
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Maybe we inspired to produce a movie or some songs of love and hope, because that's what you can breathe here. We are the result of the union that has always circulated in this regard, I think that must be satisfied.<br />Hi Michael! We are here for you and for you.<br />A BAM would be great! Your army is ready.    <br /><br />                                      :bearhug:<br /><br />              scaled.php?server=844&filename=tequieroms.jpg&res=landing
    Dear Michael, if you really are alive and here, I've been thinking and it's better for you to not come back.<br />I can not tell you how much I want to see and hear you again, but why to expose yourself to a risky comeback?<br />Stay where you are Michael, try to be happy, try to enjoy your life, give up the hoax, the "healing the world", the "change the world", think of you and of your children Michael and DO NOT COME BACK. It's too much a battle you will have to fight if you come back, Why to take such a burden on your shoulders? Why do you always have to work and work and work again?<br />Please Michael, be happy, it is all I want from you. Be happy, rich and free. Think of yourself at least this time.<br />If you found the woman who really loves you and understands you - be with her and let the world save itself or let God do the job, why to take it on youself?<br />Be happy. Stay safe. Be selfish, think of yourself. We will still love you for all eternity.<br />
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    on 1341207800:
    <br />Dear Michael, if you really are alive and here, I've been thinking and it's better for you to not come back.<br />I can not tell you how much I want to see and hear you again, but why to expose yourself to a risky comeback?<br />Stay where you are Michael, try to be happy, try to enjoy your life, give up the hoax, the "healing the world", the "change the world", think of you and of your children Michael and DO NOT COME BACK. It's too much a battle you will have to fight if you come back, Why to take such a burden on your shoulders? Why do you always have to work and work and work again?<br />Please Michael, be happy, it is all I want from you. Be happy, rich and free. Think of yourself at least this time.<br />If you found the woman who really loves you and understands you - be with her and let the world save itself or let God do the job, why to take it on youself?<br />Be happy. Stay safe. Be selfish, think of yourself. We will still love you for all eternity.<br />
    <br /><br />Umm, How does he find a woman if he is known to the world as dead? how would he know when to not risk or not risk something for wanting to be happy with a woman and knowing completely that he will not be sold out to the highest bidder? The only way he could live a happy life with a woman and stay 'dead' is if this woman knows already of the hoax and he trusts completely to not say something. Also, Children is what he lives for, helping is what makes him happy. He has said it over and over over for so many decades, he even said if he was not allowed to help a single child he would kill himself. So it's kind of a odd thing to ask a man who's lived his life wanting to help because it makes him feel he has contributed, it makes him feel pure?
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Gina, are you okay?
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1341207800:
    <br />Dear Michael, if you really are alive and here, I've been thinking and it's better for you to not come back.<br />I can not tell you how much I want to see and hear you again, but why to expose yourself to a risky comeback?<br />Stay where you are Michael, try to be happy, try to enjoy your life, give up the hoax, the "healing the world", the "change the world", think of you and of your children Michael and DO NOT COME BACK. It's too much a battle you will have to fight if you come back, Why to take such a burden on your shoulders? Why do you always have to work and work and work again?<br />Please Michael, be happy, it is all I want from you. Be happy, rich and free. Think of yourself at least this time.<br />If you found the woman who really loves you and understands you - be with her and let the world save itself or let God do the job, why to take it on youself?<br />Be happy. Stay safe. Be selfish, think of yourself. We will still love you for all eternity.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_e_surprised:<br />Seriously?<br />Be happy, think of yourself? <br />Yeah right....I bet he does and the most important thing he MUST be up to then is to clear his name.<br />To die as an alleged drug addict and wacko guy and being remembered as such is NOT an option! No way. <br />You don´t want THAT for him, do you Gina?<br />Not to speak of the vultures, thieves and backstabbers that need to be exposed. <br />Fake an undignified death and live happily ever after.....I don´t think so!<br />Don´t worry about him, he is strong enough to deal with whatever comes after BAM. <br />I really believe that.<br /><br />
    on 1341221181:
    <br />Umm, How does he find a woman if he is known to the world as dead? <br />
    <br />I was thinking that he found her from before being officially dead.<br /><br />@Mary - of course I want his name cleared but, I am afraid that coming back will add even more dirt on his name because this time the media will jump on him, accusing him that he faked his death, I am not at all sure it is going to be good for him. Those vultures will tear him down in no time :icon_e_sad:. I don't want this to happen to him.<br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    on 1341226331:
    <br />
    on 1341221181:
    <br />Umm, How does he find a woman if he is known to the world as dead? <br />
    <br />I was thinking that he found her from before being officially dead.<br /><br />@Mary - of course I want his name cleared but, I am afraid that coming back will add even more dirt on his name because this time the media will jump on him, accusing him that he faked his death, I am not at all sure it is going to be good for him. Those vultures will tear him down in no time :icon_e_sad:. I don't want this to happen to him.<br />
    <br /><br />awww, I'm sure when he planned all this he knew what could happen, he had been the target of the media for far too many years to not realize the vultures they are. The question is by the time he Bams will the media be worth anything to the public? will they be listening to them or will they turn their backs on the media? I have looked around the internet and there has been a lot of changing of views about Michael, people who thought he was weird and believed in the media have turned their back on the media and realized michael Jackson was a good man who had trash thrown at him. there will always be people who want to beileve crap because they are angry people and just don't want to believe any different but there is many who has already come to realize and more will follow in time.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1341120231:
    <br /><br />Anyways...yes, he's here.  Like Front, he's never left.  <br />
    <br />absolutely! I can feel it too :) it is funny though: we are watching, he is watching...so the question is who is watching whom?  :icon_lol:  :icon_bounce:
  • on 1341233417:
    <br />
    on 1341120231:
    <br /><br />Anyways...yes, he's here.  Like Front, he's never left.  <br />
    <br />absolutely! I can feel it too :) it is funny though: we are watching, he is watching...so the question is who is watching whom?  :icon_lol:  :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hmmm.good question!  And I remember the interview that Michael did in a  recording studio in Ireland.. (?) in the  2000's??(Sorry can't remember exactly) ..he was being interviewed by a tv guy who asked Michael  something about him  "starting to write music again"  .. after a short pause, Michael looked at him , and smiled, and said softly" ohh, I never stopped"..  <br />So,I just say  "Thank you Michael for connecting so perfectly with us! "  and wishing you only the Best of Joy, Health and Happiness wherever you are , and whoever you are with.. <br />with L.O.V.E. x
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1341234342:
    <br />
    on 1341233417:
    <br />
    on 1341120231:
    <br /><br />Anyways...yes, he's here.  Like Front, he's never left.  <br />
    <br />absolutely! I can feel it too :) it is funny though: we are watching, he is watching...so the question is who is watching whom?  :icon_lol:  :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hmmm.good question!  And I remember the interview that Michael did in a  recording studio in Ireland.. (?) in the  2000's??(Sorry can't remember exactly) ..he was being interviewed by a tv guy who asked Michael  something about him  "starting to write music again"  .. after a short pause, Michael looked at him and said softly" ohh, I never stopped"..  <br />So,I just say  "Thank you Michael for connecting so perfectly with us! "  and wishing you only the Best of Joy, Health and Happiness wherever you are , and whoever you are with.. <br />with L.O.V.E. x<br />
    <br />I think it was in 2006 or 2007. Michael said in another interview that he writes all the time, he spends lots of time writing and composing. <br />You are right lettingitsimmer, he deserves the best of joy health and true love.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    He DID fake his death.<br /><br />He was accused of being a kid toucher. Nothing is worse then that. Much better to have your legacy be for something that you DID do: fake your death, then for the worst thing in the WORLD that you sure as shit did NOT: prey on little boys.
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1341239115:
    <br />He DID fake his death.<br /><br />He was accused of being a kid toucher. Nothing is worse then that. Much better to have your legacy be for something that you DID do: fake your death, then for the worst thing in the WORLD that you sure as shit did NOT: prey on little boys.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_exclaim:<br /><br />So true. <br /><br />And: since he himself planned the whole thing I am sure that he is prepared for what is to come. <br />I don´t worry about that. <br />
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Tito, we're not in Kansas anymore. ? Well Dorothy, where the heck are we then?  I got lost a few pages back?
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1341245954:
    <br />Tito, we're not in Kansas anymore. ? Well Dorothy, where the heck are we then?  I got lost a few pages back?<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_lol:<br /><br />Nice  :icon_mrgreen:
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    on 1341234342:
    <br />
    on 1341233417:
    <br />
    on 1341120231:
    <br /><br />Anyways...yes, he's here.  Like Front, he's never left.  <br />
    <br />absolutely! I can feel it too :) it is funny though: we are watching, he is watching...so the question is who is watching whom?  :icon_lol:  :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hmmm.good question!  And I remember the interview that Michael did in a  recording studio in Ireland.. (?) in the  2000's??(Sorry can't remember exactly) ..he was being interviewed by a tv guy who asked Michael  something about him  "starting to write music again"  .. after a short pause, Michael looked at him , and smiled, and said softly" ohh, I never stopped"..  <br />So,I just say  "Thank you Michael for connecting so perfectly with us! "  and wishing you only the Best of Joy, Health and Happiness wherever you are , and whoever you are with.. <br />with L.O.V.E. x<br />
    <br /><br /> I think this is the interview in Ireland, it is in 2007 and Will I am is in the studio with MJ<br /><br />                                          Michael Jackson very last TV interview re-edited - YouTube<br /><br />                                                                         
    <br /><br /><br />
  • on 1341234902:
    <br />
    on 1341234342:
    <br />
    on 1341233417:
    <br />
    on 1341120231:
    <br /><br />Anyways...yes, he's here.  Like Front, he's never left.  <br />
    <br />absolutely! I can feel it too :) it is funny though: we are watching, he is watching...so the question is who is watching whom?  :icon_lol:  :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hmmm.good question!  And I remember the interview that Michael did in a  recording studio in Ireland.. (?) in the  2000's??(Sorry can't remember exactly) ..he was being interviewed by a tv guy who asked Michael  something about him  "starting to write music again"  .. after a short pause, Michael looked at him and said softly" ohh, I never stopped"..  <br />So,I just say  "Thank you Michael for connecting so perfectly with us! "  and wishing you only the Best of Joy, Health and Happiness wherever you are , and whoever you are with.. <br />with L.O.V.E. x<br />
    <br />I think it was in 2006 or 2007. Michael said in another interview that he writes all the time, he spends lots of time writing and composing. <br />You are right lettingitsimmer, he deserves the best of joy health and true love.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Absolutely! :bearhug: xx
  • on 1341240794:
    <br />
    on 1341239115:
    <br />He DID fake his death.<br /><br />He was accused of being a kid toucher. Nothing is worse then that. Much better to have your legacy be for something that you DID do: fake your death, then for the worst thing in the WORLD that you sure as shit did NOT: prey on little boys.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_exclaim:<br /><br />So true. <br /><br />And: since he himself planned the whole thing I am sure that he is prepared for what is to come. <br />I don´t worry about that.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]Right on the nail's head MaryK!![/size]
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1341240794:
    <br />
    on 1341239115:
    <br />He DID fake his death.<br /><br />He was accused of being a kid toucher. Nothing is worse then that. Much better to have your legacy be for something that you DID do: fake your death, then for the worst thing in the WORLD that you sure as shit did NOT: prey on little boys.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_exclaim:<br /><br />So true. <br /><br />And: since he himself planned the whole thing I am sure that he is prepared for what is to come. <br />I don´t worry about that.<br />
    <br /><br />Exactly......<br /><br />I have ultimate faith in Michael Jackson and that all those disgusting lies and wrongs against him will be righted.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm guessing that he mostly reads the Back/Front thread and checks out the odd other thread that might catch his eye.<br />But likely he also is checking out many other forums or has people assigned to  read and report to him. He needs to have a general handle/view of where hoaxers, fans, public, etc. are at in thinking and discussion.  The over-all hoax/project has to run like clockwork.  He knows so many people, has so many connections, has so many people assigned to various tasts/roles--these all have to be guided and checked.  Seems an over-whelming task to me.  But if he is called by God to carry this out, maybe God is keeping things on target. TS once said that like with Daniel, God had shut the mouths of the lions, and MJ's enemies had not hurt him.
    on 1341227462:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />Beautiful song.<br />
  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    on 1344016582:
    <br />Michael would never go on public trying to tell  people he is still alive. The only place where we could have some contact to him is through this forum!
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]1) we r not 1000% sure mikael is reading/writing on this forum<br />2) u r saying that bam will never happen! <br />if he's still alive and wants us 2 know it (because the hoax has been planned in order 2 make us realize something important,such as the media lies,his personality,his innocence,etc,etc),i think he will be "obliged" 2 stand in front of us,4 saying:"i'm here". this (website) wouldn't be the only way 2 make us understand he is still on earth,it's obvious. i don't want him 2 perform on the stage,i don't need it,i don't want a concert,or a song..... but,if he'll want us 2 realize he's alive,i think he'll speak 2 us (conference,tv,web....). if this will be the only place where we will contact him,i think he will give us a "proof":the proof we're contacting him and no some1 who is having fun,pretending 2 be him.<br /><br />kisses[/size]<br /><br />[size=14pt]*LUNA*[/size]
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Luna, dear, you made me really speechless because I thought all members here on the forum are on the same track!!<br />Anyway, I, and I guess other members too, will answer all your questions, . But before I do I would like to ask you one question and I appreciate your answer. How long have you been on the forum?
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    @all mods,<br /><br />this discussion is totally off topic. Can we move it to the "General talk" thread or any other suitable thread, please?
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    @Diggyon.....I split the topic for you...it was going way off topic from Paris tweets for sure.....let me know if you think of a better title for the topic......just what I could think of at the moment :) <br /><br />Blessings!
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