New book about MJ!

Truth_or_DareTruth_or_Dare Posts: 299
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> A little audio preview of "Michael Jackson Psychology".

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  • Wow! this is hard to digest. Michael Jackson wanted to commit suicide? That is ludacris! A person who is a humanitarian, who loves animals human beings, who wants to help the world this is really hard to swallow. The only thing which I feel really bad is that he did not have a very good relationship with his father. I never understood why he called him Joseph or Joe, now it is clear. I feel that Michael was not happy, even if he succeeded he lacked the love of his father, katherine did give all the love. Every day we learn new things about Michael Jackson the King Of Pop.. I hope he is doing fine where ever he is, and hope he will come back as soon as possible so he will know how much he is missed and loved.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I have a history of a failed suicide attempt and I feel for everyone who is passing the same circle; it's horrible that Mike could have dealt with the same issue. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    It's hard for boys to grow up without father's acceptance. Michael wanted to be respected and he wanted his father to acknowledge his success, he wanted Joe to be pleased, but the guy never showed out what he felt. MJ is/was a perfectionist, I bet it was difficult for him.
  • I have a history of a failed suicide attempt and I feel for everyone who is passing the same circle; it's horrible that Mike could have dealt with the same issue. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    It's hard for boys to grow up without father's acceptance. Michael wanted to be respected and he wanted his father to acknowledge his success, he wanted Joe to be pleased, but the guy never showed out what he felt. MJ is/was a perfectionist, I bet it was difficult for him.

    I am so sorry that you went through a rough time. It is not easy. I hope you are doing well . I do know how it is to try hard to please your parents and they do not acknowledge what you have done. I have my mother who is like that. I have achieved so many things in my life she never let me know how proud she was of me. I can relate so much what Michael has gone through with his father. I never thought of suicide, I said to myself, well if my mom cannot acknowledge it i wll be proud of myself. I am a phsychologist so it helps me alot ..I am also a perfectionist. I think people who's parents did not show love are perfectionists just to prove a point. I know deep down Joseph is proud of Michael but he is a person that does not show his emotions or feelings just like my mother. It does not mean we do not love our parents. or vice versa. I only hope MJ is alive and well and happy.
  • Wow! this is hard to digest. Michael Jackson wanted to commit suicide? That is ludacris! A person who is a humanitarian, who loves animals human beings, who wants to help the world this is really hard to swallow. The only thing which I feel really bad is that he did not have a very good relationship with his father. I never understood why he called him Joseph or Joe, now it is clear. I feel that Michael was not happy, even if he succeeded he lacked the love of his father, katherine did give all the love. Every day we learn new things about Michael Jackson the King Of Pop.. I hope he is doing fine where ever he is, and hope he will come back as soon as possible so he will know how much he is missed and loved.
    I havn't listened yet but why is it hard to believe he wouldn't try? He mentioned twice on Bashir about cutting his wrists and jumping off a building... I think that shows he at least contemplated it...even if it was on the spot. He was in a dark place in his life during the trial according to him...I don't blame him if he tried and I don't doubt that he may have... I'm sorry, but to say it is "Ludicrous" is the same as brushing his problems away like the dust... we don't know his suffering and pain he may have had, but I think we have a good Idea. The people who are professionals will tell you that often suicide, or first attempt, is a call for help when someone is at the bottom of the bucket, that often they don't MEAN to succeed. If he did try, this is so so sad and I would NEVER take away the importance of his cry by saying it is ludicrous.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I have a history of a failed suicide attempt and I feel for everyone who is passing the same circle; it's horrible that Mike could have dealt with the same issue. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    It's hard for boys to grow up without father's acceptance. Michael wanted to be respected and he wanted his father to acknowledge his success, he wanted Joe to be pleased, but the guy never showed out what he felt. MJ is/was a perfectionist, I bet it was difficult for him.

    I am so sorry that you went through a rough time. It is not easy. I hope you are doing well . I do know how it is to try hard to please your parents and they do not acknowledge what you have done. I have my mother who is like that. I have achieved so many things in my life she never let me know how proud she was of me. I can relate so much what Michael has gone through with his father. I never thought of suicide, I said to myself, well if my mom cannot acknowledge it i wll be proud of myself. I am a phsychologist so it helps me alot ..I am also a perfectionist. I think people who's parents did not show love are perfectionists just to prove a point. I know deep down Joseph is proud of Michael but he is a person that does not show his emotions or feelings just like my mother. It does not mean we do not love our parents. or vice versa. I only hope MJ is alive and well and happy.

    I appreciate your concern, you seem very kind! I'm doing much better now, thank you again.

    As for Michael being alive and happy, that's what I wish, too. I really hope he is around people who appreciate him around and keep him healthy and safe.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Wow! this is hard to digest. Michael Jackson wanted to commit suicide? That is ludacris! A person who is a humanitarian, who loves animals human beings, who wants to help the world this is really hard to swallow. The only thing which I feel really bad is that he did not have a very good relationship with his father. I never understood why he called him Joseph or Joe, now it is clear. I feel that Michael was not happy, even if he succeeded he lacked the love of his father, katherine did give all the love. Every day we learn new things about Michael Jackson the King Of Pop.. I hope he is doing fine where ever he is, and hope he will come back as soon as possible so he will know how much he is missed and loved.
    I havn't listened yet but why is it hard to believe he wouldn't try? He mentioned twice on Bashir about cutting his wrists and jumping off a building... I think that shows he at least contemplated it...even if it was on the spot. He was in a dark place in his life during the trial according to him...I don't blame him if he tried and I don't doubt that he may have... I'm sorry, but to say it is "Ludicrous" is the same as brushing his problems away like the dust... we don't know his suffering and pain he may have had, but I think we have a good Idea. The people who are professionals will tell you that often suicide, or first attempt, is a call for help when someone is at the bottom of the bucket, that often they don't MEAN to succeed. If he did try, this is so so sad and I would NEVER take away the importance of his cry by saying it is ludicrous.

    People who mention or joke about death/suicide are prone to suicide attempts. I hope he was exaggerating, but you'll never know. And now I'm praying that the stories about him taking overdose after Martin Bashir documentary are false...
  • I have a history of a failed suicide attempt and I feel for everyone who is passing the same circle; it's horrible that Mike could have dealt with the same issue. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    It's hard for boys to grow up without father's acceptance. Michael wanted to be respected and he wanted his father to acknowledge his success, he wanted Joe to be pleased, but the guy never showed out what he felt. MJ is/was a perfectionist, I bet it was difficult for him.
    I hope that your history is in the past and you take to heart the old saying that "this too shall pass." If there is ONE thing I have learned about life, it's that it ebs and flows. Life is always up and down and one moment we are happy and doing well and the next we are in a dark place trying to make our way thru and take comfort in realizing it won't last forever.

    If you believe in God, know that often the darkest of times test our faith in him. Some rally and cry...why, how could God do this to me or to the world or cause so much suffering on Earth, but that is the cry of those who don't realize that this is NOT the final destination... This is but a test, this life is not permanent... What comes next is the final life...the one we will know if we deserved or not based on how we handled ourselves here... Do we forsake him and ask how a God could cause this much pain and suffering in the world or do we realize that it's all in his master plan to teach us something about can we appriciate the happiness and tranquility of Heaven if we don't sample the pain of Hell and STRIVE in our lives to make something good of ourselves despite the fact that it's so easy to be bad and fall into darkness? Isn't a bite of chocolate cake so much sweeter when you have saved it for desert and passed it on the counter all day rather than bite into it out of the oven?

    Your suffering, my suffering, your happiness and mine are all for something and we all must THank God for the good and the bad because it's the good and the bad that make us who we are and give us something to fight on Earth and for judgment day when we stand before him and realize all we have earned. Also, we must realize that God is the most merciful...why would that be important if he wasn't going to show humanity how he is the most merciful? How could he be Merciful if we had nothing to seek mercy for?! If life was perfect and no pain of suffering...we wouldn't need his mercy and this would be heaven.
  • LOL! I never get all religious like that and I am hardly someone who preaches, but something you said made me feel the need to share.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    LOL! I never get all religious like that and I am hardly someone who preaches, but something you said made me feel the need to share.

    Well, I hope I didn't say anything stupid. I wasn't trying to.

    I'm not religious, but I'll keep your words in mind on this tough journey of life.
  • Wow! I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you guys..nobody deserves that and every child should feel loved and wanted.
    I don't know about you but as far as i'm concerned i'm not surprised that MJ wanted to kill himself and i'm sure it was more of a cry for help than anything else...if he really wanted to do it he would have done's not that hard. But I'm so proud of him and of anybody who has found the strength to stand straight and keep going. It shows a lot of courage to keep on going and to try to make it right even when the whole world is against you. And this is what I love about MJ. The fact that he was ever in the situation to kill himself...can you blame him?! After all he's been through...? But he made it and stayed strong and beat some of these guys at their own game. And THAT is power!
  • [youtube:2p022snd]
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Wow! I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you guys..nobody deserves that and every child should feel loved and wanted.
    I don't know about you but as far as i'm concerned i'm not surprised that MJ wanted to kill himself and i'm sure it was more of a cry for help than anything else...if he really wanted to do it he would have done's not that hard. But I'm so proud of him and of anybody who has found the strength to stand straight and keep going. It shows a lot of courage to keep on going and to try to make it right even when the whole world is against you. And this is what I love about MJ. The fact that he was ever in the situation to kill himself...can you blame him?! After all he's been through...? But he made it and stayed strong and beat some of these guys at their own game. And THAT is power!

    I admire his strength. He's came through all of this s*** and every time he appears stronger and stronger but at the same time he's a human being, flawed and vulnerable like all of us. And no matter what he is going through, Michael has always reached his hand out to everyone else around him.
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