Anyone has read this??

LauraLaura Posts: 67
edited January 1970 in Introduce yourself
Please, anyone who can translate this. I might be late, but.. read <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

<!-- m --> ... 1269327581<!-- m -->.


  • Laura, the link takes to what seems a suscriber news on the Spanish journal El Mundo.
    Maybe old stuff from the imprinted version...
    I cannot see the containt then.

    What was it about?, maybe I can found it other way.

    Was maybe this?:

    That´s the same news about Murray stopping CPR.
  • LauraLaura Posts: 67
    It is indeed..May be our press is quite late about the news.. I have not been able to be on the thread longer for a few days..Maybe I missed this news..
  • I posted there:

    "Todo mentiras. A Murray se le está haciendo un juicio mediático exáctamente igual que a Michael en su día. Todo hombre es inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario."

    In English:
    "All lies. They are doing a mediatic judgement exactly like they did with Michael then. Every man is innocent until is proven guilty."

    And they published it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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