Tabloid Cr4p Strikes Again - Strong Worded Email Sent!!!

rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
edited January 1970 in News
I came across this article in one of our national newspapers in the UK today - The Mirror.

To say that it has angered me is an understatement and as soon as I have finished posting this I will be sending a very strongly worded email to the journo who wrote this piece.

I ask you to do the same. Please read the article, look at the photo of MJ and then email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and tell him what a misinformed, ignorant moron he is!!


Yesterday, in the UK there was a massacre in the county of Cumbria where 12 people were shot at random (and killed) and another 8 remain in hospital - 3 critical and 5 serious - as well as the 12 who died, there were 25 injured in total and then the gunman took himself off to some woods and shot himself. However, our UK media trash still insist on publishing rubbish like this and using Michael's name in a defamatory way - look at the photo with the strapline - 'Freak Jackson' and the use of 'Jacko'!

The events of yesterday were horrific and therefore perhaps this stupid article should not bother me given the scale of yesterday's tragedy. Did The Mirror think that they would 'get away with it' and that readers wouldn't notice this story given the media attention of yesterday's events?

Guess what Mr Jeremy Armstrong - I'm coming to get you (via email)!!!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->


  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Here is my email to this moron:

    Dear Mr Armstrong,

    I am writing to express my utter disgust at the article you wrote entitled 'Ere We Jacko!' which was published in The Mirror today, 3rd June 2010.

    First of all, his name is Michael JACKSON, not Jacko. Secondly, he is not a 'freak' as you so eloquently called him underneath the photograph.

    Finally, you have proved just how ignorant you are as the whole 'story' around Michael using an oxygen chamber was actually made up by Michael himself in order to make the media look stupid! He never actually slept in an oxygen tent, however, Michael, in his wisdom, made sure that the media bought that story to prove just how gullible they are and how they will run stories without actually finding out the true facts.

    Applause to you Mr Armstrong. You have just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are misinformed, ignorant and a moron. All of the qualities that are needed to make a fine journalist.

    As for Michael Jackson?? Hardly a 'freak' - more like someone who knows just exactly what makes the media tick - very clever.

    Did you see the tragic events that occurred in Cumbria yesterday???? Did you think that perhaps you could get away with running this ridiculous story because people wouldn't notice, that somehow it would be 'hidden' but yet you would still get your pay cheque?

    I feel that you should publish an apology for calling Michael a freak, get the true facts around the oxygen chamber story and then hold your head in shame!

    Jayne Beaumont - a Michael Jackson fan!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Can't they mind their own fucking business! No respect not even when he is supposed to be "dead"! This world is full of trash and life-suckers..Poor Mike..all he had and has to go's not fair <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Here is my email to this moron:

    Dear Mr Armstrong,

    I am writing to express my utter disgust at the article you wrote entitled 'Ere We Jacko!' which was published in The Mirror today, 3rd June 2010.

    First of all, his name is Michael JACKSON, not Jacko. Secondly, he is not a 'freak' as you so eloquently called him underneath the photograph.

    Finally, you have proved just how ignorant you are as the whole 'story' around Michael using an oxygen chamber was actually made up by Michael himself in order to make the media look stupid! He never actually slept in an oxygen tent, however, Michael, in his wisdom, made sure that the media bought that story to prove just how gullible they are and how they will run stories without actually finding out the true facts.

    Applause to you Mr Armstrong. You have just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are misinformed, ignorant and a moron. All of the qualities that are needed to make a fine journalist.

    As for Michael Jackson?? Hardly a 'freak' - more like someone who knows just exactly what makes the media tick - very clever.

    Did you see the tragic events that occurred in Cumbria yesterday???? Did you think that perhaps you could get away with running this ridiculous story because people wouldn't notice, that somehow it would be 'hidden' but yet you would still get your pay cheque?

    I feel that you should publish an apology for calling Michael a freak, get the true facts around the oxygen chamber story and then hold your head in shame!

    Jayne Beaumont - a Michael Jackson fan!

    Very well said, those no-lifers should pay for all the pain they're causing and for all the trash they publish
    I'm sure you won't get any answer, but at least they know what does the people think about all these stories.
  • Tell us when/if he replies.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Reply from Jeremy Armstrong - in which I detect a little bit of sarcasm:

    "Many thanks for sharing your reasoned, unbiased and balanced view of Mr
    Jackson and his life.
    Unfortunately I do not write the headlines nor captions and so cannot
    proffer any apology for that.
    The story was really more about the England team but I will bear your
    comments in mind for any future coverage of Mr Jackson.
    Best wishes,
    Jeremy Armstrong"
  • laura58laura58 Posts: 48
    I just want to say very well said this kind of junk makes me sick. But just goes to show they are never going to leave Michael alone. Thank you for standing up for Michael and all of us who love him <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Reply from Jeremy Armstrong - in which I detect a little bit of sarcasm:

    "Many thanks for sharing your reasoned, unbiased and balanced view of Mr
    Jackson and his life.
    Unfortunately I do not write the headlines nor captions and so cannot
    proffer any apology for that.
    The story was really more about the England team but I will bear your
    comments in mind for any future coverage of Mr Jackson.
    Best wishes,
    Jeremy Armstrong"

    At least he replied, didn't expect it
    If that was their real purpose they could've been "respectful" at least by trying to avoid call Michael a freak and Jacko!
    This is BS
  • VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
    Then who writes headlines and captions??? The chief editor of this tabloid? Who is he? Do we have his email address? Let's flood him with emails! Please, can somebody post the email of the chief editor?
    Let's react, folks! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Then who writes headlines and captions??? The chief editor of this tabloid? Who is he? Do we have his email address? Let's flood him with emails! Please, can somebody post the email of the chief editor?
    Let's react, folks! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    The guy who wrote the article is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.

    I am looking for an email address for the Chief Editor but can't find it as yet. When I do I will post it on here.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    OK I am trying to find out who the editor is. In the meantime I have just sent another email to Jeremy Armstrong because I agree that his reply to my email is a cop-out. Someone IS responsible for the 'freak' comment and the 'Jacko' headline and I want to know who!! And with regards to the comment I make about MJ not being here to defend himself, I don't mean that he's passed away but that he simply is not around at the moment <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Many thanks for your speedy reply.

    so who is responsible for writing the headlines and captions on this article?

    I'm sorry but I'm not satisfied with your response to this. Michael had to endure years of mockery by the media and now his fans are taking a stand against the media and working to put a stop to this.

    Please understand that we are not just targeting The Mirror about such articles, but also other media outlets too. Michael's fans are very strong in their beliefs and are not prepared to sit by and watch his name being used in stupid, meaningless and mis-informed articles, especially as he is not here to defend himself.

    As for reasoned, unbiased and balanced - I detect a hint of sarcasm there. Tell me, was your article reasoned, unbiased and balanced?

    Kind regards
  • VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
    Rowdyangel, would you mind if I used some of the sentences you wrote in writing my own letters to other newspapers, article authors who will write something disrespecful about MJ to support Michael? I'm not a native English speaker so it is hard for me to formulate such nice and proper sentences. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> If I could use some of your expressions, it would help me a lot and I could help Michael as well. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Rowdyangel, would you mind if I used some of the sentences you wrote in writing my own letters to other newspapers, article authors who will write something disrespecful about MJ to support Michael? I'm not a native English speaker so it is hard for me to formulate such nice and proper sentences. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> If I could use some of your expressions, it would help me a lot and I clould help Michael as well. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Of course, please do. X
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I've sent him an e_mail...
    Seriously, still using the oxygen chamber story ........ <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • RowdyAngel,

    You certainly are an eloquent writer! Your actions are commendable and I couldn't be more proud of how you handled a negative situation so diplomatically. Kudos on taking a stand on behalf of Michael. It is so good to hear how people are being "put in their place" on such matters. Together we are all making a change! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Guys, These fools know very well What They Do <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I've got the same reply...... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> >>>>

    Many thanks for sharing your reasoned, unbiased and balanced view of Mr
    Jackson and his life.
    Unfortunately I do not write the headlines nor captions and so cannot
    proffer any apology for that.
    The story was really more about the England team but I will bear your
    comments in mind for any future coverage of Mr Jackson.
    Best wishes,
    Jeremy Armstrong
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I've got the same reply...... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> >>>>

    Many thanks for sharing your reasoned, unbiased and balanced view of Mr
    Jackson and his life.
    Unfortunately I do not write the headlines nor captions and so cannot
    proffer any apology for that.
    The story was really more about the England team but I will bear your
    comments in mind for any future coverage of Mr Jackson.
    Best wishes,
    Jeremy Armstrong

    Bah! What a croc! Standard email response to everyone then. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Still no reply to my follow-up email <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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