Special Message to FANS of MJ from william wagener

jinanejinane Posts: 54
edited January 1970 in News
& this video too is very important :
Mahmoud AHMADINEJAD, of IRAN speaks truth... American Culture does encourage lewd conduct by
women, destroy family values, and BUSH and New World ORDER want to silence Truth... Why did this speech get so little coverage, that only C-SPAN and a few NYC independant stations carry
this broadcast speech from the United Nations? Is our Media, just a Nazi style propaganda loudSpeaker


  • this type of news should be listen by everyone out there. not just us (mj fans). but this is not the global coverage news about mj. we have to do something
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    I'd rather live in the West than Iran. If Iran is such a wonderful country why did my uncle's future wife flee Iran in 1979 to make a new life in the UK. I don't remember desperately trying to get into Iran for a better life. At least women in the West have something called freedom which means THEY can decide whether to be lewd or not and not have their behavior decided for them (by a male). We also eat at the same time as our male counterparts and are not left with the scraps, as if we are secondary human beings/or dog (delete as applicable).
  • jinanejinane Posts: 54
    I'd rather live in the West than Iran. If Iran is such a wonderful country why did my uncle's future wife flee Iran in 1979 to make a new life in the UK. I don't remember desperately trying to get into Iran for a better life. At least women in the West have something called freedom which means THEY can decide whether to be lewd or not and not have their behavior decided for them (by a male). We also eat at the same time as our male counterparts and are not left with the scraps, as if we are secondary human beings/or dog (delete as applicable).
    Sorry but we're not talking about Iran here it's about this particular speech & about their president telling the truth about the American policy.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    jinane, Maybe not but I am.
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    400+ bribe taking judges in LA is good for the hoax.. But really disturbing on another level. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Whatever happens, I just want Justice for Michael.

    btw, WW reminds me of Joe Pesci <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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