
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Lol, I bet he's laughing his ass off. <br /><br />*waves at MJ*

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    ....  :icon_e_wink: Michael is reading....  :icon_e_wink:  even now.... [size=12pt]KEEP THE FAITH !!![/size]  :michael-jackson:
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    on 1338254593:
    <br />I guess it's time to tell you all, yes I am he, the gloved one, the moonwalker, the one and only MJ...oh wait look Its her...wait sorry wrong thread I thought that this was the thread where we share our secrets...nvrmind, carry on...<br /><br />....ahaha JKS<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt][size=36pt]WHAT??!!!! :affraid: :affraid: :affraid:[/size] UYI are you trying to give everyone a heart attack?? OhmiGOSH! [size=18pt]CUT THAT OUT,  [/size] :icon_pale: before I die  reading here someday! Or by someone pummeling ME to death! BRATT. :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile[size=24pt]SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeeesh :icon_exclaim:[/size]<br /><br />I was just surfing through, trying to get caught up, and I see [size=24pt]THIS! [/size]Are you still alive now, three weeks later or have you been PECKED to DEATH :icon_question: :icon_question: ??? Oh MY GOSH...my heart. I have to lie down a momment....gosh.  :icon_eek: :thjajaja121:[/size]
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    on 1338254593:
    <br />I guess it's time to tell you all, yes I am he, the gloved one, the moonwalker, the one and only MJ...oh wait look Its her...wait sorry wrong thread I thought that this was the thread where we share our secrets...nvrmind, carry on...<br /><br />....ahaha JKS<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]Omg. Talk about blabbing secrets!  :affraid: That was a DOOZIE, you Dorkette!!    :icon_e_surprised: :icon_pale: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: Here, I am innocently reading about there being way too much estrogen here :icon_razz: :icon_razz: :icon_razz:...curious that there may have been a good fight i missed :over-react-smiley:... Then Gina is telling on everyone, that every woman here has the blue- flaming, smoking [size=24pt]HOTS[/size] for MJ---that there  :D couldn't be any OTHER reason a woman would peek in here...for a few years at a time... (I am thinking...give me a minute, will ya?! oh, yes...for their Social Studies project in school, for their Psychology thesis on the HIPnotized maniacal possessive female)  :thjajaja121: (I myself, got an "A" on mine. :icon_geek:)<br /><br />Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I'll admit, you scared me GOOD, UYI, but just know that when I identify you at the BAM party, you are going to get it. Forevermore, BAMcakes will grow legs and terrify you, even in sleep.  :icon_twisted: <br /><br />Wear something...uh...er...............................................................[size=24pt]PIE PROOF![/size] :icon_exclaim:  :TongueOutSmiley: :Pulling_hair: :Pulling_hair: <br /><br /><br />:screaming-7365: [size=18pt]I AM STILL SHAKING, YOU GOOFBALL :icon_pale:.:thjajaja121: >:(  :thjajaja121: You set me up!  :icon_lol: Dang...[/size] [/size]
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Diggyon<br />
    yeah, but not everyone is good at guessing. Not everyone is good at mathematics and numerology. Not everyone is as clever as Micheal. How many times was I disappointed when so many clues were discussed, things that I couldn't even think about.  Dots were connected and silly me, never saw a connection in them. It's like being in a math test. Either you can find the sollution to the problem or you don't. There is no in between. [size=12pt]So i used to leave the thinking part to those who can do it better and just waited for the conclusion.[/size] So the thought provoking part was rather a frustrating one.
    <br />No, no, we're all thinkers, in different areas, and we put out our thoughts (no matter how crazy), others can spring-board off of them to connect the dots better.  Besides, it's the journey, not just reaching the destination/"conclusion"!  We're brain-storming together, sleuthing together, and just being 'ourselves' as we travel along, bumpety-bumpty-bump!<br /><br />Bec<br />
    You didn't offend anyone, leilani. Miss G has a bizarre sense of humor herself 
    <br />I cracked up when I read that! True.  Overall, this forum has been so healthy, if "laughter is the best medicine"!<br /> <br /><br />
    on 1340056995:
    <br />....  :icon_e_wink: Michael is reading....  :icon_e_wink:  even now.... [size=12pt]KEEP THE FAITH !!![/size]  :michael-jackson:<br />
    <br />Somebody's reading for sure...let's hope it is The Man.<br />
    on 1340056556:
    <br />Lol, I bet he's laughing his ass off. <br /><br />*waves at MJ*<br />
    <br />*mj waves back to Souza*<br /> :icon_lol:
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1340094181:
    <br />
    on 1340056556:
    <br />Lol, I bet he's laughing his ass off. <br /><br />*waves at MJ*<br />
    <br />*mj waves back to Souza*<br /> :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />hi girls 2e0qnn4.png  :icon_lol:  :icon_e_wink:
    :icon_lol:<br />we can't all be him :LolLolLolLol:
  • taty_2crazytaty_2crazy Posts: 290
    I believe he has been here reading our posts and :LolLolLolLol:
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1340098824:
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br />we can't all be him :LolLolLolLol:<br />
    <br /> :LolLolLolLol: sure we can, until the real Man comes here and waves to us  :icon_e_surprised:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    @UYI......bad girl you are! And to think I was going to be nice and give you ice cream....sorry Its her....I was going to tell you....but, now, that's my final answer: no ice cream.....ok, ok, you win, maybe one scoop if you PROMISE to behave and not do that to poor Its her again.  I need her strong for the trivia!  <br /><br />I do have to say, I have always felt Michael reads/posts here.  If I were in my own death hoax, and a forum popped up like this, I sure would be here, lol.  Yes, Souza....I bet he has laughed quite a bit  :icon_redface: But, I do hope he sees the love and feels nothing but respect here.  Not just for him, but for his family, his message and his life as a whole. I am sure there have been times he just walks away shaking his head....either in laughter or in frustration over the drama that erupts from time to time.  He's here.......just have no clue who.  It's exciting as heck to think about really..... we are very blessed to be a part of this.  I try very hard never to take anything for granted and always be thankful for this entire experience.  Michael's message goes way back, beyond June 25th....he was always about bringing people together and putting love into the hearts of many.  Life has taken me on many journeys....ones I never thought I'd experience.  The knowledge and learning that has taken place with this hoax has been amazing.  I never thought in million years I'd be here......thank you Michael.  No amount of stars in the sky can come close to the good wishes I have for you and yours.  That goes for all my hoax family as well........<br /><br />Blessing to you all....<br />LOVE<br /><br />Here are some mini ice cream cones to share....UYI, just one  :suspect:  sorry Its her, I have to share!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLLXHhT7ZYSl7X1bFdSyvwO_gNB1HYZcy2E3ASUzXXLnS7-o-d
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    wishingstar<br />
    @ UYI ...... chica mala eres! Y pensar que yo iba a ser agradable y te dan un helado .... lo siento .... es ella que me iba a decir .... pero, ahora, esa es mi respuesta final: no hay helados ... .. ok, ok, tú ganas, tal vez una cucharada si prometes a comportarse y no hacer eso a la pobre Su otra vez. Necesito su fuerte para la trivia!  me tienes que decir, siempre me he sentido Michael lee o mensajes aquí. Si yo estuviera en mi broma propia muerte, y un foro apareció como esta, estoy seguro que estaría aquí, jeje. Sí, Souza .... Apuesto a que se ha reído un poco  , pero, espero que él ve el amor y se siente nada más que respeto aquí. No sólo para él, sino para su familia, su mensaje y su vida como un todo. Estoy seguro de que ha habido momentos en que sólo se aleja moviendo la cabeza .... ya sea en la risa o en la frustración por el drama que surge de vez en cuando. Él está aquí ....... simplemente no tienen idea de quién. Es emocionante como diablos a pensar en realidad ..... estamos muy bendecida de ser parte de esto. Hago un gran esfuerzo para no dar nada por sentado y estar siempre agradecido por toda esta experiencia. Mensaje de Michael viene de muy atrás, más allá de 25 de junio .... siempre fue acercar a la gente y poniendo el amor en los corazones de muchos. La vida me ha llevado en muchos viajes .... los que nunca pensé vivir. El conocimiento y el aprendizaje que ha tenido lugar con este engaño ha sido increíble. Nunca pensé en millones de años que estaría aquí ...... Gracias Michael. Ninguna cantidad de estrellas en el cielo pueden acercarse a los buenos deseos que tengo para ti y los tuyos. Eso va para toda mi familia de broma, así ........ Bendición a todos ustedes .... AMOR He aquí algunos conos de hielo mini-crema para compartir .... UYI, sólo una    lo siento es ella, tengo que compartir!  <br />
    <br /><br />Muchas veces pienso esto, y me emociona la idea! MJ visitando el sitio, suena bien, y si es así, no creo que se sienta frustrado con nosotros, solo somos personas tratando de entender, expresando nuestros deseos de saber que se siente bien y a salvo. Yo tampoco imagine verme aqui compartiendo mis sentimientos y doy gracias a Michael por ello. Seguimos el viaje.<br /><br />              :bearhug:<br /><br />              scaled.php?server=844&filename=tequieroms.jpg&res=landing
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1340135336:
    <br /> wishingstar<br />
    @ UYI ...... chica mala eres! Y pensar que yo iba a ser agradable y te dan un helado .... lo siento .... es ella que me iba a decir .... pero, ahora, esa es mi respuesta final: no hay helados ... .. ok, ok, tú ganas, tal vez una cucharada si prometes a comportarse y no hacer eso a la pobre Su otra vez. Necesito su fuerte para la trivia!  me tienes que decir, siempre me he sentido Michael lee o mensajes aquí. Si yo estuviera en mi broma propia muerte, y un foro apareció como esta, estoy seguro que estaría aquí, jeje. Sí, Souza .... Apuesto a que se ha reído un poco  , pero, espero que él ve el amor y se siente nada más que respeto aquí. No sólo para él, sino para su familia, su mensaje y su vida como un todo. Estoy seguro de que ha habido momentos en que sólo se aleja moviendo la cabeza .... ya sea en la risa o en la frustración por el drama que surge de vez en cuando. Él está aquí ....... simplemente no tienen idea de quién. Es emocionante como diablos a pensar en realidad ..... estamos muy bendecida de ser parte de esto. Hago un gran esfuerzo para no dar nada por sentado y estar siempre agradecido por toda esta experiencia. Mensaje de Michael viene de muy atrás, más allá de 25 de junio .... siempre fue acercar a la gente y poniendo el amor en los corazones de muchos. La vida me ha llevado en muchos viajes .... los que nunca pensé vivir. El conocimiento y el aprendizaje que ha tenido lugar con este engaño ha sido increíble. Nunca pensé en millones de años que estaría aquí ...... Gracias Michael. Ninguna cantidad de estrellas en el cielo pueden acercarse a los buenos deseos que tengo para ti y los tuyos. Eso va para toda mi familia de broma, así ........ Bendición a todos ustedes .... AMOR He aquí algunos conos de hielo mini-crema para compartir .... UYI, sólo una    lo siento es ella, tengo que compartir!  <br />
    <br /><br />Muchas veces pienso esto, y me emociona la idea! MJ visitando el sitio, suena bien, y si es así, no creo que se sienta frustrado con nosotros, solo somos personas tratando de entender, expresando nuestros deseos de saber que se siente bien y a salvo. Yo tampoco imagine verme aqui compartiendo mis sentimientos y doy gracias a Michael por ello. Seguimos el viaje.<br /><br />              :bearhug:<br /><br />              scaled.php?server=844&filename=tequieroms.jpg&res=landing<br />
    <br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />Muchas gracias ...... me apprecite tu post! Sí, continuar el viaje!<br /><br />(Espero que escribí esto correctamente ...... por favor, perdóname si no es perfecto)<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    wishingstar<br />
    Muchas gracias ...... Me apprecite puesto tu! Sí, continuar El viaje! (Espero Que escribi correctamente ESTO ...... Por Favor, Perdóname si no es perfecto)
    <br /><br />Si cariño, lo has hecho bien! gracias por tus palabras. Te envio mi amor♥<br /><br />                                                :th_bravo:<br /><br />                  scaled.php?server=844&filename=tequieroms.jpg&res=landing
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1340132631:
    <br />[...]<br /><br />I do have to say, I have always felt Michael reads/posts here. If I were in my own death hoax, and a forum popped up like this, I sure would be here, lol.  <br />Yes, Souza....I bet he has laughed quite a bit  :icon_redface: But, I do hope he sees the love and feels nothing but respect here.  Not just for him, but for his family, his message and his life as a whole. I am sure there have been times he just walks away shaking his head....either in laughter or in frustration over the drama that erupts from time to time.  [....]
    <br />Oh I just hope he was never sad or angry while reading here!!<br />As long as he laughs... well I 'd happy to know that's the only case! lol  :LolLolLolLol: <br />At least all we do is trying to help while trying to figure out, for ourselves, what he wants us to understand from all this giant puzzle!<br /><br />
    on 1340132631:
    He's here.......just have no clue who.
    LOLL<br /><br />
    on 1340132631:
    It's exciting as heck to think about really..... we are very blessed to be a part of this.  I try very hard never to take anything for granted and always be thankful for this entire experience.  [...]
    I_deed it is an exciting and UNIQUE experience to live. I think we'll be always grateful to him for having allowed us to live this and go through it together with him and his family! I've said it once and I'll say it again: I just feel like he took us on a Neverland ride! Only that this is a virtual ride!<br /><br />
    on 1340132631:
    Michael's message goes way back, beyond June 25th....he was always about bringing people together and putting love into the hearts of many.  Life has taken me on many journeys....ones I never thought I'd experience.  The knowledge and learning that has taken place with this hoax has been amazing.  I never thought in million years I'd be here......thank you Michael.  No amount of stars in the sky can come close to the good wishes I have for you and yours.  That goes for all my hoax family as well........
    :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1340132631:
    Here are some mini ice cream cones to share...<br /><br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLLXHhT7ZYSl7X1bFdSyvwO_gNB1HYZcy2E3ASUzXXLnS7-o-d
    hummmm... 0043.gif YUMI! thanks Wishy!
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1340094041:
    <br />
    on 1340056995:
    <br />....  :icon_e_wink: Michael is reading....  :icon_e_wink:  even now.... [size=12pt]KEEP THE FAITH !!![/size]  :michael-jackson:<br />
    <br />Somebody's reading for sure...let's hope it is The Man.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /> :moonwalk_: :bearhug: :icon_bounce:
  • on 1340050571:
    <br />Grace<br />
    I don't think it's testing. <br /><br />It's challenging.<br />Putting the bar higher.<br />Making us prove to ourselves that yes, we can do it.<br />Making us stand up, be tall.<br />Getting us to leave barriers, walls and borders behind.<br />Thought provoking.<br />Controverse.<br />Shaking up our knowledge and beliefs and convictions.<br />Making us check, check again, verify, boil it down, only to come up at last with love as the only remaining answer.<br />Liberating us from any fear and the "confines of our fathers".<br /><br />Not one single reason to feel embarrassed.<br />Au contraire.
    <br /><br />yeah, but not everyone is good at guessing. Not everyone is good at mathematics and numerology. Not everyone is as clever as Micheal. How many times was I disappointed when so many clues were discussed, things that I couldn't even think about.  Dots were connected and silly me, never saw a connection in them. It's like being in a math test. Either you can find the sollution to the problem or you don't. There is no in between. So i used to leave the thinking part to those who can do it better and just waited for the conclusion. So the thought provoking part was rather a frustrating one. <br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br /><br />diggyon your post was a breath of fresh air for me. i am not a numbers person at all. especially when i am tired, which is most of the time as i am on here at night and early in the morning. somtimes (not always, but on occasion) i have read things and tried to understand it (re: mostly the numbers) and got stuck so i had to let it go and move forward to other things.<br /><br />but when i look at the other stuff, it still all adds up. so i feel satisfied that even if i eliminated the numbers, which i only partially understand (note to self, must have another go and re-read numbers threads) it still makes sence.<br /><br />BUT i'd love to understand it thoroughly and be confident about it<br /><br /><br />thanks for your post.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br />
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1340142898:
    <br />
    on 1340132631:
    It's exciting as heck to think about really..... we are very blessed to be a part of this.  I try very hard never to take anything for granted and always be thankful for this entire experience.  [...]<br />
    I_deed it is an exciting and UNIQUE experience to live. I think we'll be always grateful to him for having allowed us to live this and go through it together with him and his family! I've said it once and I'll say it again: I just feel like he took us on a Neverland ride! Only that this is a virtual ride!<br />
    <br />yes, this is one in a lifetime experience! sometimes when I think about it all, I have goosebumps, because it is so unbelievable, so exciting! <br />1h6rd0.gif<br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Aussie<br />
    diggyon your post was a breath of fresh air for me. i am not a numbers person at all. especially when i am tired, which is most of the time as i am on here at night and early in the morning. somtimes (not always, but on occasion) i have read things and tried to understand it (re: mostly the numbers) and got stuck so i had to let it go and move forward to other things.<br /><br />but when i look at the other stuff, it still all adds up. so i feel satisfied that even if i eliminated the numbers, which i only partially understand (note to self, must have another go and re-read numbers threads) it still makes sence.<br /><br />BUT i'd love to understand it thoroughly and be confident about it<br /><br /><br />thanks for your post.<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Aussie. I am not a numbers person either. At the beginning of this hoax when people were trying to calculate certain dates and try to find any numeric connections i must admit that I was completely lost. I had to read everything twice, even 3 twice to understand. I always wished to be so clever to realize things quickly. So for those who are having rough times to understand the different calculations the hoax was exhausting. I did this many times
    >  :Pulling_hair:<br /><br /><br />
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    on 1340206218:
    <br />Aussie<br />
    diggyon your post was a breath of fresh air for me. i am not a numbers person at all. especially when i am tired, which is most of the time as i am on here at night and early in the morning. somtimes (not always, but on occasion) i have read things and tried to understand it (re: mostly the numbers) and got stuck so i had to let it go and move forward to other things.<br /><br />but when i look at the other stuff, it still all adds up. so i feel satisfied that even if i eliminated the numbers, which i only partially understand (note to self, must have another go and re-read numbers threads) it still makes sence.<br /><br />BUT i'd love to understand it thoroughly and be confident about it<br /><br /><br />thanks for your post.<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Aussie. I am not a numbers person either. At the beginning of this hoax when people were trying to calculate certain dates and try to find any numeric connections i must admit that I was completely lost. I had to read everything twice, even 3 twice to understand. I always wished to be so clever to realize things quickly. So for those who are having rough times to understand the different calculations the hoax was exhausting. I did this many times
    >  :Pulling_hair:<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]Hey, don't forget this,  :computer-losy-smiley: and this,  :Crash: :Crash:, and these:  :WTF: :errrr: :screaming-7365: :smiley-vault-misc-150: :over-react-smiley:  >:( .<br /><br /> :thjajaja121:<br /><br />I thought it was me, just all me, being very dim, (because I AM (or was) a calculations person for years at work.  :icon_pale: :errrr: :-[<br /><br />But now I know MJ is completely nuts :icon_albino:.  I'm not beating myself up over numbers from the Twilight Zone. :icon_e_confused: He'll have to 'splain himself, BIGTIME, and teach us all his Hoax NUMEROLOGY, which follows NO rules I ever heard of on this planet. ("backwards and forwards", huh!  :Crash: He's playing with our heads :icon_exclaim: :icon_exclaim: OUCH.) There. <br /><br />For sweet, loveable, exasperating HoaxMaster, and/ or, his evil twin, Hoax Coach Driver:  :TongueOutSmiley:  Said with l.o.v.e.  :icon_mrgreen:[/size]
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Oh Its her, you too ? ? ? ?<br /><br />I guess at the BAM party we will have to get a some maths lessons and some clarifications to all these crazy numbers and calculations. i will bring the black board!!!! <br /><br />Ooops! Sorry, I forgot:<br /><br />3_Eyed_Smiley_by_mrpajamasharkman.jpg<br /><br />That what might happen to us if we ever understand these calculations ! !
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    Alright....I confess....no mathematical skills here either.  :icon_e_confused: <br /><br />I´m like this:<br /><br />23qxpis.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_lol:
  • <br />then i'll bring the abacus - LOL<br /><br />220px-Schoty_abacus.jpg
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    +1 .  Can I come to class?  I confess I am dumbfounded at these mathematical equations.  But it is profoundly exciting to watch them unfold. 
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