it but it's over $200.00 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Anyone know of any place I could find the book?
  • lynnlynn Posts: 46

    This free site allows you to download MJ related articles, books etc.
    The last time I checked, A.J.s book was available on the site.
    I can't find this book anywhere! I found 1 website that has it but it's over $200.00 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Anyone know of any place I could find the book?

    Thank you so much! There is other books I wanted to look at and they are there!
    *Happy dance* <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    I find it amazing (and telling) that the publishers she normally worked with would not publish the book. Isn't hers the only one which is really positive?
    If I have understood correctly, MJ was crucified for ratings. However, his problems go back to 1993. Were there any other reasons other than ratings for their deliberate attacks or was it just because he was considered "eccentric"?
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    It is quite a gold mine. I want to read the books but didn't want to spend money if I didn't have to.

    Offtopic: This is not MJ related but I located more free downloads. Tons of popular authors and novels are listed.
    <!-- m -->http://www.online-literature.com/<!-- m -->


    This free site allows you to download MJ related articles, books etc.
    The last time I checked, A.J.s book was available on the site.
    I can't find this book anywhere! I found 1 website that has it but it's over $200.00 <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Anyone know of any place I could find the book?

    Thank you so much! There is other books I wanted to look at and they are there!
    *Happy dance* <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I read the preview and I love that book already. I am trying hard to get my hands on that book; it's rather costly, but well worth it. It's possible to read it online, but I want to have a physical copy on my bookshelf.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    I think you can buy it on Aphrodite's website <!-- w -->www.aphroditejones.com<!-- w -->, too.
    It's a very, very good book - hard to read sometimes because it reminds you of the hell he had to go through <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> , but very informative and well written.
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