Figueroa Mt. Road

ZenZen Posts: 341
edited January 1970 in News
If this has been discussed, please feel free to delete.
In a total unrelated search, I come across this Farmhouse on
Figueroa Mt. Road. It seems all roads lead to Michael anymore,
and I remember this is Neverland Rd.
What further piqued my interest was when looking through past
events held here, I notice the events only start in 2008?
I am wondering who owns this Farmhouse and how close it is
to Neverland Ranch? Can anyone with time or knowledge find
out? It may be nothing related, but someone wishing to make the
extra money in wine country, but strategic placed anyway.

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  • Interesting - it would be nice to know if Michael has a connection to this place. It sure looks beautiful.
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