NWO Busted: Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy

edited January 1970 in News

I have created a new post on purpose for this video, because if it's posted somewhere in an already existing thread I'm afraid most people don't watch it. This video is too important to be ignored or end to up buried in a thread.

NWO Busted: Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU


Secretive and elite - the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the world's most powerful people, has been meeting behind closed doors for decades. An investigative journalist Daniel Estulin has just revealed to the European Parliament all he claims to have discovered about the 'Bilderbergers', and expects the results of his findings to have the 'effect of an atomic bomb'.


  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
    lol, double post.

    lock mine if you want, main goal is to spread the word!

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=90&t=10280<!-- l -->

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked
    Published on 05-29-2010

    By James Corbet - BLN Contributing Writer

    Veteran Bilderberg researcher and bestselling author Daniel Estulin has once again acquired a copy of the agenda for the annual meeting of the world's power elite. In an exclusive interview with The Corbett Report earlier today, Estulin revealed what the Bilderbergers will be discussing at this year's confab in Sitges, Spain on June 3-6, 2010.
    Download an mp3 of the interview by clicking here or listen in the player below:

    According to the documents—which Estulin obtained from his sources inside the secretive group—issues to be discussed in this year's formal deliberations are:

    1. Will the Euro Survive?
    2. Development in Europe: Europe's Exit Strategy...On Hold?
    3. Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?
    4. Greece: Lessons and Forward-looking Strategies
    5. NATO and Afghanistan: The Practical Agenda for the Alliance
    6. Iran and Russia: Economic and Financial Threats to the Alliance
    7. The Consequences of War Against Terrorism
    8. The Influence of Domestic Issues on American Foreign Policy
    9.The Outlook for Japan's Economy
    10. The Future of the U.S. Dollar: Alternative Scenarios

    That the Bilderbergers—essentially a talking shop for European and North American power players—are interested in discussing the current meltdown of the European economy should come as no surprise, especially as the group's attendee list includes many of the key financiers and string pullers who helped steer Europe into the crisis in the first place. Past attendees of the meeting include current EU President Herman Van Rompuy who got the job as the first non-elected head of the undemocratic European Union after a special wine and dine session with Bilderberg steering committee members. Last year he heralded the beginning of global government, praising the increased role of G20 in dealing with the global financial crisis. Other key Bilderbergers include Jean-Claude Trichet, who, as head of the European Central Bank, was instrumental in helping to craft the current European bailout which itself is designed to incentivize the bankruptcy of Europe. Trichet, too, also recently called for global government to regulate the world economic meltdown that his fellow Bilderbergers helped to create.

    Those familiar with the Bilderberg group's long-cherished dream of achieving global government through the creation of an international financial framework will be unsurprised to see that a debate on the question "Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?" is the third order of business at this year's meeting. Nor will it be a surprise when the question is inevitably answered with the standard globalist line that international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank need to be "strengthened" and even given enhanced regulatory powers as a result of the crisis they have brought about, exactly as Bilderberg observers have been predicting for years. Indeed, as Estulin himself notes in his latest book, Shadow Masters, former U.S. Undersecretary of State George Ball expressed the ambition of the globalists in an address to the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Mont Tremblant when he stated that they were interested in developing a "world company" to take over the "archaic political structure of nation states"

    Other items on the agenda are exactly in line with the issues and plans made at last year's Bilderberg and those ideas debated at last year's G20 Finance Ministers meeting, both of which Estulin was able to infiltrate with his inside sources. The fact that the Iran-Russia alliance is on this year's agenda is doubly telling, not only because a strike against Iran was on the table at this year's Trilateral Commission meeting, but because, as Estulin notes in today's interview, it indicates that the real object of the Bilderbergers' aggression against Iran is the destabilization of Russia, a country that has traditionally been a thorn in the side of the globalists.

    Perhaps the only thing that is surprising about this year's leaked agenda is that the secretive group, which has gone to great length to conceal itself from media and public scrutiny, has failed to take precautions to prevent Estulin and his sources from acquiring the information yet again. "I'm a little bit disappointed in the Bilderbergers," he said on the line from Spain, where he currently resides. "I would think they would have taken certain precautions and measures, especially coming to my part of the world."

    While the agenda is only a guide for the larger group discussions and the real decision-making takes place among the core members of the group behind closed doors, it does serve as an indicator of the issues and events that are preoccupying the globalists at this sensitive stage of their operation, just as they begin to realize their dream of instituting global government by manufacturing a global depression. Even as these plans begin to come to fruition, the people of Iceland, Greece, and other developed countries are beginning to rise up en masse to throw off the yoke of financial oppression and key Bilderbergers are openly talking of their fears of a global political awakening.

    This year's conference marks a new level of exposure and opposition to the Bilderberg group itself. Daniel Estulin will be making an historic speech to the European parliament on June 1st along with Mario Borghezio, Nigel Farage, and other key MEPs. Then Charlie Skelton, reporting once again for the UK's Guardian newspaper, will be taking part in a mass counter-conference where those opposed to the Bilderbergers and their secret proceedings will gather to draw attention to the group.

    Stay tuned to corbettreport.com for all of the latest information on this year's conference, including an update from Estulin about what his sources are able to reveal about the meeting's proceedings. Coverage starts this Sunday with the release of Episode 131 of The Corbett Report podcast, "Bilderberg 2010."

    <!-- m -->http://blacklistednews.com/?news_id=896 ... um=twitter<!-- m -->
  • Wow... why aren't more people talking about this?! This is HUGE!
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Woaaa this is more than Huge

    And lol the other day I was watching TV , and someone asked about bilderberg during a political show <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , they were all like " Uh? Bilderbeg , no , i have no idea what's that , and you, do you know what is it ? -- Uhm no no , I don't believe that there are a some powerful people that meet and control the world behind the scenes - I only know the G8 and etc.." So i was like then you know what Bilderbeg is ?don't you ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    caught in lies ..
    OMg Im so tired of the lies ..
  • Great Video. I've been trynna explain to believers and non believers about the nwo (imo, pple need to understand this b4 the can truly understand mj's message).
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thanks Mo...This is HUGE and I hope more people open their eyes to the TRUTH!!
  • Emily HutjesEmily Hutjes Posts: 106
    This is very important Mo, thank you. We cannot live in a state of fear, but this post can help us understand what is happening in world politics. I see pyramids and eyes a lot in this video...... and this group goes back along time. They have the key to the world's economy, from East to West and back again and that is a serious threat.

    Somehow I have never believed The United States of Europe was 'good news', and neither was the Euro €. But, who are powerful enough to take on this Bilderberg group? Don't be surprised if something happens to Daniel Estulin and/or his family. What is good is, is that this old so called elite group is detected>>> out in the open, come what may........
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This's such an amazing video and proof especially for the ones who still denies the truth of NWO! We should share this video more and more! Thanks Mo.
  • I know that the whole message is the most important, but i would like to make something clear, the Spanish constitution is Not subordinated to the ( "European constitution" ) treaty of Lisbon, and the flags of the european countries are not lower situated than the european flag in the official acts, they are all at the same height.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    There are people who think this does not exist, there are saying now.
    Poor Greece, and the monetary fund got its claws and go to Spain.

    Do Not think it NECESSARY to Give Names, Any Knowledgeable person knows WHO to Have They met the presidents of the Governments, can be, Who are going to Davos, Which are part of the Trilateral and Bilderberg Club, the multimillionaire Businessmen ... To this I mean. They control Not Only Their Own Financial Resources and huge savings But also in this case, the Spanish, with Which to attack the Spanish economy. They use your money to poor. These are "markets" to Whom the half never put name and face.

    When the power of citizens does not exist or is insufficient, as is happening now in Greece or Spain, as has happened in many other places, money triumphs and these results are obtained, the Reduction of Wages and Public Spending and the Dismantling of collective services, or What is equal, the Deterioration of Living Conditions of People Who Do Not Have fortunes.

    So it is so necessary to generate the other power, for men and women who love life and not money, we seek justice, not profit, we want peace, not greed. And be aware that although they do everything possible to prevent the birth, and shoot, kidnap, lie, torture and kill to prevent the consolidation, it is also true that we lose too much time and energy in vain. We should not be so easily defeated.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I posted this video a few months ago. Very interesting and linkes to the Bilderberg group and list of members.
    BTW, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, not Bill, is the member of the Bilderberg group.
    If anybody interested to learn more about "Obama Deception", watch. The video is pretty long.
    Revealed or not, as I said before, the NWO will not be accomplished, never gonna happen.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    They fear the awakening of the peoples
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    The fact that these groups are being openly discussed on somewhat mainstream media outlets indicates to me that they no longer enjoy absolute control over events. If Benjamin Fulford is to be believed, they are on the run and efforts are underway to negotiate a surrender if you will which will lead to new levels of prosperity and freedom from the yoke of debt which threatens nearly everyone on the planet. I can't help but feel that MJ has something to do with the current exposure of these groups, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  • This information has been coming out so much more every year, Estulin has been there since I can remember and also Alex Jones, David Icke etc, these guys are the ones I have paid attention to with this information. THANKS MO <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> , for putting this out there for others to read and listen too and hopefully wake up to the truth. WE need NOT TO FEAR this, just stay awake and know that the more people know the harder it will be for their agenda to work. There are folks I know that I have told this to and they think I am off my rocker, I think it scares the heck out of some to think "can this be real" Yup it sure can, and we are minions to them, little slaves being lead to the slaughter...... My advice is to question everything.. and to research it to and to think outside of the box.............

    I know this is not part of the the discussion but..
    Pay attention to the weather changes. They have HAARP which = weather related disasters, above the ground and below. On the other side you have the spiritual, Mother Earth, she is really pissed off, she is loosing blood ( oil ) at a rapid pace, she will rebel, just wait for that one. Earthquakes are so numerous, at least 1 every week, and wait Hurricane season is just starting and they say it is going to be a record year, the oceans have gone up 4 degrees in 1 year, this is hugh.......its not over till the fat lady sings and she is just warming up.

    It is all so connected.. I could on and on and on.........sorry for length of this but I get so passionate about this stuff...........please except my apology....
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    They fear the awakening of the peoples

    Yes, I agree, One day we will put them on the Guillotine <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    WOW <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> this is... wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Now I invite all the people that've been ridiculized the NWO "theory" to come here eh ? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Now watch this video and tell me this is Bull
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    This information has been coming out so much more every year, Estulin has been there since I can remember and also Alex Jones, David Icke etc, these guys are the ones I have paid attention to with this information. THANKS MO <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> , for putting this out there for others to read and listen too and hopefully wake up to the truth. WE need NOT TO FEAR this, just stay awake and know that the more people know the harder it will be for their agenda to work. There are folks I know that I have told this to and they think I am off my rocker, I think it scares the heck out of some to think "can this be real" Yup it sure can, and we are minions to them, little slaves being lead to the slaughter...... My advice is to question everything.. and to research it to and to think outside of the box.............

    I know this is not part of the the discussion but..
    Pay attention to the weather changes. They have HAARP which = weather related disasters, above the ground and below. On the other side you have the spiritual, Mother Earth, she is really pissed off, she is loosing blood ( oil ) at a rapid pace, she will rebel, just wait for that one. Earthquakes are so numerous, at least 1 every week, and wait Hurricane season is just starting and they say it is going to be a record year, the oceans have gone up 4 degrees in 1 year, this is hugh.......its not over till the fat lady sings and she is just warming up.

    It is all so connected.. I could on and on and on.........sorry for length of this but I get so passionate about this stuff...........please except my apology....

    No apologies necessary! I agree that, like with Michael, as long as we have 'God in our hearts,' we have nothing to fear. Fear is what keeps us under control. Didn't Michael say that he wants to put LOVE back in the world? Only love can move us past the fear. More and more I appreciate the meaning of his words that this is a great adventure and that we have nothing to fear! I believe that he is pushing us past our own fears and delivering us to a world based on love, not fear. We can help him by not giving in to fear, but staying strong in our beliefs and open to the LOVE that is surrounds us.

    ps. In addition to David Icke and Alex Jones, I recommend David Wilcock.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • About the video in the original post, I just hate the way that lady anchor says, "fascinating theories". It's like she's discrediting Daniel Estulin and his research by calling them theories.

    Also, I fear for Daniel Estulin's safety, especially as he sounds like he's challenging the Bilderberg's when he says, "I'm a little bit disappointed in the Bilderbergers," ... "I would think they would have taken certain precautions and measures, especially coming to my part of the world." Those people are dangerous and I would not put it past them to eliminate someone that uncovers the truth. And they already know he lives in Spain. Daniel sure has balls.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • NightOwlNightOwl Posts: 150
    Night Owl's find is very important so I am taking the liberty of cross-pollinating Night Owl's post from my thread to Mo's thread so as to increase exposure to Night Owl's most excellent find. I hope you don't mind, Night Owl, as everyone will be anxious to see these videos that you found!

    On the contrary! I thank you White_Orchid for copying it in here - and leading me to this thread, the links to more info. Thank you, LunaCielo, for translating the introduction. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Emily HutjesEmily Hutjes Posts: 106
    I know that the whole message is the most important, but i would like to make something clear, the Spanish constitution is Not subordinated to the ( "European constitution" ) treaty of Lisbon, and the flags of the european countries are not lower situated than the european flag in the official acts, they are all at the same height.

    Keep your own constitution, keep your own culture and Spanish Royal Family and please keep your eye on all the flags of the members. Please ,do scream if you would see the European flag tower above all others!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The following link can read an interview with Danile Stulin by many people over the internet. It is important to read about all the people of Spain. I will not publish it because it is too long.

    <!-- m -->http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/encuen ... 2010-05-14<!-- m -->
  • This year it´s going to be very interesting the media coverage, more when Daniel Stulin is half Spanish citizen and our Queen didn´t denied being there as I told on the first topic I openned about Bilderberg.

    Bilderberg Club Meeting 2010

    Here there´s a report on what the queen said:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=90&t=7262&start=25#p154352<!-- l -->

    I recommend you read it, more over the Charlie Skelton files in The Guardian:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=90&t=7262#p153727<!-- l -->

    He´s already here and has started to cover the meeting:
    Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees

    It´s amazing how this is going to start today here and Spanish mass media still not a word, when they are planning how we´re going to be the next country destroyed. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
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