11M ni ETA ni Al Qaeda

edited January 1970 in Different Languages
Hola chic@s!
Para aquellos interesados en seguir STUDYING, os dejo este link estupendo y a la vez espeluznante de un especial de Proyecto Matriz sobre las CLAVES PARA COMPRENDER LA INFAMIA DEL 11-M:

Entre otros documentos interesantes incluye esta serie de videos:

11M - Lo que no querían que vieses





Es increible que en España tengamos una plataforma sobre el 11S (INVESTIGAR11S.ORG) y del 11M apenas se diga ni mu.


  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    this looks interesting but unfortunately i dont understand the language....xxx
  • @ loyalfan.
    Yes, well, this is the Spanish Forum.
    This information talks about 11M false flag attack.
    We barely even have information about this in Spanish, so I´m so sorry there´s no English sources about this issue. If you are interested or have some questions I´ll try to explain whatever as far as I know.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    that would be very kind of you to take the time to explain.......how does all link to micheal..?????...thanks from diane..xxx
  • Oh, no sorry. There´s no link at all loyalfan.
    This is the General Spanish Talk, where we´re discussing general issues about how the world s nowadays. And this is one of the most important issues for us in Spain, two days ago it was the aniversary of all these horrible deaths. This is something of a big untold part of the History that may mean a false flag attack from our goverments and yours (if you are from the USA).
  • MinamaiMinamai Posts: 431
    Gracias Some por dejarnos estos vídeos he estado muy ocupada y no he podido ver hasta hoy pero es verdad que de este tema no se dice ni mu.
    Estoy alucinando y la gente enfrascada en la vida de La Esteban <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Un abrazo.
  • A la Esteban le tenían que pagar por lo menos por lo menos como a Ronaldo.
    No sabe esa chica el trabajo que está haciendo para los archisupermegamillonarios!
    Vamos! Ni la última máquina de la NASA en colaboración con el MK-ULTRA es tan efectiva...

    Esteban 2.0 - Brain washing machine <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Se te echaba de menos Minamai!
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    hi, thanks for your reply,i am from england....and am interested in everything...!!!!! just to say...i have had a t.shirt done with a photo of micheal on it......i love it......it is the one from ......stranger in moscow when he is wet.......i know this is not on your topic but its nice to be friends with people....and its nice to talk to you......i have never been to spain.........love from diane...xxxx
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> You love your t´shirt!
    I´ve been to UK, hope you come here someday and enjoy the sun <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    loyalfan, those videos are similar to that documentary about London 7/7
    The Ripple Effect
    Do you know it?

    And mjjveritas told me about Dr David Kelly case which is also amazing.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    sometimes things seem pretty scary dont they......it makes me want to lock my door and never come out.......xxxxx
  • MinamaiMinamai Posts: 431
    Hi Loyalfan you are welcome Spanish foro.
    Sometimes I'm afraid too but I think that the information is very important, because sometimes this information is power for as and we can to understand some things. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    i agree with you on this......the last few months...many many things have been discussed and pointed out to us...some of them quite frightening.........i have learnt a lot from this forum in general...and especially about micheal..........he has all my respect.........xxxxx.....i hope many of us will be better people because of all this.....xxxxx from diane
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