Hoax mentioned in romania

Keep The FaithKeep The Faith Posts: 33
edited January 1970 in News
hoax mentioned in romanian media

<!-- m -->http://www.click.ro/vedete/celebritati/ ... 04619.html<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.mytex.ro/fapt-divers/video/m ... ve_622.php<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.cancan.ro/showbiz/showbiz-in ... 03875.html<!-- m -->

google translate is your friend <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->


  • Yes, it is mentioned, but unfortunately the big MJ fan community does not want to accept the clues and the hoax theory. Moreover, all these media where the "MJ is alive" news have been breaking are famous tabloids, generally known for their trashy information, speculations and gossip for the sake of attention by whatever means... So unfortunately their credibility is very low.

    I have tried to give hints in different local forums and to explain them why they should at least read TS's updates and follow this forum, in order for them to have a different vision and think for themselves (the conclusions belong to each person individually), but I only received aggressive accusations that I wanted publicity and that we are all taking advantage of Michael's death, not allowing him to rest in peace. I truly hope that more and more fellow Romanians will start opening their eyes and stop crying over Michael's "death"... There are so many lessons to learn right now and every day that passes by in ignorance will remain in obscurity, never to be recovered.

    I don't mean any disrespect towards them in any way, I am very proud of all their LOVE, solidarity, initiatives, flash mobs and righteous efforts, but I beLIEve it is time for us to really wake up and see the truth. In know that the communist ideology has badly affected our reason and our trust in people generally and their hidden intentions, but instead of weeping we can concentrate efforts in spreading Michael's message, which is best understood only through the hoax essence and purpose.

    This is a wake-up call for anyone who sees it. Please open your eyes!


  • True. Unfortunately in Romania are lots of people who love Michael but just a few think that he is alive.
    I have tried to give hints in different local forums and to explain them why they should at least read TS's updates and follow this forum, in order for them to have a different vision and think for themselves (the conclusions belong to each person individually), but I only received aggressive accusations that I wanted publicity and that we are all taking advantage of Michael's death, not allowing him to rest in peace.

    If you mention the hoax theory on the biggest MJ forum from Romania they think you are weird. Just a few consider that we are living a GREAT ADVENTURE. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • llebreknitllebreknit Posts: 116
    This is nothing...every source for hoax is this forum.
  • This is nothing...every source for hoax is this forum.

    Of course it is, this is why I feel much more attached to this forum rather than my local ones, which I barely follow. But the next idea is not to receive, but to give. And it makes me sad that I cannot give, that I cannot share this amazing hoax essence and Michael's message with my co-nationals. But I won't give up <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->.

    Spread the LOVE and keep the faith!

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