2 MJ's



  • on 1563323479:
    <br /><br /><br />This is in regard to the pictures of the two MJ's. The MJ on the bottom row his mouth is open in every photo. Look at yourself in the mirror and look at your face when it's blank, now smile and see what happens to your eyes when you open your lips or show your teeth, the eyes squint. I wonder if the bottom row MJ would have rounder eyes if his face was relaxed and mouth closed? Just a thought...<br />
    <br />I agree. Also the last pic in the top row is actually from 2002, not HIStory era.
    on 1525765922:
    <br />I would like to talk about the twin brother theory . Does Mj have a twin ? I ve always  thought he was so different in come together clip, also in dirty Diana live , and the second part of black or white , he has the same bad attitudes  , but in history tour , when he. Performs come together he does NOT have these attitudes , It s so different  . Also I want to show you a pictures of him in front of mirrors cPwZuX . Clearly you see  it's NOT a reflection it's an other person and behind it is an other person too .<br />So does MJ have a twin brother? This is my question . <br />I think it was. It s not michael Jackson in these clips but his twin brother  even in black or white clip, its like there are two Michael Jackson , one in the first part the other in the second part . Do you understand. ? Any way it was only a theory .<br />
    <br />Hi, Michael's brother Marlon had a twin brother Brandon. Brandon died about a day after being born premature. Michael does have a lot of look a likes, so he could get around places better. 
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