Lady Gaga on Larry King Discusses MJ

neversayneverneversaynever Posts: 362
edited January 1970 in News
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Lady Gaga fans became a bit worried when she recently shared that she had been tested for lupus, leaving them wondering if the pop star is ill. When the singer sat down with Larry King for an interview airing Tuesday (June 1), she admitted that although she has tested positive for the disease, she hasn't experienced symptoms so far.

"Lupus is in my family and it's genetic, and it's funny 'cause my mother told me the other day that my fans were quite worried about me because I did talk about the fact that I was tested for lupus. And the truth is I don't show any signs, any symptoms of lupus, but I have tested borderline positive for the disease. So as of right now, I don't have it. But I do have to take good care of myself," the singer told King.

During the chat, Gaga also addressed rumors that she was scheduled to collaborate with Michael Jackson before his sudden death last June. "You know, it's always very difficult because I don't necessarily like to talk about those very personal things that happened," she said. "I guess I can speak about it now. I was actually asked to open for Michael on his tour. We were going to open for him at the O2.

"And we were working on making it happen. And I suppose there was some talk about the openers doing some duets with Michael onstage. But Michael's death was devastating for me regardless of whether I was supposed to go on tour with him," she continued. "He's such an inspiration and remarkable human being. I guess ... some of my fascination with death and the demise of the celebrity goes along with me watching these hugely iconic and amazing people that I have heralded and admired become destroyed, whether self-destroyed or destroyed by the media."

In addition to the sit-down, Gaga will also preview a tease for her "Alejandro" video, a contender for summer jam of 2010. She tweeted, "Tonight, on Larry King 6pm pt/9pm et, I will be interviewed by the King, + preview my newest collaboration with Steven Klein: ALEJANDRO


  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    He's such an inspiration and remarkable human being

    Oh yes, he IS ! She's so right, haha
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    He's such an inspiration and remarkable human being

    Oh yes, he IS ! She's so right, haha

    OF COURSE HE IS! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
    goosh, I love LG <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    cant wait to see Alejandro.. XD

    Sorry, I know.. nothing to do with Michael <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Its like we are being teased all the time with what "could of been"

    Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson dueting would be awesome.. i love GaGa she is very talented and original. I can see why MJ likes her, there is a lot of MJ in her. (so to speak <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) I think he saw himself reflected back a bit,

    Also.. she is confirming here that MJ was planning to TOUR.. not just the London residencey but a TOUR.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I am watching right now, just started. She has worked as a waitress for many years.Her icon is her mother, grand, and princess Diana. She is saying lupus in her family, but test for now showed negative, but she has positive on something that is a sign of future lupus, she has to take care of herself. Fans started call her Gaga.She is very troubled, she is not interested in being icon, she wants her fans to reject supersticious through her songs. Commercial <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Watching her on Larry King has changed my views on her. I was sure she was an Illuminati puppet when I was being fed everyone else's ideas & interpretations of her & when I didn't know much about her. But now that she's done this interview, she does reflect MJ quite a bit. She is very involved with being the voice of the Gay community, being Bisexual herself & growing up with a lot of Gay friends, also her biggest fan base is the Gay community which I can understand & appreciate. There were some key subjects she spoke of that were highlights for me, when asked about her icons she mentioned Princess Diana & when talking about her, she reminded me very much of MJ. Also the Lupus disease as we all know MJ had it. Another thing was when she was asked if she considered herself an "icon" she said no but when she's dead she hopes to be considered one, MJ has said something like this before. Also the way she speaks about him with admiration & understanding, she gets him, like I mentioned in my other post about her interview on the Fuse channel, she said there was never a time when she didn't love Michael, even when the media drama was going on, she always LOVED him. I can definitely see why he wanted to work with her, he probably did see a lot of himself in her plus she is purposefully changing the "norm" in pop culture, what people always considered "different" "weird" or "being a freak", she is out there saying it's okay to be this way, it's the rest of society that's screwed up. He probably liked that about her, seeing as how he was always condemned & called a freak. Another thing is she was questioned about her views on religion, she was raised Catholic & said she is still religious, she believes in God & Jesus & she prays a lot. But at the same time she is conflicted & confused because there isn't one religion in this world that doesn't condemn homosexuality, the isn't one religion that doesn't have intolerance & hatred towards another religion or group of people, which isn't true, I know of one religion that tolerates everyone it's called Unitarian. Anyways, that's what makes her confused because she is bisexual & is a huge supporter of Gay people & while she believes her religion, she doesn't agree with that. I am the same way, I believe in God & everything, I pray, I sometimes go to church but I have Gay friends & family, so I don't agree with everything that's a part of religion. I truly don't believe her to be a "puppet" she is wise for her age, 24. She doesn't tolerate or like negativity, violence, hatred & she thinks the government is wrong in a lot of things they do. She is different & shocking at times but that is for a purpose other than the Illuminati crap. She does have some symbolism but I am starting to think that she does that to show her fans the uglier side of fame. That there are sometimes prices to pay for fame. She does have directors who draw up ideas for her videos, so some of the symbolism comes from them, also as for her hairstyles & costumes, she said she has designers that design outfits for her & she wears them. She mentioned one of the designers & said that she wasn't sure what her interpretations were or whatever. She also said she is obsessed with the "death of the celebrity" but because she's seen so many of the artists she's always admired, destroyed by fame. She also thinks a lot about it happening to her, it's one of her "monsters" meaning one of her fears. When she describes what she does & why she calls her fans little monsters, or her tour monster ball & her costumes, songs, all makes sense. I don't know, I just really feel like we were all so quick to judge her & call her something & throw stones at her, but we might have misjudged her & got her wrong. Oh yeah! Also, she said she is good friends with DEEPOK CHOPRA!!! That she calls him all the time to talk about her thoughts about death & her fears & that he tells her to embrace her insanity & not to worry, she is creative. Sound like someone? Hmm, wasn't MJ close to Deepok at one point. Lots of interesting MJ-like moments. & a reference to him waving at the fans with his gloved hand when he was burned, she said "He was show business". I am wondering now if her similarities to MJ are on purpose or just who she is? Also when she was first asked about touring with him she said, "It's always hard for me, I don't like to talk a lot about those personal things that went on but I guess I can talk about it now" What did she mean by that? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Watch it if you haven't.
  • Watching her on Larry King has changed my views on her. I was sure she was an Illuminati puppet when I was being fed everyone else's ideas & interpretations of her & when I didn't know much about her.

    See what happens when you actually give someone a chance rather than just believing what you read/what the crowd says?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Watching her on Larry King has changed my views on her. I was sure she was an Illuminati puppet when I was being fed everyone else's ideas & interpretations of her & when I didn't know much about her.

    See what happens when you actually give someone a chance rather than just believing what you read/what the crowd says?

    Yeah, I didn't really believe it "because the crowd was saying it". I didn't know about her being a MJ fan & never heard any interviews of hers, all I saw was the symbolism & I do believe the Illuminati exists in the music biz still, anyways, so I saw that & THEN I read what people were saying here & a lot of it made sense but now that I've learned a little bit more about her, I find it very unlikely. Beyonce & Rihanna however are a different story, <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> .
  • She did an interview with Oprah too and said she paid for her dad's heart surgery, which he was being stubborn about before and I always knew she had a humble and sweet side. And wow those all remind me of michael. As for her music, I do generally like it a lot but I can't keep it on heavy rotation without getting a headache.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    He's such an inspiration and remarkable human being

    Oh yes, he IS ! She's so right, haha

    OF COURSE HE IS! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I love it! MJ is simply the best! Love you, baby! xxxxx

    God bless you all! xxxxxx
  • i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
    LOL ummm MJ dead or alive can still be a inspiration. I mean say MJ is dead... He still IS and inspiration. He still lives through his music and still continues to inspire people. Elvis probably still inspires people. People only say He WAS so inspirational when they stop thinking he is inspirational. People can still inspire others even when they are gone.

    Gaga you are awesome and I can't wait to see you in dallas this summer!! Got floor tickets baby!! She is so sweet and I see so much good in her <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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