Michelle WilkieNZMichelle WilkieNZ Posts: 78
edited January 1970 in News
This is under the There was a new comment on the post "MJ Mausoleum -- Fans No Longer Welcome"
Why is this is under MJ's Mausolem -Forest Lawn cemetery
posted by TMZ staff?????
thought this is very much interest ... nothing seemingly to do with MJ and the topic it is under and also the author was TMZ Staff
only thing I think is letting us know how unjust the Justice system in USA is and that the victim is punished unjustly etc and how This rapist got illegally got US citizenship papers fraudulent
corrupted court system
he's making money from( April the lady who was raped and this baby her son a result of it) ..from her son a baby,
April is in jail due to fraudulent charges against her and meanwhile the guy has her son and the Boy is having nightmares etc, so this is definitley so unjust!!

just thought people here might like to know I jsus got this update from TMZ today June 2nd 2010

<!-- m --> ... /#c3260591<!-- m -->

Author: TMZ Staff

See what others are saying about this post here:

<!-- m --> ... -cemetery/<!-- m -->



love to You all and I hope April the lady victimised in this horrible situation and her Baby get justice and back together, my love to them all and everyone here !! May the truth prevail and Justice eventuate!!

all my love
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