H1N1 vaccine can cause false positive HIV test

MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
edited January 1970 in News
The Department of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis of the Ministry of Health released a technical note on the possibility of false-positive results in enzyme immunoassays for HIV among people who received the vaccine against swine influenza virus.

As the department was due to accelerated industrial production of vaccine against the H1N1 virus, there is currently no available data on all the side effects, but it was observed that people who took the vaccine to be tested for HIV-1 showed false positive, ie, the results indicated that the AIDS virus is present when, in fact, is not.

According to the Ministry of Health, this is because, in taking the vaccine, the body begins to produce antibodies Immunoglobulin M (IgM), the body's first defense against infection. In this process, the presence of antibodies directed to other infectious agents that may be similar to HIV, produce false positive results in examinations.

Under the guidance of the Department of STDs, if tested positive, it is recommended to perform a verification result. The second examination should not be reactive in case of cross-reactivity with antibodies produced in response to the vaccine against swine influenza virus. Still, the negative result in these tests does not rule out HIV infection, since the patient may be in the state of seroconversion, or other disease that interferes with the results.

The Ministry of Health recommended that the professionals responsible for diagnosing HIV-1 should inform patients who received the swine flu vaccine on the possibility of false positive results in tests. If necessary, patients should also call for the creation of a new collection after 30 days, until the diagnosis is definitive.

<!-- m -->http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/not ... e+HIV.html<!-- m -->


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Hm-m-m... Depopulation anybody?
  • Man, they are crazy !

    People need to be informed about this stuff... !

  • This is scary shit, but it does not surprise me at all.

    This we already knew: "As the department was due to accelerated industrial production of vaccine against the H1N1 virus, there is currently no available data on all the side effects".

    What's next?
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    Ha. Wow. I don't buy the "false" part... it probably flat out gives you HIV. Hence why I refuse to get the vaccine. Ugh.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    oh heck I always have this feeling about things and usually they turn out to be true. At my university campus they were giving the vaccine I was like heck no there's no way I'm getting that and now this. We cannot trust anyone Mike we know!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    My family and I didn't get it, but there was a lot of pressure at the time. In my province of Manitoba, the news said they were disappointed that only 35% got it. There will probably be another scare in the future with more pressure again, to cover those who didn't g et it. Every spring and fall.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    My family and I didn't get it, but there was a lot of pressure at the time. In my province of Manitoba, the news said they were disappointed that only 35% got it. There will probably be another scare in the future with more pressure again, to cover those who didn't g et it. Every spring and fall.

  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    My family and I didn't get it, but there was a lot of pressure at the time. In my province of Manitoba, the news said they were disappointed that only 35% got it. There will probably be another scare in the future with more pressure again, to cover those who didn't g et it. Every spring and fall.


    That is very true! "We can change the world, I can't do it by myself"
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    OMG.. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    My family and I didn't get it, but there was a lot of pressure at the time. In my province of Manitoba, the news said they were disappointed that only 35% got it. There will probably be another scare in the future with more pressure again, to cover those who didn't g et it. Every spring and fall.

    I'm from Manitoba too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . I was happy that me and my family chose not to get this vaccine. Isn't it odd how the huge pandemic just faded away.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
    Exactly!!! Where is the pandemic??? Anyone from WHO can explain this? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    VeryLittleSusie, there is mediate this pandemic, let all the people, family, friends are not put that shit <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • I don't believe in getting that shot. My family did not get the shot and we do not get the flu shot like others do. I have seen people get very sick after getting the flu shot.
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Any other sources?
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    I live in Brazil, and there were several campaigns to vaccinate against H1N1 (the first were children and the elderly, pregnant seconds, and now teenagers and adults)
    After this campaign, several of my friends reported that they had strange reactions, such as continuous colds, high fever, strong cough, and now causing false HIV positive.
    I have not taken the vaccine, and will not take ... here in Brazil, the campaigns are being
    extended to people who could not get the vaccine.
    Very strange, I try to warn my friends but they dont care. The maximum
    I can do is not take that shit.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    mjaliveomg, seriously some people say it does not matter?, I really do that if that is a problem. So far the people I have spoken I have heard, some I believe and the other at least have serious doubts about this vaccine. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    mjaliveomg, seriously some people say it does not matter?, I really do that if that is a problem. So far the people I have spoken I have heard, some I believe and the other at least have serious doubts about this vaccine. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    I have many doubts about the vaccine and the flu, all the people I know and people they know, I never saw or heard anyone who actually had confirmed cases of H1N1, only rumors in the newspaper talking about someone who died of H1N1 .. but nothing really proven.
    This perhaps shows how the media can control the masses, spreading things that frighten and so manipulating them
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    mjaliveomg, According to media here, "the great pandemic that I can not believe 200 people infected in a population of just over 25 million people, suddenly all the media not to talk about this, but now also talk about the vaccine, I hope they continue like this.
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    hmm calm down guys! i don't believe they put HIV in Vaccines! (if that is the concern)
    First, truly we have a ''pandemic'' A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide.
    HIV is a pandemic <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    imo, what we don't have is a 'epidemic' ...

    In 2009 flu in the United States killed about 30,000 people.
    A regular year worldwide is from 250,000 to 500,000 people to die from the flu. Worldwide there are 55 million deaths from all causes each year. Normal flu pandemics kill 0.75-2 million people each year. (cdc)

    Until May 16, WHO has confirmed 18,097 deaths from Swine Flu.
    (and many of these deaths are SUSPICIOUS! aka they had not been confirmed as swine flu deaths)

    18,097 swine flu // 250,000 to 500,000 from regular flu ... why all the panic if Common/regular flu far more deadly than swine flu ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    This mass immunisation is also 'inappropriate'. it puts patients at "needless additional risk" of contracting infections such as Staphylococcus aureus, hepatitis B and HIV.

    Immunizations H1N1 in the U.S.: so far 3,800 serious cases, 66 deaths, 96 Guillain-Barre syndrome and 102 abortions.
    ...this all could have been avoided.

    it's all about MONEY!
    pharmaceutical industry only needs us when we are sick..then ...
    So far i don't believe that swine flu and Mandatory vaccination are the depopulation itself BUT ... we don't know what comes next! this vaccine can be the beginning of something much worse that will happen ... and they can not force us into take something that many doctors refuse to take. and of course, for something that is not so serious. Vaccine is not a joke! They can NOT play with our health and/or lives.

    Ok, back to HIV test...
    This is ''normal'' (as it was explained ''the body begins to produce antibodies Immunoglobulin M (IgM), the body's first defense against infection. In this process, the presence of antibodies directed to other infectious agents that may be similar to HIV, produce false positive results in examinations.'').
    Many factors can interfere the HIV test. (Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B vaccination, Malaria...) [I learned this years ago lol i need to refresh my memory btw]

    The problem is, once again we have lack of information!
    Can you imagine your reaction reading the HIV-test: 'positive'? oo'
    There are cases where people have committed suicide after receiving a false-positive test. (not about swine flu vaccine)

    ex>: Pregnant Women? should be vaccinated or not?
    the last case i read of abortion caused by the vaccine was: eight months pregnant, abortion after taking vaccine. According to them the vacinne for pregnat women has to be without adjuvant. But, at the place where this woman took the vaccine they did not say ANYTHING (probably they didn't know that) . They did not ask if the woman was pregnant or not. and .. Nothing is going to happen?? lack of information killed this kid (he survived only one minute) and is killing many others ...

    H5N1 and H1N1 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    09/2005 - In Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the number of people who could die with a possible epidemic bird flu could reach 7.4 million.
    11/2005 - Bush, then U.S. President n visit to the National Institute of Health in Maryland he said that in that U.S. the bird flu could kill 2 million people.
    07/2006 - First confirmed case of avian influenza in a bird in Spain.
    07/2009 - nothing more about bird flu.

    in 2005, when bush said that he bird flu could kill 2 million people, he approved a budget forecast of 7.1 billion dollars for prevention plans and procurement of drugs, of which 1.2 billion were destined to develop and purchase 20 million doses of vaccines against H5N1 influenza.

    1996 - North American company bio pharmaceutical GILEAD SCIENCES patented TAMIFLU as a medicine against various types of flu.
    1997 - DONALD RUMSFELD, member of Gilead Sciences since 1968, is named president. That same year, the company reached an agreement with the Swiss multinational Roche laboratory to produce and distribute TAMIFLU by the year 2016 in exchange for a commission of 10% of total income.

    DONALD RUMFIEL presided over the direction of Gilead Sciences until 2001. He was appointed secretary of defense in the 1st President George W. Bush. The same president who in 2005 approved a budget in which 1.2 billion dollars were designed to ex-Rumsfeld company to manufacture 20 million doses of Tamiflu, in order to avoid the assumed 2 million deaths in the U.S.from bird flu.

    Guess how many deaths there were in the U.S. from Bird flu according to the WHO? 2 million? No! ZERO.

    According to WHO, you know how many casualties there were because of bird flu between 2003 and 2009? 7.4 million? No! 272 deaths. The laying an average of 39 deaths per year. It seems a lot, but ...

    - Currently in the world 2 million people die because of malaria. Deaths could be prevented using a simple mosquito net.
    - each year 2 million children die because of diarrhea. Death could be prevented with oral serum.
    - each year 10 million people die because of curable disease such as measles or pneumonia.

    do you read this on newspapers ?? no ..

    However, the insistence media with the swine flu seems immutable, but why? At this point, it should be clear. Recall that the bio pharmaceutical company GILEAD SCIENCE presided years later by Donal Rumsfeld's patented drug Tamiflu as against different flu ... Guess ... TAMIFLU is incidentally one of the medicines recommended by WHO to combat swine flu.

    What better way than sell and generate a need based on fear and paranoia in society? If still not clear, we'll take a look at the evolution of the actions of ROCHE between 23 and 29 April 2009: A considerable increase over that in only five days. Moreover, did you know that TAMIFLU has psychological and psychiatric side effects? The more severe symptoms are seizures and delirium. In Japan, 14 infant and adolescent deaths -because of brain infection- forced the government to ban TAMIFLU in 2007 .
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Well here is fucked by Donald Rumsfeld that Tamiflu not sold in any pharmacy, it has the ministry of health, and I have not heard of more cases of H1N1
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    it's all about MONEY!
    pharmaceutical industry only needs us when we are sick..then ...
    So far i don't believe that swine flu and Mandatory vaccination are the depopulation itself BUT ... we don't know what comes next! this vaccine can be the beginning of something much worse that will happen ... and they can not force us into take something that many doctors refuse to take. and of course, for something that is not so serious. Vaccine is not a joke! They can NOT play with our health and/or lives.

    Yeah..here is the real deal..the real epidemic.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Other things besides the H1N1 vaccine can cause false positive and that's already known.
  • i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
    You know it gets really scary when some colleges wont let you go to ther schl unless u get certain vaccines. Now thats rediculous. I never take ANY flu shots and i never took the H1N1 shot...its just another brnach of the flu . Flu is just simply evolving...just because it was a new strand made everyone FREAK OUT. When really H1N1 has prob been around longer than we have thought <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> You see we keep coming up with medicine to fight the flu virus...so the flu has got to evolve to get past the vaccine.

    And also, that vaccine didnt protect you from getting the virus...it simple reduced the effects of the flu when you got it...idk its hard to explain becuz my stepdad got the swine flu...and when they were trying to poke my family with all their needles they were trying to explain to me how i need the shot and blah blah...i wish i culd explain it more but i honestly stopped listening to the doctor becuz i wasnt interested in getting the flipping shot <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    You know I was thinking... Scientist are creating this HUGE dangerous virus that will be deadly NO MATTER what...and they dont even realize it yet. I mean these viruses are going to be evolving to survive the vaccines. So what do we do when a new strand of virus comes out? we make a new vaccine. But one year there is going to be this crazy powerful strand of virus that is immune to all of it.

    But anyways, Im not worried. I dont get any of the shots and i have NEVER been sick <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> except food poisoning. but NEVER EVER had the flu or anything serious. And i was even "exposed" to the H1N1 virus ewww it was hilarious the doctors and my family were treating me like i was a walking disease haha they had masks on and everything! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    Other things besides the H1N1 vaccine can cause false positive and that's already known.

    ops, sorry!
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