The Mirror - Trash Yet Again!!!

rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
edited January 1970 in News
It looks like the UK tabloid, The Mirror, is at it again with bashing our Michael. I feel yet another very strongly worded email is needed here. To me, the answer to her dilemma is very simple - she tells her 4 year old son what a great humanitarian Michael is, that he was totally innocent of all molestation charges and that the only reason he is deemed to be a "complicated man" is because of all of the trash such as this that is printed about him which ignorant people believe!!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

Have a read of this:

By Miranda Sawyer 5/06/2010

Our four-year-old has moved on from his most recent hero, Ben 10.

(NB: If your reaction to that statement is, “Ben 10? What’s that?” then you aren’t a parent, and really, you can skip this. Nothing happening here, folks. Return to your cocktails.)

Anyway, his new obsession is Michael Jackson. It started with Blame It On The Boogie, moved on to Beat It, Billie Jean and Thriller, and now he’s convinced he’s mastered the Moonwalk.

Now, I have no problem with any child of mine enjoying one of the greatest talents the pop world has ever seen.

I’m happy to play him Jackson’s amazing music and let him watch those fantastic videos.

But, but, but... As we all know, Jackson was a complicated man.

Our lad has already started asking questions about why Michael looks brown in one clip and white in another, and if Michael was friends with younger boys, like him. Erm. . .

In the end, I’m left with a dilemma akin to the one that comes with Father Christmas.

At what age will my son be old enough to be told the truth about Michael Jackson?


  • popisdeadpopisdead Posts: 205
    oh god!
    why that orrible people do not try to leave mj alone! for once time!
    i m really upset!
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I found Miranda Sawyer's Twitter and have sent her a few with my opinion about her 'article' and a suggestion for the answer to her dilemma.

    Knock yourselves out and Tweet her!!!!! Note in her bio she calls herself a 'Professional Gobshite' i.e. someone who speaks cr4p for a living!! At least she's honest!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Unfortunately this crap will continue. We can write as many e-mails as we like to them but they don't listen to us. They're hell bent on dragging MJ's name through the mud.
    MJ's 1st anniversary is coming up in less than 3 weeks so expect alot of BS from the media. Unfortunately they need to talk s**t to sell their papers!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    The answer to this is to not visit the weblinks, thus they don't get paid. Those tabloids know that this is a very sensitive time for MJ fans and they will print any and everything to infuriate us which in turn makes money for them. Every time we click on their link, they benefit from it. Of course we want to know what's being said, so I would suggest the link be in the very first post just for reference, and the story linked to it, that way NONE OF US have to re-visit their site. We work from our own site. When they realize that we, the MJ fans, have outsmarted them, the stories will become less and less malicious. No pain, no gain. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • It looks like the UK tabloid, The Mirror, is at it again with bashing our Michael. I feel yet another very strongly worded email is needed here. To me, the answer to her dilemma is very simple - she tells her 4 year old son what a great humanitarian Michael is, that he was totally innocent of all molestation charges and that the only reason he is deemed to be a "complicated man" is because of all of the trash such as this that is printed about him which ignorant people believe!!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Have a read of this:

    By Miranda Sawyer 5/06/2010

    Our four-year-old has moved on from his most recent hero, Ben 10.

    (NB: If your reaction to that statement is, “Ben 10? What’s that?” then you aren’t a parent, and really, you can skip this. Nothing happening here, folks. Return to your cocktails.)

    Anyway, his new obsession is Michael Jackson. It started with Blame It On The Boogie, moved on to Beat It, Billie Jean and Thriller, and now he’s convinced he’s mastered the Moonwalk.

    Now, I have no problem with any child of mine enjoying one of the greatest talents the pop world has ever seen.

    I’m happy to play him Jackson’s amazing music and let him watch those fantastic videos.

    But, but, but... As we all know, Jackson was a complicated man.

    Our lad has already started asking questions about why Michael looks brown in one clip and white in another, and if Michael was friends with younger boys, like him. Erm. . .

    In the end, I’m left with a dilemma akin to the one that comes with Father Christmas.

    At what age will my son be old enough to be told the truth about Michael Jackson?

    At what age will my son be old enough to be told the truth about Michael Jackson?

    Geez - I'd tell this person, "What's wrong with telling the truth about Michael Jackson? Unless your truth comes from the tabloids and then it's not truth at all." Shame on all of these people who continue to push false impressions of Michael Jackson and others without researching the facts first. Ughh...I tried to find an email for her but couldn't find one. I sent two emails to Diane Dimond a few months ago and was surprised that she answered me both times. She may not have been totally persuaded but my philosophy now is that regardless of how they respond you must plant the seed of truth. With L.O.V.E. of course.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    ... so I would suggest the link be in the very first post just for reference, and the story linked to it, that way NONE OF US have to re-visit their site. We work from our own site.

    That is why I posted the content of the article as well and not just the link <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Well.. you tell the 4 year old he had a skin disease which changed his skin colour if thats what the little boy is asking.

    You let your son enjoy the magic and genious of MJs dancing and music without interference.

    You tell him that MJ had lots of friends who were children and a lot of them were sick children whom he invited to his house to enjoy the rides and the cinema and the train and have a good time.

    The end.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I get so tired of people saying crap like this about Michael. Just enjoy his music and his genius.
  • ForeverTrueForeverTrue Posts: 228
    poor Michael had to deal with this for most of his life.. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    some people REALLY need to get their facts straight..
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Miranda Sawyer, There are many ways to earn a living honestly, but you choose the worst, to continue throwing mud to the reputation of a person suspected is dead, and it is! innocent! everything that you and the refuse of newspapers and magazines as you continue writing about Michael. Enjoy the money you're winning defame someone who is innocent and enjoy it while you can, because I think all the damage we do to other people, living here is paid. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
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