MJ estate earned 1 billion after 25

mmzmmz Posts: 450
edited January 1970 in News
...If that's true,and if MJ will bam..will this money be considered a "fraud"?

<!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/201 ... -22313471/<!-- m -->

Michael Jackson's estate has earned nearly $1billion since his death

By Graeme Culliford 6/06/2010

Michael Jackson's estate has raked in close to a billion dollars in the year since he died.

The huge sum - from record sales and lucrative deals brokered by the estate - is 47 TIMES what the debt-ridden King Of Pop made the previous year.

That's nearly two thirds of what Elvis Presley's estate has made in the 33 YEARS since his death. If the cash keeps rolling in, Jacko's children, Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11 and Blanket, seven, will get billions from their trust funds when they reach 21.

A source said: "The estate has made around $900million (£614m) in cash since Michael's death. This is an incredible amount. No other artist has ever made that much since they died. It should ensure Michael goes down in history as the greatest artist of all time."

Record sales soared as soon as news of Jacko's death was announced on June 25 last year.

More than 415,000 albums were sold in the first four days in America alone - and 2.3million songs were downloaded across the world.

In the previous year Jacko, who was struggling to pay off $500million of debts and was selling off his beloved Neverland Ranch, had sold just 10,000 records, got cash from 37,000 downloads - and made an estimated $19million.

His estate, run by two US lawyers, has since signed the most lucrative recording contract ever - a $250million deal with Sony for continuing rights to his music and further unreleased songs.

A $200million contract with Cirque du Soleil to create a Michael Jackson show in Las Vegas is also said to be in the pipeline. Jacko merchandise, profits from The Beatles songwriting catalogue which he bought in 1985, and the This Is It film released after his death helped raise the $900m.

The estate has won a court order so details about the money can be kept from the public.

But a lawyer for Jacko's father Joe, who wants a share of the cash, said: "They are being too secretive. The public has a right to know what the estate is doing in his name."


  • No not really, because he did not cash in his life insurance. I guess he did do all his investigation before launching himself into this hoax. He is a very intelligent man.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    No not really, because he did not cash in his life insurance. I guess he did do all his investigation before launching himself into this hoax. He is a very intelligent man.

    Michael had a 20million life insurance policy. [not the policy with LLoyds] It paid out. The news outlets all reported something conflicting as to the terms of both the personal and the LLoyds policy. That's no surprise. But the documents for the 20mil policy were presented in court and paid. How much - who knows.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Somewhere I read that some portion of proceeds will go to charity. What if.......
    he bams, and all the proceeds go to charity? Wouldn't that be the single largest charity donation in the history of mankind? He said he wanted to be in the Guinness World Book of Records. What better thing to be listed for than the largest charity gift ever.......sounds like Michael! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    If my memory serves me correctly in the Randy T. book, when Michael did the tour with his brothers (Victory?) and this organizer Don King, whom MJ didn't trust. They scalped the fans in ticket prices, and the fans got so upset. When MJ heard about it, he simply announced that all of his share of profits would all go to charity, which he did. Over and over he has said how much he wants to help the children of the world, his passion. So when he BAMS and the haters and critics of the world raise a stink about the deception-based money, MJ will give it all to the children. Wow, it's so Michael!!! Personally I don't think he was in debt, and thathe has money tucked away in hidden accounts. It's beautiful!
  • I wonder which charity he's going to donate that to... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Don't forget about the Sony ATV loan!!! Sept 10, 2010 is way too close! Isn't the new CD due out after that?
    It really is way too twisted!!!!

    " There is speculation over the supposed leak of the Trust document.
    It is not about whether what is shown is a fraud or not, but rather
    whether we believe the reported contents. Those who do not
    believe everything is a coincidence is asking about the ATV's and
    what it will mean to the Estate and Sony. Some believe this is to
    get us accustomed to the ideal of Sony ripping the ATV's off.

    The loan payment is due Sept 10, 2010. Sony has secured the loan
    with their funds and have first dibs at purchase. "

    "During the interview with Jesse Jackson in 2005, Michael spoke of a "conspiracy" surrounding the ATV catalog. He seemed reluctant to discuss it in detail.

    Jesse: Well, how did the money issue get in it in the first place? Some people called and they thought it was about the Sony catalog. What's- what's in that catalog?

    Michael: In my Sony Catalog, is all the Beatles music, ahem, all of the music I own - I own Sly and the Family Stone, I-I own such a volume of so many, I own Elvis - so many Elvis songs and it's a huge catalog, very valuable, it's worth a lot of money. And there is a big fight going on right now, as we speak about that. Now, I can't say whether or not - I can't comment on it, but there's a lot of conspiracy, I'll say that - conspiracy going on as we speak.

    Jesse: It was suggested by a number of your friends and family members was that this fight was really more about this catalog issue than it is any thing else. Do you believe that?

    Michael: Well, you know, I don't want to comment. I don't want to make a comment, Jessie ah-it's a real delicate issue and uh, I'll let you, I'll let you make the comment on that one.

    <!-- m -->http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/interv ... ckson.html<!-- m --> "
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I added the interview part because of the reference to Elvis! Sorry I forgot to say something, Elvis just keeps popping up.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Too much money .. many vultures <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • I added the interview part because of the reference to Elvis! Sorry I forgot to say something, Elvis just keeps popping up.

    He sure does. I think it's all related. It's no coincidence that MJ married Lisa Marie. Whether or not he meant to marry her for those reasons or he was simply meant to marry her to help with his destiny. Which ever way you look at it, he got inside information from Elvis himself. I bet they talk everyday.
  • If my memory serves me correctly in the Randy T. book, when Michael did the tour with his brothers (Victory?) and this organizer Don King, whom MJ didn't trust. They scalped the fans in ticket prices, and the fans got so upset. When MJ heard about it, he simply announced that all of his share of profits would all go to charity, which he did. Over and over he has said how much he wants to help the children of the world, his passion. So when he BAMS and the haters and critics of the world raise a stink about the deception-based money, MJ will give it all to the children. Wow, it's so Michael!!! Personally I don't think he was in debt, and thathe has money tucked away in hidden accounts. It's beautiful!

    But in the midst of all this I do not understand why Mike did not reassess its willingness, in 2005, as he always did in 5 years? Or is there, but was ignored? Maybe I'm just wrong, I do not know. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    As Randy tweeted:

    Re: Mesereau. Tom’s been a friend for 20 yrs. I hired him 4 the 05 trial. We discuss all of the discrepancies about my brother’s passing.
    12:37 AM Jun 7th via web

    So Mike's got some darn good legal advise. If I recall the past year, I can't imagine he commited fraud in any way. I have no legal background, but if I use my common sense I can't think of any.

    Besides that we must keep in mind that he didn't really die and government parties must know that as well, since as we think the death certificate is fake.

    He planned this for so long and I think highly of him, I am sure he thought this out very well. Let's see how it will all unfold.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • As Randy tweeted:

    Re: Mesereau. Tom’s been a friend for 20 yrs. I hired him 4 the 05 trial. We discuss all of the discrepancies about my brother’s passing.
    12:37 AM Jun 7th via web

    So Mike's got some darn good legal advise. If I recall the past year, I can't imagine he commited fraud in any way. I have no legal background, but if I use my common sense I can't think of any.

    Besides that we must keep in mind that he didn't really die and government parties must know that as well, since as we think the death certificate is fake.

    He planned this for so long and I think highly of him, I am sure he thought this out very well. Let's see how it will all unfold.

    Me is always something positive to Tom Mesereau's! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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